Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1416: 0 Yu Zhengxiong frowned

   The death of Da Chuan Gong, in fact, everyone's mind is already psychologically prepared.


   After he left, preparations for the funeral began.


   "But the most important thing now is to deal with the media and other clubs."


   sits in a Japanese restaurant.


   It was Chiba Masao who was talking, and beside him, it was Shoichiro who was not very good at spirit.


   In addition to the two, Morinka is also here, but the handsome and young man looks a little weird between the two adults. When entering the restaurant, the waiter's eyes are a little subtle.


   Although there was a sense of disobedience, none of the three sitting there cared about it.


   "Sega might split now." Qianba Masao used to join Sega in order to help Okawa. Although he finally retired, he still retained some shares and was considered a major shareholder.


   Morinatsu's Order of the Phoenix is ​​not to mention.


And what Mori Xia never expected was that according to Okawa Gong’s will, he actually got a lot of Sega’s shares. In theory, as long as Mori Xia has enough financial support, he can control Sega. of.


   But that is not good for Morinka. The broken Sega will consume Morinka's energy.


   I just want to make a little game, why is it like this?


   Moriha, caught between the big brothers, didn't want to read poetry at all, and didn't want to be appointed.


   But things have become like this, Morinka can't help it.


   "..." The Riko Shoichiro over there was silent.


   Although he is the president of Sega, his life is not so good when he joins Shoichiro.


   The reason why he is still on stage is actually because of the support of Da Chuan Gong.


   Shoichiro and Hiroshi Suzuki smashed Sega’s 7 billion yen in cash in one go, and Sega could not breathe.


   You must know that assets are assets, and liquidity is liquidity. Liquidity of one dollar is far more precious than assets of ten dollars. The lack of working capital means that the operation of the club will become a huge problem, not to mention the size of Sega.


   Now that Ko Okawa has passed away, there are probably not many opportunities for Shoichiro to stay on the table.


   "If you don't break it, you won't stand." Morinya said, "The Order of the Phoenix and myself have a lot of liquidity. If Sega reaches that level, I will take it."


   "Are you really going to buy Sega?"


   "...In preparation, it is one of the high-quality assets. Sega's most profitable business now is the street level. It is difficult for me to get involved in this part, but I can negotiate with the game development department."


   Morinatsu has a lot of Sega’s "generals" in his hands, including Naka Yuji who advocates the development of online games.


   This great **** is the creator of Sonic.


   Now on DC and DC-P "Phantasy Star OL", he also did.


   Naka Yuji believes that online games are the main way of development in the future.


  Originally following the historical trajectory, in 1999, he would enter the newly established SONICTEAM Co., Ltd. and become the president.


   But because the DC and the console were transferred to the Order of the Phoenix and Morika, he also followed.


   Sega probably did not want to give the hedgehog named Sonic to Morinka, but to hold the copyright by himself, so they simply gave the person who created the hedgehog to Morinka.


   Of course, it was not given to Morinka at the beginning, but was sent to Morinka as a support. The person was still Sega.


   Fortunately, this did not affect the other party's work. "Phantasy Star Online" still appeared as expected. Not to mention, this game is still very popular.


   is, after all, a game that can be remembered in history.


   But some time ago, Naka Yuji's work was not well carried out, because he who advocated the development of online games had a subtle contradiction with Sega.


   "Phantasy Star OL" is a good game, but it does not have the size of the A side, and the profit is far less than the street-level department.


   "In addition, Nintendo also announced the release of NGC game consoles a few days ago. What do you think?" Shoichiro Iritsu may be speechless now, and Masao Chiba simply asked Mori summer questions.


   "Nothing too big a problem." Morinka shook her head.


   "In fact, someone within Sega has already contacted Nintendo, and Sonic is likely to be logged into Nintendo's games." Shoichiro Rikichi talked about Sega's inside story.


   "..." Chiba Masao looked at Morinka's side.


   "...It seems that they have learned a little too..." Morika's expression is also very subtle.


  Don’t say, Sega’s future works have really appeared on Nintendo.


   In "Super Smash Bros. X", this character once appeared, and later in several works, it even appeared as the main character.


   But now that the two parties talk about cooperation, it is obviously Morinha's butterfly effect.


   is more accurate and is one of a series of changes that originated from "Hero Trail".


  Hero Trail is said to be the most popular online game right now. No one dares to say "no".


   In addition to the various heroes who have played guest appearances, "Heroes Track" itself also has a complete world view and story.


   But the most powerful thing is still derived from the "big chaos" of this work.


Because of this chaos, many manufacturers have followed the trend and created a chaos series with their own works. For example, SNK and Capcom have developed a SNK vs. Capcom. In this game, you can even see Chunli VS Iori-an.


Of course, this kind of guest appearances and linkage may not be able to make money, but it does enrich the market, especially the "character library" copyright model starting from "Hero Track", which allows developers to obtain characters through transfers. Development authorization. Starting from the degree of openness, it is divided into the simplest COS or the appearance of pure characters, to subsequent design, character plots, and deeper peripheral and copyright development.


   For small manufacturers, this is of course a good thing.


   But for big manufacturers, they disdain it.


   It's not as good as the old Ren who will never throw Mario into the copyright library for others to use-because it is not worthwhile.


  Sonic is the same.


   Nintendo is engaged in a big mess right now, but if Sega gets his face, Nintendo might nod when seeing Sonic.


   After all, they have really done this before, and the sales of this NGC machine, according to Mori's knowledge, can only be said to be average. Faced with such a big “brand” as Sonic, they might really agree.


   "...Ahem, in fact, we are also in contact with Nintendo." Morinka said embarrassedly, "But there is no substantial progress."


   Morinka once tried to make a linkage, adding Zelda or Link in "Hero Trail", Mega Man is also very interesting. He also asked symbolically, who knows, Nintendo did not respond so decisively.


   Hmm... so God knows what the future of this world will be like.


   After all, even the huge hard IN10 store exclusive games can be on Steam, Nintendo wants to cooperate with Sony, XBOX and NS can cross-platform together, and Nero and Nero can also be two gods together...


   This kind of thing can happen on another world line, and there is no reason why such a thing is impossible now.


   "A company's business is really extensive!" Chiba Masao looked at Morinka with profound meaning.


"Hardware is only the carrier, and the content it carries is the most important thing." Mori Xia said, "In addition, we have recently opened up a third-party PC and DC-P content cross-line system. This news will be on E3. Announced at the time."


   Morinka’s own game, it’s no problem to connect PC and DC together.


   The key is the third party.


   Such as a certain Blizzard.


   The Order of the Phoenix has recently reached a consensus with Blizzard and other big-name companies to realize the interconnection of content, which is the legendary cross-platform.


   At this time, food is already being served outside.


   "I think the most critical opponent is Sony." Shoichiro said, "In Sega, many people tend to develop games for PS2. Depending on the situation, there may be exclusive games."


   "This is a big problem." Chiba Masao thought.


   "It's okay." Morinka said, "We are positioned at a different position than Sony. On the contrary, if Sony comes to stop us, I will be very happy."


   If Sony came to stop Morinka, it would be a good thing for Morinka.


   For example, in another world line, other manufacturers usually "touch porcelain" fruit phones, but everyone can't see fruit phones to touch other porcelain phones.


   If Sony is looking for Morinia’s trouble now, it would actively look for X-meter phones with Fruit, and compare my phone to say how much better it is.


   This kind of comparison is absolutely negative for fruit phones, and the X-meter that is used for comparison will definitely usher in a substantial increase in sales.


  Masao Chiba is also a veteran of business, and he understood Morinatsu's meaning at once.


   But let’s not say, Morinka is confident and calm, and he really looks like a young man.


   Well, Masao Chiba knows the truth.


  Because the young man in front of me... can really do whatever he wants!


   Even if they have fun, they can go home and inherit their hometown's property.


   Although I don’t know why, according to Chiba Masao, Tianhai’s family seems to have a lot of hard currency.


   is not a banknote such as the yen, but a real hard currency.


   It is said that this is one of the reasons why people can become the big landlords of Hokkaido.


......Ahem, people’s confidentiality work is still very good, even Qianyu Masao doesn’t know, in fact, the Tianhai family was a professional two or five decades ago. The news here is because of Tianhai’s family, often for the lighthouse As far as China is concerned, it is one-way transparent...


   What Chiba Masao doesn't even know is that Morinatsu at this moment also intends to be a second or fifth...


   "In addition, the Order of the Phoenix has reached a strategic consensus with the giants. The Order of the Phoenix will fully represent the giants’ business in the mud. I am going to communicate with CSK. The giants hope to hold Sega’s shares..."


   Okay, Morika said it.


   "This can't be done!" As the CEO of Sega, I joined Shoichiro and said quickly.


   "..." Chiba Masao did not speak, but his eyes were already very clear. The meaning of the eyes was clearly saying, "Are you going to be the second or fifth boy?"


"Well, no way, we also need great technology." Senxia silently picked up the water glass, "Moreover, Sega can now sell for some prices. Don't let the big money take advantage of when it can sell money, etc. Sega is really worthless in the future, so what can I do?"


After    finished speaking, Mori Natsu turned to look at Nikoto Shoichiro: "You said so?"


   "..." Shoichiro, who was admitted, originally wanted to refute.


But he thought for a while, his current position in Sega is not stable, and those Sega veterans may all want to drive him away. On the other hand, the board of directors originally had the chairman Da Chuan Gong to support him, but now Da Chuan Gong has passed away. I am powerless and helpless...


   "What's more, the technical strength of giant hardware is very powerful, we are now in need of their skills, such as text reading..."


   Morinatsu's words are not false.


   More than ten years later, the technology that everyone is accustomed to is still more troublesome in this era.


   For example, text recognition and reading aloud, regardless of the popularity of this technology more than ten years later, but now, people who are not a little technically capable, I am afraid that it is really impossible.


   "It's also..." Shoichiro Riko also responded.


  I have introduced foreign aid, and I have support from the board of directors. Maybe I can continue to be the president of Sega?


   Shoichiro who joined Kodo doesn't doubt his talents. He thinks that the company is hard to come back because of the mountains!


   In fact, in another world line, it is true.


   Shinkyo Shoichiro supported Suzuki Yu to become Shenmue. One of the reasons was that he wanted to use this method to make achievements, so that the voice of doubt would disappear.


   But it's a pity, no matter which world line it is, Shoichiro will have to play with it.


   And the direct consequence of his play off is that Shuichiro's control over the entire Sega has become smaller.


   "What are you doing this for?" Chiba Masao was even more curious about this, "Is it for the market of a certain oriental country?"


   Morinka basically did it alone in a big eastern country, and the giant was just sitting on the sidelines from the beginning.


  Even, the Lid classmates were actually a bit annoyed at that time-you said you guys, build a game platform well and help us open up the market, isn't it good to have the whole host?


   But the official decision to adopt a "Kirin Computer" in a great eastern country. After hearing the news, the giant hard was like a wolf smelling blood, and Pidianpidian ran up again.


   "No, not exactly. As long as the purpose is... well, how to say, for a virtual character. We have adjusted this character now to be able to sing, but it is more difficult to speak."


   "You were working with Yamaha before, right?" Chiba Masao thought of another thing.


   "Hi." Morinya nodded, "In fact, I am going to treat this as a strategic goal for future development."


   Morika thought There is also a notebook in my notebook, and there is a draft picture of Hatsune Miku in the notebook.


   He thought for a while, and then gave the picture to Chiba Masao.


   Then, Chiba Masao frowned.


   Why... it feels so poetic...?




   FGO-related, 1.52 finally opened. Many people said that the first quarter was foul-smelling. The author didn't think about it. After thinking about it, I thought that this might be the legendary group effect.


   Therefore, people, have their own judgment.


   Then, the author played the part of the captain...




   two-in-one daze~) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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