Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1191: 0 second half of Jubilee

Time passed quietly.

After Qianjia and the others fought, they finally stopped.

Probably everyone was tired, so after that, everyone went to training honestly.

The main PK between the two teams is the two games of Counter-Strike and Hero Trail. In this year, it can be regarded as the two most popular team-based online games.

The third-ranked online game is the most popular Garden Wars series recently.

In addition, there is another thing that is not known whether it is good or not.

That is, in fact, the number of online games on this world line has not only not increased, but because of the emergence of high-quality online games on Morinia, many online games should be there, and now many of them are still dead , The market for online games is now monopolized by a few oligarchs.

Senxia felt that this situation might not change for a while.

Because if there are no accidents, next year will be the time when the Internet will be hit hard. By then, those small Internet companies will probably drown in the deep sea.

Therefore, if this situation is to change, it will probably not happen until 2003.

In this case, time gradually came to August.

After entering August, the box office of Yuan Zhikong has further soared. This year's mud bomb animation film market has no heavyweight works like Spirited Away. As a "major book of the end of the century", Yuan Zhikong has become a movie on the mud bomb. The most well-known work.

Uh, this is not a matter for Senxia, ​​or even Qianjia’s pot. This slogan was made by the movie announcement side.

Not to mention, because of this reason, this film has indeed become a masterpiece of a generation, the kind that can be recorded in history.

But how to put it, compared with the "Fate of the Sky" of another world line, the "Fate of the Sky" of Master Jin Min is completely different. If Mori Natsu's original work has become a so-called "pure literary masterpiece" for various reasons, then the movie version is purely due to the techniques of Master Kon.

In addition to "Fate no Sora", "EVA-RETAKE" by Oshii Mamoru is further fermented.

Oshii Mamoru is also a generation of gods.

In the theater version of "Ghost in the Shell", Mamoru Oshii began to explore the concept of "person".

Although it is a rather obscure topic, the audience as Evangelion of Neon Genesis can accept this topic very easily.

For this reason, Morika guessed that it was due to the theater version of Evangelion.

At the end of the theater version, Evangelion’s first aircraft flew into space, and it became a proof of human existence.

And Mamoru Oshii further explored the myth of human identity in this RE version, which is more subtle.

Among the Evangelion, as one of the heroines, Asuka, half of her mother's soul is also integrated in the second plane she is driving.

In the RE version, the second unit has two modes in the plot, one of which is the beast mode of the Evangelion new theater version (that is, the future Prologue Q series). In this mode, the second chance changes Into a terrible monster.

But Morinka used the Evangelion version of the plot again.

In the version, the Evangelion EVA can actually be regarded as a human form, so after Morinka is involved in this aspect, in the middle and late stages of the story, Asuka will also synchronize with the second machine. The entire second The machine will show Asuka's posture, and EVA's body will become human.

As a result, when Asuka exploded the armor of the second unit and revealed the lower part of the stalwart chest, a group of people were shocked. Especially on the Internet, many people now call this Asuka version of the No. 2 machine "Nuxia", because the armor of the southern hemisphere has been burst...

Mr. Oshii Mamoru seems to particularly like the concept of EVA becoming a real human body, and he showed this concept more concretely.

What is a person? Why does the concept of humanity exist? The boundaries between man and EVA, man and apostle seem to be gradually blurred...

It has to be said that this subject is quite capable of hitting the point of Supervision Oshii Mamoru, so he worked very hard.

In addition, another Supervisor Xinfang Akiyuki, who is no longer a newcomer, is also preparing for next year's masterpiece-yes, it is "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha". The game of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha will be launched next year, and its slogan is "Magic Girl of the New Century", and of course the animated version of Lyrical Nanoha will also start to be created simultaneously.

In addition to Evangelion and the previous predecessor, there is another work that is also very popular now.

This game is "The Legend of the Sword".

The scalability of Xianjian Gaiden is very powerful, and the degree of playability is also high. The half-locked action mode is also fascinating.

Legend of the Sword has become the benchmark of stand-alone games in this era.

It's a pity that the current chief programmer of A company has gone to be a voice actor, and he is still playing games in a serious way. Works that can be optimized to this level will probably be rare in the future.

But these news, everyone is actually just watching the excitement.

Perhaps everyone feels that these news are indeed powerful and influential.

But what can most mobilize people's enthusiasm is another news.

Yes, it's August.

Yes, the CG competition is about to start.

In August, the World E-Sports Championship will determine the ranking of each regional competition, and then the final in October.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the scene of the World E-Sports Competition, this is Anderson..."

On the TV station, the game from the Beacon Country is being broadcast.

The live game is the hero trail.

This is Hina Village.

As a huge hot spring villa, Hinata Village can indeed accommodate the teams from Morinka and Yukino.

"Huh, as expected, the hot spring at home is more comfortable." After coming out of the hot spring, Yukino sat next to the TV, leaning against Morinka here.

"So after we stay there together, do we have to stay here again..." Senxia couldn't help but want to complain.

Yes, after finishing the stay in Hokkaido, everyone is now back to Tokyo, but in the end the stay is still in the manor.

As a result, except for the changes in the living environment, the other atmosphere remains the same as before.

No, to be precise, everyone's space should be more free. The Hina Village is much larger than the villa in Hokkaido. A dozen people are not crowded in the house.

"Everyone is together, isn't it very lively?" Yukino looked very happy, "Isn't it a great thing to be able to spend every day happily with everyone?"

"That said, but I feel that our place seems to have become a dormitory..."

Should I ask everyone to collect rent?

Such a brain hole suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind.

"Don't you like it?" Xue Nao asked.

"It's not that I don't like it." But how to say it, since that day, Morinka now sees Qianjia, and she feels a guilty conscience.

It seems that I have done nothing wrong, but why do I feel guilty?

Senxia also felt a little awkward in her heart.

But this is also impossible, isn't it?

"Besides, everyone will go to the competition tomorrow. It's the best time to practice together, right?" One voice came from the door.

"That being said, why are you still here?" Yukino agreed with this opinion, but after hearing this speaker, Yukino was upset. She turned her head and saw Alice in a bathrobe over there.

"Don't be so angry, Yukino." Alice was holding a can of milk in her hand, and she sat on the other side of Morika, and then poured the milk into her mouth.

When she raised her head and milked, Alice made a gurgling sound, and the white liquid also flowed down the corners of Alice's mouth, and then flowed to her neck and chest.

Morinka was also attracted by Alice.

No way, Alice's sense of presence is too strong, and that kind of strong presence Morinka cannot ignore.

Yukino looked at Alice with disgust, and when she noticed the white marks on Alice's body, she showed a hateful expression: "Tsk, dirty."

"Ah la la, how can this be considered indecent?" Although she is from the lighthouse country, Alice's Japanese is almost as proficient as her mother tongue. After hearing Qianjia's words, she quickly learned He stared at Xue Nao here.

"--That, Alice, is there any problem with your team?" Senxia quickly changed the subject.

"No," Alice smiled at Morinka, "because my team is ready."

Yes, Alice's team consists of seven people in total. In addition to Alice's substitute, their team also has a substitute, so Alice has no problem paddling now.

Even theoretically, Alice can "lie down and win" by paddling all the way to the final without even playing a game-if she can really win.

"Yuno, where's your side?" Morinka asked Yukino again, "Now the TV shows the game of Beacon Country, but next year, the game on the mud bomb will also start."

Each country has a limited number of qualifying places. These qualifying e-sports players and teams must then represent their country to participate in the regional competitions, and those who stand out from the regional competitions can finally enter the finals.

"Well, everyone is in a great state now!" Yukino said, "True Hitomi focuses on arcade events, and the rest of us pay attention to the counter-strike elite here. If there is still room, we will participate in the hero trail project."

In the game of hero trail, Yukino's combat effectiveness is really not high. The same was true in previous training. When everyone ran into a lottery match, as long as they collided with Morinka, Chika and Alice on the opposite side, they were basically **** abused.

What, you said Lihua?

Uh, sorry, teacher Lihua is out of specification, she will not participate...

"Speaking of which, the first person to participate in the competition tomorrow is Zhentong."

Because of the different number of participants for each competition in each region, the specifications and arrangements of the competition are also different.

For example, in the Beacon Country, the hottest thing there is the hero trajectory, so this game has the most matches; in Europe, the counter-strike registration is the most, so the counter-strike match is also the first to start arrangements; as for the mud bombing area, the most It's an arcade project.

The arcade fighting event that Zhen Hitomi signed up is one of the most crowded competitions.

"But where did Zhen Hitomi go? I didn't see her in the hot spring just now..."

Yukino wanted to find True Hitomi, but she hadn't seen True Hitomi for a long time from the beginning.

After hearing Yukino's words, Alice over there couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing!"

Xue Na immediately looked at Alice here.

"It's okay, I just saw Real Hitomi, she is in the training room."

Alice just saw True Hitomi.

The training room was purchased by Yukino's sister Yiji. There were more than a dozen PCs and consoles in that room, as well as several large arcade machines, in a single large room.

After hearing what Alice said, Yukino stood up.

——No way, Alice's laughter seemed to be full of malice in Yukino's eyes.

"Brother, I'm going to find Zhentong."

"Well, I'll go too."

Senxia also nodded.

True Hitomi is one of the few friends here who truly belong to "Meeting Together" Since True Hitomi will go to the competition tomorrow, then I will encourage her and support her today Right.

"Go, go~" Alice didn't want to keep up. After the two people here got up, she dominated the TV, and then watched the game in Beacon Country on TV with relish.

Senxia followed Xue Na all the way to the training room.

After entering the room, the two saw True Hitomi.

True Hitomi was facing the two of them at this time, sitting on the arcade game hall directly in front.

"Sure enough, I'm practicing, Real Hitomi...?"

Yukino said as he walked over, only to find that True Hitomi hadn't paid attention to herself.

Senxia also followed, and he suddenly discovered that there was a lot of sweat on Zhentong's body?


Morika looked at the screen of Zhen Hitomi's game.

It is the fighting scene of the King of Fighters.

At this time, the "KO" interface just appeared on the screen.

After seeing this picture, the real pupil over there, Orz fell to the ground like this.

"Ten losing streak...Ten losing streak...Ten losing streak..."

The frustrated true pupil bent forward and lay on the ground.

Senxia took a look, and what was displayed on the screen was "perfect", um, it was full of blood to kill.

"Ah, Zhentong, what's wrong with you?" A voice came from the arcade machine across from Zhentong.

Hmm... Lihua's voice.


For works such as Evangelion, I actually assume that everyone has already seen it. I generally rarely talk about the plot of the drama in the plot, and it is also the plot after the magic change.

Hope it will not cause trouble to everyone.

Two in one meow meow~nt

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