Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1558: Road to survival

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

"It feels... unexpectedly good."

After the maids had changed their outfits, Senxia took the remote control, and then constantly installed Xiyan's maid to be transparent, concealed, transparent, and concealed.

Not to mention, it feels really interesting.

Only after Senxia noticed that Xi Yan's poisonous tongue seemed to be more distorted, Senxia decisively chose the target of conversion.

Hmm... Although Yukino was very happy about it, Morinka decided to choose Lihua.

Well, the president can still accept this kind of gameplay.

And just when Morinka was happy, another game was also released.

This is "Road to Survival".

The discussion and topicality of this game is still very powerful.

At the beginning, everyone paid attention to this game because Capcom jumped back to NGC.

Of course, this is not the case, but this does not hinder the public's perception.

Shinji Mikami is walking alone here.

Before this, Capcom actually turned a blind eye to this matter.

It was like this.

As long as it succeeds, there is nothing to say.

However, Shinji Mikami was pitted by NGC.

Therefore, he went straight to his back, and it was obvious that Shinji Mikami was not far away from leaving.

On Capcom's side, he also found Sony...well, not the Order of the Phoenix, but Sony. Because Shinji Mikami had been going to Sony, Morinka was shot while lying down.

But that was before that.

After all, in the eyes of the public, Capcom and the Order of the Phoenix are closer...

This is not difficult to understand, because on the original platform of DC-P, many manufacturers will choose cross-platform, especially large manufacturers.

However, niche indie game manufacturers have another calculation. If you want to play indie games, going to DC-P and the current GS platform is the best choice-and this is one reason why the Order of the Phoenix is ​​selling well in the lighthouse country. Because many people like this indie game very much.

Pulled away.

All in all, when Capcom was caught off guard, this "Road to Survival" was released.

This is a shooting game.

After the appearance of "Resident Evil", the number of zombie games following the trend has increased.

Follow the trend and follow the trend, let alone small factories, as long as the subject matter is popular, big factories will follow the trend.

But a high-quality, high-quality game like "Legend of Survival" is completely different.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that players regard it as a "face-slap" on Capcom.

Although the official can clarify the news, the official did not choose to do so.

——Who would get rid of the natural topicality?

Don't say I won't clarify, whether there is any official support behind this, that's both.

Originally, the completion time of "Left Left" and "Monster Hunter" were about the same.

But the game "Monster Hunter" is also a big head. Although "Legend of Survival" is also of good quality, it will definitely die if it hits its own "Monster Hunter".

So the official side moved the time of "Left to Survive" for a while.

As for now, everyone has formed a team.

Although Qianjia is the current director of Shiyan, in fact Qianjia doesn't appear here very often. Mori summer also often absentees from school and paddling, so everyone is playing together now.

"Kukuku, let you see my true strength! All restrictions lifted, bloom, the lotus of the abyss!"

Lily, Toru, Kenichi Aso and Misato Nyuu.

Although we are not in the same school, this does not prevent us from playing games together as a member of "Xianshiyan".

…Well, the actual situation is that Lily only has herself and Xiao Tou here, so after Xue Nao amended "Lead to Survival" in the lighthouse country, she came back here, but couldn't find anyone, so she called This is also the other two people from Xianshiyan.

Well, speaking of it, Kenichi Aso and Misato Kyuu really have the highest attendance rate in the current research. Mori and Chika need not say it, but as for the words of Takatani Takashi, this guy is loved by his daughter every day. The friend took it away. As for Yuji, she was invited by Erika, and she is probably watching the scenery on a yacht on the Great Barrier Reef.


Xian Aso glanced at the legal loli opposite.

Obviously they are already this old, but he thinks it's okay for him to dress up and act as a primary school student.

Moreover, it's the kind of Super Junior, and sometimes he is really helpless to complain.

Don't you think the speech just now... is so ashamed? !

Let's not talk about people, as soon as Ken Aso heard that voice here, he felt ashamed!

However, people here helped buy the game for free, and Kenichi Aso is still not enough to complain... Well, Kenichi Aso’s money has been used for krypton gold, so although he is very interested in "Left to Survive", he is not Didn't buy it...

Because there is no money!

But Lily is a local tyrant after all, so she waved a big hand and gave everyone a copy. The only condition is that everyone play with me!

Since it is a multiplayer game, everyone is naturally playing in multiplayer mode.

This multiplayer mode is also the highlight of "Legend of Survival".

The reason why the big guys "explode" is because everyone here can not only play the role of a survivor, but also a special infected person.

There is already a game for playing zombies. Even in Morixia’s own “Plants vs. Zombies”, there is also a part of playing zombies. In the later “Garden Wars”, the confrontation between zombies and plants is more interesting.

But that feeling is more like a confrontation between camps, and in "Left Left", the different races of the players directly affect the entire gameplay, which is very interesting.

Needless to say the cooperative pass mode, but in the confrontation mode, this feeling is very strange.

For example, in this mode, the survivor has only one life, but the special infected person can continuously rebirth and stop the survivor.

This is the difference in gameplay.

On Kenichi Aso's side, what is going on at this moment is the competition mode.

The map in the competition mode is the map in the story. In the original game, the player needs to cross the map to reach the safe house.

But in this mode, the special infected people among the enemies also become players. This is the difference.

In the first game, Kenichi Aso was the first special feeling, then the survivor.

The special infected will be randomly assigned to the players, and then the special infected players will choose to appear in a place that the survivors cannot see (out of sight).

In the game, there are a total of eight kinds of special infected persons, of which there are six kinds of infected persons, which can be randomly reached by players. Each time they die, they will be randomly assigned one again, but it will never happen that two players are assigned to the same The state of special feeling. In addition, the other two kinds of infected people, one called "tank", are BOSS with powerful attack ability and high blood volume. This BOSS will be spawned in special locations on some maps, and the special infected player with the lowest score will be assigned. To the tank. The other one is called the "witch". The witch is a "wild monster" on the map. It's okay if you don't provoke it, but once provoke it, the attack power of this product is extremely high. Basically one, but the blood volume is very small. If it is all in, it can be dropped in seconds, and this kind of monster is completely beyond the control of the player.

At this moment, Kenichi Aso's role was assigned to a special infected person of Bomb Demon.

This character named "" is a chubby thing in the picture.

Everyone has played the normal mode before, so Ken Aso still knows this thing quite well.

This thing is actually very easy to solve for players-as long as it is not sprayed.

The movement speed of the bomb demon is relatively slow, and the HP is also extremely low, but it is very easy to use when used.

Because after the player is assigned to this role, the left mouse button can make the opponent spray bile. When the survivor player is sprayed with bile, his vision is greatly obstructed, and the bile will immediately attract a large group of zombies. Survivors who have bile on their bodies are the top priority targets.

This is also reflected in the game. Bile also has a separate item in the game. When brushing the zombies, the player can throw the bile to attract the zombies.

But if it is sprayed by the bile of a special infected person, there are no zombies on the scene, and the map will force a group of zombies to "sweep" and then besiege the character.

So this thing is super easy to use.

At this moment, Kenichi Aso was lying in ambush on the overpass, waiting for the survivors to come.

"It's now!"

When he found that the survivor was about to pass by, he jumped down from the sky, then sprayed bile, and let the two survivors on the opposite side be recruited!

Of course, Kenichi Aso was uncomfortable because at this moment, the player who reacted quickly on the other side killed Kenichi Aso with two shots.

Kenichi Aso was killed, and another skill was immediately activated, that is, the corpse explosion. The player hit by the corpse explosion was immediately shaken by the shock wave of the corpse explosion.


However, the hunter of Jiusheng Miri was originally intended to catch the enemy, but was also shaken by the corpse explosion-well, this skill is also useful for own players who are also specially infected...


Kenichi Aso quickly apologized to Misato Nyuu.

"Control these two guys quickly and solve one first!" Jiusheng Miri didn't care about this, but greeted the others quickly.

Kenichi Aso was able to spray two players in one breath, and then forcibly spawn a group of zombies, which actually exceeded the task.

At this time, Jiusheng Miri was wholeheartedly controlling Hunter, his hunter, and beating the players.

A predator is a special infected person with powerful control capabilities. The hunter can fly, the farther the distance is, the more damage it will cause after the pounce, and even it can perform actions such as triangular jumps through the walls and ceilings, which makes it impossible to pull the wind.

After the survivor is thrown down, the hunter can suppress the survivor of the player and carry out continuous attacks on it. The survivor who is thrown down cannot save himself or even struggle. It is completely restricted.

Kyuu Misato’s first swoop was stunned by Kenichi Aso, but the second time she grabbed the opposite—but the second time it was too close, the swoop did not hurt much, but at least The player has been restricted.

After the success of Jiusheng Miri, two players on the map are now "blind", one is controlled, and the other has chosen to abandon his teammates, choose "", and prepare to go to the safe house alone.

"Good job, you really deserve to be the chief maid of the fallen angel!"

Lily saw the opposite "" and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Kenichi Aso was waiting for his resurrection, when he heard such a sentence, he suddenly didn't know how to make complaints.

The chief maid of the fallen angel... seems... unexpected?

An enemy ran away, but Xiaotou still seized the opportunity, took control of another character, and pulled it to the shore.

In the game "Legend of Survival", if the player gets to the wall, it is easy to "hang on the side" in the vicinity of the infected person.

The hanging edge is similar to the player's dying state.

In the game, if the player does not have enough HP, they will fall to the ground and enter a near-death state, and need the help of teammates to stand up. At this time, the player even has a small pistol that can continuously attack the zombies around him, and if If there is no one to help you after a period of dying, you will really die.

The same is true for hanging edges. Players will enter this state of counting down. They cannot move or perform any operations. They need the help of other players, otherwise they will fall when the time is up.

Of course, there is still a difference between the two. If the player is rescued on the verge of death, the player will be in a red blood state and if the player is rescued, how much blood they had before and how much will they still have now.

Xiao Tou brought one down, and then went to harass the other. Although this player quickly regained his vision, his blood volume was already almost reduced by the surrounding zombies. As a result, the player who was not controlled, instead The first one panicked. He neither saved his teammates nor cleared his special feelings. Instead, he turned around and ran, but he was directly knocked to the ground by the zombies.

But it is a pity that the last player has reached the safe house at this moment, and they still did not destroy the opponent.

"Yo Xi, the pointer of fate has turned to us!"

"Is it our turn..."

Kenichi Aso probably understood Lily's meaning.

After failing over there, it was naturally his turn to act as a survivor.

After Kenichi Aso’s turn, the opposite party is basically out of play, because Lily and Xiao Tou are both veterans, they are very cooperative, and they also understand the "card perspective", so that the opposite party’s special feeling cannot be dangerous around. "Born" in the area.

As a result, the opposing wave of novices actually caused them so much harm, they all arrived at the safe house.

After several consecutive rounds, he finally won.

"AP is very good..."

Ken Aso is very interested in game guns.

"The game is also very interesting."

"But the little friend on the opposite side...maybe there will be a psychological shadow..."


Information that can be disclosed:

Morinatsu’s hooking up the princess is a historically established matter. We have no world line because the world line has jumped from the Alpha World Line to the Beta World Line!

Two in one!


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