Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1368: Sword Art Online Games

In March Shiwei, all the new fans in April announced that they had skipped tickets, and even the broadcasting plan of "Earth Defense Boy" that Mori Xia was working on was adjusted.

There is no other reason, because a new show is about to start broadcasting.

The second season of Lelouch the Rebellious.

Why did this work come out after a period of time from the first season?

It's simple, because Senxia has eaten a book.

Because the script of the first season has been thoroughly studied, Morinha's routines have been seen through. In order to give everyone a surprise, Senxia chose to eat a book.

I just eat books.

A good game manufacturer should learn to eat books.jpg.

Mori Xia said that the person who should be back is actually Blizzard.

In the world view of Lelouch's second season, Moriha has portrayed a certain eastern country as a magical Three Kingdoms era, which contrasts with the lighthouse country that has become a Knight of the Round Table.

The first part of "Lelouch the Rebellion" is a very powerful work. The sales of the game have reached one million copies one after another. Although the sales volume of animation is less than one-tenth of the sales volume of the game, it is still let People kneel down and look up at the existence.

So when the second season began to air, some other ambitious animations obediently avoided April, some chose July, and others chose October.

In fact, even Morinka’s own "Minecraft", after doing market research, obediently adjusted the release date to May, or to the Golden Week release.

After entering March, a company has basically finalized the project of this e3 exhibition, and all kinds of works have been prepared and ready to go.

In addition, Mr. Okawa Gong's condition has been stable recently. When Morinka visited him before, he found that he seemed to be able to continue for a few more seconds.

I want to come too. After Morinia, whether it is Sega or Dreamcast, the recent development is very good. The father is in a good mood and his body is also much better. This is understandable.

At this time, Senxia herself was trying out a new online game developed by the company.

"Um...this way...this way...oh, okay~"

After squeezing the blonde girl's paper away, and then taking a screenshot, Morinia said that her face-squeezing skill is really good.

"Darling is squeezing his face according to me? Ah, I am so happy!"

"You think too much. I just think Western Fantasy's worldview, blond hair is more entertaining, and the president is also blond. Don't see the wind but the rain!"

Pushing Alice away, Morinka chose to start the game.

It's fine to stay with this guy.

Although Alice and Yukino had spent a more delicate Valentine’s Day "holiday" before, the reason why Morika looked unlovable was also because Alice took care of Morika’s patient too much" The best".

The past is unbearable, but Alice always goes to Morinka's side.

This is not the key. The key is that if Morinya dared to relax a little, this guy would dare to push his nose to the face.

Therefore, in order to prevent any accidents, Moria, who didn't want to be tossed anymore, could only push this guy away with a cold face.

At this time, the game has begun the process of reading and loading, and the scene picture of Kirito and Asuna standing back to back on the water also appeared in the screen.

——This game is "Sword Art Online ol".

After such a long period of polishing, the entire game has taken shape.

At the beginning, Morinka planned to make this game into a game similar to Dragon Valley, or even a 3d version of the dnf series.

But after doing this, the production team discovered that it would be a shame if the entire game was made in that mode.

In particular, the technical department has also developed a seamless map system.

The so-called "seamless map", that is, if the player has been acting in the game, the game does not need to read the map frequently, as long as it is loaded for the first time, the follow-up can allow the player to run smoothly in the game Jump, without encountering the "switching map" in the game.

Don't underestimate this technology.

In the world of 3dmmo games, no one can easily do this yet. It can even be said that this seamless map itself is a huge selling point.

After that, there was a major breakthrough in network technology.

At the beginning, Morinya considered a pattern similar to the fatigue value of the copy. In fact, there is a reason because that pattern is not too burdensome for the network.

The production team believed that the time was ripe, and then proposed to Morika to make "Sword Art Online ol" into a larger online game.


Then it was suppressed by Senxia.

Everything was implemented according to the original plan. The seamless map technology was applied to the world of "Sword and Sword 2" in the future. The breakthrough of network technology was given to another game called "Phantasy Star ol" below-this The game was not originally owned by Morinia, but after Sega transferred the system to Morinia, Morinia also got some resources, including Phantasy Star and many other content copyrights.

In fact, if it weren't for Sega's unwillingness to let go, Morinka actually wanted to develop Sonic the Hedgehog the most-but Sega was not the Order of the Phoenix after all, and the copyright of this hedgehog was not intended to be given to Morinka.

In fact, without the drag of home consoles, Sega’s arcade business has increased a lot in the recent period. This is something that has never been seen in another world line, which is really strange.

"Why don't you expand the scale of this game a bit?" Sitting next to Morika, Alice looked at the content on the screen curiously.

This game is geared towards the Asia-Pacific region, but Alice thought it might be popular in Europe and America, so she asked Mori to give herself the agency of this game in North America.

Well, dirty py deal.

"Because this is enough." Morinka said, "This is good. And I think the viability of this copy mode is longer than pure mmorpg."

"Really?" Alice tilted her head, seemingly incomprehensible, "I still think that such a masterpiece is better. By the way, let me tell you a little industry secrets-Blizzard seems to be preparing such an online game."

Don't look at Alice being quite silly, but because of her confidence. You can lose your temper if you have the ability.

Alice also knows a lot of industry secrets, and even some things are more familiar than Morinatsu who knows the direction of the world line.

"Yeah, but I think this is good."

——Miss Alice, you probably don’t know, among online games, the most profitable... is dnf!

As a Dragon Valley of the same type, it was actually quite able to challenge dnf's ability back then. However, the agency was Mr. Sheng, and he played the game to death... It is a sad story.

By the way, the most profitable prerequisite is "end game". If you count the mobile phone end, the fate on the side of the month is the real big money collector, and the maintenance cost is small, and the net profit is higher than this huge end. You don’t know where you are going.

Incomparable, incomparable, slipped away.

"That kind of large rpg, if we need to make it here, I will probably use the theme of fairy sword to make it. If we count the global market, I may not be able to make such a big cake."

The market is too big.

If Morinka tried to compete with Blizzard pk here, he would be in trouble, especially if he did so, Morinka’s energy would be consumed in business. As a true gentleman determined to spread the gentleman’s culture, he would not Let ten people understand gentleman culture, it is better to let five people fall in love with gentleman culture.

The character that Moriha chose uses a rapier, which is mainly agile, and chose the highest difficulty.

The character moves elegantly in the screen, and the semi-locked action mode makes the battle hearty, and it can also be used by both rookies and veterans.

All in all, this is a very comfortable gaming experience, even Alice next to her nodded frequently.

"Good morning." At this moment, Lihua opened the door and walked in.

Near the holiday, the university does not have many courses, so although it is not a weekend, Lihua and Senxia are also available.

But after seeing Alice in the office, Lihua was taken aback.

"Hello, lovely President Lihua~" Alice greeted Lihua.

"Hello." Lihua greeted Alice politely.

Before on Valentine's Day, Mori Xia-kun was said to be still sick. If it weren't for this Alice to take care of him, how he is now is still unclear.

Lihua was not very clear about Senxia's problems in the previous few days, and Senxia did not disclose it at the time.

But afterwards, Lihua saw the haggard Mori Xia and realized how severe Mori Xia was in those few days. But Morinka said that she didn't want to disturb everyone because of her relationship, let alone affect Yuyan who was on vacation for this reason, so she asked Yukino and Alice not to talk about this matter. So in those few days, the ones who guarded Morinka's side were Morinka's younger sister, Yukino, and this Alice in front of her.

Lihua thought about it later and thought it was true. If he knew that Senxia was sick, his friends would indeed be very worried.

For this reason, Lihua's perception of Alice is quite good-after all, it was Alice taking care of Morinka all those days!

But if Alice is here, what should I do?

Lihua touched her neckline with her hand, her fingers lightly pressed on her neckline, and the texture of the belt on the inside of the coat was reflected on her fingers...

"What is Morinya doing?" Feeling like Alice has been looking at her Lihua, she quickly changed the subject with this question.

"Sword Art Online ol's demo." Morinya said, "Although this game is not perfect, it has a rudimentary form, which is pretty good."

"So that's the case." Lihua nodded and leaned forward, then looked at the situation in Senxia.

It was said before that Morinia likes two different carriers to show two different worldviews. This is how the current Sword Art Online ol game is.

The animated version of Sword Art Online is a group of people trapped in the game, but in the game version, the original game world has changed and turned into a real reality.

This setting is also confirmed by Morinya after modifying it time and time again. This mode is based on another game called "Recording Horizon". But the difference is that the game was crossed when the new version of the game was updated, but on Morinia's side, it was worn when the game started.

Although in another world line, there was originally another mode of the "Sword Art Online" game world, but that game world view, Mori summer did not adopt, but directly carried out the super-magical modification operation.

"Huh, finally got it done."

After defeating the boss without injury and achieving a sss-level achievement, Senxia nodded happily.

After seeing Senxia break the barrier, Alice rubbed against Senxia again.

She asked: "This battle looks very interesting, but the question is-how do you charge here? Hmm... Is it game currency?"

In this game, after the game is dead, you can consume one game coin to resurrect on the spot, full of blood, just like dnf.

Senxia has made it clear before that this is a zero-threshold game, and there is no such thing as "game time".

That's why Alice has this question.

"No, there are many ways to make money in games, we just take it slowly. The current temporary strategy is to achieve through game membership, fashion and other mall props, Although theoretically it can be done without money To play, but if you don’t recharge, you need to spend a lot of time-and this is actually what we need. Because providing free players to spend money as a foil is also part of the game!"

Free players themselves are also part of the product, and they are actually the "accompanying play" of krypton players.

"Similar to hero trajectory?" The understanding of this routine made Alice think of hero trajectory.

Hero Tracks is a game skin, which is called a frenzy. Someone has counted it. If you want to buy all the character skins in this game, the value may be enough to buy dozens of game masterpieces-although free You can also play, but the number of chopsticks in this world is also a lot.

"Almost, so our girls must be sultry, and boys must be handsome...or sultry."

Senxia already had her own goal.

He thought for a while, then looked at Lihua: "President, what do you think of this game?"

"Well, it's pretty good." Lihua nodded, and she thought for a while, "But since we want players to spend more game coins, should we increase the difficulty a bit? It feels too simple."


I the highest difficulty...


To popularize it, although many animations use tanks and planes to sling knightmare, in fact, there are tanks and planes in the world of Lelouch, but why humanoid mechas can develop... well... it's probably metaphysics. .

Two-in-one meow meow...

Meow meow, meow!

Remember the mobile version URL: m.

Chapter 1368 Online Games of Sword Art Online (Page 1/1)

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