Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1321: Maiden, in chaos...


Since Christmas, Shiyin has fallen into a delicate state.

She was out of state all day long.

Until the New Year, it remains the same.

Although it was proved that "nothing happened", but I don't know why, Shiyin always feels like her heart is empty.

The whole person seems to be lost.

Seeing that her younger sister was in an incorrect state, Yukino pulled Shion to Tamamo Shrine.

It's always good to come out for a walk.

But Shiyin doesn't want to do anything to worship. Although for Neon Jin, such a festival is a tradition and custom, but Shiyin can't afford it.

So, when her sister was in line, Shiyin walked out and wandered on the street, trying to soothe her empty, lonely and cold heart through the warm winter sun.

Then, at this moment, Shiyin stumbled upon the figure in front of him.

Ah ah ah, could it be that guy

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was true.

After seeing Morinka, Shion's mood seemed to have improved, and the whole person's mood was also enriched.

It was as if there was a feeling of "coming back to life".

It's not because I want to see this nasty guy!

Ah, yes!

This Tamamo Shrine is very beautiful, but it’s too big. I can’t finish shopping by myself. I heard that this is the property of this guy’s family.

In that case, let this guy introduce to me.

Well, it's so pleasant!

Who told him to make him feel bad before!

However, things developed to the end, it seemed something was not quite right. At this time, a girl appeared.

Tiaoyue really pupil.

Shiyin knew her.

Even the relationship between the two is actually somewhat intimate.

This is the same with the friendship that everyone forged in the Hin Tianzhuang.

However, the appearance of Zhentong made Shiyin a little confused.

When she invited that guy, she suddenly appeared from the side, then took up Senxia's hand, and turned around, saying to herself, "Sorry, I came first!"

Eh why did it become like this

Shiyin's heart became confused.

"The so-called plastic sisterhood, that's probably it..."

Morinatsu, caught between the two, was the hardest hit at this time.

At the beginning, Shiyin didn't seem to see True Hitomi, and True Hitomi did not see Shiyin either.

But when True Hitomi was in Hinaga Village, the friendship between the two was obvious to all Morinatsu.

However, I never expected that the boat of friendship turned over when it said it turned over. At this moment, the two people stared at each other, and Mori Xia clearly felt a feeling like a fire rising around.

Obviously it was winter, but the hot and exciting feeling made Senxia feel like she was in the Sahara desert in the dormant weather.

Senxia, ​​I admire being roasted.

"Ah, it turned out to be Xiao Shiyin~" After seeing Shiyin, Zhentong's face showed a smile, and she actually held her arm silently.

Fuck, if I remember correctly, your old man seems to look down on me a little bit

Although True Hitomi hadn't shown it explicitly, Morinatsu could still see some clues through True Hitomi's daily movements.

Well, it was originally like this.

But at this time, Zhentong suddenly subconsciously subconsciously confessed to himself, which made Senxia a little confused.

"Ah, Sister True Hitomi~" Shiyin's face also showed a smile.

A war without gunsmoke is starting at this moment.

What are you asking me to do at this time? You are not the same as the US-Soviet Cold War!

Do you two still want me to say "you are all my wings" or something

Forget this kind of thing...

"Why don't we go and see Tamamo Shrine together" Morika decided to take the initiative. "You really don't know what the story of the building here is. How about I take you to see.

In order to avoid an embarrassing situation in the future, Moriha decided to start first.

"Well, the scenery here is really good, and it's not a loss to stroll around."

Shiyin seemed to realize something, she quickly moved away from Senxia, ​​and seemed to feel a little disgusted with the action she had just caught Senxia. But after being disgusted, Shiyin looked at Morinya again.

It seems to be a bit tangled.

The appearance of Shion made Morinya feel pretty cute.

Ever since, the action of the two became a threesome.

The left hand is the real pupil, and the right hand is the poetic sound.

The two people squeezed Morika in the middle, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Morinka had been winking at Zhentong. After all, she was a peer of the same age, or Yukino, she should be able to understand what she meant.

But True Hitomi is indifferent, but seems to be competing with Shion...

Well, yes, from Senxia’s point of view, the two seem to be competing

"How, how, our shrine is big" Morinka said.

The voice of a guilty conscience.

"Well, it's great." Shion looked around, "Ah, I mean the shrine is very good, but it has nothing to do with you!"

Good, good, nothing to do, Tsundere's sister Sang.

"Speaking of which, this place is so big, it shouldn't be an ordinary shrine anymore" This is True Hitomi.

"Well, we did consider turning this side into a "Tamamo Shrine", but the above is not very good. So whether to upgrade Tamamo Shrine to such a thing, they are also discussing that there are too few precedents after all."

"The Shrine!" Zhen Tong's eyes widened.

"Jingu" is also a category of shrines. Such shrines enjoy a high status in Shintoism. First of all, they are the center of Shinto beliefs. For example, Ise Jingu is called "Jingu" for the worship of Amaterasu Daimishin. .

All Shinto shrines that are named "Jingu" are all shrines that enshrine the supreme **** Tomorrow Teru-Omikami, the supreme **** who administers Takatenhara, and his descendants, or shrines closely related to it.

According to the history of Morinxia Hu Hu, the main body of "Yu Zao Qian" is the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox, which is the side of Amaterasu, so it is qualified to be called "shrine".

Although this reason seems a bit irrational at first glance, how can I put it...Because of Morinha's nonsense, too many people believe in it, and it seems that the official also thinks...this is really quite correct!

Repeating a lie a thousand times will not become truth, but repeating a lie 10 million times can make people doubt life.

On the official side of the mud bomb, he began to doubt life.

They even organized a dedicated scholar to study the relationship between Yuzaoqian and Amaterasu.

What's even more outrageous is that when they checked, they seemed to feel that this was really correct, and then following Senxia's "Yuzao Pangu theory", these scholars have now gone to a certain eastern country to do research.

Well, the origins of the two Yuzao that Morinia proposed at the beginning can actually be related to each other, even Morinia admires herself a little.

"Yeah, you guys know the myths here too. Besides, the predecessor of Tamamo Shrine is also Toba Shrine. From this perspective, it would be strange if this is not a shrine."

Of course, the reason for becoming a "shrine" is not just because of Morinya's nonsense. Morinia dares to say that he is nonsense, and he believes that he will be killed immediately. And one of the reasons they dare to do this is also because the former name here was "Toba Shrine".

And Emperor Toba does exist.

In the Shintoism system of the mud bomb, the emperors of the mud bomb are the direct descendants of Amaterasu Omikari, so there will be many shrines dedicated to a certain generation of emperors called "Jingu", the most famous is Tokyo's "Meiji God" Palace" and "Heian Shrine" in Kyoto, etc.

The two discussed this issue all the way.

At this moment, Zhentong noticed that Shiyin seemed a little dazed when he heard the discussion between them.

Her body moved closer subconsciously.

Well, it's really just subconscious.

"But as far as I know, it is not easy to change this way."

True Hitomi is also a maiden and the heir to the shrine, so she is very clear about the doorway.

"Ah, yes, so now this kind of thing, everyone is almost talking about it, if it doesn't work, we will go to pnb and turn Tamamo Shrine into a large shrine."

"Taisha" is also a kind of shrine. All shrines nicknamed "Taisha" are generally enshrined in the more important gods in the Shinto system, or the guardian deity of a certain area, or some kind of special The situation of the main priest of the faith.

The famous Fushimi Inari Taisha and the more famous Kasuga Taisha are very famous.

"I think it doesn't make any difference like this, it's all the same!" Shion interjected in, "Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto is just a normal shrine, right?"

Shion thought for a long time, and she thought of Yasaka Shrine, which is the shrine dedicated to the life of Susano and his wife, Kushida Hime. This Susano is the protagonist in the myth of Yaki Orochi.

Shion doesn't know much about shrines, but fortunately, her school trip in junior high school was to Kyoto, so she still cares about the Yasaka Shrine, also known as Gionsha.

Don't underestimate this "ordinary shrine", the community is very vast and incense is very strong.

"Well, that's how it is said, but if it's just a'shrine', there is no momentum, right?" Mori shook her head, "The most important thing is momentum!"

Vigor is the most important!

Big brother Kamina ordered 006 likes!

Well, this is not a set, the protagonist's famous lines have not yet come out.

"But there are cases where the shrine is more famous than the main shrine." Ma Hitomi drew Mori's attention from Shion. "It's like the Itsukushima Shrine. That's the case. The main palace is like Taisha. Itsukushima Shrine is famous."

"Itsukushima Shrine is that Itsukushima Shrine"

Shion had heard the name of Itsukushima Shrine, and she vaguely remembered that Itsukushima Shrine seemed to enshrine three goddesses.

Shiyin's memory is correct.

Itsukushima Shrine enshrines three goddesses, which are also known as the three goddesses city Kishima Himi, Tanshin Himi, and Danzu Himi. The sea torii at Itsukushima Shrine is one of the three views of the old mud, and it is as famous as Matsushima in Miyagi and Amanohashidate in Kyoto.

The various settings in Itsukushima Shrine are often used to make various settings.

For example, the enemy "Great Desolate Soul" that a certain author likes to blow in is the use of the three goddesses of the ancestors, and even the names are not changed, and they are directly called Shikishimaji, Tianxinji, and Tanjinji.

As for the Munakata Shrine of the main shrine, compared to Itsukushima Shrine... this popularity... ahem... I'm really sorry.

Zhen Hitomi glanced at Shion, and then said, "The key to determining the shrine is the social status. The so-called judgment of the shrine, the big shrine, and the shrine is actually not important now. The specifics should depend on whether you can compare the previous Toba The shrine functions as Ichinomiya so that it can better increase its status."

True Hitomi is professional.

So Jin Hitomi knew what was going on at the shrine.

"One House"

Shiyin was completely at a loss this time, she... couldn't put her mouth in.

"The so-called one palace system is a criterion in the ancient times of mud bombing. It is determined according to whether a local shrine plays the role of guarding the country, protecting the people, protecting the clan, responding to the call of the court, and accepting the dedication of a generation of great gods. Whether the shrine is the first house. The second house, the third house, etc. can be followed in the follow-up, up to the 9th house, and the social status is lowered in turn." The explanation is Morinha.

"Yenxi-style god's account is also another standard." Zhentong began to play mixed doubles with Morika.

"Yanxi-style god's tent... eh"

Shiyin has been completely confused.

"This... is a set of laws and ordinances compiled by Emperor Daigo in the Heian period and ordered by Fujiwara Tokihei. It is the only one that has been handed down among the Sadakan, Hirohito, and Enki. The shrines recorded in it are called Shiuchisha, otherwise, Shiwaisha ."

Morinya explained it again.

It doesn't work if you don't explain, Shiyin has already knelt completely.

"In addition, the modern social personality system was made on this basis."

"There are many things that determine the size of the community, and Twenty-two Shrines are also one of the standards." Shin Hitomi explained, "However, after World War II, this type of evaluation standard has disappeared, and most of the shrines in the country are classified as shrines. Under the jurisdiction of the agency, it is called the "Betsubyo Shrine", and the opposite is the "Independence Shrine"."

"If you want to improve your social status, you have to start from ancient and modern because this kind of content is no longer available in modern times, so we have to operate." Senxia said.

"This... isn't this just cheating!" Shiyin understood this sentence.

"Ah, how can the matter of scholars be called cheating? This is called a conscientious young historical inventor!"

Senxia said that he is a conscientious young historical inventor!

"Through this agency, we need to work to raise the status of the shrine, and to improve the social status, it will be more convenient for us to accumulate the heritage of the shrine."

Morinka said.

"Is this really good?" Shiyin was a little tangled.

"No problem!" True Hitomi stood on Morinka's side, "Anyway, it is the expired judgment standard. If you can add some foundation to the shrine, of course it would be better!"

Although she is a girl from the shrine, she has no feelings for the shrine...

In a sense, this is also rare...

"But for tourism, it is very helpful. If it can be operated as a'shrine' or a'big shrine', it will be helpful to the outside world." Senxia said.

"Well, also, if you can increase your social personality, you can also increase your internal voice. Although the official does not care about this, it is still useful in private."

True Hitomi said.

On the other side, after hearing the content of the two, the poetry on the other side has entered a self-loathing mode.

Sorry, what are you two talking about... I... don't seem to understand...

Girl, fell into chaos.



The data may not be perfect. Some places are different from the world line, so everyone should regard it as a change in the world line. After all, the two world lines are originally different.

Today’s two in one, meow meow~