Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1279: Nanoha Part 2, Production Decision

"Nayha's adult mode is really cool! I don't know if you can see the adult version of Lyrical Nanoha in the anime version?"

"Feet sauce is so soft, the Fete sauce in the game is so gentle!!"

"Hey, hey, does Teacher Xia Sen really like tights? There are explosive clothes in the story, but why—why—why is there a tights underneath! How can it be repaired!"

What Senxia entered is the interface of the game version.

Morinka knew about the evaluation of the animated series before, and here he saw the sales of the game version.

Unlike the niche Galgame, Nanoha, who appears as an action game, has a lot of gimmicks and selling points-there are more players in action games than word games.

And Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is not a **** action game, but a game that uses rice shochu as a selling point and a story as a guide.

The cute Mengmei paper has a strong ability to attract gold.

So in just one month, Nanoha's sales on DC-P exceeded one million, and now he is aiming for two million.

This is just a platform. As for other platforms, they are not on sale.

But there is no doubt that, compared with the current niche MUV-LUV, Nanoha is already a masterpiece-but as for the latter's first-person shooter game, it is hard to say.

"The evaluation of the game is pretty good."

Senxia sighed.

"But does this product have any opinion on my taste?"

Even said that tights are evil?

Do you know how many negative comments can be eliminated by a tights? Did you know that if you want to go through a trial next door, sometimes you have to add a tights?

Well, of course, there are personal hobbies in it, but is a black stockings covering the whole body, or a shiny black latex shirt, a very interesting thing?

Do you know how many parents would come to tell us if Lyrical Nanoha didn't have that tights?

Senxia spit out.

"The handsome Neha in the adult mode has exploded. It's really amazing to fight the Time and Space Administration alone!"

In the later part of the story, there is a part where Lyrical Nanoha blocked the Space-Time Administration's troops alone, and then gave Fett and his mother time to meet and talk.

In this part of the plot, Nayha, who is already covered in bruises, stands on the opposite side of the Time and Space Administration.

Of course, because it was in adult mode, other people didn't recognize that this was true.

After this episode, Lyrical Nanoha turned back into a kid, and smoothly joined the team of the Time and Space Administration.

Lying a little bit, Lyrical Nanoha made the whole story come alive.

"But if you do this, what will Neha grow up to do in the future, he will definitely be recognized?"

Some players also mentioned this.

The story of the magical girl Lyrical Nanoha SS is the story after Lyrical Nanoha has grown up.

But if you follow the plot of the game, that kind of story will definitely not happen—Naba will definitely be found out that his appearance is very similar to the previous "prisoner", and then face investigation or something.

But Senxia didn't care.

This kind of plot seems to put the two on opposite sides, but in fact, Lyrical Nanoha did not do anything bad, and the story ended peacefully.

Putting it in the real world may be a problem, but in the game world, what love, friendship, and justice can all solve everything? If Senxia wants to make the story follow the development of another world line, it is also possible.

But Senxia did not intend to do this.

The "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" in front of me is already the foundation of a world, and it is impossible to arrange it as the original plot.

—— Morinya also counts on Nanoha and Fett to earn popularity for themselves, how can they arrange for them to grow up all at once?

However, Morinka uses the theory of parallel worlds very widely, so it doesn’t matter if there is another large-sized Nanoha and Fetter. In this story, there can also be two grown-ups, Nanoha and Fetter Well.

Hmm, Senxia thinks it can.

But the opinions of these people really make Morinya think: What should be done with Nanoha and Fett in this main world?

"Mosimosi, Teacher Xia Sen, I have sent the script outline to your mailbox."

Suddenly, Senxia noticed a news on his QICQ group.

It was sent by Nasu.

"Ah-I'm going to finish it soon." Lao Xu also replied at this time.

"Hi, I'll go see it now."

The sales and response of the first part of Nanoha are very good, so the second part will be launched soon.

The settings are already being made, the scene is being planned, and the script is also needed.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is a story-oriented story, and the script is of course very important.

At least in Senxia's view, one of the reasons why a certain oriental country does not have any classics in the future is because capital does not pay attention to scripts at all. The concept is hyped up and it can make money. This is enough.

But there are not many fine products that can be made.

At least it can't be compared with the mud bomb.

However, Senxia takes an objective attitude towards this. After the initial rough increase in the market, people will begin to have quality demands for material and spiritual life, and the quality of the products will come up.

As for whether this demand will be generated in 20 years, 50 years or 100 years, Moriha is uncertain.

"Look at Nasu's first."

Lao Xu is definitely a gloomy script. Although Nasu can be gloomy, there is always a good ending.

Nasu quoted Morinatsu's concepts of "enemy of time", "enemy of space" and "enemy of intelligence", and originally set the main prop of the second book of the dark book as a weapon against the enemy of time , But the follow-up was contaminated.

"Blackening... this really has his style..."

But seeing the back, Senxia felt a blindness.

In the plot, the Book of Darkness has a management intelligence, which is called Linfus.

According to the original world routine, there should be the knights of the Dark Book.

But Nasu adjusted this part. In the story, the first thing Iori Hayate encountered was the mouthless Linfus.

Suddenly, Lin Fus appeared in front of Iori Hayate whose legs were unable to move freely.

"This familiar Boy_meet_girl routine."

She has the Nasu style of meowing. Is this guy writing Iori Hayate as the leading actor?

However, looking at the entire outline, Morinia actually felt like a sense of contradiction... Although it felt like it would be no problem to change to the actor.

"What a good girl's heart, Nasu!"

Senxia knows that there is also a plot for this girl-writing paper, but now this routine...could he be paddling again?


On the other side, Nasu Mushroom, who had just cleared the second week magic girl Lyrical Nanoha, wiped his nose.

"Ahhh, Nanoha-chan is really cute, really, why can't the sequel be written about the story of Neha-chan...If I write about the story of Neha-chan, I will definitely be more excited?"

"Tsk-before this, who on earth said that the story of Lyrical Nanoha has been perfected, and I can't write it anymore!" Takeuchi despised voice sounded, "Actually you want to be lazy?"

"Nothing like that!" Nasu raised his eyebrows, "How can literary things be called laziness..."

"嘁——" Takeuchi glanced at his mouth.

Morinatsu here didn't know that Nasu was releasing himself again. He had already read Nasu's thoughts roughly at this time, and then looked at Lao Xu's creativity.

Lao Xu’s creativity here is based on dark colors. In the story, Lao Xu and Nasu’s choice are the same, so that Iori Hayate and Linfus cultivate a good impression, and then in the story, Hayate found Lin Foss will disappear due to the restoration of the power of the Dark Book, but if the power of the Dark Book cannot be restored, Hayate's own life will also disappear. In the end, Hayate had been looking for a way to save Lin Fusi, but at the end of the rescue, it was she who ended the other party's life with her own hands.


After reading it, Senxia's whole person is not good.

"Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" is a series that Morinka likes very much, but because of this, after Chi Guoguo feels Lao Xu's malice, Morinia feels that her heart has been hurt 10,000 points.

At this moment, Senxia suddenly felt that she could understand the people who complained and abused Teacher Xia Sen on the Internet.

Some plots really make people feel like they have been stabbed by a needle.

Hmm...all PASS.

"Sure enough, is this the result of wanting to be lazy?"

Senxia sighed.

Sure enough, it's better to think for yourself.

However, Nasu and Old Xu gave Morika some inspiration.

"Well, in this case, the key item in the story will be one of the "Final Weapon Against the Enemy of the World". The setting of Enemy of Time is good."

If you think about it, this method seems to be able to distinguish between Lyrical Nanoha in the main world and Lyrical Nanoha in other worlds.

"Well, at the end of the story, it can be arranged that Lyrical Nanoha and the others bear the power of the enemy of time, and then they are fixed in time, and they can continue to *..."

When making the first part, the production team was discussing this issue.

If Lyrical Nanoha will grow bigger in the future, then the appearance of the adult mode will sometimes seem a little redundant.

If this is the case, it's better to fix the ages of Lyrical Nanoha and Fett directly-this is Morinatsu's thinking at this moment.

With the help of the setting of the enemy of time, Morinka was designed like this.

"But the setting of Time Enemy hasn't been decided yet? But if it's set to something like a monster, it's too cliché. An elder wearing black framed sunglasses? Well, forget it."

Senxia thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better not to appear "enemy of time".

After all, they are the ultimate three bosses in the world. This kind of boss always needs some sense of mystery.

Therefore, the specific image does not need to be presented to everyone for the time being.

As for a more specific image, it can be designed according to the player's perception and impression. And in case this world line becomes the era of maidenhood for the whole people, Moriha can also give these master bosses to maidenhood and then release them.

"In that case, in the story of "Starship Voyage", the enemy is the enemy of space, and here is the enemy of time, and there is also an enemy of intelligence, which can be arranged to stand on the side of human beings-well, or, Pretending to be standing next to humans is a complete pleasure party... um, that’s it!"

The setting of the Joy Party is quite convenient, because such a role can do things anytime, anywhere, save the scene anytime, anywhere, and can easily enter the scene anytime, anywhere. With such a role, the whole development of the story will become very important. Convenience.

Hmm, it was such a happy decision!

As for what caused Linfus to appear, Morinya didn't think it was appropriate.

In the original book, letting the knights of the book of darkness appear is actually a good choice, but one of the problems with the original book is that there are too few opportunities to cultivate relationships with Lin Fus.

Although Nasu regards it as Boy_meet_girl, in the whole story, let Hayate play the role of the male protagonist, and let Linfus play the role of the heroine, so it seems very appropriate to organize a story.

Now that the direction has been established, the script ideas behind it have become very simple.

At the end, first make sure that Lyrical Nanoha and Fett are still in a gust of wind, and that they are continued by the power of the enemy of time, or cursed, and that's it.

Well, in this case, the follow-up of the story can also be a few sisters looking for a way to relieve the curse.

"Well, in this case, you can also arrange for the childhood version of Nanoha and Vivio from another world to compete on the same stage. That's not bad."

Tsuzuki Maki was in the original version of Lyrical Nanoha, so that Lyrical Nanoha was always beaten by her daughter, and even her daughter didn't recognize her mother. Of course Morinatsu couldn't copy this kind of setting.

"Okay, I've finished reading this too."

After muttering for a while, Senxia went to the English forum and the Chinese forum to take a look.

Senxia will not only limit his gaze to China, he will also go to see foreign news.

From the lighthouse country to a certain oriental country, he would go to see it.

Now not ten years later, the spread of animation works is not fast, but the game version is already available in multiple languages.

After all, it has been a month, and the initial feedback of the game is also available.

"The best action game in mud bombing!"

"A rare action game with a magical girl theme, well-made and a perfect plot."

Oh, this evaluation is still quite high.

Senxia feels good.

But these posts seem to be too thought about it and decided to add some content.

"Shocked! The best action game of Mud Bomb is so alluring!"

"Magic girl fights monsters, come and watch the greasy senior sister play games!"

"The macho element is out, and rice shochu has taken over the action game market!"

"Fear of losing, how can we make such an excellent 3D game..."

After posting the topics on various forums, Senxia nodded happily, um, that's it.


The **** drama Megalo_Box is good. The story is very interesting from repression to explosion. Regardless of the set egg pain, the content is actually good, and it feels like a tribute to the future.

Two-in-one meow, meow meow, meow meow~

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