Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1276: MUV on sale

"Xianyi, then I'm leaving!"

"Well, goodbye, old sister...tsk."

As soon as Ken Aso watched the sister who came to visit him and left, he suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling.

As a single dog, so uncomfortable!

Kenichi Aso came to the window sill.

Downstairs, his sister Aso Shiri was talking to another boy.

As soon as Ken Aso knew that person, he was called Issei Mitsuki. Both of them were former classmates of Sakano Gakuen. From that time, the two started dating secretly.


Ken Aso, a single dog, curled his lips.

Speaking of it, I also wanted to go to Yosemite Mili yesterday, but failed.

Obviously everyone gets along well during the current research, and any tentative invitation will fail.

Could it be that I haven't started yet, am I going to end?

He sighed.

After his sister left, Kenichi Aso came to the computer.

Because of his sister, Kenichi Aso bought the game before, but he hasn't started playing it yet.

Although I like Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and cute elementary school students very much, but sure enough-I, Kenichi Aso is a military house!

Kenichi Aso opened the game.

"MUV-LUV"-appears on the screen, is the abbreviation of the text.

Produced by A company.

On the other world line, this game is produced by age club. At the same time, there is also a game called "Forever".

However, it is a pity that Ji Zong Gangji ran to open a "forgiveness club", and as a result, the age club that should have appeared was gone!

Mori summer originally wanted to find the original pioneers, but he discovered that these people...well, they all joined A, and the rest made small butter in DW. There were some heavy flavors, and Ji Zonggang. Ji went to Forgiveness Club together.

This makes him very embarrassed.

But the game still needs to be done.

Therefore, this game that was scripted by Yukino was released.

Of course, the first is the galgame version, as for first-person shooting games, it will be launched next year-technical issues.

But even the word game version is enough for Kenichi Aso.

Because in this game, the settings and designs of each machine are very detailed, and the rifles and weapons are also very effective.

"It is said that the tactics and strategies in it have also been consulted with consultants from all over the world..."

Kenichi Aso didn't feel much about things that were too fanciful, but Kenichi Aso still cared very much about such "real" gimmicks.

A place like Nihong is a small place, good at "gambling national luck", and in terms of storytelling, this model is actually the best.

You see, our country is about to die, as long as you follow me desperately, even if there is only one percent probability, I will come back and show you your teeth!

This kind of personal heroism story is the best to write.

However, it is a pity that the real world does not have the protagonist's aura, and a story needs to be narrated reasonably, and there is no such plot.

If it is the main fantasy world, such as Tianyuan breakthrough, it can be fantasy, but the concept that MUV advertises is "realistic".

At this time, you must write well.

In the story of the "Reality Department", one cannot be without brain enthusiasm, but to pay attention to strategy and tactics.

For example, no one would worry about how much the mechanical strength of the Evangelion in New Genesis Evangelion and the red lotus snail rock in the Tianyuan Breakthrough will have on the machine's activities. What the work advertises requires compliance.

Kenichi Aso knew that many people bought this game for the story of "Lily Abuse. Love", but Kenichi Aso was different, he set it for the machine inside.

"But Teacher Xia Xue is a girl, and she is not able to write such a girl and girl story..."

Ken Aso sighed.

Although it borrowed the title "MUV", this first work is not the same work on another world line.

This first work is actually a Lily fan drama featuring light Lily Xiang, a sister-in-chief.

As for the work of the other world line, that is the original work Morinatsu did, but it has not been adopted yet.

Because in Morinka’s story, the story is mainly about aliens and mechas, and the original story is not suitable for the opening chapter-but the original work is now being used as a sequel, or It is said that it is under development as a series of works, but that should also be next year.

As for the original plan for this work, in fact, the character and story are borrowed from another work in the same series.

The protagonist's name is Huang Weiyi.

This character is another world line. The protagonist of MUV's first animation is also a sister paper.

Of course, although the character and background are used for reference, the story is completely different from the original, because it is Xue Na who wrote the script.

What, you said the actor?

Sorry, there is no such thing in Yukino's version.

"Tsk, this dress has a touch..."

The beginning of the story is when Huang Weiyi became a trainee.

In the story, the driver’s clothes are tights, and the trainee’s clothes are more translucent. According to the story, this is to eliminate the girls’ “unnecessary shame”.

In the story, these combat suits are all "anti-G suits", which are clothes made to help the drivers eliminate the effects of acceleration and inertia. Therefore, there is no problem with the drivers wearing tights.

As for the two extra pieces of meat on the chest?

Hmm, the clothes themselves are high-tech. Since they are high-tech, some three-dimensional tailoring on the chest is acceptable, right? !


Although Kenichi Aso is a reasonable party, he doesn't mind at all about this kind of girl selling meat.

Well, it is black technology anyway! It's black technology! This makes sense!

Kenichi Aso hypnotized himself and convinced himself that this was a special effect.

Xue Nai's story is relatively tender at the beginning. This sister paper named "Huang Weiyi", from the sound of her name, knows that it is a very promising sister paper, so the future will definitely be very interesting.

At school, Kenichi Aso also understood the basic setting of this story.

Basically, this story tells the story of a group of aliens invading the earth. These aliens cannot communicate. They exist only to destroy humanity.

"So, the story of the reasonable faction is the most unreasonable when it comes to aliens!" Xian Aso spit out.

"In other words, although these BETA (aliens) came to our planet from deep in space, this kind of alien life capable of interstellar travel can even be countered by us? Is this really weird? "

Tucao! In the plot, there are characters who complain about it!

Kenichi Aso just thought this setting was a bit nonsense, but he didn't expect that in the story, the characters in the plot would even complain.

"Could it be that alien life is actually just a gimmick, and these life forms called BETA are actually created by humans themselves?"

The sudden thought made Ken Aso shine.

Yes, if this is the case, the story seems to fit together.

"Speaking of, teacher Xia Xue also reversed the previous RE Evangelion. The gods who appeared last were the children of Shinji and Asuka... Well, if this is the case, the enemy here is actually made by humans. Yes, this is super reasonable, right?"

Hahahaha, Agency A, Agency A, don’t you like to reverse it?

I, Kenichi Aso, have seen through your tricks!

Moreover, the unfolding of the story later strengthened Kenichi Aso's ideas.

At the beginning, Kenichi Aso thought this was a school story, but after the initial plot, the school was immediately destroyed, the students were also forced to evacuate, and the heroine Huang Weiyi had to drive and train. After the machine goes off.

I have to say that the plot of Yukino's machine warfare is very exciting. Kenichi Aso was hooked after seeing Huang Weiyi driving a training machine to fight the enemy and finally killing the enemy with a strategy.

In the plot, Huang Wei used the performance of the training machine to find out the characteristics of the enemy, and then together with this training machine called BT7274, he killed the enemy.

But the urinary nature of the whole story was also vividly shown: the students were outflanked, the school was completely destroyed, and there were few survivors.

Then, the prologue of the story ends like this.

Fortunately, it's the beginning of the two thousand years. Otherwise, even if this kind of plot is in the prologue, it will probably be sent a blade.

However, Xue Nai did not make lunches as coldly as Ji Zong Gang Ji, and there were still some survivors in the school.

As for the follow-up... the original work of another world line can be thrown away.

In the original world line, Huang Weiyi was a lieutenant and guard of the Nihong Army.

Participated in a content called "Project Prominence" as the Japanese technical director, and once served as the captain of the White Fang Squadron.

The follow-up story tells the story of Huang Weiyi after—well, the plot of Tuan Mie is going on.

At the end of the prologue, there is a paragraph like this.

"——Huang Weiyi rebelled."

The content of the first chapter is the supplies and replacement parts that Huang Wei, who drives the training machine, is seeking in the abandoned base.

Because it is a more realistic story, in the plot, the machine has high requirements for supplies and logistics, but the machine in the plot is also set to be able to continue high-intensity combat when confronting aliens. Therefore, there is also a self-regulatory organization responsible for maintenance inside the robot, which can keep the machine in state.

For the general public, this kind of setting is actually just passing by, but for Kenichi Aso, a reasonable party, this kind of design is very friendly.

——An unnecessary robot that has been put for two hundred years and has not been maintained and maintained yet can still crush a modern machine. Are you kidding me?

Well, that's right, that means you, the iron and blood just next door!

Pulled away.

Kenichi Aso didn't know what iron-blooded big wood was, and he didn't know what "Hope no Flower", but this interesting part made Kenichi Aso feel very interesting.

In this story, the mystery is also well buried.

There are settings in the story, and all mechas have AI, but the fact that robots maintain the interests of humans is also written on the hardware.

But it was such a mecha that had "rebelled" with Huang Weiyi. If there were no tricks, ghosts would believe it.

Through a few obvious flaws, Yukino's plot smoothly attracted Kenichi Aso to continue watching.

At this moment, Huang Weiyi met the guards who came to chase him down.

And it was at this time that the aliens entered again.

In the end, Huang Weiyi not only killed the aliens, but also wiped out the aliens, and then left unrestrainedly.

Yes, Huang Weiyi's personality and personality are also different from another world line. To be precise, this Huang Weiyi, in addition to retaining part of the original persona, Xue Nao also merged it with another character that Morinata recorded in his notebook.

Morinka is very good to her sister, so many of her own settings will be shown to Yukino.

And Mori Xia set up a person named Yukino, named Inaho Kaizuka.

This man is the protagonist of an original animation "Aldnoah_Zero".

Like Jagged Gundam, they were all blown up in the first season, and in the second season, the works that went up and down and went up and down. The god-like opening and plot were directly turned into scum in the latter part of the end.

Of course, it is undeniable that the first half of these two works are excellent.

In Aldnoah_Zero, Kaizuka Inafan has never driven a so-called "Strike" or "Free" from the beginning to the end, and there are no special models such as prototypes and first units. The machine that Inah drove from start to finish was a training machine.

From beginning to end, Inaifan didn't rely on superb driving skills, but used his IQ to crush a ticket that seemed to be set.

The Kaizuka Inaho, who drives the orange training machine, has the potential to become the role of "Orange Devil" and "Orange Hornless Triple IQ", but it is a pity that he forcibly wears a green cap with the male second in the finale. hat of.

When Xue Nai designed Huang Weiyi, he added the characteristics of the other party to Huang Weiyi.

And this feature made Ken Aso shine.

No special machine! Just set up a training machine!

In the plot Huang Weiyi also had the opportunity to **** the body of the defender who was chasing him at the beginning. As long as his AI core was replaced, BT could be upgraded, but Huang Weiyi did not do so.

"The machines they use are all specially modified, but that kind of machine is very troublesome at the level of replenishment. Although the training machine is basic, the parts are the most common, and because of its simple structure, it is very convenient to maintain."

Then, the girl just drove the training machine and left chicly.

How should I put it, as a reasonable party, Kenichi Aso just wanted to say one thing at this time: I'm so crazy!


Full gold 4, except.

I've been waiting for more than ten years to hold hands... Tsk tsk... So the two dragon sets also sent a wave of dog food 2333 to Ken Aso.

In fact, these two characters appeared before, 2333

Two-in-one meow meow~

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