Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1348: I...I'm here to buy computer accessories!

Why, why did it become like this!

The elder sister's breath huffed in front of Shiyin.

That kind of subtlety makes Shiyin almost unable to be by herself.

"Do you--want to try it?"

Qianjia spoke again.

She deliberately prolonged her tone.

Shiyin felt a little heart-itching with the charming voice. She lowered her head, trying to avoid her sister's gaze, but her gaze hit Qianjia's chest again.

The color, like black pudding, swayed like a wave.

This huge shock made Shiyin dizzy.


"Hey, Shiyin, are you also very interested?" My sister's voice sounded in the girl's ear.

Qianjia's lips came close to Shiyin's side, and the warm and soft whisper sounded in Shiyin's ear.


Shiyin blushed, she couldn't help but abandon her head, without the courage to continue to look at Qianjia here.

"Ah, I found it, right here." At this moment, the sound of a light bulb suddenly rang.


Then, Qianjia's and Shiyin's gazes fell on Senxia's body.

"Uh—that—this is—Black Rock."

Senxia was hairy by the eyes of the two.

Well, does it seem inappropriate for me to stay here now?

I feel like I am a 500-watt big electric light bulb now...

What should I do now? Should I go out twice?

Eh, that's not right, this is my home, how can I just show weakness?

Having said that, should I knock down together?

Um, it's not right, if you push it down together, I always feel that this will be a good boat route reservation...

Senxia always felt that if he made any wrong choice, he would face the hatchet ending.

He didn't leave at this time, nor did he stay. The whole person was in a daze.

What should I do when he is meowing?

Fortunately, at this moment, Qian Jia had already sat back to the original state. Seeing that her sister had returned to her original state, Shiyin hurriedly sat up again, but she glanced out the window, not daring to look at Qianjia.

"Take it over and take a look."

Qianjia greeted Morika.

"Ah, well, right here."

Morika gave the file to Qianjia.

"Well, it's really good."

Kuroiwa Sagittarius was originally popular for being similar to Hatsune Miku, but it was because he was too well-known later that he had his own animation.

But the character itself, at the very beginning, was just a persona close to Hatsune Miku. If I have to say it, the color of the hair and the clothes on the body are slightly different between the two parties.

Specifically, the relationship between the two parties is as follows: Black Rock shooter author HUKE and Hatsune Miku's p master ryo were once members of the famous orchestra Supercell, and then Ryo-san used Hatsune Miku to create a song for Black Rock shooter. "Barrack ★ Rocku Shibata", afterwards, when the black rock shooter went off because of the song, the wrong news that "the black rock shooter is black hatsune" was passed to a certain eastern country, and many people were misled.

To reduce it a bit, it is the concept of "Hatsune Miku sang a song called "Black Rock Shooter", which was created for a character named "Black Rock Shooter"".

Indeed, the similarity between the two is really high.

Of course, Hatsune Miku and Black Rock Shooter are still somewhat different, that is, there is a blue flame burning in one of Black Rock Shooter's eyes.

Qian Jiayi's eyes lit up when he saw this blue flame.

Obviously, this setting also hit Qianjia.

"The setting of this blue flame is good. At first glance, this Black Rock shooter and Hatsune Miku are quite similar, but if you look closely, they are still different." Qianjia exclaimed.

——This is of course different. This is the key to the new generation of S2!

This setting of burning flames in the eyes is really a second-degree burst of the table. Since the Black Rock shooter, this setting has not known how many teenagers and girls are infatuated with this feeling. This setting has an even more impact. A large number of light novels and animation settings have arrived.

Black Rock Shooter is not simply a persona created by Hatsune Miku. The setting of Black Rock Shooter is actually very unique. Perhaps Black Rock Shooter itself is not well-known because the animation is not very popular, but its The far-reaching influence of the setting is similar to Hatsune Miku.

"If you look closely, it feels a bit like Shiyin's temper with a child, when she is awkward and cold."

"I won't get angry with children! Sister is really!"

Shiyin said that he is definitely not a child.

"Hi, hi, our Shiyin is not a child, Shiyinjiang has grown up~"

Qian Jia said while staring at Shi Yin.


It wasn't until this time that Shiyin realized that he seemed to be hit by the trick.

Originally Shiyin had turned aside his eyes, but after hearing Qianjia's words, Shiyin turned his head again.

Suddenly realized that he had been deceived by Poetry, and wanted to put his head away again, but felt that it was not good.

"Now, Shiyin, would you like to take a look?" Senxia said quickly.

"Well, I want to see what weird thing you have made... Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see it, I just want to know what weird thing you have made is comparable to me."

Shion said, but at the same time he accepted Morinha's manuscript.

Looking at Shiyin's appearance, Senxia was a little dumb at this moment.

Ji Ye, Ji Ye, look at what kind of person you have turned Shiyin into. Such a tsundere character would not be so beautiful in the real world!

If Shiyin can't marry because of this, would you be responsible for Ji Ye?

Senxia spit out Ji Ye in her heart.

As the guy who crooked the poem tape like this, Morinka felt that there was no problem with her complaint.

"Well... it's pretty handsome." Shiyin felt that this "Black Rock Shooter" seemed pretty good?

Hatsune Miku is cute, but the black rock shooter here is "cool". When you see the black rock shooter, you will have a very powerful feeling.

Well, that's how fashionable characters are.

In fact, Mori Xia also knows another highly fashionable work, the legendary Kagerou Project.

But how should I put it, Yang Yan's original work is fine, but the animations made later based on the original work are very ungrounded.

Of course, if you don’t get down to the ground, it’s okay to say that stream of consciousness is also a genre, but the painting of this work has collapsed to a heinous level. Hatsune and Kuroiwa.

Well, compared to Yang Yan, the animation of the black rock shooter really doesn't know where it goes high.

"It feels a little bit'Black Hatsune', but Morinka, you don't want to do this, right?" Qianjia asked.

"Of course not, Hatsune Miku is a series, and there will be other characters in the future. And Kuroiwa Sagittarius is also a series. My idea is that the theme song of Kuroiwa Sagittarius can be handed over to Hatsune Miku."

"--You mean, let the virtual singer come to sing the theme song?" Qianjia understood Senxia's thoughts.

"Yes, I asked Asagae to find Nana and the others as the sound source to try to receive the sound. It should be done after a while." Mori summer had already planned it before, "How can I become popular in one shot-I I think it’s the best way to let Hatsune sing the theme song."

If an animated drama is a virtual singer singing, it will definitely cause the strongest sensation.

"The animation of Black Rock Shooter, what are you going to do?" Qianjia asked again.

"I asked Zhenxiasan the other day. I communicated with him and prepared to use Monte Um to design the action. I plan to use 3D rendering to produce this work, and then turn it into 2D. If I start production from now, the earliest It will be released in October, but Jin Xia-san suggested that the time be more generous, and January next year will be fine."

Morinia’s production method is about the same as the future progress. I eliminated most of them internally. And because there is still a certain oriental power as a backup, Morinia’s time can also be very calm, until October. Playing is not impossible.

However, Shita Koo expressed doubts about Mori Xia's method of "making the action part first in 3D and then using 2D rendering".

This technique has been applied in the "Blue Cat Movie", which shows that there is a play. But people are also piled up with time and technology. If you want to have more money on your side, it is better to leave another three months and postpone the broadcast time to next year.

Senxia thinks this is fine.

"Well, I don't have any problems." Qianjia said this, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head to look at her sister, "By the way, Shiyin, why are you here today."

"Huh? Huh?"

Because Qianjia suddenly asked, Shiyin suddenly couldn't speak.

She panicked, and after a while, she said, "I, I'm here to buy computer accessories!"

Computer accessories...

Senxia suddenly thought that there was a suspicious prop in a certain work, which seemed to be referred to as "computer accessories"...

Morinia suddenly thought of a very subtle and popular work in the future.

"What accessories do you buy?" Morinya knew that Shion probably didn't mean that, but... let's ask?

"Ah, because my computer is a bit stuck, the screen is very strange when I play it. Later, after I consulted with other people, I realized that the computer's memory and the performance of the graphics card were not enough." After hearing Morinka's words, Shiyin Finally, she was able to speak normally, and she said all the problems she had encountered.

"Oh, this is indeed not enough performance. By the way, what is the CPU used in your computer at home? I'm talking about the processor."

"CPU? Well, it's Pentium 4..." Shiyin seemed a little uncertain, "This is the latest."

"No, no, Pentium 4 has high frequency and low energy, it's not like Latina! You can simply replace the platform together, I recommend starting AMD..." Senxia gave Shiyin Amway up.

"Huh, eh?" The poem, who had a little knowledge of computers, seemed to have become more chaotic.

"Yo Xi!" At this moment, Qianjia said, "If this is the case, then Senxia-kun, please take a trip!"

Qian Jia said, she stood up.

She walked to Senxia and patted Senxia on the shoulder.

"This difficult task is left to you."

"Huh? I'm going?" Senxia was shocked.

"Yeah, Shiyin came here all the way, isn't it just to let you buy a computer for her? So this important task can only be entrusted to you, Senxia-kun!"

Qianjia said, and at the same time took out a black card to Moriha.

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, let's do that. I'll be here about noon. What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Fried Chicken Burger and Coke." Qianjia said immediately.

"Well... alright."

Qianjia rarely eats takeaways, but as long as she eats outside, she will probably go to Coke.

In fact, Senxia meant that she bought the vegetables and made it back, but since Qianjia spoke first, she couldn't say anything.

Senxia left the room soon, leaving Qianjia and the poetic sound that was already panicking next to Huh, it's really hot. This latex suit looks pretty good. It's also fun, but it's too boring. "

Qianjia said as she walked to Shiyin's side, she moved the ends of her sister's hair.

"Ah, you're sweating too, how about let's take a bath together? Senxia-kun should be back in time by then."


Shiyin actually wanted to refuse, but after hearing her sister's invitation, Shiyin subconsciously agreed.

When she recovered, she had already gone to the bathroom with her sister, and Qian Jia had already begun to take off her latex clothes at this time.

Qianjia, who was under the latex coat, had nothing on her body, her body was slightly warm.

Shiyin dared not look at Qianjia, but couldn't help but curiosity. This peculiar costume seemed to have a kind of magic, which made her unable to remove her eyes.

"Shiyin, why don't you try it?" Qianjia said again, "I'm going to take a shower anyway, try it a little bit?"

"Huh?" Shiyin looked at the latex clothes soaked in Qianjia's sweat. At this moment, she really wanted to nod her head.

"Wait a minute, what is this sleeve?" But Shiyin noticed some subtle points on the clothes, such as two sleeves between her legs.

"Oh, this, this is for convenience, you can play interesting games! And you won't get pregnant~" Qianjia said with a smile, "Ah, if you don't like it, there are zippers too~"

"..." Shiyin was completely confused at this moment when she heard her sister's words.


FGO-related, the pumping out of the sanctuary is unconscious, and it is scheduled to eat soil in the next two months.

Pulling two and five treasures, Jack's four treasures, this is a sad story.

Today’s two in one, meow meow~

Two-in-one meow~

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