Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1283: Kylin host in a big eastern country

"Kirin? That's a good name."

After Senxia was named, Wang Qiwen came here. Regarding negotiations with officials, Wang Qiwen must be a bridge.

"It's a pity that this machine doesn't seem to be able to do professional work." Qian Jia sighed. Because Wang Qiwen is here, she has changed to Chinese.

Mori Xia said: "If you talk about professional things like CAD, fluid calculation, drawing modeling, etc., then we really can't do it, but the Kirin machine is not an important production tool."

——Nonsense, if it is so versatile, I would dare to double the price tenfold!

Real productivity tools are so powerful.

Of course, if you want to talk about copycats and piracy, and then come to a hardware cracking, that's another story.

However, it is more difficult to generate profits by simply copying other people's works and making low prices.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is similar to the mud bombing and lighthouse countries. In a large eastern country, those who are responsible for research and development are all above — of course, there are drawbacks to this, that is, there is a situation of defrauding funds.

As for who is good and who is bad, Senxia will not comment, and the matter itself is very complicated, and it is not clear in a sentence or two. Senxia is only observing and thinking from his own eyes.

"I can't do professional work, but office work is still possible. Whether it is file processing or form work, it is first-class, and we also plan to provide cloud services." Senxia said.

"Cloud service, what is that?" It's not just Qianjia and Lihua who don't understand it. Wang Qiwen, who is also the client, has not figured out why Senxia suddenly said this.

"In short, it's a server in the cloud." Moria said, "We can cooperate with telecommunications and then rent a computer room. As long as it is a public file, we can use this channel."

"But this is very expensive, right?" Wang Qiwen was a little confused.

"Yeah, so we don't need to do it ourselves, as long as we do it through the channels here, we can even only provide solutions." Senxia said.

"His—this isn't an empty glove white wolf, right?" Wang Qiwen was shocked.

"Tsk, how can this be an empty glove white wolf?" Senxia said, "Moreover, we serve conquest, and provide service is conquer. They have a cloud disk themselves. This is also helpful for improving work efficiency, right? And this is just one of our bargaining powers—the network here is not so developed, right?"

Of course Senxia didn't expect to be recognized immediately.

But when negotiating, of course, the more you have, the better.

"Pharaoh, you have to understand that the more chips we have, the more attractive we can be." Senxia said.

"Why did you suddenly call me Lao Wang?" Wang Qiwen was a little strange.

"Pharaoh sounds kind."

And he is also a spare tire. This kind of property is completely different from that of the next door. There is a sense of joy.

Wang Qiwen was studying in Waseda Daxue with Shen Jiahui and sister paper back then, and now, Shen Jiahui has soaked her sister away, Wang Qiwen here is purely a spare tire. It is a sad story.

"But can't the function of this machine be expanded a bit? If you really want to increase the bargaining chip, this is the most important thing?" Wang Qiwen decided not to entangle this question.

"This is of course important, but it is not the most important thing. Our most important thing is to see if the private market has the potential to develop." Senxia still focused on the private sector.

He opened the webpage, and then logged on to the official website of QICQ of a certain eastern country. The official website of this QICQ in a certain eastern country has been turned into a portal website, and all kinds of news can be seen inside.

"Look, I think this machine can still meet the needs of the public for Internet access. As for the needs of games, we can also have them." Senxia said.

"Games? Do you mean DC-P games?" Of course, Wang Qiwen understood what Senxia said. Although it is called "Kirin", in essence, this is the shell swap of DC-P, and the essence has not changed.

The inability to run the game now does not mean that this machine has no relationship with the game.

"DC-P games can get the most original experience on the Kylin machine-and our side has the most, isn't it the Chinese game?"

Unlike other game manufacturers, DC-P has many Chinese games.

"But that kind of game, how can I say it-hiss! You mean piracy?!"

Some things can not be said.

Wang Qiwen was so surprised just because he understood Senxia's strategy.

Yes, piracy.

PSP is called the first generation of magic machine. One of the big reasons is that the cracked version of this machine appeared very early. Many pirated games allow players to play a variety of games when they only own one PSP. Masterpiece.

One strategy used by the giants to enter the market of a large eastern country is piracy.

"In a big eastern country, there are always a few players who buy games. But if they know that our Kylin platform has a lot of high-quality games, and they only need to spend less than half of a high-end PC-or even lower prices. What do you think they would do when they have such a good'computer'?"

Cracking the platform can quickly expand the number of games.

There is no doubt about this.

The reason why Wang Qiwen took a breath is because he thought of Senxia's strategy.

If this machine has a lot of games and they can all be played for free-why don't I buy one at a low price? And this machine also has half of the computer's chat, Internet and other Internet surfing functions, and more powerful and convenient office suites.

"But won't we lose money?" Wang Qiwen asked again.

"No." It was Lihua who was speaking. She took a subtle look at Morinka who came up with such a stigmatizing trick. "The prices of the works of our A company in a certain eastern country are very, very low. In the face of cheap and genuine products, there is not much advantage, but because of this, our products are not profitable. As for other game manufacturers, they are also sold here at low prices."

Although many game manufacturers on the Mithril platform hope that the electronic version can increase the price, they have no way to object to the market of a certain eastern country.

Because they can't even open up this market by relying on them alone, let alone the current sales of hundreds of thousands or millions.

The profit generated by these sales is extremely limited, but it is undeniable that the popularity of the game makers here in the mud bomb has started in a certain oriental country.

"Sacrificing the few interests of game manufacturers, but we can use hardware to make money ourselves, Morinka, your idea is not bad!" Qianjia took a picture of Morinka, "But in that case, why don't we take How about the free and genuine model?"

"Well, I also thought about the route of free games, but that's still not good-too few people can accept the mud bomb."

It's not that Senxia doesn't want to do it, but that this approach, compared to the current "low-price strategy", is really beyond the imagination of these people.

Senxia wanted to do it, but couldn't do it, so he could only save the country.

"In a place like a big eastern country, you can't make much money with a single player, but online games are different."

After hearing Sen Xia's words, Wang Qiwen over there was confused.

Don't look at X-READER's current sales of millions, but the combined sales of these machines can't compare to any of these games such as Stone Age, Magic Baby, Bubble Hall, Heroic Track, etc.

Yes, it's not adding up, but none of them can be beat.

For a while, Wang Qiwen even came up with whether he would just do online games simply and smoothly. According to Wang Qiwen, after the success of A company, many game manufacturers have already started doing this.

But Xiao Ma is not a vegetarian. He not only develops it himself, but also acts as an agent for various online games. For example, in Bang Guo, there is a game plagiarizing Diablo, which is represented by Xiao Ma... Oh, The name of that game is "Legend".

It is foreseeable that in this world line, there may not be a company named "Shanda" with a high probability. But this kind of trivial matter is nothing. Anyway, this company will become scum after less than 20 years. The negative feedback of the butterfly effect is not a big deal.

"But everyone should pay attention to it." Senxia quickly added, "We can't say that this kind of thing can be done. Officially, we must say that we are fighting piracy."

Senxia is actually fighting piracy.

The cheap copies he made made piracy unprofitable, but Senxia couldn't restrain everyone.

After all, it is the major game manufacturers that price the game, and the Order of the Phoenix can only give pricing suggestions.

In fact, many game manufacturers have secretly complained about the fact that the Order of the Phoenix suggested that the price of a game from a certain eastern country is too low.

What, do you think someone will buy the game "Haitao" from a big eastern country and return home?

It's impossible, because Senxia's games are in multiple languages ​​in other places, but in a big eastern country, they only have a single language version.

Of course, it is not impossible if you say that you have to buy it-as long as you can understand simplified Chinese, there is no problem.

But this kind of thing, Senxia did not have the slightest pressure, and even he felt that if everyone could have such a thing, it would be more interesting.

As a "crooked nut", but in order to play a cheap version of the game, he went to learn Chinese... Xiansen, I respect you as a man.

On the other hand, Morinia’s games are priced at an average price or even more expensive.

This is a different strategy adopted by the club according to different markets.

"Yeah, I understand. This is indeed the case here. If you can play the cracked version, you seldom buy it. I went to the Computer City to see that those red and white camera cassettes are the best sellers. , Even Wanheyi game cassette..."

Although it is said to be "One Thousand Ones", there may be only a dozen games in fact, but for the sake of a gimmick, I still have to say that I have three thousand or ten thousand.

Why? Because of "benefit", because of "large quantity".

At this time, Morika noticed that Qianjia touched Morika with her elbow.

Feeling Qian Jia's touch, Morinya understood what Qian Jia meant.

She is probably a little confused.

Therefore, Mori Xia also said: "A certain oriental country is different from developed countries such as Nihong and Lighthouse. This country was still in a state of material shortage more than ten years ago. The purchase of foreign goods also requires special'foreign exchange certificates'. Internally, the purchase of food also requires special "food stamps". This kind of thing has only recently passed, so it is unrealistic to expect people who have just come out of such a shortage society to spend money to buy games boldly. If you only start with one Just one game console can play all games, which is of course the best."

"But what about online games?" Qianjia raised her brows and looked at Morinia.

"The key to online games lies in ‘sociality’, which is different from the pure ‘entertainment’ of stand-alone games.” Senxia tapped the keyboard at this time and then entered the Stone Age’s official website in a major eastern country.

On this website, there is a player channel.

"In this forum, there are everyone's strategy for the game, as well as the door knocking and fighting skills shown by the players. The online game is more than just a game. This'game' is social." Morixia explained, "Think about it, if you spend a hundred dollars to play the game, a player may think it is not worth it. But if you spend a hundred dollars, you can make everyone around you admire you and think you are very powerful, then Do you think it's worth it?"

"Senxia, ​​what you said is really reasonable. I have a cousin, and he doesn't seem to be so different from what you said." Wang Qiwen combined with his own practical examples, and he even thought this statement was quite reasonable. .

"Games can kidnap social circles, and online games are even more so in this regard. If your friends around you are playing hero trails, but you don’t, you may be rejected when discussing games. Outside. Pharaoh, if you are a college student now, but encounter this situation, your roommates are all going to play games, what should you do?"

Senxia’s question caused Wang Qiwen to fall into deep thought. He thought for a while before he could only say: “I’m really going to play for a while, I don’t want to be strong, but I definitely need to play To communicate with everyone."

Wang Qiwen had to admit that what Senxia said made sense.

"That's right, we are in a big eastern country, stand-alone games are our addition, Kylin console is our basic disk, and online games are the most critical profit point."

And this is Senxia's selling strategy here.

As the only host that can be sold under the ban, Morinya knows that this is her own opportunity.

If the sky does not take it, it will be blamed; when it is not welcome, it will suffer its disaster.

Such a good opportunity, no matter whether it can be achieved or not, but at least it has to fight it, right?


The author Jun blood and tears warns: When applying flower dew, boys remember to avoid weaknesses, really hurts...

It's so sour...

Two in one meow meow

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