Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1234: Girl shivering.JPG

Leaking Princess... Ah, it's Nanami Love.

Seven Seas Love, lying in the bath, still looked like tears at this time.

And Kanzaki Haruka accompanied Nanami by his side.

Seven Seas Love finally did not hold back.

In other words, when she entered the toilet and started kicking the door, she didn't hold herself back because of too much force.

Under the control of fear, Seven Seas Love had almost completely lost her sanity at that time.

At that time, Seven Seas Love had completely lost self-control. When kicking the door frantically, her muscles subconsciously tightened and relaxed.

And the result is... This is a sad story.

After seeing the real Hitomi who was hiding in the room, Xiao Lian was relieved.

Then at that time, she noticed that she...missed it.

Then, Xiao Lian's whole person fell into chaos, and on the other side, Zhen Tong saw Xiao Lian's appearance, and his whole person also entered into chaos.

The two chaotic guys screamed and furiously in the toilet just like that.

Then, it was discovered that Xuena and Xiaoyao, who had not returned for a long time, finally felt something was wrong, so they went out to find what happened.

In the end, two talents were finally discovered.

The two people who were picked up were cleaned again at this time.

"...So, what is going on?"

After Xiaolian took a shower, Xiaoyao here led her out.

At this time, Xiaoyao saw Zhentong who was in a state of loss, and asked strangely.

"Because this kid was also terrified at the time." Yukino patted True Hitomi's head.

"I didn't want to, but after I came to the first class, I found that place...It's really scary!"

Zhentong looked at Yukino with tears in her eyes.

Yes, Zhen Hitomi was also shocked.

At the beginning, True Hitomi hadn't noticed anything strange.

But when she came to the first floor, the fear in the girl's heart was gradually aroused.

And then... the girl who originally went to post a mission to Xiao Lian, at this time, she was actually shocked.

Then Jin Hitomi ran into the bathroom.

And that's why Xiaolian didn't find the key in that place, because Zhen Hitomi was already hiding in the innermost toilet with the key at this time.

At this time, Zhen Tong heard Xiao Lian's movement on the first floor. At this time, she had forgotten her own affairs because of fear.

"I really meant it was a ghost or something," Zhentong said with tears in his eyes, "I was really frightened when Xiaolian kicked the door!"

The girl's eyes were in tears.

Then, Xue Nao gave Zhen Tong a brain collapse.


Zhen Tong touched his forehead, a little dazed.

"I remember you said that you can exorcise demons. You have also been a witch, but you are so afraid of ghosts. How can this work!"

Although Zhentong did not disclose her life experience in detail, she used to talk to Zhentong once as a capital to show off about family matters.

But even such a real pupil was scared to pee at the time.

Well, it was Nanami Love who was really scared to pee.

"..." True Hitomi looked at Xue Nao, and Xue Nao also looked at True Hitomi.

She stood up silently, then walked in front of Qi Hai Lian and bowed to her ninety degrees.

"Sorry-Xiaolian, it was mine just now...!"

Well, in a sense, the real pupil was wrong just now.

If it wasn't for Real Hitomi to make Xiao Lian so scared, then this time the "Ball Test Special Training" might have been successfully completed.

But unfortunately, the end result is such a sad story.

"No, nothing..."

Xiaolian blushed and turned her head away.

For her, instead of asking True Hitomi to apologize, it would be better not to mention this matter at all.


At this time, Yukino clapped her hands, and then took out the milk and snacks.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's have a little supper," she said with a smile, "but remember to brush your teeth later!"

"Wow, it's a strawberry cake!" Xiaoyao was the first one to get up. With Xiaoyao here, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

After the original embarrassment disappeared, everyone was able to drink tea and snacks happily.

As for the previous things...well, decisively, just treat it as it didn't happen.

"But speaking of it, I think the scene just now seems very suitable as a game."

However, Yukino, who took out some snacks to comfort everyone, was going to pick which pot or not to open at this time.

"Xunao...sir?" Zhentong looked at Xuena here stiffly.

"Well, because the game I made before will be released soon, so I think the theme just now seems to be good?"

The journey of four girls.

Yukino found it very interesting.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, right, that day is on campus!" As a die-hard Yukino fan, Zhen Hitomi naturally knows, "Master Yukino, I have booked this game!"

"Ah, thank you so much~" Yukino smiled.

"Master Xuena's game... Actually, I'm quite interested." Xiaoyao also became interested, "What kind of game is this?"

"Well, if you are on campus, it is a text love adventure game." The average person may not understand what the so-called "" is, but if you say "text love adventure game", everyone can immediately understand Up.

After hearing Yuuno's explanation, Xiaoyao also nodded: "It's just a word game..."

Xiaoyao still has some interest in games, but the word games here are not in Xiaoyao's range of interest.

After all, that game is a word game, and the most painful part of word games is that the line of text information is very sufficient. For many people, they play games not for reading novels, but for reading novels. Want hearty battles, actions, and explosions.

"But this game is not, don't you think this kind of girl game is very suitable for the atmosphere of horror games?"

Hearing Xue Nao's explanation, Qihai Love and True Hitomi here suddenly fell into stiffness.

"Oh, is it an action game?" Xiaoyao over there became interested.

"Well, I haven't figured this out yet." Xue Nao tilted her head.

"But can Master Xue Na also play such a game?" Xiaoyao was a little concerned.

"Well, no problem, if I want to make a game, my brother will definitely agree." Yukino smiled, "It's best to be able to help my brother~"

Although Yukino once helped Morinka in the EVA-RETAKE game, the subsequent MUV series and the Japanese campus series were also scripts written by Yukino.

"Although I was able to help my brother in the past, how should I say, I really want to help more."

It is impossible to go to help with Senxia, ​​there is already a maid and assistant beside Senxia.

"But I can't get too close to my brother. If that's the case, my brother will take away everything I want to do..."

Although it was complaining, Xue Nao's face was filled with a sweet smile.

True Hitomi, who was still trembling because of the courage test problem before, noticed Xuenao's sweet smile right away.

The girl's face turned bad in an instant.

"I used to make scripts for games. Well, they are all games that will be released this year, but if you can lead a project, it really is better."

Compared to writing scripts, Xue Nao obviously has greater ambitions.

"...But horror games or something, no matter how much..." Qi Hailian's face was very bad.

"I think it's good." Xiaoyao felt that Yukino's statement was very good. "It's hard to say that horror movies can make it to the elegant hall, but in the game industry, horror games have a high reputation, right?"

In the film industry, the status of horror movies is relatively low, but unlike the film industry, in the game industry, horror and thriller games are a big category. Resident Evil, Escape, Silent Hill, etc., these series of games are very popular types.

"My brother said before that he would do such a game."

Morinya did say to do a similar game.

Works similar to the zero series are very good.

Zero: the sound of tattoos, zero: the witch of the raven, etc., as well as the Ye Yee, Late Ye Yee series, etc. It's a pity that the zero series chose the wrong platform. After the PS2 platform, the subsequent works actually chose the WII platform, but The third-party games on this platform are really unbearable, and the latter’s platform of choice is the PSV platform called "Death V".

Morinya has thought about the reaction if similar works can be moved to a more popular angle.

These works are games that combine cute girl paper or cute girl paper with horror elements. The game look and feel brought by the contrast is really good.

Let me tell you, the witch of the raven, the wet body effect is a praise...

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, Senxia's words caught the attention of Xue Na.

"Moreover, I think our environment is very suitable. The horror story that started from a test meeting is really interesting..."

Yukino looked really interested.

"Oh oh oh, what will Master Xue Na do?"

Xiaoyao started to ask.

"Well, in a nutshell, this is the beginning of the story. The four girls returned to the school dormitory before the end of the summer vacation. Because the school has not yet started, there are only four of them in the dormitory, so the four girls decided A courage test meeting was held. However, in the school, there was originally an urban legend. The four people in the courage test meeting accidentally fulfilled the conditions of this legend, and then the real horror fell..."


Hearing Xue Na's narrative, Nanami Love and Zhentong over there were once again terrified.

Even Nanami feels a little urgency again.

No way, the world that Yukino described... is really too close to the current situation, which is frightening.

The same four people, the same courage test meeting, the same four people, and the same mysterious legend...

"Great, right?" Yukino smiled.

"Master Xue, Xue, Xueno..." Zhentong shivered, "I don't think we need such a game? Maybe, we can have some warm and loving games?"

"But if it's a masterpiece, it really is the kind of masterpiece that can make people nervous and energetic?"

"No, no, I think this kind of horror story will always be a minority! It's a minority, right!" Zhen Hitomi protested, "Except for a very small number of works, it is difficult for such works to become popular. Ah! Yukino-sama, if you want to make a game, please do a masterpiece like Final Fantasy!"

"Well, for that kind of game..." Yukino thought about it seriously, but finally shook his head, "Well, don't use it for now."

"Actually, I think..." Xiaoyao said at this time, "Why not make a shooting game? Such a game should be more interesting, right?"

"Shooting? Well, not bad. But in the case of horror games, there is Resident Evil in front of this aspect, which is a bit difficult to handle..."

Xue Nao was a bit distressed.

The Resident Evil of this era is still a traditional thriller-solving game, and it becomes the future "Sudden" game. That is also the time of the future Resident Evil 4.

But it is undeniable that the shooting element has always existed.

"I'm talking about something similar to Counter-Strike-don't you think that game is very interesting?"

"Four girls ~ holding weapons, from the school surrounded by zombies, all the way out of the city?"

An expression of interest appeared on Yukino's face.


Zhentong looked out the window subconsciously.

Then she shrank into a ball, hugged with Qihailian, shivering.

"Oh oh oh, yes, besides, not only guns, but also swords. It's not super fun to cut zombies with too much knife!"

Although not as good as Yukino, Kanzaki Haruka himself is indeed a swordsman.

The two girls are obviously interested in such a story.

"I don't know if my brother will be interested in such a game..." The girl was a little excited.

Yukino himself still likes this feeling, but would he like it? She was a little nervous.

"If this game is done, then Master Mori will appreciate Master Yukino, so there will be no problem." Xiaoyao felt that it didn't matter.

"Yeah, as long as the game can be popular!" Yukino's face also showed a smile, "Well, anyway, we will use four young girls trapped in an unmanned student dormitory during summer vacation as the background of the story! Tonight is still long, Xiao Yao, let's talk about how to do it!"

"Hi, Master Xue Nai!"

The two girls were in high spirits, and the two girls shivered. All in all, tonight is a very meaningful day for the four members of the White Lily team.


I fell asleep... I fell asleep... Then I thought I was updated... Then I woke up to find that I was not updated... Cough

Today’s festival, meow meow~

Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow~nt

:. :

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