Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1272: It seems that there will be another economic crisis next year, eh?

It's not that easy to find the picker, so Morinya is not in a hurry.


   At least for now, the state government of California welcomes the opening of wcg very much.


WCG, or the demand for Internet games, has accelerated the popularity of the Internet among ordinary people. This makes the California government feel the substantial benefits, and it is indeed meaningful to hold a world-wide game here. Things.


   But how should I put it.


   Morinatsu is not satisfied.


   "In fact, if you can, the lighthouse Guozhen is not the best choice, especially next year... No, now, you can feel it, senpai?"


   "You mean the abnormal development of the, is it fanatical?" Of course Qianjia knew what Morinya said.


  Those days in the lighthouse country, Qianjia actually learned some other news.


   And among these news, the Internet news is included.


  On the stock market, as long as you hang works with names related to "Internet" and "computer", you can fly into the sky and float green all the way in the lighthouse country. Green represents the rise and red represents the fall, which is the opposite of a certain eastern country.


   This is obviously abnormal.


   If it is an average person, it is likely to believe that the Internet is developing smoothly.


   But Qianjia realized the shortcomings.


"Judging by the number of users in the hero track, our increase in the number of users has not performed as well as the lighthouse country stock market." Lihua also said, "If it is so hot, follow the hero track's experience. The degree of welcome, not to mention doubling the number of our games, at least 50% increase, there should be no problem."


   But not.


  In modern times, the phenomenon that can exceed 100,000 people online is a phenomenal super Internet masterpiece.


   When the hero trajectory was the hottest, hundreds of thousands of people could be online, but if calculated, the current number of users obviously cannot keep up with the so-called network development trend.


Isn't    a hero trail?


   Not really.


   In the questionnaire survey conducted by Beacon Country, among the netizens, there are very few netizens who have not heard of hero trails, and many who have not been exposed to hero trails but want common sense because of their popularity.


   "To be honest, our development may not be able to explain that there is a problem with the entire Internet, but at least it shows that this kind of mismatched development has led to the lighthouse country, and some parts are not right." Mori Xia said.


   "A bubble... Hey, I thought about it ten years ago."


   Qianjia suddenly thought of ten years ago.


Ten years ago, the financial bubble of the mud bomb burst, and the entire mud bomb ushered in the "lost decade". After that, this "ten years" will become "20 years" or even "30 years". year".


   "Well, almost." Morinka was noncommittal.


   After all, they were about to be split up immediately after the financial bubble, and they were called to an emergency stop before they survived. This is enough to explain the seriousness of the matter.


It was at this time that the 911 incident occurred in the Lighthouse Nation, which was extremely close to the self-directed and self-performed 911 incident, which successfully diverted the attention of the people of the Lighthouse Nation, and allowed Bush to fight a war, smoothly revitalizing the situation in the Nation Otherwise, the burst of the Internet bubble will only have greater influence.


   However, it turns out that this kind of revitalization is only temporary. After that, the Beacon Nation encountered a subprime mortgage crisis again... Senxia had nothing to say.


   "So, the lighthouse country is not our best choice, it can only be used as an alternative." Morinka said.


   "Wait a minute, Senxia-kun." Qianjia suddenly thought of something, she looked at Senxia, ​​"Speaking of which, the financial turmoil of the previous two years, you seem to be right?"


   "Uh, what's the matter?" Senxia asked strangely.


   "I think you are very sensitive to finance!" Qianjia smiled and leaned close to Senxia, ​​putting her hand on Senxia's shoulder.


   "Ah, I think Lihua has a better sense of smell in this respect."


  In terms of finance, Morinka once wanted to do it when she came to this world.


   He also deliberately wanted to use financial leverage to make a small gain, earning him thousands of times, tens of thousands of times the profit.


   is like those financial novels that I have read before. A short sale instantly turns one million into one hundred million, and one hundred million into ten billion.


  The most nonsense novel I have ever read is that a dear friend directly made trillions of assets when the stock market crashed in the 1990s.


   But the more I understand finance, the more Morinatsu feels superficial.


   trillion empty orders?


   You are kidding meowing! How can the stock market make you so messy!


  What, did you really do it?


   Well, it doesn’t take the next day. That night, the national government will kindly come to the door: Come, come, Xiansen, I invite you to have tea, let’s discuss life~


   "Qianjia means...Shall we go to the stock market for a tour?"


   Lihua understood what Qianjia meant.


   "Almost, I also think the Internet in this country is overheated."


   "It can be, but you must pay attention to the scale. Make money without thinking about it. We can aim to control those high-quality Internet companies." Mori summer said.


If Senxia can really earn him a hundred and one trillion yuan in the lighthouse country, he is sure that no matter how big he is, it will be difficult to see the sun the next day unless he is willing to give up most profit.


As for billions, tens of billions, etc., it is possible on paper, but the money on paper may also be worthless. People will make false claims with you and then declare bankruptcy after transferring assets. One billion, maybe several million, or even negative equity.


   Didn't Alice ever complain about this?


   But conversely, it is good to take advantage of this opportunity to control some Internet companies.


   Morinatsu doesn’t really need this kind of intervention, but the Order of the Phoenix does.


Unlike Sony, which has a big business, most of the Order of the Phoenix has inherited the legacy from Sega. Okay, Sega has not yet died, but the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not Sony after all. Although its own research and development capabilities are strong, it does not have that strong Sustainability.


   If it hadn't been for the blood transfusion from the scientific research of a great eastern country, the situation on the Order of the Phoenix would be even worse.


   Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, no matter how bad it is, Sega’s original team is actually better than Sony in terms of game development, but the advantages of the machine itself are not bad.


   But if you want to develop a handheld, then say another thing.


   Mori and Lihua had a discussion before.


   Morinatsu thought about it at that time.


Under normal circumstances, I might still be able to play on my own side, but there are some problems with the handheld part, Morinka’s side is not that I can’t do it, nor that I can’t do high-performance, but I want to have the psp There is a problem with the machine that competed with China's "generation of magic machine".


  Excellent energy consumption ratio is essential to mobile devices.


   Morinka’s xbox series has a good battery life contact, because Morinka castrated the cpu here. They use the same generation of gba products, but the performance is not as good as gba, or even quite different. This is because Mori summer dare not mess with the same cpu, Mori summer is more battery life than Nintendo.


The handhelds developed by Sega are good, but since the first generation of research and development, they have not considered battery life. Gamegear in the lighthouse country is basically used as a car game console, not a portable game console. .


   "So are we now going to decide which vendor to acquire?" Lihua asked.


"You can make a plan," Morinya said. "If the Internet bubble is burst, we will go, if not, we will invest. We can't afford Apple, which will always pay off, but the investment is small. Small companies are fine."


  啧, sure enough, I am not really a rich person, just like the future Apple, I can take out billions in one breath without breathing, that is the real rich person!


   Thinking about it carefully, Morinka felt that she was actually a royal family member.


   In this world, I should be regarded as the only descendant of the czar, think about it this way, we are actually descendants of the royal family too!


   Although this identity is not very exposed.


  Sinxia thought of her previous life inexplicably at this time. If the two world lines are roughly the same, then her grandparents in her previous life once had a great-great-grandmother who was said to be Maomei. Now think about it, is it...


   But I haven't heard of Kolchak's gold in my family in my last life.


   The most impressive thing about Morinatsu is the two onion aliens who live downstairs in his home.


  啧, why was I blind at the beginning, I thought it was two cute girls...


   pulled away.


  Returning to the real world, Morinka continued: "When the time comes, we will see if there is a way to get 3dfx."


   "Ah, aren't they dying?" Qianjia said.


   "Because it doesn't work, it's an opportunity! The new generation of home consoles after us have very high requirements for display. Sega's technology may not be able to keep up."


  3dfx, maybe young people in the future don't know it, but for the older generation, the name of "Voodoo Graphics" is very powerful.


   In fact, 3dfx is the company that launched the first 3d graphics card.


  3dfx is a company specializing in the development and production of graphics cards and 3d chips, established in 1994. So far, this company is a leader in graphics chips.


   "Didn't you still invest in the shares of ati and NVIDIA? Even if you want to make chips, it's better to find them?"


   "That stock is investment, investment. For now, the performance of 3dfx's graphics cards is at the top level in the industry, right? It's just because of strategic mistakes in business and problems caused by graphics card yield."


   It can be said that if there is no 3dfx, there would be no current, nor, let alone.


   And just this year, 3dfx just ended a lawsuit with Nvidia, and then the opposite party bought shares at a low price, and after another two years, the other party was completely dead.


   In fact, the reason why 3dfx is valued by Morinya is because 3dfx and Sega are “destined”.


On another world line, after 3dfx was beaten down by Nvidia, they put all their hopes on Microsoft. They prepared to acquire gigapixel at a price of 180 million U.S. dollars and hoped to obtain an order for the xbox graphics chip that the giant will launch. .


   Well, yes, it is the host named xbox on another world line.


   The xbox console was after Sega’s dc failure. Bill Lid was completely disappointed with the pig teammates, so he decided to throw himself away.


   This is the same as the future giants launching surface. Teammates are not strong enough, so we can only do it ourselves!


   But in this world line, the situation is different.


The launch of   dc-p revitalized the previously lost game positions, and because of the excellent applications of the Order of the Phoenix to the bottom layer, the giants saw a greater prospect, and they even increased their support.


   Moreover, in a large eastern country, dc-p has also been transformed, using a huge wince bottom layer, thus creating a graphical interface, and preparing to enter the market with the identity of "office machine" and "learning machine".


   However, the latter has not received much support from the giants, because the game console ban has not been issued in a certain oriental country, and the giants do not know the true "value" of this machine that can enter the market of a certain oriental giant.


   Even, the giants also rejected the idea of ​​transplanting office components on this machine from the Order of the Phoenix. As a result, the latter had to find a company in a large eastern country to develop the corresponding plug-in.


   back here.


On another world line, the giants finally chose to cooperate with NVIDIA and successfully issued xbox, which caused 3dfx’s stock to fall again, and finally 3dfx was eventually acquired by NVIDIA at a low price of only 100 million US dollars. .


   After the acquisition, the 3dfx company will be dissolved. In the future, its brand will no longer be retained and the intellectual property rights will also be completely acquired.


  On this world line, 3dfx is even more sad.


  Although the actions of the Order of the Phoenix seem to be "brained" in the eyes of the giants, the giants are still very supportive of the Order of the Phoenix, and the system has also received a new round of upgrades, which made them smile.


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But this is more than just like this, but this is more than just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this


   But it's not just like this




   Today’s meow meow~


   Two-in-one meow meow meow~


   I don’t know how many students know the legendary voodoo graphics I think that back then, this was the necessary thing for installation...

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