Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1237: That green double ponytail!

The content drawn on the draft paper was taken out at this time.

This is what Morinya made to make it easier for her to remember the creativity of another world line.

And now, it's time for this draft book to appear.

The one drawn on paper is a character.

The painting style is completely different from the current works.

Lovely eyes, green double ponytails, and cute costumes, everything shows the cuteness of this girl.

It's a pity that the character painted on the draft is Morinha's early work, and the style is still a bit immature.

But it is undeniable that this girl with a green double ponytail is a very eye-catching girl.

"this is……"

Qianjia and Lihua both crossed their heads, and both eyes looked at what Senxia was showing here.

"This character is called'Hatsune Miku'-it's an idol!"

Morinka said.

"Animation idol? Two-dimensional idol? No, it should be...virtual idol?"

When talking about "virtual idols", Qianjia suddenly lit up. She probably understood what Senxia wanted to do.

"Hey, it's almost the same concept. This character is a virtual idol-Hatsune Miku." Morinka said.


Since a big project is to be undertaken, of course it must be promising.

And what kind of project is promising?

The answer is many.

If you ignore other industries and focus solely on the animation game industry, there are too many to count.

But if we exclude works that are not suitable for this era, and then remove some of the content that is not enough in the impression, what we can do at this time is obvious.

The answer is the one in front of me: the virtual idol Hatsune Miku.

If you talk about virtual idols, there are probably many.

A combination similar to the future lovelive is one of the most classic.

But for the creator of virtual idols, "Hatsune Miku" must be the most important part of it.

There were virtual idols before Hatsune Miku, and there were virtual idols after Hatsune Miku.

But whether it was before or after that, everyone who was discussing virtual idols would not remember before and after, but would think of this "Hatsune" as a benchmark.

From the beginning of its establishment to ten or fifteen years later, "Hatsune Miku" has always been the most famous and enduring one among virtual idols.

"Are you going to make an animated drama, and then hold out this virtual idol?" Qianjia said.

"No, for Hatsune, we don't do animation." Morinka said.

"...Don't do it?"

Qianjia looked at Senxia, ​​and she seemed very surprised by Senxia's view.

Qianjia's eyes looked at Morinia here curiously, seeming to be waiting for Morinia to continue speaking.

But Morinka didn't speak immediately. On the contrary, he first organized his thoughts, and then said: "Hatsune Miku will not have anime-at least for ten years. This is an established matter."

Morinka turned her head and looked at the senior sister: "'Hatsune' should not be bound by a single fan drama. Only such Hatsune has a real'future'."

Animation has the advantages of animation, but animation also has its disadvantages.

Morinya knew this well.

After Qian Jia finished speaking in Senxia, ​​she immediately understood.

If this virtual idol has its own animated drama, it means that this character already has its own story.

Stories can indeed facilitate the creation of characters.

——But sometimes, this is also disadvantageous.

The purpose of the story is ultimately to sell characters.

Perhaps many people have a good impression of a certain character, but this person may have forgotten the original work; perhaps many people like the heroine’s character, but he may not have any interest in the whole story; of course, there are also The kind of people who purely like stories exist.

But in any case, it is undeniable that the "role" itself is very important.

A story that does not pay attention to the role may be exciting, but such a story has no place to expand.

On the contrary, if the role is well formed, then things are different. On another world line, the 06 version of FATE's story is not good-looking, but this animation has portrayed a girl named Saber, Altria.

Some people may not know the FATE series, but when they see this "Saber", they can all understand.

"Mao Wang" can be said to be a very important link in the entire pan-two-dimensional space.

But as for the story?

I know that among the characters of "Mao Wang", I am afraid that nine out of ten can't tell what the other party has experienced in the story. Among the remaining characters, it is possible to quickly say whether "My King" is Whenever I bought a lion doll, I am afraid that there are very few things to do with Shilang... Well, these contents are a bit more demanding, but it is undeniable that the characters are the soul of the story.

The story is for the character.

It is easy to confuse everyone without creating an impressive character story.

These characters may be gentle, or mad, or irritable, or loving, but these characters must be impressive.

Just like Tokisaki Kakusan, perhaps many people don't know the so-called "Dating Fight", but for that crazy Kuangsan, many people can say a few words even if they follow suit.

"It's interesting, but without a story, what are you going to do? If you don't use a story to create a character, what about the character's personality?"

Qianjia knows what Senxia means, but Qianjia also wants to know how Senxia faced these remaining problems.

The role is very important, but what Qianjia said does have an impact on the shaping of the entire role.

"Well, I just want to avoid the audience's understanding of the role too clear. As the saying goes, looking at flowers in the fog, I want this kind of effect."

After hearing what Senxia said, Qianjia also fell into deep thought.

"A thousand people have a thousand Hamlet in their hearts. If that's the case, don't you define'Hamlet' in the beginning?"


Hatsune Miku can indeed be an idol, but Hatsune Miku is not an ordinary idol.

"But what on earth do we do, if we don't do animation, how do you cultivate the characteristics and popularity of this character?"

The zoom effect of animation is very powerful.

If there is an animation, it is very easy for Hatsune Miku to be popular.

But if there is no animation, it would be a little difficult to make people like this character.

"I don't know if the elder sister still remembers the video of the running group we made before?"

"Ah, that kind of thing, in a sense, it's something similar to live, or dynamic audio cartoons." Qianjia nodded, indicating that she understood.

"Yes, after we finished it, didn't we let someone do the dubbing and then go through the electronic processing?"

Hearing what Morika said, Qianjia immediately thought of what Morika said at that time-at that time, Morika actually wanted to adopt the mechanical dubbing of electronic software, and now Qianjia also thought of Morika's that day. Make complaints.

"What if we regard Hatsune Miku as a ‘reader’ and a ‘singer’? What we need is that these audiences can use ‘Hatsune Miku’ to create.”

Yes, this is Senxia's goal.

Hatsune Miku's Japanese is "Hatsune Miku" pronounced "Hatsune_Miku" which is also "哈素银米库".

In another world line, Hatsune Miku was developed by Yamaha seven years later, in 2007.

At the beginning, Hatsune Miku was not a so-called pure idol. To be precise, at that time, Hatsune Miku was a sound source library developed based on Yamaha's VOCALOID series of speech synthesis programs, and this sound source data was sampled from the voice actor Saki Fujita.

"Hatsune" means "the original voice" and also refers to "the original VOCALOID2", and "future" refers to "the possibility of future music symbolized by VOCALOID".

This is the grand occasion of Hatsune.

Hatsune Miku went live in August, but around December, its original songs had exceeded 1,000. Among them, there are even many works created by the cooperation of anonymous netizens on the Internet. Some people compose and arrange music, some write lyrics, some are responsible for painting, and some make videos.

In just one year, Hatsune Miku has gone from a pure sound source to a true "virtual idol".

"Do we have so many creators?" Qianjia muttered.

"Well, this is indeed a bit subtle." Morinya murmured, "If we postpone for three years, I think our success rate should be 70%. If it is postponed for five years, I think the chance of winning is 90%, but now If it does, I think the probability of success is about 40 to 50%."

Because the internet is underdeveloped!

Senxia sighed.

Because the Internet is underdeveloped, whether "Hatsune Miku" can survive is actually a somewhat delicate matter.

But the reason why Senxia has confidence is because the Internet development speed of this world line is faster than that of the other world line.

Speaking of, the rapid development of Nihong's network is not because of Senxia, ​​well, to some extent, it is no problem to say that it is Senxia's pot.

The development of the Internet, on the surface, is because the mud bomb saw the country of Father—oh, that is, the development of the Internet in the lighthouse country. The faster development of the Internet in the lighthouse country is due to the increase in the growth rate of Internet users in the lighthouse country, and the explosive "Hero Trail" has swept Europe and the United States.

Many Internet solution providers, after seeing the popularity of "Hero Trail", have this work to promote, let everyone install the Internet, and the development of the Internet, in turn, makes the game more popular, in this cycle of stimulation Below, the number of broadband users in the Beacon Country is really increasing dramatically.

After Ni Hong discovered that his father's country had begun a new round of reforms, they learned from the pain and began to learn from their father to further increase investment.

Therefore, the speed of the network development of the mud bomb is showing a sudden growth mode.

It's like now.

And it is the acceleration of network development that gives Morinatsu the confidence to make Hatsune Miku.

Hatsune may not be able to develop in a full-scale Internet environment, but Hatsune can develop along with the Internet.

But Senxia didn't dare to blindly trust her, but conservatively estimated her own success rate.

Four to fifty percent.

This is Senxia's judgment.

"I am going to cooperate with Yamaha, if possible, to acquire some shares there, or to carry out equity swaps, all to an acceptable level."

"Well, indeed, with all this money, it is also a good choice to buy some clubs. It is also acceptable to buy some clubs like Yamaha."

Yamaha is a veteran company that was born in the last century, that is, the park in 1887. This club was founded in Hamamatsu, a mud-hung city. Its products include keyboard instruments such as pianos, electronic organs, synthesizers, brass, woodwinds and other wind instruments, and violins. , Cello and other stringed instruments, as well as all percussion instruments, up to the most advanced professional audio equipment.

In addition, Yamaha is also a comprehensive international group operating various other products such as music popularization business, network products, sporting goods, kitchen and bathroom products, engines, and placement machines.

——By the way, Tokuma Bookstore was also a group of this kind before the 1990s, but Tokoma Bookstore was not strong enough, and in the end there was nothing left, and Yamaha here is very happy and happy~www.mtlnovel .com~Four years later, in 2004, Yamaha developed the first generation of VOCALOID, the core engine of speech synthesis software for electronic music production.

Although Hatsune Miku was born seven years later, the core part of Hatsune Miku was born in 2004.

"But even if there are 10 billion, for Yamaha, I am afraid it may not be tempting for them, right?"

Qian Jia raised a crucial question.

There is a lot of money here.

But sometimes people have more money.

"It's okay, we can cooperate."

There are many methods afterwards, but the methods that can develop Hatsune Miku are limited now.

Cooperating with Yamaha is one of the better ways that Senxia thought of-after all, Senxia does not have the precipitation of other established companies.

In many cases, the experience of the established company itself is the greatest wealth. Sometimes Morinka does not possess such precious things, so Morinka has to rely on each other in many cases.

However, this of course does not mean that Morinia can only be led by the nose.

On the contrary, by pulling the other party into the water at this time, they can also bear the risks together.

But now Morinka does not intend to expand on this topic.

Because the more important relationship is Hatsune Miku itself.

Qianjia has this view too.

"Don't say anything else, since you said not to do animation before, you are now talking about cooperating with Yamaha, is it to start with music?" Qianjia asked.


If there is a wrong classmate in the previous chapter, just download it again on the mobile phone.

There is no way to get a convulsion, sad story...

By the way, on a certain website, Hatsune is really a lot of MMD, especially the various 18X categories...

Two-in-one meow...

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