Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1255: They are destined to start at 1

   The scene was very embarrassing.


Originally, the relationship between Morinka and Qianjia would not be so stiff, but now the relationship between the two should be in the "love strategy", but the intersection of the two is not limited to The so-called "love heart".


   As the saying goes, see you when you look up, you are talking about the relationship between Morinka and Qianjia.


   At this time, if you want to say something about "being in love" or "love strategy", it will make the scene super awkward.


   And now, Morinka is in this super awkward state.


   Although the two of them were already in a very casual state before, after entering the "love strategy", the relationship between the two seemed to be back before liberation in an instant.


   Then-the second episode of Lyrical Nanoha begins.


In another world line, the heroine Fett did not appear at the beginning, but in the story of Lyrical Nanoha, the orthodox "Magic Girl Story" was only told in 48 minutes, and then , The second episode of the whole story began to be completely different.


   The difference here is not only different from the magical girl, but also different from the original.


   As Nai Aotian, Nayha's position in the play is very clear, that is, "Your uncle will always be your uncle". The strongest setting is the strongest. It's just that Lyrical Nanoha is not trying to defeat Fett, but to soak...cough, to catch up with Fett and understand each other with Fett.


   As a black-bellied rice shochu with the strongest combat effectiveness, of course Naha chose the path of mutual understanding with Fett.


The content of the second episode completely tells the story of Nanoha's desire to understand Fett. The traditional magical girl's "collection of holy stone seeds" is no longer the main line of the story. The whole story is about Nanoha. The story with Fett.


   Gentle Lyrical Nanoha illuminates Fett's gloomy life, allowing Fett, who is at the bottom of the abyss, to see a ray of sunlight from the sky.


   "When Lyrical Nanoha meets Fett, the two men are destined to be intertwined."


   Qianjia suddenly spoke.


"Ah, in fact, Lyrical Nanoha is not Fett's light of life. The two people are more like the type of'even if they are ordinary people, I will definitely meet you, understand you, and fall in love with you'. No gender, no age, no identity."


   When writing, Morinka showed the relationship between Nanoha and Fett to the extreme.


   It can even be said that the whole work is a piece of dog food for these two people.


   As Morinka said, the relationship between the two has nothing to do with gender, age, or identity. If the two are two boys, they will definitely develop into that relationship.


   This is the description of Neha and Fett as Morinatsu.


   But for Morinka, it was cool to write, and he got a headache after finishing writing.


  Because of the "Iori Hayate" which will appear in the second part of the story, if it reappears at this time, it will make the original pure story less pure.


   So how to add the third place of the "Big Three" has become a matter for Morinatsu.


"Really, it seems that these two people are really enviable." Qianjia stared at the screen, "Mori, take a good look at Niha's strategy. You learned this role, but so much. You have never used human skills yourself! Look, if all these skills in the second episode are used on me, I will give you 100 favorability points."


  "—Then if I really did this, will Qianjia-senpai give me such a good impression?"




   speechless for a while.


   "No, I will directly deduct 100 favorability points."


   She stared at the screen and said such words in a calm tone.


   It's obviously a bit pungent words, but I don't know why. After hearing these words, Morinya felt a sense of inexplicable peace of mind.


   deducts 100 points of favorability, this sentence has a good style. But because of knowing Qianjia, CIA knew that-she flinched. The so-called deduction of 100 points of favorability is a concept that does not match the previous one.


   Replaced with the former Qianjia-senpai, she should increase her favorability by 100 points just because of this, making Morinya speechless. But at this time, Qianjia flinched.


  This... Is this an illusion?


   There are some subtle ripples in Morinatsu's heart.


   "...The game is scheduled very well, and the quality of the animation is also very high now. The sequel should be stable, right? What are you going to do?"


   Qianjia spoke again.


   "Well, there are considerations."


   As Qianjia said, the demo version of Nanoha Game has a very good reputation, and the sales look very good. At this level, even if the animation plate has zero sales, I am afraid it can be released in the second season.


   is also because of this, so here are considerations about whether to move Lyrical Nanoha from late night to prime time, and some people are considering whether to broadcast it late at night and during the day.


Nanoha’s animated version of "Lily" feels lighter, saying that the friendship between girls is not bad, at least if it is not the ordinary people in the house circle, they will not feel that there is a sense of violation, and the people in the house circle If you see it, you will feel that the orange is orange. Of course, this Jiqing is a more obscure and suggestive kind. It does not show the mountains and dews on the surface. The production team is determined to say "We want to write two magic girls The pure friendship between you is filthy in your thinking, and there is no problem.


   But how can I put it, the second season, this thing is really not neat.


Because in the follow-up part of the first season, Nanoha has already attacked the Space-Time Administration in order to help Fett. It doesn’t matter if you don’t continue to explain this issue in the first season, but in the second season, this matter must be Explanatory.


Of course, this can also be resolved. Because the story takes place in a world outside the jurisdiction of the Authority, it is actually sufficient to say "not within the jurisdiction", but Senxia feels that the force of the Authority should be higher. Some combination with Krypton Gold's "Star Ship Voyage" (tentatively named), this is even better.


   "It's probably the story of another girl."


   Even though she thought so, Morinatsu didn't plan to remove the role of Iori Hayate. So the second season is still the story of the other party.


   "Well, because one girl has already completed the strategy, do you complete the strategy for another girl? This is really like Mori-kun."


   Qianjia's angle is strange.


   But after hearing Qianjia's words, Morinatsu here is totally uncomfortable.


   "Ah-it's okay, everyone's friendship is very strong, it's not plastic sisterhood."


   Morika suddenly felt a little guilty.


   "Just as if you said--"




   The door opened.


   The two closed their mouths at the same time, and only the sound of the TV was left.


   Except for Nanoha's lines, the scene is extremely quiet.




  The orange scent in the orange is derived from the new fan "citrus~citrus flavor~" is the Jiqing version of the **** atmosphere in gay.





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