Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1182: 1 point of misery, 1 point of misery!

In the end, Senxia felt that the swordsman's reason was not enough.

Then... and then Senxia shook the pot.

After he got all the information in one go, he packed it into an email and threw it to Lao Xu.

What, you said Daewoo Headquarters?


Sure enough, it would be better to show Lao Xu first.

If it’s over there, let them brew for a while, and then think about the scripts of the third and fourth generations.

"Oh, as soon as the rumor came out, Morinya asked us to be the second generation."

So Lao Xu started thinking about the script at this time.

"This script is very good." Nasu thought the script was very good.

The script has little to do with Nasu, but he is here to help. Well, it looks right, it's here to help, help things... how can it be called a paddling?

"As expected of Teacher Natsumi, I already felt a sense of oncoming greatness in this script! Well, when Haruko saved Kujuro, it would be nice to come like this..."

Nasu murmured behind.

This is the bbsp that has moved out of Akihabara; they drank an iced drink while looking at the document sent by Mori.

Lao Xu is not a bbsp now; at this moment, Lao Xu is thinking about the script in front of him.

Senxia showed the script to Lao Xu temporarily for two purposes. One was to see Lao Xu's views on the overall plot, and the second was to make Lao Xu think about the tragic past of the hero.

In the past, of course, the more miserable the better, but the plots of the whole family die at every turn are not interesting enough.

The Family of Death is a classic scene in many animated novels, from Dianniang’s web essays to mud bomb light novels, from the virtual two-dimensional to the real three-dimensional, this kind of character makes a very great career in one breath... A lot.

The classics have the advantages of the classics, the grounding is the best, but the classics also have the disadvantages of the classics, that is, the impact is not high enough.

"...So Morinya believes that the swordsman's life experience should be a little more desperate."

The old imaginary thought.

To be honest, Lao Xu had already entered a creative bottleneck before this. The more he thought about the plot, the less he could give the character a better future.

But at this time, the final ending of the story must have set the tone. When Lao Xu saw the script, he felt relieved.

"Ms. Xia Sen's statement is quite reasonable. The character was destroyed or experienced a very sad past. There are indeed too many people. Although it is miserable, it has no impact." Nasu felt. This kind of plot is indeed miserable enough, but the impact is a bit worse.

"I think this kind of plot is actually good." But Lao Xu has a different view. "The real tragedy should be to destroy this person's beliefs, destroy everything he wants to protect, then give him hope, and finally give him despair. At this time, even if this person wants to end his own life, it is impossible, he can only cycle through this endless despair."

"Oh, it's really you, this kind of thinking is really, it's really interesting." Nasu suddenly lit up, "This person is already desperate, and he is even so desperate that he can't end himself. Being able to wander in the pain and darkness, in the end, he can only say that his heart is hidden and turned into a robot..."

In Nasu’s script, the protagonist of the fate series, Shiro Wimiya, in a sense, has the feeling of a robot. The other party uses the borrowed ideal to give him the meaning of survival, so when it comes to this aspect After the content, Nasu felt very good.

"Well, because he knows that his death will bring greater misfortune... Well, no, in this case, although it is the greatest despair, there is still that kind of psychological support in this kind of despair. Can't completely destroy the swordsman's heart. He should want to die, but he can't die...the undead!"

Yes, Lao Xu has played too much with the Dark Soul, and as a result, he immediately thought of the story in the Dark Soul.

Nasu looked up at Old Xu, his eyes a little subtle.

"Uh, it's not the undead in the Dark Soul. The death and rebirth of the swordsman should be an extremely painful process. During this process, he should not lose his humanity and memory. On the contrary, at this time, The tragedies of the past will be more deeply imprinted in his memory at this moment."

Being able to forget is not miserable enough, but unforgettable, it is more profound pain.

"Hmm, every time you recover, you will experience the past history. That's good." Nasu nodded, Lao Xu's setting is indeed dark enough.

But... it's surprisingly funny!

"In this case, the form is determined, but the most important question is what he has encountered. This is the most important thing." Lao Xu returned to the topic.

"This pain should not be inflicted by others. Having an enemy's setting will make the protagonist have a goal that can be "hatred", but this will not achieve the feeling of absolute despair." Nasu put forward his own views.

"It makes sense, whether it is the betrayal of the wife or the frame of the enemy, this kind of plot is not a feeling of absolute despair. So it is not enough." Lao Xu also nodded.

However, when these two goods were discussed, it seemed that they were already a little off topic.

Because Moriha didn't ask for any feeling of absolute despair at all, he just hoped that the actor's past had a little impact...

But the respected teacher Xia Sen seems to have forgotten that whether it is Lao Xu or Nasu, they are all representatives of the healing department.

At this time, the two of them had already started discussing the script in front of them.

"Well, by the way, this tragic past can be linked with the final ending, echoing the whole story."

At the end, Senxia also gave Lao Xu what the protagonist should do to help them think about what should be done in this aspect.

Lao Xu believes that it is more important to echo the plot before and after.

"I just thought of a possibility." Nasu also had an idea at this time. "If despair and darkness, then how to make the swordsman an enlightened one? He watched human beings go toward destruction and darkness step by step, and then step by step. He stepped into death without being passive, but he himself was misunderstood and misunderstood by people..."

"It's too big," Lao Xu said, "Such a proposition is too big and substitution is not enough. The idea of ​​being a supporting role is okay, but if it is handed over to the protagonist, it won't be great."

For the protagonist, this proposition is too grand.

"Yes." Nasu nodded.

"The sense of despair should be accumulated little by little," Old Xu thought, "but it is still very difficult to achieve absolute despair."

How can it be regarded as absolute despair?

"Absolute loneliness?" Nasu thought.

"Well, loneliness can be considered, and at the end of the story, the swordsman went to save the girl, which also shows that he finally found his belonging. This feeling...very good!" Old Xu thought it was great.

"In this case, the protagonist is the fate of the lone star of the gods? But this has nothing to do with absolute despair... I think about it."

In order to avoid the story being too false, it is obviously inappropriate to arrange something to save the world or to redeem humanity at this time. When facing the Asia-Pacific region, it is also inappropriate to say something like original sin.

Putting it on the basis of the West, the original sin is the kind of high compulsion, but it is not popular in the East.

Lao Xu and Nasu, who have been to a certain oriental country several times, and also went to Wudang Mountain to study, are now upgraded and enhanced versions of the original version. At this time, they can understand the two cultures of the East and the West. The different composition.

In the Western world, it is actually very interesting to talk about salvation or salvation, but under an oriental background, you suddenly run to a winner in life and say that you want to save him. The other party will probably only roll your eyes.

Nasu was lost in thought.

"Oh, if I want to design a character like this under my own worldview, it is still very simple, but if I want to do this under the current background story, I can't do it." Unfortunately, Nasu Can't think of a good plan for the time being.

"Well, it doesn't matter, and this is my job originally." Lao Xu didn't care.

Unlike the three-minute hot Nasu, when Lao Xu saw the basic script before him, he had some thoughts on how to do the follow-up part.

After all, the final ending is determined, just a beginning and an end, which is quite convenient.

At this time, he continued to take the outline of the story and read it.

The outline of the story written by Senxia is still very rough, and there is only a simple main line in the story.

But as a plan, these rough parts are enough.

More in-depth content, that is the follow-up part.

But as the most important part of the swordsman setting, this "unfortunate" is now indispensable.

Now it's better to see how this part should be done.

"What is the ultimate goal pursued by mankind?" Old Xu muttered.

"This...this word...According to this story, is it a ‘Xian’?"

The purpose of cultivating immortality and seeking truth is for longevity, and the purpose of longevity is for great freedom and great freedom, and for the ultimate detachment.

As for everything else, the tools and steps are just to achieve this goal.

This is also Senxia's definition of immortal in the outline.

Why soar?

Because it is in the world, they have been unable to achieve the purpose they want, so ascendance is not the goal. The most important thing is to achieve "consummation" by means of ascension.

"When Maslow defined people's needs, he divided them into five levels." Old Xu has a rich experience. He thought of the content in some of his books, "The lowest level is the physiological needs, the personal The basic conditions for survival. Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are all in this category; the second layer above is security requirements, including psychological and material security, such as the prevention of diseases, thieves, and natural disasters. What we are talking about now is probably to prevent the feeling of unemployment. As for the third level, it is social needs. People are social creatures. After satisfying the most basic needs, they need to seek the relationship with other people. Communication; then, it is respecting needs, which is simply self-esteem; finally, it is self-fulfilling needs, realizing one's own expectations of life through one's own efforts, and so on.

Old Xu paused. He took a sip of his drink and thought for a while before continuing: "The so-called human salvation or something, that kind of ideal belongs to the last category, which is the top of the pyramid, and if you are alone, it is The backbone level based on meeting the first two."

The top part of the pyramid can be discarded, because that kind of content cannot be recognized by most As far as mud bombing is concerned, what everyone fears most is loneliness. "Nasu thought," Recently, there have been more and more news of lonely death. "

"But if you look at the Asia-Pacific, the second category is more." Lao Xu was talking about security.

"But in terms of safety, how should we create that sense of despair? Resident Evil...?"

It is indeed the famous rower Nasu mushroom. At this moment, Nasu suddenly thought of the Resident Evil he had seen before.

The story of Resident Evil appeared in Nasu's eyes at this time.

Yes, if the world is already the end of the world, everything except yourself becomes a zombie, the feeling of "the world is dead", this is absolute despair!

"The world is dead!" Nasu's eyes lit up.

"Huh? That's a good statement!" Lao Xu also understood Nasu's opinion, "Indeed, if it is like this world is already full of zombies, then you can understand it. The world is dead, loneliness and security. All are disappearing, and with the decline of civilization, the most basic physiological needs will gradually not be met... Yes, that's it!"

Such a feeling can create such a role.

"But what do we do here?" Lao Xu fell into thinking.

However, at this moment, the old Xu's brain flashed.

He suddenly thought of the script he made recently.

Well, the script named.

"We can let the swordsman see some things that others can't see, some'human nature' that others can't see..."

Lao Xu felt like a fountain of writing suddenly appeared!


Today's two in one~

It's New Year's Day soon~ Meow Meow~ Talk about 520 free novel reading_

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