Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1492: Is this in your calculations, Morinia!

Before e3 started, Kylin Computer was on fire.

Not in a certain eastern country, but in other places.

First mud boom, then the world.

The cause is that several mud-boom netizens, somehow, actually bought a Kirin computer specially provided by a certain eastern country.

After comparing them, they were surprised to find that this Kylin computer was really amazing.

Whether it is the ui of this system or the interaction logic, it is something of the next era, which will kill three streets in this era.

More than that.

There are many very novel functions on the Kylin computer.

The most powerful is the "app store".

Regardless of the so-called "app store" in the future, it is even seen by many people as a useless and occupying position. But in this era of no Internet aggregation, this "app store" is a killer application.

Want word processing software?

Have! Open source, closed source; free public version, paid professional version.

Want to play games?

Have! There are small game platforms, large dc-p games, and dedicated online games.

Want to watch the video?

Have! There are various video playback software, music playback software, and you can even find various production tools.

Although the functions are not as complete as under win, but when these softwares are brought together, the feeling of hundreds of applications is quite amazing. Don’t look at the current network from the future. These hundreds of software, in addition to the network solution , It is definitely a time-consuming and laborious thing to collect a complete collection in this era.

Some unpopular software is not easy to buy in general places, but on the Internet, this kind of software can be obtained very conveniently, which is really very powerful.

For the mud bomb users, the most powerful part of this system lies in the vast majority of themes.

Various animation themes, this is the most attractive place for neon gold.

Because the bottom layer is the relationship that the Order of the Phoenix has changed, so when changing the theme, they can make a very powerful effect, and more importantly: there is a voice!

For example, there are softwares on the market that have the Niha theme, and there are Niha's voice recordings, and they are all re-recorded super conscience versions.

After all, they are all made in-house.

This system is also available in the win system of the mud bomb version and the theme of dc-p, but due to system skill limitations, these systems cannot achieve the same comprehensive and full-function transformation as Kylin Computer, and some voice settings cannot be achieved.

However, there is a "full version" available on Kylin computers.

This is the most amazing.

This matter gradually fermented over the mud bomb, and then it was seen by the netizens in the lighthouse country.

Netizens in Beacon Country have no patience for this cool model.

There are a lot of students from a certain eastern country studying in Beacon State. Some people also obtained a Kylin computer through the relationship here, and then conducted research and early adopters.

At this time, someone discovered: The bottom layer of this thing seems to be Wince!

Although it is a highly customized version of the kernel, the logic is easy to understand.

And then it comes to the part of demonstrating the essence of love.

When Kylin Computer is running, many mechanisms follow dc-p.

Although dc-p also has a wince kernel, many games will skip this kernel to run when they are executed.

There are many reasons for this. In Kylin Computer, this mechanism is slightly modified. Many games that do not require wince as the bottom layer can be directly "embedded" into the system.

Doing so will actually cause a lot of problems, but Kylin Computer itself is not that kind of complicated computer. Although the problems seem to be many, they can be circumvented naturally, and it also helps to improve operating efficiency. This is naturally excellent. .

Since it is the wince kernel, the content inside is easier to peel off.

After that, someone reverse transplanted the "Super Taskbar" to the win system.

Of course, it is said to be transplanted, but in addition to the material, many functions are refactored, because although Kylin Computer is a wince system, the bottom layer is completely refactored.

But in any case, this function was finally made.

This is incredible.

The super easy-to-use function of the super task bar immediately makes people shine.

This function is simple and portable. Compared with the traditional taskbar of the win system, I don't know where it is higher. It's so easy to use.

Although some functions cannot be realized, this kind of super taskbar is easier to use than current software in most situations.

And this is very interesting.

"But then again, what is this Kylin computer?"

Someone started asking questions on the Internet.

"Oh, it's a'cheap computer' developed by the giant hard, the Order of the Phoenix, and a certain eastern power!"

Hey, wait, this cheap computer is so much better than this version of the pc. What is wrong?

Well, they soon learned that this system can actually do limited things. Because of the mechanism, there is no multitasking system, and the security features are relatively poor. There is no problem as a client and a working machine. , But if you want to do more precise operation, it will be more troublesome.

They can’t handle many professional fields of work. Rendering, fluid computing, and such work are completely impossible.

They can also do this kind of work, but if they do it forcibly, it will definitely be a tragedy, because in terms of efficiency, Moriha's chip is really not good. After all, the price difference is there.

You get what you pay for, and you get what you pay for three cents. PC is the latter, and Kylin Computer is the former.

However, for general users and business users with low demand, this computer can still be held and not every company is called ibm or giant hard.

"Wait, the Order of the Phoenix doesn't make games!"

The Order of the Phoenix inherited the legacy of Sega's home machine, and its popularity and market share in the lighthouse country are not low.

Because of this, many people are shocked: a gamer, actually does a computer?

You said that the Twin Towers are collapsing tomorrow, it is more reliable than this news!

But this kind of thing really happened.

And it looks like they are doing quite well.

Then, they found that e3 was about to open, and the Order of the Phoenix had a separate venue, a separate opening, and even a live broadcast!

Can you still play like this?

Last year's Order of the Phoenix came to e3 for the first time, like a mudslide, but this year they seem to be planning to play a big one.

e3 was originally a niche thing, but because of this incident, the whole incident spread on the lighthouse network.

At this time, the entire live broadcast can be seen on the Internet, not only the main venue introduction, but also various game introductions. Players can learn relevant news on the Internet without leaving home.

In the lighthouse country of this era, the Internet can no longer be regarded as a small crowd, and many onlookers are coming together at this moment.


"Tianhai Senxia is terrifying."

Satoshi Iwata, who came to North America, sighed after learning the news.

The old Ren also participated in e3, but Yamauchi did not come, it was Satoshi Iwata.

But when he first came to North America, he discovered that the popularity of e3 this year is completely different from the past, let alone e3, even if the Tokyo Game Show last year is added together, the popularity cannot keep up.

And there is no doubt that this trend on the Internet is a back-hand to boost the whole thing.

This incident directly caused the popularity of e3 to increase greatly, and the traffic of mikumiku on the other side also increased explosively.

It's a tactic of killing three birds with one stone.

"Are these all calculated, Tianhai Senxia!"

Satoshi Iwata sighed.

"However, next time we Nintendo should also be able to hold a venue alone..."

Satoshi Iwata thought.

A separate venue can reflect compelling standards.

Satoshi Iwata regretted.

They are going to release the ngc host now. If there is also an independent venue this year, it would be more convenient for publicity.

But now it is too late to say this.

e3 was originally launched with the support of Sega back then. After the Order of the Phoenix inherited the position of Sega, it was fine to make a little change. Of course, it was no problem. People were afraid that they had already made plans.

Thinking of this, Iwata couldn't help but think of the "Hatsune Miku" series released by Morinatsu last month.

A month since Hatsune Miku went public, a lot of derivative content has appeared, and those audio games, which have already stabilized the stitches, were originally going to leave, but now they have been revitalized because of the market here. Let him stabilize his position again.

Although Sonic was given to Nintendo by Sega, it would be a big mistake to think that Nintendo and Sega can be intimate.

But anyway, if Sonic can come to support ngc, it will be good news for the old man.

"But it's impossible to count on Sega and the Order of the Phoenix to turn back."

Analyzing from a rational level, Shoichiro has stabilized the stitches, and it is more troublesome to tear the gap between Sega and the Order of the Phoenix.

Although Nintendo’s main market is not arcade machines, Satoshi Iwata has also learned that after the last news release, many arcade halls have already begun to undergo network transformation. The new arcade machines on Sega support network systems and "National Ranking" system.

In the past, a record can only be stored in a certain arcade hall, but now, these records can even be networked across the country.

Who can score high is the real "No. 1 in the country".

This system was put into trial operation at the beginning of the month, but it is said that the arcade hall that tried this set has increased the flow of people and profit by at least 20% over the same period last month.

Human beings are such a social creature. Only when there is contrast, there is happiness. Achievement can be regarded as a sense of satisfaction that is known throughout the country.

"But this website is really good."

Satoshi Iwata was viewing mikumiku's website at this time.

mikumiku recently improved the algorithm to allow ordinary players to broadcast live if they have two computers and a special capture card.

Because of this, there are many more dc-p live videos on the Internet.

The specific operation is as follows: install a capture card capable of hardware decoding and compression on the computer, and then connect the display output of dc-p or game pc to the capture card, and then the capture card can cooperate with the cpu to compress the video screen , And then transfer the picture through this pc.

In theory, uploading requires a minimum network speed of one megabit to play the lowest image quality, but basically requires an upload speed of 1.5m, so other users can watch smoothly.

Well, it's basically a feature that can only be used by local players.

But how to put it, this function is quite powerful, so there are really a lot of early adopters.

After the e3 news appeared, the number of players who came to watch various live broadcasts was even greater. Many people saw the game live broadcasts and various interesting live broadcasts, and they went straight into the pit.

With the combination of these two, the entire market is alive.

However, at the Japanese station, Satoshi Iwata investigated, and it is said that the most popular videos are the various productions.

There are three main types of such videos, one is mmd, one is animation mad, and the other is running group.

The first mmd is the most powerful, and the second mad mixed shear can also be understood. What Satoshi Iwata is puzzled by is why the running group is popular.

The tabletop game Satoshi Iwata naturally knows But it is very strange that this kind of video can be made into a kind of animation similar to a handwritten book.

I can't understand.

It is said that a company seems to be taking advantage of this momentum to directly acquire the copyright of many board games, and the copyright of coc. The myth of Cthulhu is open source, but Cthulhu's board games are still copyrighted.

This point has been deployed for many years. On the Mithril platform, there is also a software for a network running group. According to his investigation, the person in charge of this software development company is a man named Yuandu, and Yuandu is the branch of Tianhai.

Therefore, this is also the layout of the other party.

"Is it for animation and games related to themes?"

Satoshi Iwata thought.

Mud Boom is a big board game country. In this regard, it really cannot be viewed from the perspective of a certain oriental power.

Satoshi Iwata continued to think.

Speaking of which, "Forbearance" and "Dark Soul", there is some kind of Cthulhu style in it.

Although it's just a style, maybe people have this kind of plan in it.

What will they do?

"Then, this time on e3, there might be news about similar products..." He guessed.

After letting go of the news, Satoshi Iwata paid attention to Sony again.

Although the Order of the Phoenix is ​​more difficult, it is nothing more than that.

But the old enemy is still Sony.

"After ngc gets up, the Order of the Phoenix will no longer be an opponent. The problem is that Sony, which is closer to our positioning, must get them down..."

Well, at this time, Satoshi Iwata and other Nintendo executives are still full of confidence in NGC.

At least for now.


Today's two in one.

Diarrhea orz all day.

Two good weekends, I feel so tired qaq.

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