Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1419: Old man's mind

If you change the person, the giant is probably the overlord who has bowed hard.


   But the mud bomb is an island in the world, and it is not that simple for foreign companies to enter the mud bomb.


  More importantly, at this moment, the Internet bubble has just burst, and the giant himself is in the quagmire. Cooperating with others will help to enhance his corporate image.


   In fact, before September of the first year of the 21st century, basically all the lighthouse state-owned enterprises were in danger.


   It can only be said that the time of the plane of Ben Laxi's children's shoes is really very, very coincidental. It is simply a coincidence that there is no friend.


  From an inhuman point of view, only a few buildings have solved an economic crisis, which can be said to be a very cost-effective thing.


   Incidentally, according to the gossip, on the day of the discordant time, many executives of large companies were notified that they were alive and did not appear in the World Trade Center.


   This is very spiritual.


  Of course, this is the same as Morinka's temporary facial features. In fact, even if it is a huge hardship, Morinka still doesn't have to worry about being given a wave of F2A by the other party.


   Morinia’s current main market is not the main market for giants, and the opponent’s power projection is not enough, but he needs help from others.


   Of course, the giants can also choose to acquire—in fact, they had previously intentionally wanted to acquire the Order of the Phoenix.


   The giant hard disk is in a bad state, but if DC-P can be in hand, it will greatly improve market confidence.


   But Senxia is not a bird of the other side. There is no way. At best, the giant can only force Senxia out of the North American market, but this is useless.


what is it now? Well, cooperate.


  JuHuan actually cooperated with many manufacturers, but the state is not very good.


   Sega from another world line used to be a close partner of the giant, and then... and then Sega killed himself.


   On the other side, Nokia is also a collaborator, and then Nokia... also killed itself.


   Fuck, so it seems that the giant hard is the legendary teammate nemesis? !


   But considering that there are only the golden thighs of the big hard father now, Moriha can only hold it for the first time, and then act as the second and fifth...


   There are still many measures here.


  He is not only collaborating with giants, but he is still trying to develop a new generation of handhelds.


   Well, the handheld codenamed XBOXONE.


   Morinatsu, this is determined to give all the hard game consoles to his own handheld.


   The three people talked all the way very late.


   Shinko Shoichiro followed Morika’s suggestion and was ready to engage in "arcade interconnection", and then set up this offline model.


   People who are not from the country of mud bombing, it may be difficult to understand the emotion of mud bombing in this country for arcades.


   Morinatsu made this suggestion, although it was made by herself for a while, but for people in this country, this is a suggestion that seems very feasible.


   Shoichiro Shinko estimated that if it can be done, it may increase the passenger flow of the arcade hall by 20 to 30%.


   Sega will not only be able to sell games, but even have this kind of interconnected business, which can increase revenue for the company.


   "It's gone already." Yamauchi Pu also got the news of Ogawa's death in the first time.


Unlike the other world line, the Sega of the other world line was basically in a state of dying when Dachuan Gong passed away. If it were not for paying a great price, the entire home machine business was abandoned, and then it was in shock for ten years. , Coupled with the excellent works of Hatsune Miku, Yulong, etc., otherwise Sega might really die.


   But this world line, whether it is Nintendo or Sony, is now facing a more troublesome opponent, that is, DC-P.


   DC-P is now sold in the tens of millions.


   Of course, in another world, the DC machine itself is still very good, with a sales volume of 30 million.


"Sega said that we can license Sonic to us to jointly develop games." Iwata also said of Sega's contact with his side. "Sega's internal division is very fierce, and our opponent after us should only be Sony. Right."


"...Counting the Order of the Phoenix, after the death of Gong Da Chuan, the relationship between the Order of the Phoenix and Sega will end." Yamauchi Pu said, "Sonic is indeed a good brand, you can ask at that time, Are they willing to share the copyright, or even sell the copyright to us. If not, don’t disapprove for the time being. When Sega’s condition becomes worse, find someone to give them some words, saying that if they want, Nintendo can give An appropriate price."


  Nintendo is not a shantang. Since the little sheep wants to give fat to the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf of course also accepted it with a smile!


   "Will they agree?" Satoshi Iwata is still very young in this era. He doesn't know why Yamauchi hangs him like this.


   What if someone decides to develop it themselves?


   "What is Sega's most profitable business?"




   "That's right." Yamauchi showed a sharp look in front of his eyes.


   Hearing these words, Satoshi Iwata also suddenly realized.


   "Sonic... was developed for home consoles..." He also remembered.


   The role of Sonic first appeared, not for the arcade market, but for the home console market.


   This blue hedgehog has a relatively small connection with the arcade.


   If Sega completely cut the home machine business, for them, the value of the "IP" in the home machine era would change, from the previous "money cow" to a "money bag".


   The former is a manufacturing machine that will continuously generate profits, and the latter, although it is of high value, is itself a commodity for exchange.


   "By the way, the Order of the Phoenix seems to have released several games and intelligence before?" Yamauchi Hsu thought of another question.


   "Hi. The game called'The Combination of Isaac' is really amazing. It should be a masterpiece that can sell over a million."


   The game itself looks more exquisite and compact, but it is just what it looks like. The gameplay of this game is ever-changing, and it belongs to the kind of game that can be played 10,000 times with 10,000 different experiences.


   "This game is really amazing. There are hundreds of items permutation and combination, each of which is a different gameplay." Even Yamauchi's was very impressed by others' thoughts.


   "I think their mode of making games into videos is very good." Satoshi Iwata said in his opinion, "This kind of live broadcast is very helpful in shaping the reputation of the game, and it is easy to gather popularity."


"But it will also reduce the number of players." Yamauchi added angrily, "This game is not for the time being, but it is not a game like this game, and there are 10,000 ways to play. If If the system and gameplay of the entire game are exposed, a reduction in the number of players is inevitable."


  Leave aside games like Mario for the time being, if it is Zelda, the whole story and gameplay are completely spoiled, and the impact on the game is actually not that good.


   "The only game you experience is the game. Passers-by who pass the video pass are not our guests."


   "Yes..." Satoshi Iwata nodded, and Yamauchi really made sense, "As far as I know, all the word adventure games of the Mithril forces are forbidden to be played on the platform."


   text adventure game, if it is broadcast live, it is likely that the whole story has been spoiled and cleaned up, which has a huge negative impact on the game.


   "Where is the cube game? It's the one that is played in the advertisement every day."


It is not that there is no news. In fact, during the recent period, A company has concentrated on buying time from a lot of TV stations, and then frantically advertising and bombing, the light of its coverage even reaches even those who don’t even play games. Everyone knows this title.


   "This's dangerous." Satoshi Iwata frowned, "But other people don't seem to have noticed this. Even us, this game is not very interesting."


   This game has been tested. As the boss of the old man, it is okay to see this game.


   Yamauchi and Iwata Satoshi have already watched this game.


   Although it is a square pixel game, the whole game is of extremely high quality, extremely playable, and even highly appreciable. It is the best product that can watch other people play games and then play games by themselves.


   Therefore, after learning about this game, both of them became strongly wary of this.


   "If NGC advances the release date, is it okay?" Yamauchi asked suddenly.


   "Hey, according to the current state, two months in advance will be fine."


   "No, it won't take that long. Just after the E3 exhibition." Yamauchi made a decision.


   "Hi." After Satoshi Iwata finished speaking, he also thought of his own NGC game console.


"These are all trails we are discussing. The key to gaining the respect of the market is the quality of the game itself." Yamauchi Pu said, "This is what Animic does very well. All of their games are of high quality. Kind of. It’s a pity that we saw PS2 but ignored DC..."


  NGC’s plan was announced the day after Sony announced PS2.


   After Sony announced PS2, Nintendo held a large-scale press conference in Tokyo's high-end club. Yamauchi and Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. President Yoichi Morishita announced the NGC game console.


   Of course, this game console was not called NGC at the time, but was codenamed "Dolphin".


  Although Sega had been attacking Nintendo before, after the failure of SS, only Sony was targeted by Nintendo. Sega...has no longer qualified to enter their eyes.


   Because Yamauchi has already seen Sega’s strength in the outside world.


   In his opinion, it would be foolish for Sony to go to Sega hard, because it would degrade Sony.


   But what Yamauchi didn't expect was that after several years of development, DC and improved DC-P would be able to play a huge potential.


   Don't look at the sales volume of DC-P as well as Sony, but it is said that their revenue is very good-looking, and their profits are not at all false.


   Yamauchi was continuing to think about it at this time. At the beginning of the year, Square held a strategy presentation. For the first time, President Suzuki Suzuki publicly expressed his desire to join the Nintendo GBA development camp.


   The GBA machine is already on sale, and the market is in a state of short supply.


   But how do I put it...


   Compared with the former, both the game performance and the number of games overwhelm the latter, but the latter simply relied on a "Platinum", and easily took out tens of millions of sales.


   This is simply a mockery of all handhelds.


   But this mockery is still very successful.


   Yamauchi Pu thought of Morinatsu again at this time.


   Morinatsu develops the game, which gives Yamauchi Hakubu the feeling of "willfulness".


   As long as it is a game developed by him, it will definitely not follow the trend.


  Moreover, the games he developed are also very domineering. In every sense, they are the best in the market.


  For example, this game directly drove the development of the entire MOBA game.


Make a slight adjustment, make some mistakes, and delete them quickly to avoid making mistakes... Adjust a little, make some mistakes, delete them quickly, avoid making mistakes... Adjust a little, make some mistakes, delete them quickly, Avoid making an embarrassment...just a little bit, make a mistake, delete something quickly, and avoid making an embarrassment...just adjust a little bit, make some mistakes, delete quickly, avoid making an embarrassment...just adjust a little, make some mistakes, Delete it quickly to avoid making a fool of yourself... Adjust it a little bit and make some Delete quickly to avoid making a fool of yourself... Adjust it a little bit, I made some mistakes, and delete it quickly to avoid making a fool of myself... Make a slight adjustment, make some mistakes, and delete them quickly to avoid making mistakes... Adjust a little, make some mistakes, delete them quickly, avoid making mistakes... Adjust a little, make some mistakes, delete them quickly, Avoid making an embarrassment...just a little bit, make a mistake, delete something quickly, and avoid making an embarrassment...just adjust a little bit, make some mistakes, delete quickly, avoid making an embarrassment...just adjust a little, make some mistakes, Delete it quickly to avoid making a fool... Adjust it a little bit, if you make a mistake, delete it quickly, to avoid making a fool... Adjust it a bit, if you make a mistake, delete it quickly, to avoid making a fool...


   The funeral of Da Chuan Gong was held on April 1.


   But before that, Nintendo had released news.


   NGC, which was originally scheduled to go on sale during the summer vacation, adjusted the time from the end of July to the end of June, which is said to be due to "smooth development" and "ample supply."


   And at this time, Chiba Masao also invited Mori to his home.


   There are some things that I have been with Shoichiro before, there is nothing to do, but this time, it is Morinka and Chiba Masao.


   "Do you really want to authorize the character model of Hatsune Miku to other people for modeling and animation? What if someone makes something terrible and discordant."



  ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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