Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1375: Just do it!

The paper man wife is the best jpg.

Although everyone calls their favorite two-dimensional cute girl character "two-dimensional wife", this joking has gradually become a phenomenon after a long time of development. In a large eastern country, people call it "paper man’s wife", while in the West, people also invented the word "waifu" and used the word "wife".

When playing games, provide a special npc to the players, why not?

"We can even provide customized hand-made services." Seeing that everyone seemed to be very supportive, Senxia felt super happy.

Ahhhh, sure enough, being a boss is refreshing!

"Hands?" Kuroshima Ichiro was not calm at this time.

What are you thinking about, why are there still figures?

"That's the case. I think since everyone can pay so much for the characters in the game, then we can also make their favorite characters figure. Of course, the price of this custom figure is a little bit higher. But it is very, very good for increasing player loyalty. And even if we don’t do it, other manufacturers will do it.”

For example, a Blizzard.

They plan to do a project in the future, that is, to provide players with a character 3D printing service, so that players can print their own game characters.

What Senxia wants to make is a krypton gold game. Since it is a krypton gold game, of course it is to provide the most considerate service to the gold owners!

What are these Han paper and sister paper for playing ergonomics?

It's very simple, it's to knock down all the objects you want to knock down in the game!

"Our game was originally a game oriented to serve adults. Hei Dao, we have to look forward!"

Must look to the money!

Morinatsu looked at Kuroshima Ichiro earnestly.

"Actually... it can be done!"

Strictly speaking, it can be done, but the deployment needs to be done on your own.

Ichiro Kuroshima bit his head and answered Morika's question.

He thought about it carefully and found that if he really wanted to customize a figure like this, the cost would be quite high, and the final sales price would not be very low, so the sales volume and demand were not high.

Thinking of this, Ichiro Kuroshima breathed a sigh of relief.

In general, of course, the more orders, the better, and even the more orders, the lower the unit price can be. But this kind of thing that needs to be customized separately, the quantity is better, the cost of this thing is really difficult to make.

By that time, Senxia will not be there, but the person responsible for communication, I am afraid that Party B will do it.

Ichiro Kuroshima felt a deep sadness. He found that no matter what he did, in the end, there was only one word "death".

He felt all sweat on his forehead.

This is a dying rhythm...

"Yosi, it's fine if you can do it." Morinya nodded, "Finally, I hope that our game can be made into another game with the content of the character setting."

"...Nani?" Kuroshima Ichiro really didn't understand this time.

"I mean, we can make the content built by the player into another interesting game. For example, after 10 years of the game world, the main story part will be based on the content built by the player. Maybe It's interesting..."

"Wait a minute!" Kuroshima Ichiro really couldn't explain it at this time. "There is really no way to do this kind of content!"

Senxia suddenly got his head because he thought of some interesting novel plots.

For example, in the closed beta and closed beta before the open beta of the novel, the players themselves build from scratch, while in the open beta, the content they build becomes the game scene, and the player's own character, after the open beta, Will also be converted to npc.

However, Ichiro Kuroshima really couldn't do this with Morinka's mind-opening thoughts!

This is a sad story.

But Ichiro Kuroshima really couldn't do it anymore.

Because this thing, if you really want to do it, you can definitely kill someone, because this thing is easy to say, but when it is done... it really is to kill.

"Well, this idea has nothing to do with the game itself. If you think you can do it, just do it." Morinya didn't force it.

After hearing Morinatsu's words, Ichiro Kuroshima here was finally relieved.

It's a good risk. If you don't stop Senxia, ​​God knows what other ideas he will have.

"As for the game itself, do you have any questions?" After finishing her mind, Senxia asked other people what they thought.

"That-Mr. Xia Sen, with this game, I can't understand how to integrate creative content with rpg." A programmer tangled up and raised his hand.

"Well, indeed, few people have done this before." Senxia nodded, "Specifically, in the game, we allow players to edit and build their own equipment and buildings, as well as various costumes. Props. But these contents were just drawings at the They need to collect materials through methods like farming or rpg killing monsters-for example, if someone wants to make a tentacle armor, he needs to collect tentacle monsters. Wreckage. Of course, I’m here to give an example, because in actual production, the player’s ideas must be bizarre, we can set it to be produced by 3d printing technology, so the raw materials do not require specific materials, but specific krypton gold materials And a certain amount of common materials or something."

"Then how to define the consumption of this material resource..." Someone murmured again.

"Calculated according to the model volume?"

"Or calculated by function?"

Everyone started talking, creative designers and planners all smiled, only the faces of numerical planners got darker.

"Calculate according to the consumed resources!" Morinia said, "The more complex the model, the greater the proportion of resources occupied, the higher the cost of manufacturing. This also prevents players from making overly complex items or scenes, right?"

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" Senxia's statement made others clapped and cheered, and the face of the numerical plan was much better.

But this time, the programmer's face became ugly.

Resources consumed...?

I will give you a separate model for testing and evaluation to determine how many resources you use?

What an international joke!

This is playing me!

"You can discuss the details yourself, and the plan is reasonable." Senxia smiled, "I just hope that I can see a perfect finished product. I am optimistic about you!"

Optimistic meow meow!

——Ichiro Kuroshima dare not say this sentence.


The thunderstorm is out of power. Fortunately, I have UPS power supply, otherwise it will be miserable...

The second more meow~meowmeow~

Wow meow~

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