Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1211: Questionnaire results

While Mogi Sawaro was sighing his two golden thighs, one of them, Mr. Golden thighs, was fidgeting in the hot spring at this time.

Senxia wasn't quite calm at this time.

Morinka originally wanted to think about the problem, but at this time, Morinka found that Shion had been looking at herself with weird eyes.

That stern look made Senxia feel a little uncomfortable all over her body.

But Qianjia-senpai didn't know where she went at this time.

"Senior sister... come back soon..."

Senxia sighed in her heart.

But Qianjia here has been for a long time before Shi Shiran returned to the hot spring.

Lie down comfortably, Qian Jia looked at the two silent people here: "Didn't you discuss some interesting things?"

Morinya really said some interesting things before, but the poetry here did not appreciate it.

After hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia didn't have much, but the poetry over there was immediately excited.

"Sister, this guy has been telling me that kind of ergonomic stuff just now!" Shiyin was excited.

Moriha had just been talking about ergonomics, and now Shion became excited when she heard her sister speak here.

"Mongkou?" Qianjia raised an eyebrow, "Is it possible that Senxia-kun tried to tease you with pornographic jokes, and then took the opportunity to push him down?"

Qianjia looked at Morinia here in surprise.

It looks like: "I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"Ahem, I didn't do this kind of thing!" Senxia was not calm, "I just want to tell Shion about the beauty of a gentleman! We are all devotees dedicated to the gentleman!"

"What kind of fallacy is this!" Shiyin scoffed at Charles's fallacy.

"That's it!" Qianjia said that she understood.

"Sister, how can this kind of reason be persuasive!" Shiyin expressed uneasiness and incomprehension towards Qian Jia's sudden approval.

"Mori Xia-kun is such a gentleman. I think this is understandable. After all, Mori Xia-kun is an expert who works hard for the career of a gentleman!"

Sister is serious!

Generally speaking, this kind of discourse looks like a lie or ridicule, but Shiyin notices that Qianjia’s expression is serious and serious, and she understands her sister’s poems. At this moment, she has fully understood—her words. The words are definitely not verbal.

Shiyin suddenly felt tired.

She stood up weakly.

"Shiyin?" Qian Jia looked at her sister.

"Ah-I'm sleepy, now I'm going to rest, good night." Shiyin said weakly.

"Well, staying up all night, take a good rest!"

Under the advice of her sister, Shiyin left the bath numbly, and then returned to her room.

However, Shi Yin didn't fall asleep immediately.

On the contrary, after soaking in the hot spring for a while, he returned to the room with the air-conditioner turned on. The cold air was agitated, and Shiyin became sober.

"Um..." She looked at the computer here.

She unlocked less than one third of the events in the game.

Obviously I have played for so long, but the world of this game is still very broad.

"A little more fun, it seems there is no problem..."

The girl muttered, then sat in front of the computer.

"Well, just one round, go to bed after playing... just play one round... well, another round..."

Obviously, he just criticized Morika Ichiban who had been talking about the gentleman incident, but at this time, Shion himself fell into the gentleman game and couldn't help himself...

On the other side, Morinatsu and Qianjia did not continue to rest after leaving the bath.

Without interruption, the two continued the discussion.

Anyway, the Xianshiyan team was eliminated before entering the re-election. Although there is a resurrection match, everyone knows that victory in this match is slim.

On the contrary, it was Yukino's White Lily team that made great progress, and walked all the way to the front. Seeing what it looked like, Morinka felt that Yukino's journey could write an e-sports book...

"I didn't expect that the investigation report would have so much feedback in just one night!" Qian Jia returned to the room and opened the email.

This is the official mailbox system, and there have been nearly two dozen replies here.

These are all previous investigation reports.

"Because it's the weekend, and it's still summer vacation, of course there are a lot of people!" Senxia is also reading these survey reports, "Well, it seems that everyone likes our "Brave New World" very much, they all think if this game appears It will be interesting on the web."

"Well, everyone seems to be very interested in similar adventures... Is the plot important?" Qianjia muttered.

"No, you see, everyone here says that the hodgepodge of "Hero Trail" is also very interesting, but the game type is more difficult to accept. If it is an RPG, everyone seems to have no problem. I think our game positioning, the most important thing is Create a role." Morinata muttered.

"Is it role-building?"

"Yeah, you see, our roles in the game world are all obtained through a lottery in the form of'stigmata'." Thinking of this, Senxia suddenly showed a smile on her face, "Ah, I thought about it again. A round of money...ah, no, it's a way to improve gameplay!"

"Another way to draw a lottery?" Qianjia has seen through the profit model of this game. Although this game is the same as a general RPG on the surface, this kind of game has a core "draw draw" feature in it.

After Mori Xia talked about how to "improve gameplay", Qianjia was of course reflexive and thought of what Mori Xia wanted to do.

But unexpectedly, Senxia shook her head at this time: "My idea is that we can also make the player's character into a'stigmata'."

"Huh? What is this gameplay?"

The concept of stigmata, Senxia referred to "Benghui 3" more, and there are many shadows of other games, and there is also the concept of "JOJO" as a substitute in it, anyway, it is a very interesting thing.

Senxia said at this time: "We have set it before. The stigmata is a trace of the power left by those great men. If the player can complete certain events in our game, we can use this player as well. Listed as a'great man' or someone who has contributed to the world. In this case, this player has become a stigmata. Isn't this normal?"

Senxia's statement was true. After hearing Senxia's statement, Qianjia's eyes were bright.

"Use people's comparison psychology?"

This concept is actually similar to that of "legends", "handed down", or "journeys". In online games like these PVP, players can engage in national warfare and finally become the lord of the city. The concept is very close to what Senxia said at this time.

In classic games, there is also such a concept. For example, in another world-line World of Warcraft game, in this game, there have been many server-wide tasks, including the bugs of Ahn'Qiraj and the Dark One. Doors, etc., these tasks will give unique rewards to players who have contributed. These rewards are all players showing off their capital, and they are also proof of their love for the game.

And at this time, Senxia thought of applying this concept to her own games.

Make the player's character a part of the game world... Isn't it fun?

The art resources required by web games are not comparable to a game like Brave New World. The former is in great demand, while in the latter case, in extreme cases, even if there is no image, this game can be played as a pure word game. adventure.

But this game, tentatively named "Starship Voyage", is temporarily impossible.

"The concept itself is pretty good." Morinia said, "Looking at the current feedback from the players, I think it's feasible."

"But the number of samples is still too small." After all, there are only less than twenty samples in total.

"This is no problem. Those who can reply in these short hours are definitely playing games overnight. Those who can play our games all night must be more senior gamers and our original games. Enthusiasts. These people represent our core users. If we catch them, our game is half the battle."

What Senxia plans to develop is a gentleman game. It is naturally impossible for such a game to go to the masses. Naturally, this kind of game needs core fans.

As for Volkswagen... Well, Senxia didn't even think about it.

These days, people who can play web games and even surf the Internet without hindrance are among the few.

Many of the so-called "public directions" are passerby players. Most of these people come and go. That is the future when smart phones have become popular. As for now, the core is the most important thing to pay attention to.

"There are a lot of people who like JOJO, and everyone leaves a lot of comments."

Qian Jia had already seen some of the following replies at this time.

In the question and answer, the questionnaire especially presented a question about the concepts of "Do you like JOJO" and "Do you like a substitute".

As a result, after seeing "JOJO", a group of people were all excited as if they were hit with blood. In the "Supplementary column" below the question, many people asked whether this new game is related to JOJO, and some I am asking whether Hirohiko Araki will participate in the production of this game.

Well, JOJO’s bizarre adventure. Although this animation is not well known in a certain oriental country, it is not a household name on the mud bombing side, but it is indeed close to the national level.

In fact, JOJO’s animation is not yet available, but JOJO’s unique "JOJO standing" pose has long been played by people, and even in the works of national level including Pokémon, there are many of JOJO. This "JOJO stand".

JOJO, with many fans, has attracted the attention of a group of people at this moment.

"It's really interesting... Now, Morinatsu, do we want to find teacher Hirohiko Araki to be the screenwriter?" Qianjia liked this.

But after hearing this sentence, Moriha here quickly stopped Qianjia: "Don't do this! Our work is geared towards gentlemen, the style of JOJO...not suitable!"

Mr. Hirohiko Araki is nicknamed the "perfect creature" by readers. I won't talk about this kind of thing, but Mrs. Hirohiko Araki is indeed well maintained.

But will he be serious about playing an online game for a gentleman?

Morinya found it difficult.

The women described by Mr. Hirohiko Araki have their own beauty, but how to put it, these women, even these men, do not seem to be the cute elements of the game of sailing with the star ship. There are some secondary elements and some labors. The game of oral elements is harmonious.

For works like this, it would be nice to make a cameo occasionally, but is it not painful now?

If the style of painting is different, there is no way for everyone to have fun together!

"I think it's better for us to go to the Erdaime teacher." Mori Xia said, "The Erdaime teacher's writing style is excellent, and the plot design is also very interesting. How about letting the Erdaime teacher do the story?"

It is impossible for Senxia to write a It is impossible in this life.

He plans to write now.

Even if it is not to fill the hole and open a new one, this is actually what Senxia wants to do now.

""Beauty New World" was written by the second generation teacher, but "Beauty New World" is a fantasy game, and the current "Starship Voyage" uses some science fiction elements..." Qianjia muttered, "and , Even if there is no such relationship, I think the Erdaime teacher is not the most suitable person, because these diehard fans who play games here say that they like our games, but they don’t necessarily want to play on the web Did you see a story re-enacting the story of a beautiful new world?"

"...Makes sense."

Senxia had to admit that Qianjia made a lot of sense.

"But the style of teacher Erdaime has changed, and I don't know how much he has written. I don't think there is any problem with this matter...Huh?"

Before Senxia spoke, he noticed that Qianjia had moved her gaze to her body, and the scrutinizing gaze made Senxia calm down.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?" Senxia asked nervously.

"Look at it—" Qianjia extended the ending, and then looked at this side and said, "In fact, you want to make excuses for your laziness?"

With a word of Qianjia, Senxia's whole person was unable to move.

Well, I have to say that Qianjia is really on the point at this moment.

Senxia-kun has already been seen through by Qianjia...Well, I have to say that Qianjia is really on the point at this moment.

Senxia-kun has already been seen through by Qianjia...


Two in one

Meow today~

In the formula station of the toss animation project, I don’t know when the project will meet with you~


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