Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1194: During the game

The magic capital in August is extremely hot.

The world e-sports competition is as hot as the weather.

The games on the arena were held in Internet cafes. The venue for the audition was selected from several formal and fairly large-scale venues in Magic City.

At the end of the three rounds of auditions, the next game finally began.

"Hey, hey, it's finally started."

Sitting in the audience, Zhang Ruiwang was staring at the screen.

What is going on here is a heroic trajectory game, and the two teams are fighting on the field at this moment.

Zhang Ruiwang also participated in the audition competition, but it is a pity that his team was brushed down in the first round.

But this is nothing. Although Zhang Ruiwang is a game lover, he is actually more of a fun here. He knows how many catties he has.

I heard that if you participate next year, the participating teams need to form a "club" in advance, and then register through the club to be able to participate in the competition, but the club itself will also be subject to qualification and qualification screening.

Zheng Ruiwang doesn't know whether this is true or not, but starting next year, the rules and regulations of the entire game will be stricter, which is beyond doubt.

This year it is said that because of the first session, the rules have been slightly loosened.

Zhang Ruiwang watched the game on the big screen.

"Haiyao! Haiyao! Haiyao's Lena killed three times!"

At this moment, the host was roaring with passion.

"It's worthy of being the top ten in the country!" He exclaimed.

Zhang Ruiwang is very interested in many games, not only hero trajectory, but also StarCraft and Counter-Strike, he likes very much.

In fact, these three games are also the three most popular games in a big eastern country.

As long as you go to an Internet cafe in a major eastern country, you will definitely be able to see these three games.

Unlike Europe and the United States, in a large eastern country, these games account for the largest proportion. Apart from these three games, Stone Age, Magic Baby and Bubble Hall are the next ones. Red Alert and Age of Empires and other games.

The role of Lena Imbas used by the player Haiyao is very popular in a certain eastern country. Because of the influence of the animation "Sorcerer of Show", the current Lena is really popular.

Haiyao player was originally ranked in the top ten strong players, coupled with the popular Lena Imbas, now he is basically the most watched player in the competition arena.

"Hey, Haiyao is really amazing. The mage is so slippery, and the ADC is also very good. He can also take the auxiliary route. He is really an all-around player." Next to Zhang Ruiwang, someone was sighing.

"Yeah," he also interjected, "Haiyao is really good, he can play in several positions, the way is very wide, no routine can be restricted, and it is amazing."

The man also followed up: "That's right, that's right, he is very quick at making money, and he is also very strong at making up..."

Zhang Ruiwang also nodded: "I think Haiyao's team should be the most likely to qualify. The champion is not necessarily, but at least the top three are guaranteed."

"I heard that the mud bomb next door doesn't seem to be very good in playing hero trajectory, but the game of Bang Country seems to be particularly powerful. I suspect that the regional championship is probably because we are fighting with Bang Country."

The hero trajectory is not popular here in the mud bomb, and this is also known in the circle.

Because many advanced players want to play on foreign servers, after they entered the Japanese server, they found that these players... are weak.

Not only is it a weak chicken, but the popularity of the game is not high. There is no one to play in a line. It is not easy to meet one. Go in and have a look-come, fellow. Players in the Japanese server are not the same trumpets that go to foreign servers to play, or they are local students.

As for the neon gold on the mud bomb... Well, I can't say that there is no, but it is definitely a minority of the few.

Over time, everyone discovered that the players on this server... are really scum.

But the players who ran to Hanbok were not so lucky.

The players in the great country really have a set of technical standards. Players who ran past from a big eastern country here can only be abused in Hanbok-don't get me wrong, everyone is technically half-hearted. The reason why they can't beat is because the game is delayed... …

This kind of thing was not well known to everyone, but because of the world e-sports competition, everyone also wanted to know the level of the enemy, and then someone investigated the situation, and the news immediately spread.

When inquiring about this news, some players felt very strange: Wasn't this game developed in Nibang? How come there are not many people playing it?

Everyone did not believe in evil, so they squeezed into Japanese clothes and Hanbok, and went to them to open trumpets to abuse and be abused.

Then everyone found that the accuracy of this news is really high...

"The game of StarCraft, I heard that Bang Guo is also very strong, let me see, it is the StarCraft game in the afternoon..."

Zhang Ruiwang opened the game form. This one marked the status of the game held in the venue every day. The morning is the hero trajectory, the afternoon is the StarCraft, and the evening is the counter-strike.

In addition, there are games such as Age of Empires in other venues.

"Hey, if our country can make such a game, it would be great." Zhang Ruiwang was a little emotional.

Although parents are scornful of video games, Zhang Ruiwang knows that video games are developing very rapidly abroad. He once had the honor to go to Lighthouse Country. People in Lighthouse Country love the game of Heroic Trail very much. It is said that there are many more. Players, dedicated to laying network lines for the heroic locus game, and even network providers have adopted various commercial methods, and even "buy broadband and get skin" and other promotional methods, really let Zhang Ruiwang open up. Vision.

"Oh, you don't know. The owner of the A company who developed this game is of Chinese origin!" The person next to him continued, "Although they are in the mud, but the Chinese is thirsty-you read the news broadcast before. When it’s there, it’s the high school entrepreneur in the mud."

"Oh oh oh, I remember!"

Zhang Ruiwang here also remembered.

Senxia once traveled to a big eastern country. At that time, Senxia also appeared on the TV station here.

Morinka was very famous at the time.

Zhang Ruiwang was also very impressed by this incident.

Because this Japanese name is "天海森夏", and the Chinese name "Xia Sen" is a college student-now a college student.

And just such a high school student, he is already a big boss, his business is all over the world, and even the news is broadcast!

After Moriha's incident came out, it had a great impact on a large eastern country—especially for many students, it had a very bad impact.

The image of Senxia, ​​in the official shaping, is simply an authentic "child of someone else's family", not only has excellent grades, but also has a company that has been received by bigwigs.

Being interviewed by a big boss from a big eastern country may be nothing to foreigners, but in this era, the awareness of the masses of the people is not so high, so in the eyes of many people, it is very important to be able to talk and laugh with big bosses. What a great thing.

Such excellent "children of other people's families" will naturally be compared with their own children by parents, forcing the children to study hard.

Even thanks to this, Senxia's popularity in a certain oriental country has increased a lot...well, in a somewhat subtle aspect.

Zhang Ruiwang didn't like to pay attention to current affairs. During that time, his father was laid off and he had to make money to support his family, so he was not very familiar with the situation.

"No wonder, I am why I like to play this game so much!"

After hearing the words next door, Zhang Ruiwang found that watching this game on his side seemed to be pleasing to the eye.

"Eh, but the game between Haiyao and Koyanagi is really good. When I play the game myself, I can't play such a good game at all."

After all, professional players and ordinary players are not the same. Ordinary players only need to feel good on their own. This is enough, but for professional gamers, they need to consider many factors, plus their technical level is also very good when they compete. High, so just looking at the past in this game gives people a feeling of enjoyment, really amazing.

"Yeah, but I actually prefer to watch StarCraft games," the man next door continued, "I came here specifically to watch StarCraft. But I didn't expect that the heroic trajectory game would be so beautiful."

Originally, I only watched StarCraft, but the games were all put together. This guy, who seems to be not short of money, just watched it together.

"Interstellar is also very good." Zhang Ruiwang nodded, "I heard that there are a lot of people on the arcade, but many people say that 98 is not as fun as 1997."

On the side of a big eastern country, the game "King of Fighters" can be said to be unknown to everyone in this era. As long as they are playing games, they basically know what the word "King of Fighters" means.

However, it is somewhat different from the mud bomb. The game "The King of Fighters 97" is more popular here, not the other series after it.

"Nine-eight is normal, the fight in 1997 is not balanced at all." At this moment, someone from the other side leaned in, who seemed to be an arcade player.

"I have played Ninety-Eight several times, and the God of Water and Vulcan have been cut a lot." Another person also inserted.

"Water God? Fire God?" What the hell?

Black question mark.

"Oh, you are talking about Kusanagikyo and Iorikan." Brother Arcade was the first to react.

"Ksanakyo? Iori Temple, what is that?" A passerby also said, his black question mark.

"Who are the God of Water and Fire?" Zhang Ruiwang asked.

"It's the sun-black hair behind it, and the red hair with the chain on the bottom foot." The passerby was also dumbfounded.

"Oh, that's Kusanakyo and Iorikan. The people in the game area don't know the names of Kusanakyo and the others, and they don't understand how to read Japanese, so they have various names."

Water god, fire **** and sun god, in short, are called piles of piles.

In a certain oriental country, the number of gamers who understand Japanese is in the minority, so based on Kusanagi’s characteristic of using flames, they casually nicknamed Vulcan, and the other Iori Temple is actually fire. However, in the plot, Iori An is hostile to Kusanakyo, and the character of Iorisami seems to correspond to Kusanakyo over there.

Of course the counterpart to fire is water, so this kind of designation appeared.

After clearing the misunderstanding, passers-by also suddenly realized: "Oh, Kusanagi is the real name of Vulcan!"

"It's almost like that."

Having said that, you can't just call someone Kusunakyo directly?

Brother Arcade slandered in his heart.

But passers-by seem to like their address, so they haven't changed anything.

When the two men began to popularize science, Zhang Ruiwang focused on the game.

It's been twenty minutes since the match, and Haiyao's team is very powerful. At this time, it's almost going to the opposing battle core!

Sure enough, the game ended without suspense.

After the game, Zhang Ruiwang also left here.

However, he did not leave the venue.

Because in addition to competitions, there are also other activities here.

Outside the venue, there are a lot of arcade machines. This is not a normal arcade machine, but a combat machine. You can use the arcade machine to fight against each other in this place-this is not a game, but for the audience to practice. thing.

After coming out of the venue, many people turned their heads and went to the Internet cafe. Zhang Ruiwang was also one of He was not a native of Mtlnovel. He came here to watch the game.

After his father was laid off, he set up a street stall to make a living. As a result, the street stall business is getting better and better. Now his father has opened a supermarket, and Zhang Ruiwang himself does not need to be so tired. The reason why he was able to go to the lighthouse country was because the family finally had money.

Don't worry about the benefits of livelihood, that is, you can enjoy the atmosphere of the game here.

After coming out of the arena, Zhang Ruiwang also went to an Internet cafe.

Turning on a computer, Zhang Ruiwang started surfing the Internet.

"Well, the boss of Agency A is really Chinese..."

He didn't play the game, but looked up Senxia's information. He didn't know if he didn't check it, and he was shocked when he checked. After seeing the information here, he discovered that the opposite side is really amazing.

"But you can also try these games..."

He thinks that the games of these competitions may be quite fun, and there are some games like Need for Speed, which he has never heard of before.

"Hmm...? What is this? Exhibition event, Ao Shi San Guo...?"


Ahem, I made a mistake about some of the conditions in the magic capital at that time. In fact, the author just went to the magic capital in two thousand years. He wrote a mistake according to his impression, and rebuilt it, and simply removed this part.

Today’s festival, meow, meow, meow~

Two-in-one meow meow~

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