Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1240: Black Rock and Hatsune

Hatsune gradually achieved a series of projects with a software.

Even if there is no fan drama, Hatsune Miku's popularity definitely surpasses many fan drama animations.

This is the power of Hatsune Miku.

By the way, Hatsune Miku also played one of Morinka's "My Wife is So Cute" for a while.

Senxia and Qianjia are busy with this aspect of things at this time, while Lihua's side is... er... walking through the back door to find a relationship.

How to cooperate with a large company?

The answer is simple: find someone.

Networking is one of the most important resources in the world.

The programmer recommended by Bill Gai and the programmer recommended by Luo Chuizi, even if the standards of the two programmers are similar, even if the latter is higher, the former must be worth more.

this is the truth.

There is basically no cooperation between Morinia and Yamaha.

But Lihua and Qianjia have them there!

Oh, yes, in fact, the Aoi family, who is engaged in real estate, has closer contact with each other, so the first step for Lihua to find Yamaha is to ask Erika...

Although it sounds complicated, the rules of the game are like this.

What, you said that you are a rebirth, directly vote for the other party a Hatsune Miku project, and then want to invest?

Hmm...this is a little bit difficult. The probability of being ignored is 30%, the probability of being snatched by the opponent is 30%, the probability of being forced to buy out the copyright at a low price is 30%, and the probability of the remaining 10% is that the other party thinks you are a genius. , Decide to cooperate with you, and the probability of an extreme smile, they think you are a peerless wizard in the sky but nothing in the earth, and finally they will worship.

Therefore, after Morinha made the initial project, he went straight to the back door and contacted the other party's higher level.

After Morinka asked Lihua to find Yamaha, he set about making a character about Hatsune Miku.

At this moment, Senxia is in Qianjia's apartment, and two people are facing a set of people and are discussing.

There is a line of small characters written next to the character, written in three languages.

"Black Rock Shooter", Japanese is "ブラック★ロックシューター" English is "_SHOOTER".

Although there is a suspicious symbol in the middle of the text, this work is that the black rock shooter did not run away.

To contact Yamaha, Morinya started to prepare for this.

"Does this have anything to do with Hatsune Miku?"

Qianjia looked at Senxia.


"——Then what are we doing this for?"

"Although it has nothing to do with Hatsune Miku, it has something to do with Hatsune Miku too!"

Morinka said.

"You mean, these two characters are double ponytails?" Qianjia squinted at Morinya here.

No, this is not just ordinary squinting, but a murderous look.

Obviously, Senxia's nonsense made Qianjia feel very unreliable.

Generally speaking, the unreliable person should be Qianjia, but now it sounds like the unreliable guy here is Senxia.

"No, no, no, what we want is the kind of specious relationship." Senxia said.

"..." Qian Jia did not speak, but continued to wait for Senxia's forced explanation.

"Well, how do I put it, my argument is that we have to use this specious perspective to promote...probably so."

Morinatsu thought for a while, and decided to elaborate on the relationship between Kuroiwa shooter and Hatsune Miku.

"How should I say, although the words of the two characters are different, they are specious. In this way, we can make the relationship between the two interact with each other." Mori summer explained, "Hatsune Miku is impossible. It’s an animation, but—Black Rock Archer can do it!"

Many people think that the role of Black Rock Shooter is because of the role of Hatsune Miku.

But it is not.

Strictly speaking, Kuroiwa Sagittarius and Hatsune Miku appeared at the same time.

——Everything started in 2007.

Unlike Hatsune Miku from Yamaha, the origin of Kuroiwa shooter is a picture published on the Internet: a girl with a double ponytail wearing a black dress and holding a giant gun. This "three-no" girl with two pony tails is an impressive character, especially the flame-like blue light from Heiyan's eyes-there is no way that the heart of the second disease will explode in an instant! There are wood!

There are many characters with eyes burning with flames, but Black Rock Shooter is indeed a character who can make the second sickness of the audience burn.

Of course, the creation of Kuroiwa Sagittarius and Hatsune Miku appeared at the same time, but Kuroiwa Sagittarius was indeed influenced by Hatsune Miku.

In another world line, the Black Rock shooter was officially popular in the following year, June 2008.

At the very beginning, the Black Rock Shooter was just a single person designing the map. But at this time, I got inspiration from this picture and published the original song "Hatsune Miku's original song "_Shooter"" on the animation.

It is precisely because of this work that the Black Rock Shooter suddenly became popular.

With a Gothic, stable and heavy world view, coupled with the three-no but somewhat subtle and slender girl's big gun, this kind of super-contrast contrast made the Black Rock shooter fire, and then began to develop beyond the media.

Even at the time, many people rumored that this character was the so-called "Blackened Hatsune", and some people said that this character was called "Mukune".

Fortunately, the mud bombing domestically, in other areas overseas, the rumors are very widespread.

Because of these things, it is completely correct to say that the black rock shooter is Hatsune Miku long ago. But on the other hand, the appearance of the black rock shooter has also strengthened Hatsune Miku's popularity, which is undeniable.

It is worth mentioning that on another world line, in addition to the TV version of the Black Rock Shooter, the OVA version has also been launched before. In addition to being free to watch on the Internet, it can also be viewed in shops or large-scale events on the street. I saw it on the page, and even presented it to readers in the form of a magazine appendix-and the total number is as high as 600,000.

It can be said that if you don't say "gift", this sales volume is absolutely crazy and kills a large number of works.

Well, but this is not comparable. There is no way to compare the presented works with the ordinary works.

Moreover, the TV version of Black Rock Shooter is completely different from the general TV works, so it is of little reference value.

Moriha laboriously explained the relationship between the black rock shooter and Hatsune Miku, and explained how to use the black rock shooter to warm up with Hatsune Miku, which really took a lot of effort.

But Qianjia finally understood what Morinatsu meant this time.

"Do you think there is a play?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, 70%."

Morinka said.

Black Rock Shooter is a very, very rare animation that appears because of the character.

At the beginning, the Black Rock Shooter had only one character, but with this character, the Black Rock Shooter has a series of works and animations. It can even be said that the TV of the entire work was created because of the black rock shooter, and it also exists because of the black rock shooter.

By the way, the Japanese pronunciation of "Eagle No", which is often played in Zhai Xiang's novels, is "Little Bird Tour". It is also because of the female number two of Black Rock Archer. The name of this character is "Eagle No". But the pronunciation is "Little Bird Tour". This setting is the same as the forcibly phoneticized "Mato" of Tiaoyue True Hitomi.

Besides, there are many surnames that are directly pronounced "Yingwu" in addition to the name "Yingwu".

"Seven percent? Will the risk be too great?"

"A philosopher with glasses once said that as long as there is a 50% probability, that is enough."

"The elder has never said this." Qianjia and Senxia would be dead together.

"No, it's a wise man who likes to eat apples!"

"Well, forget it, I think it's interesting anyway." Qianjia can find a lot of pitfalls in Morinha's works, but this doesn't mean that Qianjia has to complain. After seeing favorite stories and interesting ideas, Qianjia became interested.

After all, he is a person who likes to do things. The first idea when encountering things is how interesting and how to come, and Qianjia's ideas are fine.

"Then, what kind of story are you going to make?" Qianjia asked again.

"The story..."

Senxia scratched her head in embarrassment: "I really haven't thought about this."

The original work of Heiyan Archer, the story is relatively weak, in simple terms, it means that sister paper, a good Jiyou who turned into a twist for herself, transformed (this description is actually inaccurate) to become a Heiyan archer, and then eliminated the psychological shadow of the sister papers , In the end, everyone reconciled as before...

All in all, the plot of the original story is actually quite weak, and the whole story has no plot that can arouse people's discussion.

Because the plot of the original book is originally a straight line. You can think of how the subsequent plot will develop even with your feet.

"I'm going to line up as an action blockbuster." Morinka said.

"Action movie?"

"Yes, I am going to call Montumm into the mud bombing country, and then let him be responsible for the things on the other side of the action."

Montum of this world line has not yet made a death fantasy, but people have already hugged thighs.

Senxia's huge golden thigh was the target of the opponent.

After incorporating this genius who died young, Mori Xia sent him to a certain eastern country.

At the beginning, I was learning, and then I followed to make blue cats. Now the other party has followed over there to make the Three Kingdoms series.

To be honest, among these parts, Montum's talents are already quite enough.

Thinking of this, Senxia couldn't help but think of Montum, another world line.

Before his RWBY left Montumm, the plot was a relatively weak relief. After he left, the plot completely began to release itself. At the same time, the characters who were originally biased towards the Japanese aesthetic style began to move towards the beauty of the comics. The style has shifted, which can only be said to be a pity.

On this world line, will we find someone to help Montumm make RWBY, and then become a screenwriter or something?

Mori summer also considered the work of magic change before. After all, the role of RWBY's early trailer is really impressive.

"Ah, the little guy you brought from the lighthouse country? I heard, it seems that he did a good job in a certain eastern country."

Qian Jia also thought of each other.

"I've seen the one in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it's really good."

The animation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has already been completed, and Qianjia has also seen it here.

Unlike the mud bomb, the animation of a certain oriental country is also broadcast once a day. The review of the entire work is also the kind of film that must be taken out.

Therefore, when making the animation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the method over there can't be to make and play it at the same time, but to wait for it to be done before looking for someone.

This aspect of a large eastern country is also one of the constraints on its development.

Of course, this is also good, that is one episode a day... It looks cool.

"But can that person make this "rice shochu" design?"

"Ah, I think it's ok. Well, it's better to say, because it is'rice shochu', he is more suitable."

Morinya thought of Montumm's "Death Fantasy" series at this time.

This is a coincidence.

Because when Montum made the death fantasy, it was also in 2007. The first fan 3DCG work of his "Death Fantasy" was released in October of that year.

The protagonist lineup is also very including female characters from the series of games such as "Halo", "Final Fantasy", "Dead or Alive"...Huh, it seems that some strange works have been mixed in?

"Moreover, I think he has great potential, even as a supervisor in the future."

"Looking for someone from the lighthouse country to supervise?"

Senxia was even better than Qianjia playing here, which made Qianjia stunned at Senxia.

"Ah, yes, I think this seems very interesting, his talent is very good, can not be buried, this black rock shooter, can you let him try?"

Well, but the opponent is still a bit too young. It's fine to hit the opponent at this time. It mainly depends on the opponent's action design.

But after that, Morinya does have plans to find the other party as a supervisor.

Of course, for scripts or something, Montumm cannot be allowed to do it. Professionals must be found for that thing.

To be honest, Senxia feels that even if I find it on the first floor of Dahanoi, it is actually better than the original script.

After all, although the first floor of Da Hanoi sometimes releases himself, many of his works are at the beginning of "God Beginning", and the plot is sometimes very interesting and good. Although it will run wild later, it is similar to Lelouch's work. , Are also very good.

Huh, wait.

The first floor of Hanoi is equipped with Montum. This combination... seems to be very interesting!


This paragraph was added later.

I almost got a bit of a mother's shadow again, the upload failed, and then I found that there was already, and almost wore it twice...

Forced to increase is the most deadly.

The wise man who likes to eat apples is the terrifying Chu Xuan.

Death fantasy, super fun.

Halo joined the Chief Sergeant, but the sister Sergeant Paper is actually not bad...

Author, super burnout

Two-in-one meow...

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