Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1579: How to do the handheld?

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The meeting with Xiao Ma was not only limited to Xiao Ma, but also Wang Qiwen and several employees who came from Daiwan.

Moriha invested in LCD.

Of course, going to the mainland is very subtle now, there is no foundation there, even if it is an investment, it will be more difficult to return to the cost, it is a long-term process. However, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are fine, and production and R&D can be carried out quickly.

Everyone chose a Japanese food restaurant, the kind of kaiseki cuisine.

Senxia specially ordered the restaurant to make three portions of each dish because kaiseki dishes are more "delicate".

Senxia actually thinks that the taste of the Japanese food store is not particularly flavorful, but here are people from a certain oriental country, a group of people from a certain oriental country, after coming to the mud bomb, all they eat are from the "hometown of a certain oriental country" Dishes"...what is he trying to mess with?

Senxia wanted to eat Sichuan hot pot.

So Morika asked Erika to recommend a few more high-end shops.

"Hot pot... well, kaiseki cuisine is a feature of mud bombing, and I have to taste it. Come, come, everyone come to taste."

Morinia, who had been thinking about hot pot, almost fell into words.

Senxia, ​​Qianjia and Lihua came here.

"Brother Xiao Ma, how are you doing?" Wang Qiwen and Brother Xiao Ma may have not seen each other for a long time. After he saw each other, he went to say hello.

"Well, it's okay. We are now playing games with all our energy." Xiao Ma smiled.

Penguin's financial situation is actually quite good, but if you want to grow bigger, it depends on the self-struggle of Xiao Ma.

"How about you? I don't think your spirit is good."

"Hey, it's not the Kylin computer. The second generation is very troublesome. The vista system is good, but the vistakyrin system we made is in trouble."

The biggest innovation of the vk system is that many restrictions on the original Vista system have been lifted. After this part of the restriction was lifted, bugs that had nothing to do with the operation appeared. After all, the Vista system itself has more than one hundred vulnerabilities. Has not been filled in.

These vulnerabilities are fine when some functions are blocked or restricted, but once the VK system is implemented, it is quite troublesome.

But Wang Qiwen had no choice, he could only bite the bullet.

"How is the system now?" It was Senxia who asked the question, and he was actually quite curious.

"It's okay. Now that we are working overtime there, we should be able to catch up with the acceptance before the end of the year." Wang Qiwen sighed.

"It's fine if you can catch up. You have done it on your side, and I will fix it again, and 2.0 will be launched next year." Senxia nodded.

To liberate the restricted functions, Morinka can do more things. When the time comes, adjust the system functions a bit and it will be launched as the 2.0 system.

"Where are you?" Wang Qiwen asked grimly, "You are looking for cooperation this time. You don't have enough manpower on your side."

The vk system is a work of cooperation between the two parties. Similar systems will actually exist in the future. For example, the Unikylin system specially provided by a large eastern country is a transformation of the Ubantu system. There are also numerous Linux systems, although many of them are basically cheated. Money.

But Linux is not mature now, so if you want to cheat money, you can only get Senxia in turn.

Well, it's a long way. In short, the vk system itself is a special offer. It adds many components with the characteristics of a certain eastern country, and also adds new security features. But no matter how you say it, it can be considered a cooperation between the two parties.

"Isn't this going to develop for the mobile terminal." Senxia shook her head, "You invited these people over today, isn't it just for this."

Senxia turned her head and looked at the few people who had come from Duiwan.

Then he turned his head and said to Brother Xiao Ma, "Brother Xiao Ma, you can also pay attention to the mobile terminal in the future. We are ready to develop new markets on the handheld."

Senxia said, and gestured for the sample over there.

This is a seven-inch LCD screen.

The screen resolution is 640x360, which is a standard 360p screen.

"This big screen? Can this be a handheld?"

Brother Xiao Ma was shocked.

"Try the work." An entrepreneur surnamed Guo from Duiwan over there said quickly.

"We are still trying to further reduce the screen." Another entrepreneur surnamed Wang also added.

In the future, everyone is accustomed to large-screen mobile phones, but in this era, everyone's goal is to think about how to condense the screen.

Integrating big pixels in small places is what people want to do most in this era.

"Seven inches is fine." Senxia didn't think much about it. "It's just right to hold it with both hands."

The size of the seven-inch screen is basically just a cut from the current LCD panel for notebook computers, and the production line does not need to be changed. Although the expressions of these people look very hard, the actual workload is really not much.

"It's fine to reduce it a bit. But the resolution can be lowered. With such a large screen, the resolution is as high as 360p, which can't be carried. If the small resolution is forced to stretch, the picture experience will not be good by then, and it will be wasteful."

Morinka said and shook his head.

The higher the resolution, the more resources that need to be consumed when games and programs are executed. You must know that psp only has a resolution of 480x272.

This is not because there were no better screens in the era of psp, but because people took factors such as cost into consideration, so they chose such a resolution.

The current era is a few years earlier than the psp of another world line. It is still the era of gba. Now if you want to run those programs and run forcibly, the number of game frames may be in single digits.

"But I think we can make a prototype." Wang Qiwen said.

"I've read your email. It's a great idea. High resolution, wireless network, and mobile phone call to Lihua. How much do we calculate the cost?"

"80,000 yen does not include research and development costs, only the hardware part. It does not include the cost of handheld system research and development and seeking third-party support." Of course, Lihua did not forget Senxia's data.

"That's it." Senxia said, "and the most important thing for us now is... we need a suitable storage device."

Storage equipment.

This is the most important.

In the future, a small flash memory card can store 512gb of content. This is simply unimaginable nowadays, most of the hard disks have only this fraction of data.

Correspondingly, in the psp era of another world line, the price of a 4g memory stick is 900 dollars, and the price of a 2g memory stick that can hold a psp game is 300 dollars.

This price is more expensive than the psp body.

And now, even if Morinya wants to do this kind of stuff... it's impossible.

Because there is no such technology.

"Can't it be done with a cassette?" Wang Qiwen was a little strange, "N64 kind."

"The n64 is not sold well because of the cassette. Dozens of megabytes. What else can you expect?" Morinya shook his head. "The production cost of handheld game cassettes should be controlled at five dollars. Below, no matter how high the cost is, it is unacceptable. If there are still higher costs here, then I would rather give up this one for now."

Of course, it is impossible to give up, but Wang Qiwen will sometimes be passionate about it, and he needs to say something serious to calm down.

Sure enough, after hearing what Senxia said, Wang Qiwen also fell into thinking.

"This is really no way?"

"Sony has technology, we can use mini discs."

The optical disc is almost the best cassette carrier, with a short manufacturing cycle, low price, and low weight.

Although the price of the CD-ROM drive is unambiguous, it is still acceptable compared to other storage devices that are equivalent to two handhelds with a single cassette.

"Didn't MD fail?" Wang Qiwen was a little strange.

When Senxia said this, Wang Qiwen thought of md.

This is a product launched by Sony in 1992.

The md disc is really small, the real md disc is only 6.4 cm in diameter, but the conventional md can only store 140mb (data mode) or 160mb (audio mode).

But CD discs could store more than 600mb of content at the time, and the former was of course eliminated.

"There will be better, Sony has new research, I will try to see the situation first. If we use a burned rom, the price and capacity are not easy to say."

A very simple example, on another world line, nds, which is at the same time as psp, uses old-fashioned rom cassettes, but the capacity is only one-tenth of that of psp games.

"And that thing has a long manufacturing cycle, high cost, and is easily affected by changes in semiconductor prices. The more important thing is that if you want high-quality cg and pictures, you can't put it in."

This is the key.

Senxia raised the LCD screen in his hand: "gba's cassette capacity, if you want to fill this screen with Full HD, you think you can put it on for a few minutes."


Can't refute.

The psp itself uses a similar design.

umd disc.

This thing is still good as a game carrier in the future, but Sony failed to promote it to the film industry.

Therefore, the failure of UMD was largely due to the bankruptcy of the portable DVD player solution, not the game itself.

The CD is the best option at present, not even "one".

This is actually easy to understand.

In fact, many game manufacturers have almost gone bankrupt due to the huge price change of semiconductors, so if they can choose CDs, they will basically choose CDs.

Except for the old Ren's family, people who don't use CD-ROMs are often because technology cannot achieve the miniaturization of CD-ROM drives, rather than not wanting.

If Morinka wants to engage in large-capacity development, he will definitely need a CD.

"By the way, you want to do development here, what do you think?"

As a partner, Wang Qiwen would like to ask Senxia here.

"Our plan is still the old-fashioned integration with the machine. When we wait for the handheld era, we plan to expand to the 3d era as much as possible, and even if it enters the big screen, the picture can be guaranteed."

3d modeling is vector, so as long as the performance is sufficient, the resolution can be increased infinitely, but the 2d picture is basically fixed in pixels and can only be improved by interpolation.

This is also the reason why many 3d games can be opened all the way to 4k or even 8k resolution because the vector modeling will not be affected in any way after the opening is high.

The dual-machine integration of Moriha has already been done for a generation, so he plans to do it for the second generation.

And there is another reason why Moriha wants to use the CD, and it is because of this.

In Senxia's vision, his own handheld should at least be able to perfectly run many desktop-level text adventure games by then.

This type of game is limited because of the capacity of the cassette, not the resolution.

If a large-capacity storage device is used, even when the screen is projected from a small screen to a large screen, it can still bring a very good experience to the entire game.

"Don't plan to have something newer?" Wang Qiwen asked.

"The wireless network is ready to join, that's for sure. But now we are still looking for a chip to find a suitable chip. It is very difficult. The chip you mentioned here is unrealistic. It generates a lot of heat and consumes a lot of power. There has been an argument, but this won’t work."

Wang Qiwen's plan was made by himself calling the group of people in China to do it, and everyone tried to pile good things on it.

But now after hearing Senxia's criticism, Wang Qiwen calmed down.

I was a bit irrational before.

"By the way, you guys are engaged in LCDs," Morinya turned her head and looked at the other side, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Guo, I personally hope to invest in you so that you can continue to study reflective screens. LCD screens can do a little research, But I also hope there can be something better..."

Senxia thought of Tianyin Yousu here.

She now speaks by a machine.

But using that machine is obviously not very convenient, and the small monochrome LCD screen is not very good.

"You say you say!"

Both of them hurriedly listened.

"In general, it's a special ink display screen..." Yes, Moriha mentioned the electronic ink screen.

This kind of screen is what Senxia thinks is very suitable for Tianyin Yousu.

This thing consumes less power and has high contrast.

Although there are only two colors, black and white, in Morinia's view, this is already very suitable for use by Yu Qi.


Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a minute, some psp parts need to be adjusted...wait a minute, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a minute, some psp parts need to be adjusted...wait a minute, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

Wait a moment, some psp parts need to be adjusted...

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