Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1528: This is 3 countries!

"Modao's journey is long, I would like to follow the river and not return, the general trend is wide, and eventually rushes back to the vastness..."

A certain eastern country.


At this moment, the 121-episode large-scale animated series "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is being broadcast on TV.

Even so, but in fact, the whole work is divided into three parts.

Episode 121 is the animated version of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which was finally negotiated with CCTV.

After all, there are only so many people in Shanghai Films, even if you have time, it is not so easy to make 121 episodes in one go.

Doing animation is not just adding addition, and the energy before going on to the beautiful film is also on "Sound of the Sky".

Talents are always limited, just like Senxia can't be divided into five equal parts to five girls.

The reason for being divided into three parts is actually a lot of reasons, but also because it can facilitate the review in this way. It will not be stuck in the review because the 121 episodes were not made in one breath. It is divided into one third and reviewed separately. Will not affect the playing time of the work.

Originally, this program can only be said to be ordinary in a certain oriental country. But when "Sound of the Sky" swept across the country, the attitude here also changed.

At this moment, the upper part of episode 40 is being shown on TV.

To be precise, it is the first episode. However, when Wu Youwen came here, the film was over and the ending song was playing.

Although the screen is animated, this song "The Flowing Stream" attracted Wu Youwen, a young man in his twenties, at the first moment.

"Three Kingdoms?"

Animation of Three Kingdoms?

He glanced at ed's screen and found that it seemed to be an animation of the Three Kingdoms.

Three Kingdoms...

He still remembered watching the TV series of Three Kingdoms when he was a child.

Later, An Rong produced a game about the Three Kingdoms. Most of the characters in it were borrowed from the characters in the TV series, and it was Wu Youwen's favorite game.

At this time, playing computer games in China is not a simple matter, and Wu Youwen still buys genuine copies for his love.

This is a lot of money.

I have read the original works of the Three Kingdoms, read the Three Kingdoms, watched the Three Kingdoms TV series, and tried the Three Kingdoms game. If you think about it this way, it seems that the animation of the Three Kingdoms has not been watched.

Although in Wu Youwen's impression, the cartoon is for children to watch, but the animation in front of him feels good.

The picture and style of the entire animation are very different.

It's not the so-called "mature", but a beautiful and fresh style.

This style is different from games and TV series, but it has a special charm that makes people want to watch it...

Well, Moriha's version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a little different from the other world line. On the other world line, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is also good, but it has many shortcomings. For example, the action comparison of many places in this work Stiff, the level of painting is sometimes high and sometimes low, especially the story has a strong jump. The work is too condensed.

After Morinia modified the rhythm of the whole story, the story established a narrative structure with Cao and Liu as the main axis in the early stage and Zhuge Liang as the main point of view in the middle and later stages.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is...Sinxia's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, all the characters, have cosmetic surgery.

On the other world line, the style of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is actually not very good, some parts can even be said to be very subtle...Well, for example, Zhou Yu in this work is really subtle in appearance.

Therefore, Morinka gave all these characters "plastic surgery".

It’s not that every character has improved its appearance, but every character has been fine-tuned according to Morinka’s aesthetics. The beauty has been adjusted, and the ugliness has of course also been adjusted, but this adjustment direction is towards It is carried out in a specific direction, that is, "making the audience feel in line with the character image".

Of course, some roles still need to be adjusted.

For example, the role of Zhao Yun and the image of the hero of Dynasty Warriors are deeply rooted in Senxia's mind, and Senxia simply uses this image as a template to make adjustments.

The ending song is very nice, and Wu Youwen feels comfortable all over when listening to it.

But unfortunately, the film soon ended.

"The animated version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms... I'll check it out."

Wu Youwen thought so and turned on his computer.

This computer is Kylin Computer.

Wu Youwen also has a PC at home that uses the in98 system. He uses that PC to play the Three Kingdoms game.

But the kc (Kylin Computer) machine is more interesting.

At first, Wu Youwen bought this machine for the purpose of surfing the Internet.

In recent years, there is no such thing as a "network card" on the motherboards of many machines. For many machines, an additional "56k modem" needs to be connected and dial-up to the Internet.

But at the beginning of the year, the country began to promote broadband networks in an all-round way, and new motherboards began to support broadband. But Wu Youwen's computer was bought when he just started working, and it is now behind.

He wondered if it would be better to change to another computer.

And at this time, with the national policy, Kylin Computer came out. Kylin Computer cooperated with the telecommunications here. The network system of the machine naturally supports the telecommunications protocol. You can log in with a simple account and password, which is too simple. .

The large-scale expansion of the "national team" to the Internet market has also been the past two years, so everyone can be regarded as a mutually beneficial relationship.

Therefore, the first batch of domestic Internet users in a large eastern country basically used Kirin computers. This is also one of the reasons why the giant hard felt wrong and wanted to turn his face.

But there is no way, the giant hard can't control the market. The relationship between Senxia and a certain eastern country is called a tie, and the giant can't be regarded as a junior.

In the beginning, Wu Youwen bought this computer just to surf the Internet, and he was used to computers with the in system, which is very useless for this kind of "application"-based computer.

Occasionally, Wu Youwen would use this machine as a replacement for dc-p and play powerful computer games.

But later, Wu Youwen found out...this Kylin computer is so convenient to use!

Compared with the huge hard system, the UI of Kirin Computer is higher than that of the huge hard system, and the operation logic of the system is simple and easy to understand.

Compared with the giant hard, people simply don't know where the height goes!

Because of this, Wu Youwen gradually stopped touching the pc over there except for a few games that had to be played with a pc.

But in fact, this doesn't make much sense, because most of the games that Senxia is optimistic about will be transplanted or reproduced on his side. An Rong has also had a py deal with Senxia, ​​and the Three Kingdoms series is also on the platform here. However, on the Three Kingdoms Warriors series, Sony has something to say, and Moriha can only give up temporarily with regret.

But there are many games that Wu Youwen wants to play, even in the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" series.

"The premiere..."

Related information can also be queried on the Internet.

In fact, there is on the official website of Shanghai Film Studio. They even set up a special themed website with relevant news.

After watching it, he found that there will be a rebroadcast of the film, and after the CCTV broadcast is completed, it will also be available for broadcast on a website called "mikumiku".

Wu Youwen knows about this website.

On this network platform called "mm station", you can see a lot of interesting content, and you can even see some Japanese comics that you can't see in China.

It is said that the most popular sites on that site are the game zone and the dance zone, but in detail, he did not know that the site was mainly fired in the mud, and then the lighthouse country, which is still very unfamiliar to China.

Knowing that there was a replay, he adjusted his mind and decided to wait and see again.

But instead of leaving the computer, he opened the search page and started searching.

The software qicq is the communication software pre-installed on the system, and the search platform here is basically the homepage of many users.

After searching, he found some news.

But not much.

After all, this has just begun to play.

But after all, it is "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

There is still topicality.

If it was on weekdays, Wu Youwen would have known this kind of news a long time ago, but Wu Youwen had been busy in the company for a while, so he didn't notice it.

Thinking about it now, this is really a loss.

After the broadcast, some people used the first episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to compare with the TV series version. Especially the image of the main character. After the airing started, many people used the first episode of Taoyuan Yiyi and the TV series for comparison.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as...he feels itchy.

"Huh? Three Kingdoms Kill?"

Then at this time, Wu Youwen discovered a new game.

Three Kingdoms Kill is a card game that was launched simultaneously with the game.

"Card game? Poker?" Wu Youwen frowned.

Of course he knew about poker, but Wu Youwen actually didn't like playing poker very much. Seeing the poker here, Wu Youwen was not interested.

But after all, it is the Three Kingdoms, and it is not a loss to look at.

Later, he learned that this game seems to be not just an ordinary card game, but a very special form of card game with the concept of offense and defense. seems a little bit interesting.

"There is also an online version? Open beta today?"

Then he found something more interesting about you.

This game is available online.

He hurriedly opened the application store, and then typed in the words "Three Kingdoms".

In the first place is the Three Kingdoms Kill.

He chose to download.

The Internet speed in this era is not fast, but the capacity of Three Kingdoms is not large. He is watching the rules of the game while waiting for the download of the game.

The download of the game is ready soon, and the capacity of more than ten megabytes is not large.

Then he started the game.

After entering the game, you are logged in.

Wu Youwen chose "Quick Login" and directly used his qicq as his account to log in.

Well, the qicq account, on Kylin Computer, provides this kind of ultra-convenient registration method in the future. Users do not need to register a new account to use it.

After entering, you can play the game.

At the beginning of the game, it is a teaching level, which teaches players how to play the game in the form of a story.

After the teaching mode, the player can officially enter the game.

The game can customize the game or choose to match directly.

Wu Youwen is a little cute, so he directly chose the matching mode.

Wu Youwen was an "anti-thief" in the first game. He is actually quite new, but his teammate next door is quite powerful.

This teammate was assigned to the lord’s side, but this guy was super cruel, chasing the lord all the way to attack, especially after equipped with a Zhuge crossbow, this guy killed the lord all the way, and other players did not have it. Tao can save people, and then... won?

...This game is so simple!

Wu Youwen found that this game is pretty good.

Listen because of blowing.

"Huh? Adventure mode?"

But at this moment, Wu Youwen discovered some interesting content.

"Adventure Mode".

Simply put, the adventure mode allows players to experience the flow of this story from the perspective of the story of the Three Kingdoms.

But in adventure mode, it's not free.

The adventure mode is divided into many chapters. Each chapter requires 9 yuan of soft sister coins to open, but after unlocking and clearing the adventure mode, you can get many special items in the adventure mode, such as the generals only available in the adventure mode. Skin and so on.

The adventure mode is similar to the normal mode, basically the player plays a specific role and then executes the battle.

For example, Hulaoguan is Lv Bu, who is opposite Liu Guan and Zhang, and the battle of Chibi is Cao Cao, who is opposite to Liu Guan and three generals.

In these modes, basically AI is playing against the players, but in the adventure mode, there are routines for the use of decks and skills, and you can pass the level after you figure out the routine. The main and most interesting part here is that the players use different ones. The process of solving puzzles.

This is quite interesting...

Wu Youwen bought a lot of digital versions of games, so he is quite comfortable with this online payment model.

And the first level of the game is not charged, but free, so he can experience it directly.

The first level is the prologue.

The content of the prologue is the part where players go to rescue Dong Zhuo after Taoyuan's three knots.

In this part, Dong Zhuo is the "Master", and the player has Liu Guan Zhang and three generals cards.

At this level, players need to ensure the survival of Dong Zhuo who has been attacked by the enemy and annihilate the enemy.

The adventure mode requires a separate game package, so after he chose the adventure mode, he waited a few minutes before he could play.

"Huh, is there really a plot?"

Then, he discovered that this game really has a plot, and there is also a dubbing...this...not bad!

The content of the game is quite rich, not just because it is just the prologue, Wu Youwen is deeply addicted to it...


The stream is endless, the dreams are burning, and the seasons are all good. Especially the dreams are burning, which is really nice.

Two-in-one meow.

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