Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1247: The **** has no human rights!

Mori said with his conscience: "I feel that there are not too few elements, but too many."

"If there are too many, make two games."

It wasn't Senxia or Yukino who spoke, but Qianjia who opened the door and walked in.

"Study, senior sister?!"

Yukino's conscience was pressed on Senxia's head, making it difficult for Senxia to turn her head.

After hearing Qianjia's voice, Moriha suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

The sound was like a cat stealing fish caught by his owner's criminal.

"Senior sister, why are you here?!" Senxia asked quickly.


Well, the sister-chasing operation is about to begin.

But because of this, Senxia now sees Qianjia-senpai, but she has a sense of fear.

Qianjia put down the fried chicken and drink in her hand.

Well, it can be seen that Qian Jia really came to comfort Law Senxia as literally said.

Moriha noticed that Senior Sister Qianjia wore a pair of black stockings and a simple dark blue dress today. The slender ones should be neatly tied to each other's waist, bringing out the gentle and elegant figure and figure of Senior Sister.

She was well dressed.

Senxia could tell.

So Morinia now feels somewhat square.

I am good.

"Gui'an, senior." Xue Nao also greeted Qian Jia, but she did not move. On the contrary, Xue Nao's body leaned forward and more weight was placed on Senxia's body.

Is this the weight of conscience...

Senxia suddenly felt the weight of her conscience...

"Ah-Xuena and I are discussing games." Morinya said, "A game about zombies."

"Ah, I just heard it." Qian Jia said.

"This is the plan I made for my brother~" Xueno said proudly.

"Well, but there are a lot of elements now. Qianjia-senpai you just said that it is split into two games, which is actually not bad." Morinka said, "But for the game Yukino, I thought of a suitable and interesting name. , It’s good, it’s deep and breast...

"Well, what about a good name, do you plan to start the story from the school's main perspective?"

Hearing Qianjia's words, Morika was taken aback.


, Just listen to the name of this work and you know it should be a school-related work.

But Senxia thought for a while. In the original book, it seems that the elements related to the so-called "school" are apart from the initial school and the identities of the protagonist students.

Yes, yes.

Senxia thought for a while, until the original "Eunuch", the whole story has little to do with the school.

Even the part of the original book itself is not much. Although the length of the comics is a little bit, if it is made into a game, then a little bit of length may be only one or two big levels. Of course, you have to talk about constant watering and messing around, and you can make up a length of the game to come out, but in terms of the main line of the game, it is too short.

So Senxia thought about it. He felt that he could learn from here, probably just the beginning part of the meat setting and some detailed plots.

If you are making a game, if you want to learn from the future... there is no way!

"In this case, the design school becomes a base, it seems that it can be..."

What Senxia thought of at this time was picking up trash 4...disrespect, it was the content inside.

In it, players can customize their own communities, add objects to their communities, attract people, and if there is a mod, they can also repair buildings to create a modern or futuristic community.

This is not as free as this kind of game, but...this method saves resources!

Well, it saves more computer resources.

The image quality of the game is not very powerful, but the requirements for configuration are not low. This is because of the price this game pays for freedom.

On the contrary, inside, as long as you replace the game texture and add a game model, you can achieve similar or better results-but the degree of freedom is slightly lower.

But this model, Senxia felt that it was enough.

"If you want to split, I think it can be like this-one game is made into an rpg-like game that is close to collecting, operating, and defending, while the other is a constantly adventurous and progressive'offensive' shooting game. The former focuses on the operation of bases, while the latter emphasizes personal quality and enhancement. How about this?"

Senxia said so.

"I think if they are put together, it doesn't seem to be a problem, right?" Yukino felt that this seemed to be fine?

"Ah, but in this case, I have to explain the focus of the game." Morinya said, "If too many elements are added, it doesn't seem to be good."

"By the way, what kind of game is this game? If it's an online game, I think it's better to split it. If it's a stand-alone game, it's more interesting without splitting." Qianjia asked suddenly.

"Eh, why did Senpa ask?" Senxia was also a little curious.

"Because users want to see different things." Qianjia said as she sat on Morinka's bed, and then looked at Yukino and Morinka on the desk.

Seeing Qianjia's movements, Xue Nai over there pouted.

Qianjia didn’t seem to see Yukino’s small movements, she just fiddled with the tips of her hair lightly, and then said: “If you are an Internet user, according to our user behavior report, the other side said that users are Games that can fight more intensely are more interested. Whether it is against other players or the player’s own cooperation, players prefer an intense game process compared to management and other factors."

"Well, that's right."

Senxia also agrees with Qianjia's view in this regard.

The current composition of Internet users is very complicated. Some are their own PC enthusiasts, and some are pure and new. When the threshold of the Internet is gradually becoming low, Internet users have also begun to become strange.

Among them, social animals and middle-class game lovers in society have entered the world of games. And these people play games, as long as they want to cool off, vent their emotions.

At this time, most of the games carried on the Internet are designed for this.

Therefore, in this kind of game, it is impossible to add business elements.

On the contrary, if it is a stand-alone game, it is an exception.

Because the stand-alone game has a very special place, that is, the stand-alone game is a game that belongs to the player "one person".

It’s a great feeling to manage your own "one-person world" well.

Therefore, in this kind of story, it is possible to add a similar cultivation system.

Still use an example.

Although the game itself is very interesting, and it does have most of the elements that Morinka just said, the game itself is a stand-alone game, so you can mess around.

"Well, that's easy to do." Morinya said, "The story is divided into two routes like this. Let me think about it."

After sorting out the data in his brain, Morinka said at this time: "First of all, I want to say that the game I am going to do next is a stand-alone game, but we can also use the confrontation mode in the subsequent parts. "

"In the beginning, we were in the plot mode, and the players were mainly personal training. After the plot was over, the players would return to the school, clean up all the zombies in the school, and then use the school as a stronghold. But in this case, follow-up to the school , It can be two routes."

Since it is, it really has to be related to the school in the end.

As for how to "point a question", Morinatsu naturally thinks of another comic story related to "School Garden".

This game is called.

If you want to say, except for the point of selling meat, the story is much more interesting than the former.

Oh, by the way, this work is a healing work.

However, the "cure" element of this game is not created through the so-called cruel plot or disgusting monsters, but is formed through the contrast of the story and the reversal of the story.

The "cure" of this feeling is such a thing.

Especially for animation, although the sales volume is not very high-but it has driven the sales of comics soaring to 1.6 million-but the "healing" power is definitely not low.

At the beginning of the story, through the perspective of the heroine, Jang Qiang Yuki, the story of the four members of the "School Life Department" who stayed at the school was told.

The four students are: the atmosphere maker Yuki, the walnut who always carries a shovel, Yuri who leads everyone, and the reliable school girl Miki.

Under the guardianship of the gentle counselor, Sister Ci, everyone ate the school rusks in the morning, planted vegetables and fruits in the vegetable garden on the roof, and the cute puppy "Taro Maru."

The Japanese title of the game is also "がっこうぐらし!", the English title is "school-live!"-basically all have the meaning of "campus life", the whole work also adopts cute style of painting Portray.

Well, if you just see here, probably no one will think the whole story has anything to do with the so-called "zombies".

But later, this story will tell you that you are still too young.

In the works, the whole story seems to be "dead and cute everyday", but in fact it is not the same at all.

Because all the content in the whole story is an illusion caused by the spirit of the heroine.

The school was already dilapidated, and the teacher was actually a phantom created by Yuki Jangqiang because of his trauma--the teacher was actually dead.

Later in the story, the puppy also turned into a zombie and was then humane.

The dark history and mental state of the other three girls have also become very abnormal.

Later, you can even find that the most abnormal heroine at the beginning turned out to be more like a normal person...

All in all, this is such a work.

However, in Chinese, the concept of "school" has always existed.

Whether it was the school at the beginning or the university where the four people went to, the story did not leave the subject.

Even in the story, the school itself is related to the zombie crisis.

On the contrary, there is nothing in it... well, this is because the eunuch's pot, maybe the original design, everyone ended up returning to school, and then found that the basement of the school is the location of the man behind the scenes...

But what does that sentence say... the **** has no human rights...

It's such a sad thing.

So Morinia can also design this way.

"At the beginning of our story, the main content is on the growth of the character. At the beginning, the whole story is a narrative mode. If this goes on, as for the management part, a school bus is enough."

"Wait a minute!" Qianjia said, "Driving on a street full of zombies? At that time, the roads were probably blocked by vehicles! It must be like this!"

Well, this does have a problem.

"It's okay, it was a school bus at first, but we can arrange Umbrella next to the school... Well, forget it, whether it's the army or some Then we arranged for the protagonist to take one here The car crashes on the road, so that's it." Senxia said.

"Isn't this too forceful, Senxia-kun?" Qianjia changed her position, and she cocked her foot.

Hesi's toes faced Morinka's side.

But unexpectedly, Senxia did not smell any unpleasant smell, but felt a subtle fragrance.

"So this is a foreshadowing." Mori Xia said, "Why are things happening in other places, but there is no school? Why are the protagonists who are all students, but they are all able to escape? The school itself is a conspiracy. , The military base next to it or something, it would be reasonable if it exists!"

Senxia didn't plan to do a lot of content at the beginning. The upgrade of characters, equipment, and vehicle bases was enough.

"The whole story starts from the school, and then the truth is discovered at the end of the story, and then gradually returns to the school. At the end, everyone reveals the truth. That's it."

This is the route Senxia thought of.

As for the role, Morinka also thought of it.

Well, of course, the plot itself has to be revised. Moriha has borrowed so much creativity here, and of course he has done better here.

These days, the protagonist Komuro Takashi has the protagonist temperament, but...sure enough, let's modify it!

But the question is how to change it?

Senxia stared at Qianjia's toes, and then fell into deep thought.

Then, he felt that his conscience seemed to be getting heavier...


This name is indeed good, but... the story does not seem to have much to do with the school, on the contrary, the other one is more appropriate...

To tell the truth, just talk about the plot, the latter will kill the former...

Two-in-one meow~


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