Tokyo Gentleman Story

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"Ok... terrible..."

In the dormitory room, I have seen Mengxiang covering her head with a quilt.

As the dormitory manager of Baibai Women's University, she actually stayed in the dormitory this summer.

Living alone in a dormitory is actually quite interesting for Hayami Moexiang. She doesn’t believe in ghosts or anything. As an invisible otaku from the second dimension, she likes to hide at home alone and watch various houses. Things.

She is actually quite happy to stay in such a dormitory.

Until today.

After the four students returned to school early, I saw Mengxiang early and found that the environment in the dormitory had become a little bit wrong.

Especially just now.

There was also a strange noise at the entrance of the corridor.

Seeing that Mengxiang heard that voice, she didn't dare to speak loudly, she covered herself under the quilt, and then covered her head.

She didn't know how long it took before she carefully lifted the quilt, and then poked her head out.

"Yes, is it an illusion?"

Hayami Moexiang relaxed a little.

"Well, yes, it must be an illusion, it can't scare me, it can't scare me..."

He whispered for a while, it was a relief to see Mengxiang.

She wrapped up the quilt and walked to the door. She wanted to open the door but was afraid. After making sure that the door was indeed locked, she went back to her computer like a zongzi like this.

Time to do business.

In the middle of the night, it was when I saw Mengxiang's most energetic early, that strange "illusion" made her sober now.

In order to divert her attention, she put her gaze completely on the computer.

The first thing you do when you get online is to go to the 2ch water wave to promote "Fate of Space", and then go to the official forum to see if there is any new news.

Although it is a house, Hayami Moexiang is not a game house, but an animation house, so she completely ignored the previous popular World E-sports competition. Although she knew that there seemed to be some White Lily team in her school that had entered the finals of that game, to her, the news was actually meaningless.

As an anime house, Hayami Moeka is not a rotten girl, and even she doesn’t like Otome’s content. For her, the works that have received the most attention were those that began to be screened a month ago. "The Space of Fate".

Hayami Moexiang fell in love with this work because of the original novel of "Yuan Zhi Kong".

The novel of "Fate of the Sky" is a literary work, which is different from a light novel, but Hayami Moexiang discovered that she unexpectedly liked this serious novel.

Although it is different from the light novel, the taste contained in this book is very wonderful, which strikes the heart of Hayami Mengxiang.

In fact, Hayami Moexiang discovered that it wasn't just herself. In the house circle she knew, "Fate of the Sky" was very famous.

After learning that the animation film "Fate of the Sky" is about to be launched, many fans in the home circle feel that even if this work is summarized in a pure acgn project, there seems to be no problem.

Of course, the theme of the work is different.

Speaking of it, this is also a very magical thing.

The theme of brother and sister love in "The Sky of Fate" is placed in the world of the second dimension, that is, the work of Mei Zhai Moe Dolphin, but when this work is summarized as a serious and purely literary work, the style of the whole work is instant Rising became "a great work that explores human nature and questioning people's hearts".

These words were not summed up by Hayami Moeka, nor Morinatsu's boasting, but the comments Naoki Shang gave at the time.

Well, the comments of serious literary giants.

But because of this, this book has become one of the few books that Hayami Moexiang can get outside to read with integrity. As a hermitage, Hayami Moexiang never dared to reveal her hobbies in the real world.

The atmosphere of the mud bomb is different from that of a big eastern country. The "Hidden House" exists for everyone to avoid showing their special hobbies different from others. Although everyone likes them, they are hard to tell.

But how should I put it, the work "Fate of the Sky" has made Hayami Moexiang an inexplicable impulse, making her want to pursue it.

Although it is not a so-called otaku work, it is undeniable that when most of the otakus saw this work, they couldn’t help comparing it with the animations, comics, and novels they had seen. As a result, they found that none of the works they had seen seemed as good as the one in front of them.

Although this is a very serious work, in the eyes of these otakus, this work has a very special flavor.

It is as if this work has crossed the dimension, from the public to the otaku.

...Well, in another world line, this work is indeed Zhai Xiang's work, and it is also the pinnacle of Shimei Zhaiwu.

It's just that in this world line, under the cooperation between Jin Min Da Shi and Xia Sen, the original house has now become a work of art...

But anyway, after seeing this work, the otaku otaku all felt a certain resonance.

Especially the style of this work.

This work is not a realistic style often used by Master Jin Min, but an aesthetically cute style. Of course, there is almost no such concept now.

With the joint cooperation of the subject matter, story, style of painting and music of the work, the current "Fate of Space" came into being.

It is precisely because of this that many houses have spontaneously become water soldiers, which is the legendary "tap water".

Watching "Sora of Destiny" will not be regarded as an otaku, on the contrary, because of the depth of the work, the audience watching this work is actually quite stylish.

Being able to swagger into the cinema to watch such a work, this strange attraction made them all interested.

Hayami Moexiang is one of them.

The work that moved me the most was shot into an animated film.

That's not the case. Early Jian Mengxiang even wrote a film review for "Fate of the Sky".

Although it is an invisible otaku in the real world, Hayami Moexiang is a very famous online film critic on the Internet. Her comments can not only play a role on the Internet, but also can be used offline.

Regarding "Fate from the Sky", Hayami Moexiang wrote an article titled "The Last Animated Film Masterpiece of the 20th Century".

how to say.

2000 is a special year.

In this year, many animation works began to launch their own "big movie" series.

Digimon began to launch big movies, while Pokémon launched the emperor of the Crystal Tower, and My Goddess series also began to launch the theater version, and Detective Conan theatrical version also launched the assassin in the pupil.

But how to put it, these works are all works that are dependent on the original work, and are only works that rely on the original animation or manga.

But "The Space of Fate" is different. This is an extraordinary work that combines art and beauty, while also considering the public.

Although the relationship between brother and sister in the whole story is not grounded, the country style and the realistic development of the story seem to tell people: in this world, it seems that such things have happened before.

Well, there is actually one of the most critical reasons.

Ghibli has no major works this year.

Yes, next year's Ghibli will launch the legendary "Spirited Away", and before that, Ghibli had "Princess Mononoke", but at this moment they have no works published.

At the end of the century, there were no other two-eye works, and the work "Fate of the Sky" naturally appeared.

And the film review of "The Last Animated Film of the 20th Century" by Hayami Mengxiang affected a large number of netizens, and these netizens passed the news offline. As a result, recently everyone is spreading the "Last Mud of the End of the Century". "Boom animation film masterpiece" news.

"Two thousand years AD, this is the last year of the 20th century. In this year, the work "Fate of the Sky" entered our field of vision..."

"... Teacher Xia Sen and Supervisor Jinmin used a very special technique to present such a great book to us..."

"...The story takes place in the mud-boom countryside. The color of the story is bright and bright. This beautiful background like a painting presents the scenery of the village, but it is bright but the black emotion between the protagonist Kasuga and the brothers and sisters is presented. Strong contrast and contrast..."

"...The story deeply portrays the relationship between a brother and sister who is incompatible with the world, but this is only the surface of the story. What lies behind this story reflects our muddy humanity and reality..."

"...The story reflects the emotions between a pair of brothers and sisters. It is the state of reality today. Behind the seemingly impossible relationship between brothers and sisters, it tells an extremely realistic story..."

"... In the story, we can see that although the village is beautiful on the surface, there is a hidden house who lives here; a former office worker who escaped from Tokyo and returned to his hometown to work in the land after a good year . Behind the gentle story, what is shown is the oppression of the real world..."

"...In the story, there is a vocabulary called'atmosphere' (Mori summer uses the word "empty" in the original text, which refers to atmosphere in Japanese). In the story, everyone is driven by this atmosphere , And the reason why the Kasugano brothers and sisters came to the country was also because of the influence of this atmosphere..."

"...In the story, the feelings between brothers and sisters are not accepted by the world, but if we replace this intolerable content with the individuality of each of us, and then replace the worldly feelings with the atmosphere of the real world, we Everyone is immersed in this kind of "air". In order to avoid being different from everyone, we smoothed out our edges and corners and made ourselves try to be like others even if we do meaningless things."

"...There is a detail in the story. An old gentleman's brother died in the war. He looked very stubborn on the surface, but in the story, we can know that because of his brother's death, he I am very disgusted with the enthusiasm in the surrounding'air'..."

"...The ending of the story is also very intriguing. Although it is impossible to reveal the plot, such an ending, for the brothers and sisters, may be a kind of redemption worth pondering..."

In order to avoid spoilers, the article did not tell in many places, although it only said a few branches, but such a story also made people interested in the story.

Yes, at this time, the entire "Fate of the Sky" has changed in the eyes of the public.

Someone looked through the comments of the judges and editors in the Naoki Award.

Combined with the story of the entire animated film, people have already made a judgment on the tone described in "Fate of the Sky": this is a story with realistic meaning described with a somewhat peculiar perspective.

Of course, these contents are hidden behind the story.

As far as reality is concerned, what "The Sky of Fate" depicts is just a pair of brothers and sisters living in the countryside. In this life, the brothers and sisters break through the inner hesitation, traverse the obstacles of reality, and finally move towards a better tomorrow.

The ending of the movie is an open The bond between the siblings has been sublimated into something that transcends family and love.

It is precisely because of this feeling that at the end of the whole story, the distorted sibling love has been sublimated. From one of the main contradictions of the story, it has been sublimated to the shining point of the whole story.

What's more, this episode is particularly capable of infecting people. After all, it is described by Senxia with reference to reality. Although a little absurd, in a sense, it is indeed very real.

At least as a *haami Moexiang, she likes it very much.

It is precisely because of this that Zaomi Mengxiang will promote a wave of Yuanzhikong on the Internet every night, telling everyone what a wonderful work this is.

And there are many "tap water" who have the same idea as Hayami Moexiang, some of them organized themselves in the morning.

In any case, what "Fate of the Sky" depicts is a somewhat special subject and content. To be honest, in the morning, there is not much confidence in whether such works can really be welcomed by the public.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of online discussions on "Fate of the Sky", she knows that as a person who is often active on the Internet in the morning, the number of people on the Internet is absolutely a small number.

It’s like the hero locus is very popular on the Internet, but the active users of this game add up to only a few hundred thousand, and a popular console game that sells millions of copies is not a problem. What's more, it can get tens of millions of copies, or even hundreds of millions of sales!

This is the gap.

However, as a hidden house that can only exert influence on the Internet, Hayami Moexiang can only do her best on the Internet.

It's been a month since Yuan Zhikong was released, and the time left is running out. She just hopes that the final results of this work will be better...


Meow Meow Meow Today

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