Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1180: The story of the sword

"You can talk about this plan specifically."

The protagonist of Legend of Sword and Fairy is generally a young guy, the kind of fledgling.

Although this is a bit offensive, the fairy sword's routine is indeed the story of the "Boy_meet_girl" that has been used up.

This is the story of a boy meeting a girl.

The boy met the girl, and then unfolded one story after another, and started one adventure.

This is the beginning of everything.

After hearing Yukino's thoughts, Morika felt that Yukino's thoughts seemed quite good.

Although in a sense, Xue Nao's thoughts are quite different from the story of the fairy sword, but this kind of story of a handsome uncle meeting a little girl... it is unexpectedly interesting!

Speaking of which, Senxia thought of a story that Lao Xu had done-Dongli Jian Youji.

The protagonist of this story is actually an uncle.

Of course, in the story of Dongli Jian Yuji, there is nothing like a little loli.

But it's not like that story.

So Senxia felt that this... seemed pretty good?

Well, yes, it's pretty good.

Uncle blame...Bah, the story of handsome uncle and little loli. It seems pretty good!

The story of an uncle with a story and a little loli turned into the story of the fairy sword, which might be good.

Fairy Sword and Fairy Man, the goal of the so-called Fairy Sword and Fairy Man is just the two concepts of "Fairy Sword" and "Fairy Man".

Fairy sword can be, if Qixia, a mysterious uncle might be good?

Xue Na was organizing the language, and Morinya started to interrupt: "By the way, we can give this uncle a sword. The uncle can always carry this sword, and then this sword can be wrapped in cloth. This one The sword is just a'fairy sword'."

Morinya thinks this setting is pretty good.

After all, there is really no impressive fairy sword in the Legend of Sword and Fairy.

There are swords in the third generation and swords in the fourth generation, but the problem is that the current fairy sword first and the rumor, there is no such impressive "sword" as the "Wangshu sword".

At this moment, Senxia thought that the uncle had a sword on his body.

"Well, maybe it's not a sword, but many swords?" Xue Nai diverged on Senxia's brain.

"Eh, this is better!"

Speaking of which, in Dongli Jianyou Ji, the heroine has more than 30 magic soldiers hanging from the sky.

Dongli Jianyouji is part of the Pili puppet show. This is a relatively niche series. Although it is not necessarily the same worldview, the relationship between the two is still very clear.

But now Senxia suddenly felt...some of the settings in this part, moving to Immortal Sword, seemed to be more reliable than Gu Jian Qi Tan!

Uhhhhhhhhh, we have borrowed this setting from (mountain) Jian (zhai)-anyway, Lao Xu is also our own employee, employee affairs... how can it be called plagiarism?

With this idea, Senxia suddenly became clear.

Of course, if you let the uncle directly scroll the seal, then there is nothing to force.

"It's better to be a sword, and it's a broken iron sword," Senxia said, "but in this iron sword, there are many divine swords sealed."

No matter what the story is, let's build a compelling frame for the hero first!

Force the first!

The story is good, and it can be rounded back later, but the protagonist’s temperament is not necessarily so, so you must force the grid to be enough at the beginning...

"Oh, that's not bad." Xue Na nodded.

"Well, that's it... Tell me about the story behind this."

Morinka didn't mean to favor Xueno, he really thought that Xueno's idea was very good, so he wanted to see the specific thoughts behind Xueno.

"Well, the previous settings have been modified by my brother, so let me talk about the latter. Although I look like a little girl, the heroine is actually a princess of the demon clan, so decent people need to remove demons and defend the way. ."

Yukino and Senxia know the culture of a certain eastern country very well. If the two of them go to the next door, they can directly become locals, so Yukino also knows the situation there.

"But the actor rescued the opponent at this time?" Morinia muttered.

"Hi." Yukino nodded, "Because this girl is very similar to the dead sister of the swordsman."

"Sure enough, it's my sister!"

Senxia complained.

Before, Yukino still didn't have a younger sister, but suddenly another younger sister popped out at this time, and Morinya couldn't help but complain.

Yukino, how much do you hope the protagonist has a younger sister!

"Why can't my younger sister work! I have already backed down, this is no longer my younger sister!"

Yukino also looked aggrieved.


Well, Yukino originally had this idea because of the enlightenment of Fate Sora, but now Morinka doesn't let Yukino do that. She can only save the country like this.

And this feeling made Morinya inexplicably think of a drama called Jiatiecheng.

In Jiatiecheng's work, the male protagonist has a younger sister, and she has long been hanging out.

But how to say it, that kind of design is not very good.

......Well, maybe it was purely because the plot of the Iron Fortress itself was not good, which led to the murder of my sister's critics?

Okay, stop talking.

Morinka thinks Yukino's idea is interesting to some extent, but it also has flaws in some aspects.

In other words, this is purely a certain kind of prejudice that Moriha has produced after watching more dramas...

"Forget it, let's follow it from the beginning. The first is the swordsman who is the male protagonist. This is a swordsman who works with money and walks in a gray area." Mori Xia started from the actor's perspective, "He killed , He kills demons, but he also has his own principles. He kills quacks and damned ghosts..."

The male protagonist can't be black, black is not good-because it can't pass the trial. Whether it’s controversial or not, it’s the second thing. Controversy is better for this story, but the point is that if the actor arbitrarily designs, the whole story will not necessarily go through trial.

Morinka intends to put this game on sale in a major eastern country, and it is a masterpiece for cultivating IP use. At this time, if you can't enter the mainland market, it will be funny.

"Then, the male protagonist has a tragic past. His family was wiped out, and then his sister died to save herself...Will it be too miserable?"

Moriha made such a setting, but he felt that if he did so, would the actor be too miserable?

"All right?" Xue Nao tilted his head. "My sister is dead and the whole family is dead. To readers and viewers, it seems to be the same, right?"

What you said makes sense.

"Well, let's keep that part for the time being. Let Lao Xu do it here. I think he should have more interesting ideas." Senxia decided to give this part to Lao Xu to design. He may be able to make more An emotional plot.

For example, my sister is actually behind the scenes... No way, no way. Lao Xu had already used this setting in "Ghost Crying Street". If it was used here, it would be suspected of reuse.

Anyway, the actor has a very special past, this is for sure.

And for this reason, the male protagonist has become such a lone swordsman.

"And the heroine is a monster, and she is also a monster princess, is this setting a bit...too routine?" Senxia felt that this setting seemed to be very common.

"Huh? Are you there?" Xue Nao tilted her head.

Morika patted her head.

It seems really not.

It is two thousand years AD now, not twenty years later. Many routines have not been developed as routines in this era.

Xuenai's idea is not really a so-called discussion.

This is also considered to be at the forefront of the times.

"I think about it, maybe the heroine's identity can be more special." Senxia thought.

Since she wanted to be special, Senxia felt that the design of a simple "demon clan princess" seemed a bit too compelling.

Maybe a cooler setting would be more appropriate?

Since it is to be done, it is naturally better to be at the top.

The design of the half-hearted, sometimes not very qualified.

But how should it be designed specifically?

Senxia teacher fell into thinking.

"...Perhaps the heroine is a sword?"


This... seems to work!

Yukino's design seems very good!

"In Brother's "Crown of Sin", doesn't everyone have a void setting? The void of the heroine Jiqi is a big sword. Then here, let the heroine be the incarnation of a sword. ,how is it?"

"To be specific." Morinya listened to Yukino's design.

Yukino seemed very happy to hear that her brother was interested in the setting.

She explained enthusiastically: "The heroine is not just a fairy sword, but may also be a key to unlock the demon world, or this sword may be the demon world itself or a seal. Because of this, the heroine is the body Only in China will reveal the aura of the monster race."

This is not bad.

"But this conflicts with the sword carried by the hero."

If the hero is wearing a sword, the heroine is a sword again, this feeling is not very good.

"Why not, why don't we let the hero be a swordsmith? He is a swordsmith himself."

"Then do you still want to say that those fairy swords are all made by male protagonists? Huh?"

"why not?"

Xue Na tilted her head and looked at Senxia with her eyes.


Morinka and Yukino looked at each other, and he realized that Yukino seemed to be serious?

"The hero has created more than 30 magic soldiers?"

"Hmm!" Yukino nodded desperately, "Otherwise, let's set the actor to fight and make a sword!"

"It's really good... a ghost! Nasu will come to you to sue you for infringement!"

Senxia Tucao.

In the FATE series, the male protagonist Shiro Wimiya relies on projection weapons. If the male protagonist here is casting a sword when fighting, this setting... will be broken by Nasu!

"I think if my brother would use this setting, Nasusan would be happier, maybe." Yukino turned and looked aside.


Okay, Senxia thought for a while, and he thought it seemed to be true.

"Well, for this, let's look at it again. But you said that the protagonist has built more than 30 magic weapons, I think it might be possible."

Yukino nodded.

She simply changed Chinese at this time.

"He is a person who has a relationship with the sword. He is destined to be a passer-by in the world. He has hurriedly come and go. In his life, everyone is just a passer-by, and only the sword can accompany him. He. He makes swords, he uses swords, he can find himself only in the sword, and he can feel his own existence only in the sword."

"But the sword is a murder weapon. No matter how elegant the weapon is in the hand, it is only a weapon for murder. Since he is sincere with the sword, he knows this well, so he has contradictions and pain." Then Xue Nao's words went on. Mori Summer.

The two eyes met each other, and both sides smiled slightly.

Yukino continued with Morinka's words and continued: "That's him. One day, because of a certain commission, he met the unsullied girl. That subtle impulse made him adopt a completely different strategy from his own. But after that, he knew that this girl was a sword, and because she was a sword, she made him have that special idea."

"However, she is more than just a sword. Although her body is a sword, she is not like this inside. She is a human." Morinka and Yukino seemed to have formed a tacit understanding. The story goes on.

"So, at the beginning, he was teaching the girl how to become a human, but later, it was the girl who made him return to humanity, who had become inhuman."

Gradually, the context of the story gradually took shape.

In the words of the brothers and sisters, a story gradually took, this is very good. "

After determining the emotion and main line of the story, Morinka also showed a smile on her face.

"It's great for my brother to like it~"

Yukino also smiled.

"Well, in this case, the so-called fairy sword is not necessarily the so-called foreign object. The more than 30 weapons he manufactured can be said to be'sage weapons', but after all, they are only weapons. The real fairy sword, in fact, It's here--" Morinya pointed to her heart, "This is the sword of the soul."

Fairy sword, fairy.

The fairy is the existence that transcends the mundane, and the fairy becomes the existence of great freedom.

So it is a fairy sword, so it is a fairy.

"Those swords are all magical weapons, but they are not considered to be'fairy swords', because those magical weapons are meant to fight people after all. They are murder weapons. The fairy sword is the little girl, because this is his spiritual sustenance, and the fairy sword is the same. It is the Tao, the transcendence and peace of his own heart."

Therefore, this is the fairy sword.

This is the "Sword and Fairy".

Hmm, Morinya thinks this second part... seems pretty good?


Two-in-one meow meow...

Actually, I want to play Xue Na’s version of the fairy sword (serious face)...

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