Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1267: Anti-routine magic girl

What was shocked by "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" was not only on the side of a certain eastern country.

In fact, this work not only shocked the people of a certain oriental country, but even the mud-bombed insiders were also shocked.

It's not that they don't know the "Sora of Fate" produced by Musashino Animation before.

That work was hailed by the mud bombing industry as the "Last Animated Film Masterpiece of the End of the 20th Century".

With the help of this work, Mr. Jin Min is also almost a step into the gods, becoming a hot and hot director.

"Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" is produced using the same technique as "Fate no Sora". But the latter is theater animation, the former is TV animation, which is simply not a matter of magnitude.

Of course, compared to the latter, the former’s skills are relatively streamlined, of course. If you don’t do this, don’t talk about the funding. At least in terms of time, Nanoha will never keep up with the October broadcast, even next year. It is also a question whether it can be in October.

After the initial surprise, these manufacturers quickly realized that the "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" produced by Musashino Animation was not a normal animation, but an animation of dazzling skills.

This discovery gave them a sigh of relief.

As for the original level of "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha", this one can just watch the previous "EVA-RETAKE".

Among these works, RE Evangelion also adopted new painting techniques, but they are not so radical.

The main innovation of RE Evangelion is the texture of the picture.

Including the clothes of the characters in the play and the textures of the robots, these are all changes, but it is only that.

In the RE Evangelion, the costumes of the characters have all undergone magical changes. For example, the protagonist’s battle clothes are all replaced with the texture of latex clothes, making all battle clothes very sensual and attractive. , And the modification of EVA also makes these robots more tense.

In addition to the color and texture, among the RE Evangelion, there are only small early adopters of photography techniques, but not to the level of "Fate no Sora" and "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha".

The animation companies of Nihong were shocked, but they also understood Musashino's actions.

But they still don't understand that Musashino's so much funding is really too much to burn.

They are not complaining about Musashino Animation, but simply admiring and hating Musashino Animation.

Musashino animation is of course very good, but they can't have so much money to burn.

You people from Musashino Animation have not considered funding!

Many animators were roaring in their hearts.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha’s first two episodes, each of which is two episodes of content, one episode is forty-eight minutes, and two episodes are ninety-six minutes. The length of some theatrical animations may not be that much... No, some theaters The funds for the animation version may not be enough to complete the two episodes of TV animation.

This is not to burn with too much money, what is too much money?

Well, their idea, in a sense, is really quite correct.

Because Senxia burned with too much money.

I, Senxia, ​​rich!

Don't think Morinka can't afford an apple, but Morinka can burn one or two animations here.

In this world, there are basically many types of works that can be funded.

One is a profitable investment return that can bring sufficient profits to investors.

One is a magnificent system that can give investors enough influence.

There is another kind, which is called... kitchen! force! put! Out!

The magical girl Lyrical Nanoha is a work released by Morinatsu.

I, Senxia, ​​rich!

Because it is very important, we must remind again.

Mori summer is rich, so Mori can let Musashino Animation burn money regardless of cost.

And the facts have proved that Senxia's approach turned out to be pretty good.

At least after Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha started to play, the World E-Sports Competition that was originally discussed by some people had basically disappeared in the mud bomb because at this time, everyone was discussing Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.

However, ordinary people see things from a different perspective than professionals.

What the professionals saw was the burning of Musashino Animation's funding. They even thought that the painting techniques used in "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" were dazzling productions that had no practical effect. My lady is a fox demon

The wealthy and willful Mori Xia is now the cancer of the animation industry.

As for the next rich and self-willed, it should be Netflix's father. In the future, Netflix of the great beacon country will invest in the animation industry of mud bombing and produce many rich and willful animations. Therefore, Netflix is ​​called "Netflix Dad".

However, there is no one on Morinya's side to call him by this kind of title.

In the eyes of professionals, Musashino Animation is a new animation company that cares about new techniques and technologies. Their technology is actually very good in some aspects.

As far as the audience is concerned, the situation is another appearance. The audience is more concerned about the plot itself.

Although "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" is a work of a magical girl, Nanoha's anti-routine is very surprising.

"This is the first time I have seen such a decisive and actionable magical girl!"

"Compared with Sakura Kinomoto next door, it's so sweet..."

"Yeah, the story of the magical girl Sakura was finished in one episode in Nanoha (laugh)."

In Lu Tianshang, countless people have already compared "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" with the previous "Magic Girl Sakura".

The first season of "Magic Girl Sakura" was premiered on April 7, 1998, with 35 episodes; the second season premiered on April 13, 1999, with 11 episodes; the third season was in 1999 It premiered on September 7, 2015, with 24 episodes. A total of 70 episodes.

Now that "Magic Girl Sakura" is only half a year away, everyone immediately compared the previous work with the current Magical Girl.

Although Capella Sakura was originally positioned as an animation for girls in the fourth to sixth grades, this animation was unexpectedly visited by many adults, even otaku. It is precisely because of this that Sakura Kinomoto is behind. Will become the "Moe King".

But after all, the age group originally targeted by this work is relatively young, so the plot is also very subtle, and for adults, it is slightly subtle.

But to be honest, everyone has accepted this kind of content.

Because this is the routine.

Since ancient times, magical girls have transformed themselves, followed by pets, and then have to collect "goodly set but useless props". This has become the three laws of magical girls.

The Tsukihare among the rice shochu warriors, and the Kinomoto Sakura among the Cardinal Sakura are all true.

The former turned into a sailor moon soldier, followed by a cat named Luna; the latter was turned manually (laughs) and wand deformed, followed by an unknown creature named Xiaoke.

The first half of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is easy to think of this traditional content.

What, you said to follow suit?

Hmm... this kind of content is used by too many people, and it is too classic, so that this kind of content has changed from the so-called "follow the trend" to the tradition.

This is like a magical girl twenty years later. If you don't say that you will turn around, die, and become crippled in darkness, then you are ashamed to say that you are a magical girl.

But to be honest, these black and disabled magic girls are actually one step ahead in the industry.

What cruel angel Zi, what magic is love, and what magic angel...cough cough...

Pulled away.

All in all, the appearance of the magical girl Lyrical Nanoha made everyone's eyes shine.

In 2000, this era was also called the "Golden Age of Magical Girl", and it was in this era that a "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha", which was not a work of Tucao, spit out the industry again. This feeling is very Subtle.

In the plot, Niha usually wears the tights of the protective suit under the clothes, and Yuno also asked him why, and his answer was very special.

"The dressing of protective clothing is not very convenient. Changing clothes in an emergency may give the enemy a chance? And when in front of everyone, it is not convenient to swish into a magical girl, right?"

This sentence is actually very popular.

Well, the transformation of the magical girl in the play can be completed in a very short time, but the spit of Lyrical Nanoha is really very subtle.

After that, Lyrical Nanoha used the Seed of Sacred Stone by himself, and found the operation of other Seed of Sacred Stone in one breath, which also stunned the audience.

Moreover, Nanoha was not mindless, but used his own methods to fight the Sacred Stone Seed.

Supreme God Eye

In other plots, the "unidentified creatures" who are responsible for giving the protagonist a magic device and guiding the protagonist are also at the point of being summoned by Lyrical Nanoha. Even this guy named Yuno himself is also being used by Lyrical Nanoha. A series of Sao operations were surprised.

Magical girl can still play like this?

Yuno's view is roughly the same as that of the broad audience in front of the TV.

"I thought Teacher Xia Sen was going to change his mind and become a magical girl, but his script really doesn't take the usual path..."

"But who can tell me that everything is done in the first episode, what should I do after this work?"

"Compared to the plot, I care more about painting. What is this'Nye and Fett's original paintings'? Why do the characters have special paintings?"

"Ah, shouldn't this story tell the story of Nanoha and Fett?"

"The game player passing by, just played the game plot, this story is probably telling the story between Neha and Fett."

"The gamers are out of the way! It must be the same as "Lelouch of the Rebellion", the animation plot and the game plot are definitely different!"

"Well, yes, in the world of the game, the role of Yuno does not exist at all!"

"The above definitely didn't play the game seriously. In the game, Yuno is to protect the people in the spaceship, so he didn't fall to the earth because he was going to pursue the seed of the holy stone!"

"Well, what I said above is correct. In my opinion, this plot should be the same as Lelouch, a completely different plot line. In my opinion, it should be similar to the FATE series."

The online discussion is very lively.

Speaking of, "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" also has very interesting things, because this work is an animation and a game launched simultaneously, but after watching the game plot, everyone's guesses about the follow-up plot are even more uncertain.

Because of the plot of the game and the animation, the gap is slightly larger.

Moreover, Moriha has a criminal record.

"Lelouch of the Rebellion" is also a work released with the same game and animation. After the game appeared, many wise players used the content of the game to "spoiler".

But these players were beaten by piapiapia in the back. The game plot on Morinya's side and the animation side are not so big.

So after the appearance of the current "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha", players who want to spoil them again at this time have hesitated, especially since the two works have a very big difference from the beginning.

In the plot of the game, there is no Neye going to Sao to collect the seed of the holy stone. Because there is no "Yuno" character in the game to "spoiler", at the beginning, Nanoha didn't know what the Holy Stone Seed was. Why should I collect it? Only from the heart of the rising sun. A little bit of information obtained there.

Yes, Yuno is removed from the game, and there are also settings based on game mechanics. Without Yuno, the Seed of the Sacred Stone can be reasonably made into "levels" in the game from the beginning.

After all, it’s a game. Of course, the storyline of the game is to pay attention to a "swipe"!

Similarly, the scenes in the game also show the consequences of how much disaster the Sacred Stone Seed will cause if it is left.

In the game, many designs and animations are different. One is for gameplay, and the other is to show the "impact of world line changes." This approach is also very successful.

Therefore, even game players can only discuss the plot with everyone at this time, not spoilers, they are estimated to be regarded as "wise".

Of course, whether wise or wise, Mori's tone at the beginning is correct. This work is the story of the tyrant (Naba) chasing the concubine (Fett)...

"But Niha is so cute..."

"Yeah, yeah, Fett who appeared at the end is also great!"

"I'm going to die without watching "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha"!!!"

It can be seen that the role of the magical girl Naha is also very successful. In the first episode, the show operation of Naha is impressive, and the last appearance of Fett, the glimpse of the surprise also made many players. Was poked in the strike zone.

In this situation, everyone began to wait for the content of the second episode...


How many classmates have thought that when the magical girl transforms, the enemy swishes up and slaps...

Bleeding, missing half of the manuscript, the first half of the chapter was rewritten, and I feel like I'm going to die...

Two in one...

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