Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1414: Indulge in games

Sandro can finally sit down and play the game.


   There is no reason, because he promised to invite Angus to have a good meal tomorrow.


   Well, the other key is that Sandro's physique is stronger than Angus...


   Throughout the lunch break, Sandro is committed to building his own house. He even reproduced his home in the game, of course, just the appearance.


   Two-storey wooden American single-family houses.


   "It's so cool!"


  Sandrew is very happy.


   This feeling is really incredible.


   But he is not over yet, he is going to reproduce his father’s farm.


   In the game "Minecraft", there are horses, and Sandro's father likes to raise horses very much. He plans to make a horse racing place based on the farm he remembered as a child.


   This is really cool.


   Then... there is no more, because the lunch break is over.


  Sandrew had to go back to work, but Angus finally agreed to let him off work, then come back to the game.


   No way, the game is locked on Angus's computer, unless I move the entire Angus computer, otherwise I can't run it.


However, this is only temporary. Angus has already told Sandru that when this game is launched next week, it will be available in two download modes, online version and physical version, as well as other games from A, and support at the same time. PC version and DC-P version. No matter where you are, you can play this game.


  Oh, the old rules, the games of the A club will still land on the PS2 platform, but because of the mode of this game, many content will be adjusted.


  Why did PS2 not support hard drive mode?


   DC and DC-P hard disks have actually increased a lot of costs, but when people use this local storage space, they have really played a lot of unheard of tricks.


   There are even rumors that the next version of PS2 will also support internal storage space. Although the architecture of PS2 itself does not have such a system, it can theoretically be increased.


   Oh, of course, the most characteristic of DC-P is the network system


   Angus, who is doing game reviews, and Sandro, who is in charge of the network, have the deepest feelings about this.


   When the DC machine was launched, the network function was indeed a little hot, but it can only be said to be embellishment.


   However, after entering the new century, the Internet bubble burst on the surface and everyone is living a hard life. On the other hand, the speed of Internet penetration has increased and increased as never before.


Moreover, after investigating the mud bomb data, they were even more surprised to find that the level of network development there is really very high, and this growth curve, and the growth curve of DC-P sales, are actually positive. Related relationship!


   In a sense, this machine is even gradually catching up with the sales of PS2 over there.


The reason why    is not comparable is probably because of the unkindness of Agency A as a "pseudo third party".


   Everyone knows that it’s okay for Agency A to say that it’s the first party, but people’s hearts are big, the game is not exclusive, and it is available on multiple platforms.


   Someone analyzed that this is an imbalance of interests between the clubs and departments between A and the Phoenix.


   The power of life and death of these two clubs is in the hands of Tianhai Senxia. As the boss, there is no situation where people cannot control the company. In the final analysis, everyone can only analyze: it is so capricious!


   Of course, there are also wise men who analyzed that the practice of A company is actually to make everyone biased against the PS2 game console.


Because most of A's games have network modes and DLC content, the PS2 version is more or less castrated in terms of experience and content, and because of the content, the PS2 version is often delayed for a long time. Conspiracy theory As soon as they compare, they seriously suspect that A company is actually despising PS2 in this way...


   But they probably don’t even know that what Morinia really values ​​is not the entire platform, but the content itself.


   Angus investigated this incident by the way when he was writing the evaluation report.


   As for what company A is thinking, he actually doesn't understand.


   But... just leave it alone, the game is fun!


  In the afternoon, Angus did not continue the game, but thought of the MOD texture pack.


   This is the cartoon rendering package of A company. This MOD package can be installed directly and checked in the game.


   This is a very interesting installation package, but it is optional and requires high system performance.


for example.


   DC and PS2 can run the original version of "Minecraft", but if you use this cartoon rendering material pack, the frame rate will become unstable, only on DC-P and the latest computer.


   Oh, Pentium 4 is not good, high frequency and low energy, only AMD can save the world (laughs)...


   "Hey! I'm off work!"


   Just as Angus finished his work and wanted to fish in his free time, Sandre suddenly came.


   "Oh... hell, it's off work!" He looked at the time and found that the whole afternoon had passed like this and it was off work now.


   There is no way, Angus can only be obedient.


After   Shandrew's upper position, he started the game in a hurry.


   But just after entering the game, he felt something was wrong.


"How is this going?"


   The rendering feel of the entire game has changed.


   The outline of the original game has become thicker, and the original rough texture has also become cartoon style.


   Not only that, the original square box, at this time, actually has a rather round feeling.


   "Oh, hell, I must have been drinking too much."


   "Man, you didn't drink today. It's just that I installed a texture pack." Angus said.


   "Oh, get me back!" Sandro shook his head.


   Although he asked Angus to get it back, he himself switched back to the main interface of the game, and then entered the MOD project.


   The MOD project is basically a resident project column of the A game. People who often play A game basically know this content.


   After entering the MOD project, he really found the "cartoon" sign.


   Check to cancel.


   Then, the game restarted, and after entering the game again, the familiar screen came back again.


  Shandrew's face showed a cheerful expression, as if the constipation suddenly came out all day long.


   "..." Angus was almost dumbfounded when he saw it.


   "Shandru, didn't you say that this picture is not good?"


   Angus installed the cartoon material game pack at the time. One of the reasons was to let Sandro here understand that although "Minecraft" is in pixel style, the screen is definitely not rough, absolutely!


   "This is "My World," brother!" Sandro looked at Angus.


   "But oh, okay."


   Angus shrugged.


  Different from Sandro, he really likes the texture pack.


   "Then what do you think of this game now?" Angus asked another question.


   "Awesome, I was so stupid in the morning, oh, hell, I probably had a brain drain to say bad things about "My World"." Sandro shook his head with some annoyance.


   "Well, as long as you like it." Angus is noncommittal, "Actually I hope this game can launch a space mode."


   "Space Mode?"


   "I think we can build a spaceship. It must be very interesting." In fact, Angus wants to play space games most.


"I don't think it's possible. If it's in space... Oh, hell, this computer will explode!" As a programmer, Sandro certainly knows that this seemingly "shabby pixel style" game is for machines. To what extent is the performance squeezed?


   And if it’s a space game... well, this is probably not a very good choice.


  Theoretically speaking, this game can indeed support the space mode. If a player turns on the MOD production, maybe it can be done.


   But it's just that. If you don't want the machine's performance to explode, you can only do that.


  Sandrew continued to struggle.


   His current purpose is to continue to build his own pasture.


   "If I can build my own spaceship, I think it would be even better..."


   Angus doesn't have a computer. At this moment, he is dreaming.


Angus is a running enthusiast, he likes the fantasy retro style, but on the other hand, Angus, like many of the beacon people, is deeply influenced by the "Star Wars" series, so he outer space It is also full of romantic fantasy.


   If you can, build your own spaceship in the game. This is definitely a cool choice.


   But unfortunately, as of now, there is no game on the market that can satisfy Angus' fantasy.


   His gaze was on Sandro's side again.


   After having a horse, Sandro actually began to release himself, with a large bag of food, he began a horse racing trip.


   At this moment, Sandru is on a desert.


   "Oh, Angus, look at what I found! It's a pyramid! Oh my goodness, this is so cool! It's so Coooooool!"


   After seeing the pyramid, Sandro's face showed a color of shock.


   is no wonder.


   The game itself is a seemingly uninhabited place, but he never expected that there is a pyramid here!


   When I saw the pyramid, the kind of surprise and joy in Shandro was almost unsustainable.


   "There is even this one? I just discovered a huge mushroom island. Is there any man-made structure in the game?!"


   Angus was also surprised for a long time when he saw the pyramid.


   When he was doing game reviews, he really didn't find this because he was in a hurry.


After    realized that the manuscript might still need to be adjusted, he also leaned his head and continued to look at the picture in front of him.


   After two people walked around, they found that the pyramid has an entrance, but the pyramid itself is also a structure that can be disassembled. If the player brings enough tools, the pyramid can be dismantled and taken away.


   But such a beautiful "native building" made them a little bit unbearable.


   So they walked directly in.


   But not long after he left, two dark arrows caused Sandro to lose most of his blood, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly pushed out, and then ate food to return blood.


   "What's the matter?!"


   "...It's a redstone mechanism. I only use it when making traps at the door. I didn't expect this structure to exist in the wild, oh my god!"


   Angus exclaimed.


   This pyramid can be removed theoretically, but if you go directly in, you may encounter traps.


   At first, Angus thought this was just a fun puzzle plot set in the game. But thinking about it carefully, he found that this is not entirely the case. This trap can completely inspire players who enter the game for the first time to learn how to make and use redstone mechanisms, so that players can make their own redstone mechanisms, not just It's just a trap, it can also be used in more places.


   is really amazing.


   "It's dismantled, dismantle it quickly, this is redstone, and it is a redstone mechanism that has been built, it is a precious resource in the game!"


   "Oh oh oh."


   The two people who were still marveling at the exquisite construction of the pyramid just now changed their attitudes after being caught in the trap.


   Although I was pitted by a trap, redstone is a good thing!


   is not just redstone. The two discovered that there is a lot of gold hidden in this place. Although it is not as good as diamond equipment, gold equipment and props are also one of the top props in the game.


  Golden wall? Demolished!


  Golden floor? Pry it!


   Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, take it all...


   This refreshing feeling made them feel that their heads were no longer sore, their legs were no longer sore, and the whole person was This feeling...Awesome!


Not only that, the two also found that at the top of the pyramid, there was also a big diamond. Although it could not go directly up (the **** was too large, and the durability of the shell was also high), the two people kept stacking cubes, just "bridge" Go up and get this diamond.


   "You should make a pickaxe." Angus said.


   "I think it should be made into a diamond sword, let me see, I should be able to do it now." Sandro thought it would be more interesting to make weapons and equipment, "No, I should rub a diamond sword out now..."


   The discussion between the two is not easy.


   "Perhaps I should really revise the manuscript..." Angus sighed in his heart.


   But, he thought about it, and he felt that there are more elements in this game?


   Although the official manual has a manual, it is not for "spoiler", and a lot of content needs to be dig by yourself.




   However, Angus' plan was quickly terminated.


   Because at this moment, he received a message from another colleague.


   "The news from the mud bomb is that Sega’s boss Okawa Gong..."




  The game graphics of the year were not very good, but the gameplay and creativity were really great...

  ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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