Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1393: My brain, 1 blank

Lihua came home early in the morning.

Today is a day off. Lihua's plan is to go shopping with Qianjia and buy some necessities for the armor.

Only Senxia temporarily found Qianjia for something, so Lihua also changed the schedule.

There was no way to buy too many things by herself, so Lihua simply took back the clothes that Qianjia had asked to organize before.

Because of the previous renovation, Lihua and Qianjia’s costumes were basically taken out, some in the Cintianzhuang, and some in the current apartment.

But after the house has been renovated, it is good to put some things back.

So in the early morning, she simply went back here.

After cleaning the house, Lihua came to her side with Qianjia’s luggage.

"Really, I just clean up my own things a little bit."

Not only here, even when he was in the apartment, Qianjia’s clothes and belongings were basically handed over to Lihua to clean up.

Before, when she lived alone, Qianjia would clean up the room by herself. When everyone was living together, it would be Qianjia's turn to clean up the room in turn. But when she entered the university and lived with Lihua, Qianjia’s Basically, everything was handed over to Lihua.

"Huh, that's it."

After finishing all Qianjia's clothes and putting them in the closet, Lihua was also a little relieved.

"Then this..."

Then, she turned her head and looked at her suitcase, which also contained her own clothes.

Opening the suitcase and looking at the contents of the suitcase, Lihua's face showed a subtle blush.

In addition to ordinary clothes, there are also some delicate clothes stored in this suitcase.

She knelt down and took out a dress made of belts.

There was a thump in her heart.

This kind of clothing made of belts has no effect at all that can block the eyes.

In addition, these clothes have some accessories.

For example, leather loops buckle on elbows and upper arms, thighs and calves, as well as leather suspenders and long gloves that can be connected with leather straps.

"Although it doesn't look like clothes, it's just right to wear it inside as a primer..." Lihua had tried it several times before, using it as the bottom primer to wear it inside, and then put on the primer clothes.

Obviously it feels like there is nothing strange, but I don't know why, my heart is always beating.

When the top students break the conventions and taboos, the feeling of impact is stronger than the average person.

Actually...this suit was not purchased by Lihua.

In fact, this is a free gift, a merchandise for the collection of the new work of Mr. Elohir II.

Although I think the work of teacher Erdaime is very shocking to the senses, as an assistant to Morika, Lihua also thinks that she needs to understand this knowledge-because Morika has a club for adult games.

And... I am already 18 years old, this kind of 18X series can also appreciate it...

How to put it, the work of teacher Erdaime is indeed excellent. After removing the content that describes and impacts the human senses, the elegant writing and stories revealed in the whole work are very attractive.

I can't say the more outrageous content, Lihua is still attracted by the plainly portrayed story.

Teacher Nidaime's work this time is a target for female high school students.

This female high school student has outstanding appearance and good grades. She is a top student, but her life is not happy. But a girl with high intellectual disdain for that kind of depraved behavior.

A girl’s life cannot be said to be painful, nor can it be said to be depressed, but her life just feels empty.

It wasn't until an accidental opportunity that she saw the "Salon of Suspension".

It is a secret place for girls opened by the gentle sister.

In that place, the girl experienced for the first time the kind of shock that she had never had before.

Although the body is locked, but the heart seems to be extremely released.

Excluding those obvious plots, what the whole story tells is a story in which the girl realizes her true self through some kind of opportunity and begins to expand her heart to the surroundings.

After reading this book, Lihua also realized for the first time why Qianjia and Mori would become fans of Teacher Erdaime—because Teacher Erdaime really has that qualification.

After all, Lihua herself was attracted by the exquisite plot.

"Teacher Erdaime, really a terrifying master who can play with people's hearts..."

Compared with the Erdaime teacher, Morinatsu's writing style shows another feeling, and the madness of the writing shows another fierce, heat-like feeling. And the 18X plot he wrote is also full of hot, suffocating feelings.

But how to say it.

Compared with Morinha's article, it is indeed the story of teacher Erdaime, which is more deeply rooted.

That kind of soft talk, although gentle and laughing, seemed to make people's nerves tremble.

How to put it, the feeling is really indescribable.

And at that time, Lihua heard his thoughts from Senxia.

Is it more suitable for belt wear?

He does not mean that.

So Lihua tried it...

How should I put it, that stimulating feeling almost opened up a new world for Lihua. How to say it, the feeling that the body is wrapped in leather is good.

In fact, Lihua wears a lot of leather clothes. Many high-end leathers don't actually feel very good.

But how can I say that after clothes like this on a boat, the impulse and pleasure from the heart are far more sensible than the simple stimulation of the body.

Of course, Lihua would not go out in such clothes.

Only when Lihua just put on her clothes, some small accidents occurred.

There are buttons on this leather dress, but if the button is to be fastened, it must be locked with a lock. If it is not locked, the dress will slip off.

However, there are quite a few locks on the clothes. There are two locks where the garter is connected, and the leather ties on the arms and feet each have a lock, and then the clothes themselves have a lock.

More importantly, the keys of these locks are not yet universal!

Lihua didn't notice this at first, so when the keys were all mixed together, it was too late when she actually put the clothes on her body.

As a result, Lihua couldn't find the key for the first time, and then she was called out by Qianjia.

Lihua had no choice but to temporarily wear clothes in it.

All in all, for Lihua, it was a somewhat unbearable past.

But that kind of feeling made Lihua a little bit unwilling to stop. After that, she... still tried several times.

However, a few days ago, when Senxia seemed to notice, she was a little afraid.

This time she brought this set of clothes as a gift back home, in fact, in order to seal this relatively delicate history.

However, when Lihua wanted to seal up this history, she hesitated.

"Today, there is only me here..."

A reddish color appeared on Lihua's face.

Otherwise... try again at the end.

Try it last, and then seal it all up...

She took the dress out and tried it.

"Wait, this is still Qianjia's room..."

Lihua's room is next to Qianjia's room.

But... here, it feels more...

With this idea in mind, Qianjia decided to try again.

Put the clothes on, and then buckle the locks on your body one by one.


After the last sound, the clothes were put on.

And after the clothes were put on, Lihua felt a sense of relaxation inexplicably.

Ah, ah, this method seems to be a good way to relieve stress.

Just like what Erdaimu said in it, this is a way of life of his own, which does not disturb anyone, and is an absolutely independent small entertainment of his own.

She came to the mirror.

There is a floor-to-ceiling mirror in Qianjia's room. This mirror is behind the door. After changing clothes from the closet next to him, you can see how you just changed.

"Is this who I am now..." She muttered and looked at herself in the mirror.

However, without waiting for Lihua to look at it, the door was opened.

It was Morinya who appeared opposite Lihua.

Morinka, who had just cleaned up Yukino's room and was about to help Qianjia clean up the room, saw Lihua the moment he opened the door.

Moreover, Lihua is still wearing very delicate.

how to say.

This feeling.

Lihua is a very beautiful girl.

Unlike Qianjia and Alice, Lihua, who is a mixed race, has both Eastern and Western charm.

She has the body of a Westerner, but her face is as soft and beautiful as the Easterner, but the prominent features have a certain Nordic style.

And the black belt in front of me has a unique line.

The black curve presented with the human body as the background has a magical charm. It seems to be a demon flower blooming on pure white, this is a strange and inexplicable beauty.

Senxia stared at those eyes.

Probably because I didn't expect someone to open the door suddenly. After seeing Morinia, Lihua couldn't move her whole body.

She just stared at Senxia.



Lihua lost consciousness, and fell down towards Senxia.

"Eh eh eh?!"

Yes, Lihua lost consciousness directly and she was in a coma.

"Lililililililihua?!" Senxia felt a little bit awkward when she spoke.

But Lihua was really completely exasperated. At this moment, she really didn't know anything.

Having said that, what is the situation!

Senxia looked dumbfounded.

Why did Lihua-senpai dress like this and then appear in Qianjia's room? Why is she at the gate? !

Moriha has too many grooves to vomit, but always feels something is not quite right.

"what happened?"

The huge noise caused Qianjia downstairs to worry.

After all, it was such a loud voice, God knows what happened to Morinya.

However, Qianjia walked around the corner, and after seeing Senxia, ​​she was also stunned.

To be more accurate, it was when Qianjia saw Lihua in front of Senxia.

"It turns out that you are still playing this kind of..." Qianjia was surprised, "Ah la la, I suddenly felt that we have two swords left here, maybe it's really good!"

"I am also very confused now!" Senxia said angrily, "Senior sister, if you are so free, help me move Lihua away!"

Morinia felt as if she touched anything wrong, and seemed to have problems no matter where she touched.

I can only ask Qianjia.

" should be fine." Qianjia walked over and took a look at Lihua, "What happened?"

"I want to know what happened too!"

I am the victim here, OK!

"Could it be that you happened to see Lihua when you opened the door of my room, and then changed her into such a which caused her to go into a coma in shame?" Qianjia guessed.

"It's basically true to get rid of the fact that I put on Lihua's clothes. Could it be that you are teasing Lihua again?" Senxia felt that this Guo Qianjia was back.

Yes, only Qianjia would go to Keng Lihua like this!

"Of course not. I'm also very curious... Besides, you've been so intimate with Li Huahua from the beginning, so what did you do?!"

"Why ask me the other way around, I'm also a victim!" Senxia tried to pass the blunder.

"Really... eh..."

She looked at Senxia and suddenly stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked quickly.

"Hey hey~"

But at this moment, Qian Jia's face made a laugh of unknown meaning, and then she turned around and ran away!

Ran away... ran away!

After Qianjia slipped away, Senxia did not react for a long time.


I have no Fxck to say.

Senxia could only remove Lihua who was in a coma by herself.

However, just as Senxia was in a hurry, a white light flashed before his eyes, and he heard a "click" in his ear.

Turning his head and looking again, Qianjia was holding the camera at Morinia's side at this time.

"Don't do this kind of thing at this time...ah..."

Enraged by Qianjia's attitude, Morinka accidentally touched a place with her hands that shouldn't be touched, and then she was continuously photographed by Qianjia.

The flashing white light seemed to make Senxia's brain blank...


FGO is going to be animated again, chapters 6 and 7

Chapter 7 TVization, Chapter 6 Theatricalization

Moon Kitchen increases frenzied state and rational evaporation state

Two-in-one meow meow~

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