Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1310: Industry reaction to interactive movie games

Nothing indescribable happened that night.

After helping Shiyin to massage her twitching calf, she finally fell asleep peacefully.

At this time, Senxia returned to the Internet again.

Although Shiyin was so tossed about, he encountered some unexpected situations, but at any rate it was resolved.

After all, she is Qianjia’s younger sister, so she should take care of her, right?

The room was silent, only Senxia stayed quietly in the room.

However, on the Internet, discussions about "interactive movies" have become extremely hot, and there are indeed more and more relevant information and discussions.

Not only the Internet, but even other game manufacturers are interested in it.

However, most of these manufacturers are interested in foreign game manufacturers.

IGN even gave a high score of 9.0.

Of course, this high score is mainly for the plot, music and performance of the game. As for the options in the game, the editors complained that "These options will only change the judgment of the elements of the ending, but the impact during the story However, on the surface, people have the illusion that they are making choices, but in fact nothing has changed."

Well, what they said is really right.

If this game is to be made into a multi-directional interactive movie, the capacity and production time of the entire story will be incredible.

But that is impossible.

Because of the limitations of current computer technology, it is very, very difficult to give players too many choices and decisions when the performance is not enough.

It is a super word game that can be developed in many ways, but the reason lies in the "text", but Fate Night is an interactive movie, which is actually an experiential movie script. It really needs to increase the degree of freedom—— So why don't we make RPG?

In fact, if it is really made into an RPG like this, it will have more "freedom" than this kind of pure performance, or even made into such a game, it will be more "free".

But is this possible?

Of course it is impossible.

This is the dual limitation of subject matter and technology.

Now this is the ultimate.

Morika is also very satisfied with the score of 9.0.

You know, on another world line, the first chapter of IGN only has 6.5 points, but isn't it still popular in the world? In addition, their scores in the follow-up are also going up. By the third chapter, the score reached 8.0.

In fact, Mori Xia was not only satisfied, but even felt that the scores given by these people were slightly higher.

"...However, these efforts in interactivity and sense of operation cannot completely cover up the shortcomings of interactive movies..."

At this time, Senxia was watching reviews online.

It is a game player from the lighthouse country.

"Although there are cool to explosive scenes, and the pure to extreme soundtrack, but this cannot conceal the drawbacks."

"Furthermore, such forcibly added interactive elements, when playing games, always feel a subtle feeling, making people feel'the reason for this design is to make it look a bit like a The so-called "game" feel. The deliberate and contrived feeling is especially obvious when comparing it with..."

"...Many operations seem to me unnecessary and cumbersome. At the beginning of the story, we need to ask the protagonist to sweep the floor, clean up the clothes, and also have to fiddle with the handle, but in fact, it only requires It can be solved by pressing a button. Hell, why should I waste time in this kind of place? Hey, I'm here to play games, why should I do housework? Do I have to choose houses when I go to play Structures and engineers, and let them help me build the house one by one?"

This host speaks a little bit extreme.

Senxia was ready to spray him.

"...Hey, buddy, maybe you can try to go to the bathroom without taking off your pants, maybe that way you will be inspired."

Praise on the second floor.

Before Senxia sprayed anyone, he found the reply on the second floor.

"On the second floor, I like you! Praise +1"

Senxia poured water on the third floor very unscrupulously.

"When I saw the second floor, I was so angry, I also praised +1"

"Good +1"

"Good +1"

The people who followed were all laughed off by this recovery.

Netizens in the second millennium AD still have a low laugh. Ever since, these people have turned their attention.

After the crooked building, Morika felt quite happy.

This is really the interesting thing I want to see!

It can be seen that the majority of European and American players still support this new type of game.

In particular, the fight of Monte Umm has received rave reviews. Many people have said that "the fight with rice shochu is simply awesome!"

Everyone still feels very happy about controlling a beautiful girl to fight or something.

The feeling of heroism and bravery is simply undesirable.

"Fortunately, I didn't listen to Nasu fooling around..."

Senxia whispered.

When Nasu was making it, he was poisoned for a while. He even asked whether he could make his own FATE into an action game similar to the Soul of Darkness.

To tell the truth, Senxia was really moved at the time.

But now it seems that when it is done at that level, it is really not as topical as the current interactive movie can bring. The popularity is not enough, but the influence is definitely not enough.

There is no way. As for the first, the follow-up must be made steadily. It is not an easy task.

After reading the survey of European and American netizens on the forum, Morinia opened QICQ.

This QICQ is not Senxia's private number, but an account that Senxia often uses when working.

Those who will come and go in this place are all industry leaders including the Mithril platform.

In fact, there are also many business groups here, where everyone discusses the situation in the industry.

And just after landing here, Morinia noticed that there was a group of high-volume discussions.

He opened the post in the past and saw that Takahashi was also talking to someone.

"People on our side have different views on the new engine and technology. Some people think that interactive movies are actually an extension of AVG's image. Some people think that interactive movie games can be regarded as game movies. A more extreme form of transformation, but not the so-called evolutionary form of traditional AVG."

"As far as I know, many enthusiasts call this type of "cinematic games", but if you let me say, interactive movie games are better to be called "cinematic games". It’s more appropriate to call it a “gamified movie”. The subject of the evolutionary theme of this kind of work is actually a “movie”. If there is no branch plot, it is even difficult to separate it from the normal work."

It was Lao Xu who said this.

"I think this form of expression is very suitable. The function Xia Sen wants to achieve should be sublimated from the part of the'electronic novel', right?"

This is what Nasu mushroom said.

This guy doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, doesn't code words, but fishes in the QICQ discussion group upright.

For some reason, Morinia really wants to beat him up now.

But Mori Xia felt that what Nasu said was not too wrong.

In Galgame, there is a category, that is, there are almost no options. The player only needs to nod the surface game, the actual novel, this is the electronic novel that Nasu said.

For this game, the branch plot is weakened.

If all the QTE system and dialogue options are cut off, and then the influence factors of GOOD_END and BAD_END are removed, this product will be no different from a real movie.

"I wonder if you guys have seen the DVD version of this work?"

Someone spoke again.

It's Taekoshi Kotaro.

This product is one of the most well-known scripters in the series.

Senxia has relatively little contact with this fellow, but he is quite active in this corporate discussion group.

At this time, he talked about a work shot two years ago.

This work is very interesting.

Because this is a "reincarnation" movie.

In the story, Lola's boyfriend needs to make up 100,000 marks in 20 minutes, or he will die.

As a result, Laura experienced three "20 minutes" in the story.

The stories of these three times have a gradual relationship. Laura runs non-stop, and the plot is also developing. In order to send Manny the 100,000 mark for life-saving, Laura will act in the story to cause different results. The implementer of the "butterfly effect".

Lola failed twice, and finally reached a perfect ending in the last time. This style is somewhat similar to that of players playing games.

But what Taekoshi Kotaro mentioned is not such a simple content, he said that some interactive elements that are only available in games have been added to the DVD version.

The DVD is not played directly, but has a menu, and the selection menu of this work is made into the form of "Where is Lola going to save people", giving the audience a feeling that they can really control the direction in which Lola runs. .

"This mode of interactive movie games is more like the sublimation of movies and electronic novels, but it is not easy to shoot well. Without the description of words, it is very difficult to use images to reflect the plot." Gao Qiaolong said again.

"Hey, many contents cannot be described in words, which is really painful." Nasu Mushroom said that although such contents are also fun, they cannot reflect the charm of words. This is also a super painful thing for himself.

"It's not that it can't be reflected, but the demand for screenwriters is very high. I'm thinking, if we really want to produce this type, would we really have to hire a director to make a new game to be better..."

"If it is a deviation from the animation style, I think the animation supervision is also competent. And this is not animation production, and the storyboard script does not have to worry about the dual-use card and cost considerations, maybe it can be achieved..."

The discussion here is also very hot.

"In the field of interactive movie games, the boundary between the so-called'games' and'movies' is very blurred. Although this concept was proposed by me, I did not distinguish whether it is a game or an animation. I just treat it as It’s just the expression of the story..."

At the end, Senxia spoke.

"Good evening, Teacher Xia Sen!"

As soon as Morika spoke, Nasu came to say hello.

"Good evening, Teacher Xia Sen!"

Other people online are also greeting.

"Good evening, everybody."

Morinya greeted her, and then continued to share her ideas.

"Games can be roughly divided into two categories, one is to infect people with stories, and the other is to infect people with gameplay. Movies are also divided into two categories, one is to infect people with plot, the other is to use pictures or other The sensory stimulation is contagious. In the process of creating, all I want is to "represent the story". Since I can reflect the story, I don’t care if it is a game or a movie. I only want what I express. The content can be communicated to the audience and players as much as possible."

"This is a'new gaming experience' and also a'new movie watching This is derived from the sublimation of movies and the sublimation of games, but in my opinion , Maybe interactive movie games will go out independently one day and become a new type of art."

"Of course, you do not need to rush to do this type of common sense. Although they are indeed born out of text adventure games and are the evolution of AVG, in fact, the cost of development of this type of work is very high. If you force it to do it, the effect may not be good. ."

To do this kind of work now requires a high level of strength to polish, especially motion capture.

But Senxia believes that as time progresses, everything will change.

"Well, I think what Mr. Xia Sen said makes sense." Takahashi also said that Mori Xia was right. "3D technology is not very popular in China, and 2DLIVE technology is the direction of development. If you stick to the domestic market, develop this The aspect is enough."

"3D technology is geared towards the European and American markets. Aside from Mr. Xia Sen, it is really difficult for us to control this kind of 3D image."

"Yes, that's right. We at MINK have also tried to expand overseas markets, but our own efforts are not as good as the rumored game we cooperated with Xia Sen."

"Yes, yes, if you want to go overseas, interactive movie games with reduced text are the best choice. If there are too many texts, it will be troublesome for overseas players..."

"Where and where..." Morinya is of course humble in the face of flattery.

Although in reality, he has already turned over with a happy smile...


Dragon Ball Heroes is actually going to have an animation. It's clear which one is stronger, Super Four or Blue Super. The author is not the Dragon Ball GT party, but the theme song of the year is still very favorite.

Two-in-one meow meow~

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