Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1232: Girls·Dormitory

"I don't know why, I feel my brother's radar is shaking very much."

Shiraito Women's University.

As the school started, everyone returned to school one after another.

Yukino also moved out from Hin Tianzhuang at this time.

Hina Village is a good place with hot springs and maids.

But there is no brother.

After Senxia ran back to her den with the maid, Xue Na was also dull there, and simply returned to the school in advance.

Naturally, Zhentong also went back to school with Yukino.

After returning to school, the first thing to do is naturally clean up the bedroom.

After cleaning the bedroom, Yukino went to the bathroom and took a bath.

At this moment, Yukino was wrapped in a bath towel and sat in front of the computer.

The bunch of dull hair on her head was constantly swinging at this time.

"Master Xue Na is thinking of Morinatsu...sir?"

It was so risky that he almost called out the name "Senxia" naturally.

If at this time, Master Xue Na learned that I was so rude to Master Mori, then it would be terrible.

True Hitomi has already decided.

In the first semester, he did nothing, and had almost no strategies for Master Xue Nai.

Now, it's almost September.

Sure enough, you can't go on like this!

I, Tiaoyue Zhentong, want to increase the favorability of Master Yukino!

Zhentong secretly made up his mind in his heart.

According to the teacher's instruction, Zhentong has already purchased the equipment for the decisive victory.

"Well, I must be separated from my brother, it's really lonely..." Xue Na sighed.

"The current technology is very advanced. If Yukino-san wants to chat with Morinka-san, it can be done through the Internet, right?" Ma Hitomi said as he took off the bath towel naturally, and revealed the black lace inside. Nightdress.

Zhen Tong's figure is very well-proportioned, and from all aspects, he is impeccable. Although nothing special, it looks very seductive.

In the translucent black lace nightdress, Zhentong's body is looming.

True Hitomi is quite confident.

After drinking the silk stocking milk tea made by Xue Nao, Zhentong felt a subtle feeling in his heart.

——According to the words of the master, this proves that I have a chance now!

True Hitomi is full of confidence now.

According to Master Xue Nao’s performance, as long as she played well on her side, the matter of overthrowing Master Xue Nao tonight might be the case!

But it's a pity that Zhentong's winking eyes are useless.

"But my brother hasn't been online." Yukino sighed while looking at the computer over there.

"Sir Morinya should be busy with something, right?" Zhentong said.

"Hmm...Is that so?" The dull hair on Xue Nao's head kept dangling.

Real Hitomi looked at the dull hair on Yukino's head, and his eyes were all attracted.

Although it was an extra strand of hair, it didn't appear to be cumbersome. On the contrary, the small amount of hair gave Xue Nao a lot of cuteness.

It's just that this bunch of hair will dangle, but it draws True Hitomi's gaze.

"It always feels like there are fishy cats..." Xue Nao curled her mouth.

"Boom boom boom." But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Zhentong quickly wrapped the bath towel around her body again, and then walked to the door.

Standing at the door are Haruka Kanzaki and Nanami Love.

When Yukino and Jin Hitomi returned to school, the two returned together.

"Good evening, True Hitomi, Master Xue Nai."

"Good night, two people."

"Welcome." Zhen Hitomi let the two of them walk in.

"Welcome." Xue Nao also stood up.

"I just left the school for a month, and I feel really nostalgic when I come back now." Kanzaki Haruka's face showed a hearty smile.

"Yes, yes, but there are not many people in the school right now. It's a little weird."

Because time is still there, not many people return to school.

Although Shiraito Women's University has the same name as the school on the other world line, the connotations of these two schools are completely different.

Although Shiraito Women's University in this world is also a women's university, it is a special school with strict management and dominated by the Tianhai family.

The school is not only more aristocratic, it is also bigger, but it has fewer students.

If it is fine on weekdays, but during the summer vacation, there are no people in this huge school. In the empty school, this kind of thing is indeed a little uneasy.

"Speaking of it, I remember I checked here before... I found it." Xueno took out a list at this time.

Here is the time when the students register to return to school.

The management of Shiraito Women's University is very strict. Although it is a university, all the students' scheduled return time need to be registered. As the student council president who manages these, Yukino also has all these information.

"In our dormitory, it seems that there is only us. In the dormitory next door, there are quite a few students left, most of whom are studying hard for the purpose of entering higher education." Xue Na put down the list.

"The capacity of our school's dormitory is very small. The dormitory is so luxurious, but the number of rooms is small." Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, there are obviously only three floors, but it's so empty," Xiaolian seemed a little sorrowful, "sometimes it's really scary to imagine."

"Oh?" Xue Nao smiled and leaned to Xiao Lian's side.

Nanami Love was a little embarrassed by Xue Nao's gaze.

"That... Master Xue Na, don't look at me like this..." She said embarrassedly.

"Xiaolian, are you scared?"


After hearing what Xue Na said, Qi Hai Lian's face suddenly turned red.

"Ah, yes." Xiaoyao said with a smile, "that's why I brought Xiaolian here."

"--Ah, could it be!" True Hitomi immediately understood their plans.

"Well, that's right! So ah!" Kanzaki Haruka walked to here in front of Yukino, and then said, "So Yukino-sama-can you take us in?"

Kanzaki Haruka is obviously not afraid of being alone, but Nanami love over there doesn't seem to be good at such things.

The reason why she came to ask for Xueno's help was because of Nanami's consideration.

"No problem, if you take a break together, you can just have fun!" Xueno didn't care about this.


True Hitomi was a little stunned at this moment.

Wait a minute, what about my overthrow plan?

But obviously, Yukino was quite happy.

"Ah-I mean, how should we rest after a while?"

True Hitomi's exclaim drew the attention of others, and she quickly found a reason to round the field for herself.

"Well, it seems that there can only be two people in a bed-ah, but in our school, there is no problem with laying on the floor."

Kanzaki Haruka felt that it would be no problem to hit the floor.

The floor of the bedroom is made of wooden planks, and there is also a blanket on it. Resting in such a place will not cause any problems even if it is laid on the floor.

Of course, because of the carpets, it is very troublesome to clean. The school will arrange to replace new carpets every semester, and there are also vacuum cleaners available.

Generally speaking, this work was changed by the school organization before the start of school, but Yukino and the others came back a little earlier, so these tasks were done by two people, Yukino and Makoto. The reason why they were busy all day. , Carpet replacement is also an important reason.

Of course, this is not to say that the replaced carpet is useless. Although the school has money, it does not have the wealth to waste. These carpets will be thoroughly cleaned, then maintained and stored, and then waited for the next school year to be replaced.

By the way, this method is generally not used by households, because the carpeted floor is super troublesome to clean!

The reason is not only the so-called vacuum cleaner, but also the complexity of cleaning the carpet.

Shibaibai Women's University uses carpets, on the one hand, it is traditional, on the other hand, it is also to train students.

A few people have come to the bed at this moment.

Not to mention, because the bedroom is very large, the space between the bed and the bed is very large.

"But how do I put it..." Xue Nao thought, "If I sleep under this, I always feel something is wrong. Well, yes, the atmosphere is not enough!"


Several people looked at each other.

How does this kind of thing have to do with the atmosphere?

"Ah-that's right!" Xue Na looked at the two beds of her and Zhen Tong, and suddenly her eyes lit up. She said, "Let's put the beds together. In this case, even if it is four people, it will be fine!"

The girls are not very big, and the beds at Shiroyuri Women’s University are relatively large, so when the two beds are combined, four people can sleep on it.

"Eh, is there no problem like this?" Qi Hailian looked a little sad.

"Ah-no no. Real Hitomi, what do you think?"

"Well, not bad..."

Zhentong was a little disappointed.

She had already made a plan to sleep with Xue Nai.

But unfortunately, True Hitomi's plan had obviously failed before it even started.

But since it was Master Yukino's plan, he had to agree to it.

This is a sad story.

"Thank you so much! Master Xue Nai, True Hitomi!" Qi Hai Lian bowed towards the two.

"Yeah, that's it!" Yukino smiled and made a decision, "Xiaoyao, Xiaolian, go and bring your own quilt over, and Jin Hitomi and I will merge the beds together."


The two people over there had already moved towards their bedroom at this time, and Yukino and Zhen Hitomi merged the two beds together.

After the sheets were opened and re-laid, a huge bed was already formed at this moment.

"It would be great if there were only me and Master Xuena..." Zhentong sighed.

"But if everyone is together, it will be more interesting." Xue Nao's voice rang from Zhentong's ears.

"Eh eh eh?!" I never thought pupil, snow is actually heard his Tucao so small and complaints.

"Yes, yes, it's more fun with everyone." True Hitomi actually likes this lively activity, but True Hitomi does not want anyone to disturb the relationship between herself and Master Yukino. People world!

"Also, if you don't want everyone to see a strange side to yourself, you'd better change your pajamas."


After hearing what Yukino said, Zhentong was stunned for a moment, and then finally reacted.

Yes, for the sake of Master Yukino, I put on a nightdress for the decisive victory, and also prepared some computer accessories... Well, nothing. All in all, Yukino's words made True Hitomi realize the seriousness of the matter.

She hurriedly changed her clothes back to the original nightdress, and then sealed the nightdress for the decisive match on the bottom layer of the wardrobe, which was relieved.

"Excuse me!"

And at this moment, Nanami Love and Kanzaki Haruka also brought their own bedding and pillows.

"Come on, come in!"

Yukino invited the two into the house.

"Wow, I suddenly felt popular!" Entering the house, closed the door to prevent the air conditioner from running out of the door.

After entering the house, both of them became active at this moment.

The comfortable and cool room does not appear to be stuffy and crowded because there are two more people. On the contrary, because of this climate, the room is extraordinarily comfortable.

"By the way, are we really the only ones here? When I came over, I didn't see any figure." Xiaoyao muttered.

"Well, no, if it is a student who is scheduled to return to school in advance, he needs to contact the student union, but I have not received an application so far, so we should be the only students here."

"Master Xue Nai, besides the students, are there anyone else here?" Zhentong asked with the opportunity.

"Of course, the aunt of the dormitory, and the grandfather of the cleaner, they will clean here every day."

Yukino explained with a smile.

"It's really hard work." At this time, Kanzaki Haruka had already made the bed. She stood up and came to, don't leave me, Xiaoyao! "At this moment, the little love on the other side hurriedly got close to Kanzaki Haruka.

"Hmm, but it's also very interesting." Yukino glanced outside.

At midnight, the lights in the corridor outside will not be turned off, but sometimes because of the light, this can create a strange and terrifying atmosphere. From this aspect, there is really no problem. Look like.

"That's right." Xue Nao suddenly laughed at this time, "In that case, why don't we wait for a game."


Several people looked at each other.

And Yukino laughed at this time: "The midnight expedition in the student dormitory during the summer vacation-now, what do you think?"

"Wow, don't do it!" Qi Hai Lian let out a scream.

"This is quite interesting!" Zhen Tong's eyes lit up.

By the way, the master once introduced himself to the suspension bridge effect.

When two people are very close to each other, their heartbeat speeds up because of danger. At this time, both parties will have an illusion that this feeling of fear and fright is because of love. Love each other's emotions... well, sure enough, this feeling is the best!

"This seems quite interesting." Kanzaki Haruka was also interested. "Oh, if you are really hungry, it will be fun."

"So, let's make a happy decision!"

Xue Na walked to the front of Nanami Love, and then took Qihai Love's hand and blinked at her.

"Come on, spray Yang's own courage, Xiao Lian~"


Forcibly seven more...

The author is trembling...



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