Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1395: Playing games when you are stressed is of course the best!

Morinia, who came to the current research institute, looked unlovable.

"Senxia, ​​you are here!"

After seeing Morinya, Takashi Kiriya was very happy: "You really didn't forget us, hahaha!"

"Ah...?" Senxia didn't seem to reflect that there were people here, "Good afternoon."

"Are you OK?"

When Ken Aso saw Mori's loss of soul, he couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"Ah? What? I'm fine, I'm fine! Don't worry!" Senxia waved her hand.

"..." Although Morinya looked like something was going on, she didn't seem to ask too much.

"Xia... Morinka, we are playing games, do you want to be together?" Kenichi Aso asked Morina.

Although he respectfully referred to him as Teacher Xia Sen later, he still referred to the other party as Sen Xia. After all, everyone was still a classmate on weekdays. In private, he used "Mr Xia Sen" to express his longing. Okay, but forget it on weekdays.

"Oh, good." Senxia nodded, "What are you playing?"

"To the devil," said Takashi Kiriya. "It's super fun, Morinatsu, you made a great game!"

Kiritani is quite happy now.

At this moment, Tonggu Xiao, who was spiritually polluted by his main title "Looking of the Ancient God", was finally able to refresh himself.

The double ponytail in front of him is wearing a sailor suit. This kind of sister paper wearing a blue sailor suit is simply the hottest star in his heart.

Ah, this is life!

"Oh, dlc!"

Senxia saw this dlc, and finally his eyes gradually lit up.

Sure enough, this feeling is still comfortable.

The tragic things in reality should be forgotten for now.

How to say it, after being taken by Qianjia, I don't know how many photos, Morinha's san value has dropped to the lowest.

Now Moriha doesn't even know how she should face Lihua...If she wakes up, God knows what will happen.

Escape is shameful but useful.

After taking care of the troubled Qianjia and leaving her exhausted, Morinka slipped away. Senxia's endurance and physical strength are amazing. Let him run a marathon. He may not be the one with the shortest time, but he must be the one with the longest running time.

In this regard, only Xue Nao can completely crush Senxia. Alice may be able to compete with Yukino in terms of combat power, but she still can't do it in terms of physical strength and endurance.

Hmm... Maybe Alice is better at technique...

Anyway, he can't go back today anyway.

As for things at home, Xiyan went shopping for daily necessities today. Although it was a bit embarrassing, this time is left to Xiyan.

When Morinka recovered, he had already boarded the subway to Akihabara, but thinking about it carefully, today is a day when he finally took a vacation. Anyway, it is a loss...

So Senxia decided to find a place to go online.

It just so happened that at that time, Senxia was near Dongda University, so he simply went to the department of Xianshiyan first.

Morika, who was about to publish some negative energy news on the Internet, just came in and saw Kenichi Aso and Takashi Kiriya in the room.

"This dlc will be more interesting when there is a mod in the future." Senxia said.

"Mod?" Ken Aso suddenly thought of those ergonomic mods on the Internet, with a gentleman's smile on his face.

"How can it be repaired, there is still that kind of content..." Tonggu Xiao grabbed his handle angrily.

"What's the matter with you?" Senxia couldn't help but ask, "And now it's vacation, you don't go to accompany your Meihui sauce, but instead play games here?"

"It's because of Meihui sauce!" Tong Gu Xiao burst into tears, "I can't install any beautification and modification patches for the game now! How can it be repaired, I finally learned to install the mod!"

If it is an ergonomic mod, the installation does require some technical content, but ordinary mods, in the game, can be directly installed in the store...

In order for players to enjoy the happiness of mods, Morinka here really made the mod store a fool. In this year, there are no players who know how to use this mod...

But how to put it, Meihui sauce forbids Tonggu Xiao to install the beautification mod. In a sense, this does not seem to be very surprising.

After all, when Morinka was back in front of her, she was actually beaten by this Meihui sauce.

But to be honest, although this "Mihui sauce" has the feeling of a dark-skinned "hot girl" and "Shibuya", the plain face after removing makeup is actually the kind with full of value... well, Morinka felt that the time when Tong Gu Xiao was able to see Meihui sauce without makeup was probably very rare.

By the way, Meihui sauce actually works at the White Bear Cafe, and Takashi Tonggu also works here. When working part-time, this Harada Mie is actually bare-faced, but when Tong Gu Xiao is working, he actually works mostly when he is a porter. In other words...Toriya Takashi can't see Mi Hui in the maid costume. .

Well, I have to say, this is a sad story.

At this moment, Tong Gu Xiao really had an expression of indescribability. Even Morinya felt that this expression was really sad for some people who heard it and tears.

"Could it be that your Meihui sauce only allows you to see her, and then doesn't allow you to see other girls?" Senxia murmured casually, "Could it be that she also asked you to pinch people? Out of the kind of women who can make people crazy, and then force you to use this role to get a platinum trophy?"

"Eh eh eh?!" x2.

The two exclaimed at the same time.

"Huh? Could it be true?"

Hmm...Although there are some suspicions of crow's mouth, how should I say, it seems...not surprising!

"Okay, let's play together, I'll turn on the phone, you guys wait a moment."

There are a total of four TV sets and dc-p mainframes on the company’s current research institute. If it weren’t for the TVs taking up space, Qianjia still wanted to buy more.

But this is actually enough now, because they only have three people.

When Morinka was taking out the dc-p, Kenichi Aso and Takashi Kiriya also came to help.

At this time, Kiritani winked at Morika: "Morxia, is there any way for me to install dc-p on the machine, but other people can't notice it?"

Oh, Takaya Kiriya is afraid that his girlfriend will check the post...

Senxia understood it all at once.

"Yes." Senxia said firmly.

"What?" Tong Gu Xiao's eyes lit up, his face full of hope.

"You just bought another machine."


Tong Gu Xiao was stunned.

Morinatsu patted Kiritani Takashi on the shoulder, expressing that she was helpless.

"Mori, how much do you know about the mods for the ninja?" Kenichi Aso also came over at this time and asked about Mori.

Although it is a military residence, Kenichi Aso is also a man after all...

Since it is a man, of course I hope that some interesting content can be played.

Although Morinka is the first party here, Kenichi Aso knows that those third parties can actually get assistance from the first party.

Yes, you can actually get their assistance when making games on Morinia's side.

For potential mod developers, Morinia will give rewards. Some outstanding developers are even "excellent developers" who can be officially certified.

After all, although the mod is free, the developers can actually get the "reward" from the players, and the title of an "excellent developer" can really help them.

Officials even select "mods of the year" every year, and the developers of these mods can even get official bonuses.

Although 18x mods are not rewarded with annual mods, there are actually more "rewards" for such mods.

This kind of things like "tips" and "encouragement money" is still very prosperous in the mod world recently, and it has gradually become a rule.

In addition, paid mods also exist, but the official requirement requires such mods to have a charging time limit. After that, the mod will be free. Of course, the updater can always update the latest version. In this case, the free version will only be the previous one. Version, and the latest version of the game can be maintained.

This is also a way to encourage developers to keep updating.

"There are many mods for the demon ninja, but I also know some of the 18x eroded mods. The framework of the game will probably be announced in May and June. By the way, this demon dlc will also have a brainwashing mod, that mod Inside, the developer seems to have modified all the levels into ergonomic levels. If you choose a male protagonist, you will be transformed into a heroine. If it is a female protagonist, you will be directly transformed into ergonomics."

"Sinxia, ​​you are so amazing, this matter is so clear." Tong Gu Xiao was surprised.

"Ha ha."

Isn’t it clear, this "mod" was developed by ourselves...

It's just that Senxia will not talk to the two people in front of him about this kind of thing. Although everyone is their own, speaking out this kind of thing will actually kill the official wind.

So when Morinka made mods here, he was actually very careful. So now, Moriha is letting the production team be attached to the d company, so even if it is an investigation, at most it can only be traced back to this place. I want to use this method to directly trace to the a company here, this It is impossible.

"come on."

Right Mannin was installed in the machine, so after turning it on, Morinka entered the game.

The character used by Morinya is a black long straight girl wearing a black tights and holding a big sword. This is the three-week-old bucket number Morinya has put up step by step.

Originally, Morinka’s plan was to play the seven-week eye, but because there are too many games for the liver... Oh, there is too much work to do, so Morinka is only playing the three-week eye.

The demon dlc allows up to four people to play the game at the same time. The routes in the game are divided and combined, but most of the time there are two to three routes.

Although there are many routes in this game, after entering the game, players are not always playing stand-alone. Although there are also routes, players are still cooperating many times in the story, in the middle part of the dlc , There is a story in which the players’ heads are grabbed by their heads, and the players who have just come out of another route are regarded as part of the enemy.

Three people entered the game together.

"Mori, your character is good! This gloss, this back!" After seeing Morinka's character, Kiritani's eyes straightened.

"I chose the combat uniform specially," Morinia said. "When we play games, we basically look at the back, so this is the key."

"What's the matter?" Tong Gu Xiao looked at Senxia strangely.

"Nothing." Senxia waved her hand quickly.

After seeing the character's hind buttocks, Morinka suddenly thought of Lihua.

After Lihua's body was tightly wrapped by the belt, the muscles in various parts of her body showed a tight and energetic feeling.

Hmm... it's super sensual!

The feeling was very good and very good, and Moriha didn't even forget the feel at that time.

So just now Morika looked at the character in front of her, and suddenly screamed at Tong Gu Xiao, and she thought of Lihua before she knew it, and she got stuck.


If you think about it The character in front of me is not very good in black. Should I change my hair to blonde...

Senxia thought about it wildly.

"Hi, I'm here too." Kenichi Aso's controlling character also came into the screen at this time.

"Let me see...Huh?" After seeing the character of Mori Ka, Takatani turned his head to look at Kenichi Aso's screen, but after seeing Kenichi Aso's character, Takatani's face suddenly appeared. An expression of astonishment.

Because Kenichi Aso's character is wearing a large...military uniform.

"Uh...I have the highest level of reinforcement in this outfit, I don't want to drag everyone down."

Kenichi Aso actually wanted to take out a cute sister paper, but after looking around, he found that his good-looking costumes did not seem to have been upgraded.

No way, Kenichi Aso straightened his eyes after seeing this military uniform at the time. This German army costume from World War II was so handsome!

Therefore, as soon as Ken Aso couldn't control himself, he upgraded this outfit to the highest level.

Although viewed from the front, this character is also very heroic, but in the game, looking at the background, it is a coat that wraps the character completely, and he is also very embarrassed!

But there is no way, after all, you don't want to hold back, right?

"Okay, let's drive!" Senxia said.

"Yo Xi!" Tong Gu Xiao showed an expression of excitement, he patted Morinya on the shoulder, "Wrap it on me!"


Related to fgo, the Kanban girl has been strengthened, the score is up, and it comes out of the sewer. Jiro’s treasure book, the first three rounds of putting the treasure to the green magic, can other servants do it? The refining of the True Dragon Slayer Sword Saint...

The princess link is said to be going to the national service, krypton explosion reservation... but no money... cover your face...

Two-in-one meow meow~

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