Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1344: Adults watching children's movies

Blue Cat is definitely the most special animated movie of this era.

In this era, the so-called "younger animation" has not actually developed, at best, it has appeared on TV. In the entire industry, younger animation can be said to be "difficult to be elegant."

If the works of this year are not based on myths and legendary novels-such as Journey to the West and Baolian Lantern, they are developing in the direction of the black and deep-Baige Island, what about you, what do you look at?

The number of so-called young animations is actually not small, but if you say "well-made", it is definitely not much.

On another world line, Shangmei Film will produce an animation called "I'm Singing Madness", and the quality is not bad, especially the theme song is also sung for a while, but this time the "young animation" cannot do this. Kind of degree.

Because young animations are basically daily-broadcast animations, it is not easy to make an animation of the degree of "I'm Singing Madness".

The animation of Mud Boom, no matter how long you live, is basically one episode a week, but on the TV of a certain oriental country, it is basically impossible to want to once a week.

What should I do?

The answer is simple, that is to lower the quality to produce.

Of course, this is not impossible.

Although this world line does not exist now, in the future of another world line, there are indeed many animations that can be broadcast daily.

Senxia has a way.

For example, "The Disaster of Nanao Qimu, a Super Power", which was once very popular on the Internet of a certain oriental country, this twenty-four-minute animation splits the story into a daily broadcast "Instant Noodles". Fan", then, after the integration over the weekend, a collection version will be released.

Not to mention, this trick really works.

Therefore, the current blue cat is also going to adopt this model in the future, that is, to tell a whole story with a week as the limit, and then after the weekend is summarized, there will be another long-form broadcast.

Of course, whether this model works or not is still being verified, because a large part of the content in the blue cat is popular science stories. How to apply these popular science content vividly is also the problem.

It's a long way off. In short, in a large eastern country where the equation of "younger animation = production of rough and poor quality animation" is basically established, the industry almost feels that Blue Cat's production of big movies is simply a brain disease.

However, many people in the industry also bought tickets.

After all, as the industry's first younger-age animation, "Blue Cat Movie" is an absolutely subtle existence.

Everyone is talking about it, but there is also this curiosity.

Zhou Weilong is an "industry insider".

As a young man watching Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball grow up, Zhou Weilong has been determined to make animation since he was a child.

However, when he truly became a practitioner, he found that the market was a bit too cruel.

The domestic market is not thriving, and all kinds of foreign animation have a great impact on the market. And the industry is very poor.

It's not ordinary poor, it's really poor. Many animation companies rely on the outsourcing of mud bombs to barely survive.

The same is true for Zhou Weilong's company.

Of course, their company still has some ideas. Although they have been accepting outsourcing, they also want to do their own work.

Zhou Weilong thinks this is reliable.

And he was in the company before, and everyone was talking about how to make an in-depth animation work.

And where should the most in-depth animated film be?

There are many people in the company who are loyal fans of Hayao Miyazaki. Everyone basically believes that "Princess Mononoke" and "Castle in the Sky" are the goals that everyone pursues.

Everyone started the production with enthusiasm—until the fiasco of "Bao Lian Lan".

The company... No, the entire industry is lost in thought.

Don't look at the box office of "Bao Lian Lan" only more than 30 million, but "Bao Lian Lan" was ranked fifth in the national box office back then!

This shows that in the film industry, there is no way to compare a certain oriental country with a foreign country. Everyone was stunned by the 300 million box office of the previous "Titanic" and felt that the market was getting better and better.

But in fact, in the past few years, it has been very difficult to find a film with a box office of over 100 million yuan. Basically, it can be counted with one finger, and it is basically foreign films.

When "Fate of Space" swept East Asia, Zhou Weilong's company honestly continued to do outsourcing.

But at this moment, the blue cat's advertisement began to appear on TV.

As an animated film, the commercial that Blue Cat put on TV is probably not a big deal.

Many people in the industry have joked that the Blue Cat’s work has spent 30 to 50 million dollars on advertising.

If it were Zhou Weilong a few years ago, he probably thought it was unreliable, but after working in the industry, he found that publicity is sometimes really important, especially in the film industry. It is not impossible to be higher.

"Really cold."

Sneaking to the side of the cinema, Zhou Weilong put on a mask.

There are groups of children all around.

The New Year is approaching, and it is also the time when the children are on winter vacation. There are no such little things, but only this time.

Zhou Weilong is most afraid of children, because every time a holiday, several of his relatives will bring their children to visit him, and even ask Zhou Weilong's parents to help take care of those children.

How should I put it, the epic horror blockbuster "Winter Holiday" made Zhou Weilong really scared.

He has been torn off two copies of Dragon Ball by Kumako, and three copies of Saint Seiya have been painted, and even the rice shochu warrior in the dark has disappeared...

All in all, this is a sad story.

So seeing so many children in front of him, Zhou Weilong felt a little dizzy.

Of course, the reason is not only this, there is another reason...he came alone.

As a person, it is really shameful to come to see this kind of children's work.

Originally, he and several colleagues also invited each other.

But Zhou Weilong thought for a while, and he found that if several people went to watch a movie together, the picture might be even more weird.

So he chose one person.

After wearing the mask and sunglasses, Zhou Weilong went into the cinema. After buying the tickets, he began to look at the children around him.

It is strange to wear sunglasses in the cold winter, but toad mirrors are quite popular these days. There are many young people wearing toad mirrors every day, many of them are Wang Weilong.

Unlike a layman such as Wang Qiwen, as an industry insider, he discovered how powerful he was when he arrived in the cinema.

At the entrance of the movie theater, there are blue cats everywhere, from the first collection of Blue Cat's Mischievous Three Thousand Questions to various toys and stationery, everything is really scary.

"This is amazing..."

The layman would not feel anything to see this scene, but as an insider, Zhou Weilong understood at a glance how incredible it is to turn the entire "cinema" into a "blue cat style".

To spread the surroundings, the contacts and channels mentioned in this are all very important.

Not every movie has the ability to make the movie theater all around you.

You shoot an X cat, and then take the surroundings to these theaters to try? People don't know how to bird you! At least Zhou Weilong's small company does not have that confidence.

But Blue Cat did it... No, it should be said that Shanghai Meiying did it.

More importantly, Musashino and Morika did it.

As an industry insider, Zhou Weilong knows about the relationship between "Blue Cat" and Mori.

The original company of Blue Cat was acquired by Musashino. This is the same as Kamikaze. Morinatsu is the boss of Musashino and the screenwriter of Fate no Sora.

This is really amazing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

He observed for a while, and the film was finally about to begin, Zhou Weilong carefully followed the crowd, lest anyone could see that he was alone to watch the "children's film".

Entering the auditorium, the movie opened soon.

Then Zhou Weilong was surprised.


As a result, Zhou Weilong almost burst into swearing after seeing the picture.

"Ah, this light! Ah, this water!"

Then, he was deeply attracted by the picture.

Because the light and water in this picture really feel extraordinary.

That incredible feeling made him stare.

There is no other reason, because the quality of the film is not too bad, but too good. It is really good to an incredible height.

At least in Zhou Weilong's view, there are really very few who can do this kind of exquisite painting in China.

The picture is great.

Together with the lines of light in the picture, as well as the dust permeating under the halo, they are all reflected in the picture.

How should I put it, just seeing this picture, he felt that the fare was already worth it.

Because of the shocking background and special effects, together with the "half orcs" in the picture, he even felt a little cute.

"It's amazing..."

Among other things, just under the shining sunshine, the play content of the blue cat and the friends is enough to crush a vote of domestic works.

No, no, not only domestically, according to Zhou Weilong's knowledge, not many works even abroad can achieve this level.

The picture went on all the way, and finally reached the part where the blue cat spiraled into the sky.

"Ah, this light! Ah, this spaceship!"

Someone suddenly sighed.

How does this sound similar to what I just said?

Zhou Weilong looked aside, and the two big men were staring at the movie screen.

"It's worth it, this NN is science fiction!"

Science, science fiction?

Meow meow meow?

After Zhou Weilong watched for a long time, he realized that the other party didn't seem to bring the child.

Fuck, the feelings are the same as me, come here alone?

He observed for a while and found that when the two people saw the spaceship, their eyes were straight, and they even took out a notebook.

Zhou Weilong looked again and found that the two men were actually drawing the outline of the spaceship on paper in the dark.

Damn it, there is this?

These few people are probably not people in the industry, but they don't seem to just watch the picture.

"That's amazing, this is called a spaceship..."

These people were surprised when they saw the picture before them.


Zhou Weilong coughed.

The two young people nearby heard Zhou Weilong's voice, and then they reacted.

After all, they are all adults, and they immediately realize that they are making a loud noise, and they are really unethical.

They immediately closed their mouths, and then smiled apologetically at Zhou Weilong.

Zhou Weilong refocused his attention on the picture.

This time is the part of a fight, when the blue cat and the alien are in PK.

There are various kinds of aliens. At this time, a mantis appeared in the screen. The opponent used the mantis fist, and the blue cat used Mizong Fist to deal with it.

"...It's really a lost fist!"


At this time, another voice came from the other side.

Not to mention, the part of the fight was handled really well, but what Zhou Weilong just heard seems to be... Really Lost Fist?

Meow meow meow?

Zhou Weilong looked at the picture again.

Not to mention, the blue cat's every move in the picture really has some meaning, and the play is very exciting.

"How is this done?"

Zhou Weilong absolutely couldn't think of how this part was done.

In fact, this part is made with 3D capture technology.

The production team made a 3D model of the blue cat, and then produced the blue cat's movements through motion capture technology, and then re-traveled it, which became what it is now.

This part was first produced in 3D content and then hand-drawn.

In addition, there are actually some invalid cases in this paragraph. The abolition case was made by Mont Umm.

It's not that there is something wrong with the genius of Monte, but because the content produced by Monte is too difficult to reproduce and show it-that would cost several times more manpower and material resources.

So the production team chose another method.

Not to mention, this trick seems quite useful, this expert can actually see it.

Feelings Apart from me, an "industry person", are there many other "industry people" here?

Zhou Weilong’s current feeling is very subtle ~ Needless to say, the logic of the film is very simple and does not express any thoughts.

"The main melody film!"

What Zhou Weilong hates most is the main theme. In his opinion, those are bad things that brainwash people.

But when he saw the work of Blue Cat, he didn't think it was that annoying.

At least, after thinking about it for a while, he felt that if he were a parent, he would really only allow his children to watch such a film.

——Anyway, he has never seen a parent actually show a child an anti-human movie.

Although he didn't like it, he also had to admit that this film was really speechless.

"President Wang, we can also copy this business model of walking around." After the movie came out, Zhou Weilong heard the voice next to him again.

Eh...Today, how many "industry people" are there to watch this children's movie?


A certain oriental country has always outsourced works, but many outsourcing are wearing Japanese vests, so the recognition is not high, especially in the early years.

Two-in-one meow meow~

Of course, if you want to animate, you must modify and delete the basic entrepreneurship, and then take the route of white learning or meaty comedy...


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