Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1463: They are all very interesting, you try?

"New work, there are ideas for this, after all, huge monsters are still very good."

Hearing Morinatsu's statement, Anno Hideaki showed a thoughtful look.

Well, how should I say, huge monsters or something, it seems not bad.

——Well, he was talking about movies.

"That's it. It's really great to see Supervisor Anno's masterpiece."

Morika is talking about the new theater version of Evangelion.

"Well, but if I really want to say what to do, I actually didn't think about it. Maybe there will be no new works in this period of time. But there may be something out." The old ruffian took a sip of water, and then looked towards Outside the glass window, he seemed to be thinking about something.

There are actually a lot of interesting things, but there are fewer of them that meet the preferences of the old ruffian, Shuming Anye.

Although many people have complained about Anno Hideaki, he is very persistent with his own works, otherwise he would not be able to make so many interesting works.

Of course, it is precisely because he has a certain morbid persistence with the work that it appears that the previous few episodes have been exhausted.

But Anno Hideaki also has experience on how to save money, and he is very skillful, and can often create many special classics.

For example, in the final black and white painting of "Leap to the Peak", the original painting is directly attached, such as the various stream of consciousness narrative methods behind "Neon Genesis Evangelion".

This is all classic-although it is very economical.

"In addition, if Evangelion wants to make a design like "Moonfall", it can actually be done, but it is more subtle, because in "Moonfall", the battle is actually formed by the pilot and the Titan fighting together. Of course, if Not limited to this design, but a pure game, maybe. Well, how about making a story like a large-scale stand-alone action RPG?" Senxia asked.

"Action games... Ah, yes, your 3D technology seems to be very powerful, can this technology be authorized?" Anno asked.

"Ah? We are open to the outside world..." Mori Xia Yu has a spirit.

"Really..." Anno touched his chin, "It seems that the industry has misinformed."

"In fact, many of our technologies are licensed to the outside world, but fewer people will use our technologies." Mori summer shrugged, "Maybe some technological innovations are more powerful, so it is more difficult for the industry to accept it."

What Senxia brings to the industry is new, so it is very troublesome to be recognized by the industry at once.

Of course, some technologies are not because of different concepts, but simply because of funding.

For example, the opening long shot of "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" is a shot made after tracking and reposting with 3D photography. If it is changed to someone else, it is not impossible to do it, but this money-burning is really exaggerated.

However, it was precisely because of this or that reason that resulted in some false and rumored things, and Senxia was also dumbfounded.

Um, let's communicate this matter later, maybe more people will use our technology?

Apart from anything else, Morinka’s motion capture technology is already at the world’s leading level after acquiring some of Hollywood’s technology through Alice. This technology is definitely the best on Morinka’s side. One of the most advanced technologies, and facial capture technology, Morinka is at the forefront of the times.

"Have you considered making movie special effects or something?" Anno asked again.

"Movie special effects?" Morinya thought for a while, a little puzzled, "It's not that we can't do it, but we don't have experience, and the research is mainly based on animation and games. If compared with Hollywood technology, we made it. The special effects of the movie may be to put it... more cartoonish."

This is the problem of "painting style".

Morinka's scenes and characters do not match the special effects of real movies.

Games like "Dark Soul", "Forbearance" or "Moonfall" may look good when taken out, but the language style in this type of design will be more gamified.

For example, in the future, many manufacturers will use the Unreal 4 engine to make animated movies. The animated movies produced are very gamified. Compared with directly produced and rendered works, they have a taste of cheapness. This is the most direct reason.

There is a difference between game rendering and animation rendering. The lighting, texture and design of game rendering are not so real. Animation rendering is completely different, because a good animation needs to consider a variety of factors. Just processing the lighting alone, the animation may be a hundred times more complicated than the game, which is not so easy to do.

"But we are also doing interactive movies here. If it's the closest thing to a live-action movie, it's probably this kind of thing." After Xia said, he added, "In addition, this engine is also licensed externally."

"You can give it a try. If you are a real person, I think your engine is very stylish."

Hmm, Anno had a fantasy in his head, and felt that the huge monster made by Morinka's style seemed quite interesting.

" Morinka nodded, and then brought the question back. "If Evangelion’s work is to be made into a krypton game, it needs some features, such as making all the apostles. Category. Otherwise, I suggest making a stand-alone game. "

Morija Kan said: "We can design and tell with some unexploded parts of the story, or we can develop a parallel world, let EVA fight with the apostle army."

Anno Xiuming thought for a long time, and he said: "It's all interesting. Otherwise, you all try it?"


After the talk with the old ruffian, Mori Xia got the right to adapt EVA for the time being.

Well, although it doesn't make much money, it's great to let the old ruffian fill the hole quickly.

Uh, okay, in fact, the old ruffian hasn't made a hole yet, so Senxia's action is to give him a shovel and let him dig a hole quickly.

Of course, it is impossible for him to instigate it explicitly, but since people have come to ask, it must be a way to raise funds, and then play a big ticket.

At least in this regard, Senxia feels that she can still help, raise a little money or something, she still has no problem here.

"Evangelion: New Theater Edition", I look forward to it!

Although it was just lunch, after the two had negotiated, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon.

In the afternoon Morika has classes, but since he has come to Shinjuku, he does not plan to go back to school like this.

"Give yourself a holiday a little bit. I'm going to Beacon Country next month." Although I thought so, the matter was not over yet because Hidetaka Miyazaki found it.


According to the complaints made by the director of our company, the most difficult thing to do in 3D animation is actually the body of water, so the setting was rejected.

The second more meow meow~

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