Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1539: Yes,we can.Yes,you…

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

Tony is a game enthusiast, or more broadly, he is an electronics enthusiast.

There are a variety of products around him, from ibm's laptop, to home's PDA, to the Phoenix's dc, in addition, there are Nokia's mobile phones and the old Renjia handheld.

For this reason, he almost squeezed his salary, so that he has almost no ability to buy other furniture or daily necessities.

But yesterday, he was moved by the new system of the giant hard home.

The amazing appearance of the xp system moved him very much.

Well, just moved.

In this era, computer ui interaction is really "unpretentious". This kind of unsightly picture is very normal for people in this era.

Well, after all, before this, the performance of the computer itself was not very sufficient, so people who thought of improving the interaction logic and beautifying the page... really not many.

But in the xp era, the giant hard made a fundamental transformation of the entire system and completely abandoned the in9x system based on the DOS system.

For many people who are still using DOS software, the new system is undoubtedly cheating, so much so that many people put forward the slogan of "defending to the death in98".

In98, it is indeed a classic generation, before XP, it is the most successful system of the giant hardware.

But it is undeniable that the times are advancing.

Tony was not the one who drowned with the old system, so after the xp system appeared, he planned to buy it.

Then... he chose to wait and see.

No way, although his name is Tony, but his last name is not "Stark", he does not have Jarvis and steel jersey, so he chose the latter between buying immediately and continuing to wait and see.

Because there is another press conference today.

The Press Conference of the Order of the Phoenix.

Or...P company.

Phoenix is ​​called phoenix in English, so someone would call it that.

Tony has a DC.

Not dcp, but dc.

Although it is dc, the experience is similar to the former, but because of the relationship between capacity and performance, the texture and music of the entire game have been castrated, and the resolution of many cg content is generally low, and sometimes multiple copies are needed. Only the disc can be played.

In addition to the general gd which is actually a cd, if you want to play, there is also a digital version.

If dc wants to play the digital version, you only need to connect to the Internet that night, hang it up overnight, get up the next morning, and almost the game will be downloaded.

Although it's not very convenient, it's pretty good.

Moreover, the experience of the older generation of machines is not bad either, that is, the screen and image effects have undergone a lot of castration, so it is more uncomfortable.

In fact, many people around Tony changed to a dc-p last year. The elegant picture quality is really fascinating.

But Tony can't, because he bought an ibm notebook last year.

Then... no more.

Therefore, he originally planned to wait until this year to change to a dc-p.

But...they started the conference again.

The product launch of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​strange, because no game manufacturer will launch iterative products so soon.

However, the dc and dc-p of the Order of the Phoenix are all compatible and universal, so from the perspective of normal iteration, there is no problem.

Moreover, the digital version of the game is directly bound to the account, and the gd disc can also be read through dc-p, everyone is compatible, so... it seems that there is no problem.

However, poor picture means poor picture, and bad sound means bad sound.

This is a sad story.

Recently, Tony finally had some money left, so he wanted to give himself something new.

So, whether to change to a new machine that may appear or to change to an operating system, it depends on Morinia's operation today.

DC also supports the Internet, and supports broadband, so Tony is very convenient to open the live channel.

The lighthouse country's network is relatively mature at this moment, so most people who have a network will consider buying dc. Many people even go for dc-p.

In fact, let alone the lighthouse country, even in a large eastern country, the number of simultaneous online on qciq has exceeded one million.

Therefore, there are quite a few people who use this machine to watch live broadcasts like Tony.

At this moment, the press conference has just started.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was the logo of the Order of the Phoenix.

Then, along with the logo, there was a video.

It's not an animation, or cg, but a real person.

The picture starts with a young man getting a Christmas gift, he is playing with an xbox handheld, and then it becomes a dc, and the picture of the game is constantly changing.

This is obviously an advertisement shot specifically for the Beacon Country market, and it works well.

After this video ended, the screen finally jumped to the scene.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome everyone to this conference."

"...It's really similar to the girl from cg..."

Tony has always been concerned about cg, and White Lily team, this foreign team that is all sister paper, is undoubtedly the most topical.

Later, someone discovered that the captain of this team seemed to be very similar to Morinia from the Order of the Phoenix.

Tony didn't care about the news very much before, but only two days ago saw the Bailily team directly crash the opponent, and today he saw Mori on the stage again, that's why he had this impression.

And...Although he is a boy, he is so cute...

Tony has watched "Girls Fall in Love with Sister", and he also has a full set of DVDs at home, so after seeing Morinha, his first reaction is...can you knock it down...

This is a sequelae. Tony looks at people now, he first thinks whether the other party is suitable for wearing women's clothing, and then sees the other party's suitable posture to push down...

But soon, Senxia's speech put Tony's thoughts about what he didn't have, because the press conference began directly.

It is different from yesterday's huge hard press conference.

The huge hard press conference, there are many, many hardware devices on it, and there are all kinds of devices everywhere. The whole press conference looks like an expo, which is dizzying.

But the press conference of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​different.

The press conference of the Order of the Phoenix was clean and tidy. On the entire stage, there was only a small stage behind the side. On the front of the whole stage, there was only Senxia, ​​and behind Senxia, ​​there was the huge curtain.

How should I put it, this refreshing and tidy press conference is really different from the current fancy stage. I am used to the kind of showy press conference, and then look at the press conference in front of me. Very wonderful feeling.

Just the stage layout of this scene has attracted Tony as a whole.

Senxia first took stock and introduced the status of the Order of the Phoenix after independence, and then the introduction entered the highlight.

"Dreamcast has brought you a brand new gaming experience in the past few years. But in Phoenix's view, this experience is actually not perfect. According to Moore's Law, our chips use transistors every 18 months. The quantity will double and the price will be halved, and it has been more than 18 months since our dc-p was released. In theory, the performance of the most powerful machine now can be doubled... …So what I want to say is yes, e_can; yes, you_can."

Really new? !

Tony's eyes widened.

These two "yes", I don't know why, they made him feel that the whole person was full of enthusiasm, and there was a sense of expectation that spewed from his heart.

Of course he didn’t know. One of these two lines was prepared by a giant for XP on another world line, and the other was the slogan of the “once” commander of the Lighthouse Nation...

Like Tony, the audience at the scene was also attracted by these two lines. On the contrary, the stage below Morinia also began to cheer.

"Yes, we did it." Morinka said, "The performance is doubled. So, please allow me to introduce our new generation of machines, -s!"

Yes, Morinia plagiarized again!'s a reference.

Senxia directly took the name of Sanbang and used it.

Gales... well, this is still called -s.

This machine named "Galaxy" is a newly launched machine from the Order of the Phoenix.

After hearing this name, a Milky Way appeared on the curtain behind Morinia.

"...The Milky Way..." Tony muttered.

Sega’s machine had previously used "Saturn" in the solar system as the name of its sixth-generation machine.

But Senxia's ambition is obviously greater.

After filling the pit of dc, people started directly using the name of the Milky Way.

"Gs", a new generation of machines, the name has already appeared.

Well, in fact, when Morinka thought of this name, it was not entirely because of the three sticks, but because after he saw the Pokémon, he thought of the gs ball inside, and then he thought of the three sticks in order to harden the shorthand. of……

Hmm, but Morinia is still very happy to be able to use the name Sanbang.

"GS is a unique machine. We have adopted a dual-core structure like never before, so that this machine has far more performance than some home computers and even ordinary desktop computers."

Yes, this is the result of the cooperation between Senxia and ibm.


Tony's eyes widened here.

The concept of dual-core is scumbag for people more than ten years later, but in this era, the so-called "dual-core" is definitely a tall thing!

After hearing the word "dual core" and the word "dual core" appeared on the screen, applause broke out on the scene.

"Moreover, our single-core performance has been improved by 60% compared to dc-p." After everyone's voice became a little quieter, Morinka continued, "This is a unique improvement of the generation, which makes our game Supporting more powerful effects, we will have more powerful anti-aliasing performance, light and shadow effects and all special effects you can't imagine."

At this moment, a picture has begun to appear on the screen.

This is the picture of "Muv Moonfall" in the first half of this year.

The former is a dc-p picture, and the latter is a gs picture.

Compared with dc-p, the gs picture is obviously clearer, the texture is more realistic, and the characters are more rounded. The whole picture feels like it has been upgraded to a higher level.

"so cool!"

This picture is simply amazing!

"This chip was designed by us in in-depth cooperation with ibm..."

After Xia on the stage briefly introduced the performance improvement of the chip, he invited ibm executives to come over, and then let the other party explain things about the new features of the chip.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Tianhai. I am honored to be here today..."

This kind of explanation may be heard by most people, but Tony, as a lover of electronic products, this kind of content is his favorite.

Morinia’s chip is a customized chip based on the characteristics of ibm's poer-4 series and the previous generation of dc-p. In order to control the manufacturing cost, this chip of course does not have the crazy 128mb L3 cache, and This chip is the so-called "glue dual core".

Well, with mcm packaging technology, two cores can be seen on the chip.

But glue dual-core is glue dual-core. Morinia doesn't care about Intel's first-generation glue dual-core, but it is the true dual-core of the agricultural enterprise next door!

For people in this era, it doesn't matter whether glue is glue or not. Whether it is glue or not, they are two cores.

Moreover, the home computer is different from the PC. It is normal that the software on the PC side is not good for multi-core support, but it is too normal for the home computer to have multiple cores. After ps2, whether it is ps3, ps4 or xbox, it is all multi-core, and follow-up He also reached the eight-core state in one breath.

The number of cores is not a As long as they are properly optimized, several cores can be used, but for the home machine, targeted optimization is natural.

"so cool……"

In fact, the face of gs hasn't come out yet, but Tony can't wait after hearing "Dual Core".

Although the tertiary cache has been castrated, and the frequency is far lower than poer-4, the frequency of 1GHz is already the scum of Hitachi 200mhz, not to mention dual-core.

After the introduction of the chip, Morinka came to the stage again.

"In fact, our machine is not just that." Mori Xia said, "We have also upgraded the graphics chip. Our new machine will have 256mb of hybrid memory and a brand new graphics chip."

Senxia continued to throw big bombs.

Yes, the machine in Senxia's house is so defying.

The performance is absolutely incredible!

Adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait Adjust, wait to adjust, wait, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait, wait Wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait to adjust, wait


Life is like my five treasures of milk are harmonized by a curtain...

Two in one... Meow no more, don't disturb the author, the author just wants to be motionless now, holding the hands of Asamatomo in silent meditation...

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