Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1591: 23 things for girls in the near future

Does the industry rely on me?

Senxia looked dumbfounded.

What the **** is this?

"Mr. Xia Sen, you have unique ideas, and your works are very popular. More importantly, you have the ability to build Musashino Animation."

If I said that Musashino was originally done by Chika’s contacts after finding Manashita and Horikawa, would you beat me?

However, they have made Evangelion before, and Mori thinks that Anno probably also knows about the establishment of Musashino.

"The current industry is a soulless industry, otherwise, the entire industry will be over within ten years!"

Hey, there are lines with a sense of sight

Senxia was thinking wildly.

But Anye's idea is quite correct.

As one of the industry insiders, Senxia also knows many things. More and more situations in the industry are working for people, so the saying "lost soul" is really true.

There are relatively few works that can launch the entire series with peace of mind.

Anno said that the Gangdamu series actually took into consideration whether Consortium B could continue to sell Gangdamu; and the "Breeches Screw Macross" series belonged to the dual embarrassment of the domestic audiences and no penetration in overseas markets.


Looking at it this way, I really seem to be the savior of the industry!

——Please call me "the savior of the industry, Morinia sauce"!

Senxia suddenly floated.

After having dinner with each other, the two sides basically finalized some cooperation situations. Anye was stimulated by the RE series and seemed to be really making a new animation.

But let me show you the negotiation between him and his old club.

As for Morinka, he is busy with another thing at this time-the giant is about to release the game console.

Yes, the giant hard drives will eventually release game consoles.

It's just that compared to another world line, in this world line, the release of huge hard game consoles is a bit later.

This is easy to understand, thinking they had expectations for Sega and the Order of the Phoenix before.

But after the Order of the Phoenix became bigger, children's shoes with lids became more vigilant.

And after the other side even developed the operating system, the lid could no longer sit still.

There are several sores on the lid at this time.

The first is to acquire the Order of the Phoenix, but this is obviously impossible, and the Order of the Phoenix, which relies on mud bombing, is itself a "private enterprise", and there is no way to force a purchase.

The second is to support another company, just like the Nokia in history, to introduce a mobile phone system to the other side, and then make the other side's grandfather unrecognizable.

The third is to do it yourself.

Lid children's shoes sore the third route.

So Morika is going to discuss business with Sony at this time.

——Well, it’s not Morinya who is the most nervous, but Sony.

There are three in this city. One of them is half dead, and the other two are one big and one small. The three-nation pattern suddenly emerges from the fourth-do you want to play the three kingdoms and return to Jin? !

But the first person who came to the door was actually Sony Graphics Image Operation Company, which is commonly known as Sony Image Studio.

Sony Image Studio has done a lot of classic works, including series such as Wizard Mouse and Spiderman.

And they came here this time for the special effects of motion capture-the suit that Senxia once released at the conference.

The suit itself is very good, especially the expression is not good, it has reached the current extreme.

There are not many industries that Moriha can get involved in, but he always strives for perfection within the range he can reach.

Although it's just an image studio, Mori summer is still very happy. This is a signal from Sony.

However, it is impossible for Senxia to come forward on this matter, he just let the following go to contact these people-after all, Senxia is the boss, it is impossible to let the boss go.

So Senxia continued to go back to practice near-moon girl.

"I said, Teacher Xia Sen."


This is a cafe near Dongda University. Morinka found Takasu Dahe again at this time. At this moment, the editor in charge has just finished reading the first draft of the first volume written by Morinka.

"Although I listened to you, this story is a more fantasy story, but what you describe is really so real!" Dahexiu sighed, "It's like having experienced it personally!"

"Nothing!" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that." Dahexiu smiled and waved her hand. "Teacher Xia Sen, are you really planning to sell such a good article under your current pen name?"

Takasu Ogawa highly appreciated the etiquette of this girl in the near moon.

Since it is a weapon, it is naturally impossible to have as many routes as the game.

Therefore, Morinatsu adopted the route of Sakura Koji Luna and incorporated some plots into it.

Compared to the original book, Morinia’s book can be said to be quite ergonomic, but Morinia just played some sideballs, and Morinia did not provide the real content.

In other words, it is equivalent to changing the word "里" in "*" into the word "肉".

However, there are definitely a lot of physical contact and dangerous actions, and Morinka also said that the follow-up will let the protagonist overthrow the sister paper.

The key is not this.

The point is that Takasu Ogawa marveled at Morinatsu's writing.

Obviously it is a seemingly absurd story of a pseudonym in which a man pretends to be a woman, and there are plots of selling meat everywhere, but she just feels very real.

That sense of reality made her agree with this somewhat exaggerated story of selling meat.

"No, I'm going to make my debut with this weapon as a warrior of love." Senxia said.

"But it's really outstanding. △ Ming sells so many meats, but it is not objectionable, but it is very interesting. This is the teacher's credit. Well, by the way, there is also the reason why this school is a women's college, because They are all girls, so readers don’t seem to feel a little uncomfortable in the meat selling plot. On the contrary, the heroine’s selling meat can satisfy the audience’s expectations, while the male lead’s meat selling can satisfy the audience’s curiosity. "Takasu Dahe analyzed, "It's really good."

"Because it is very good, it can be used as a debut." Mori summer continued Takasu Ogawa's words, "The initial positioning of the'Warrior of Love' is to easily target the author, and then slowly expand the audience. "

——After that, I will give you a real surprise.

Well, the last sentence, Senxia would not say.

"Indeed, this kind of'pseudo mother' culture is indeed aggressive, but it has really been welcomed recently." Dahe Xiu has also done related homework. "Similar to the pseudo mother culture, it was once popular in the 1980s. For a while, the pseudo-girls of that era were mainly divided into two categories, one was funny, and the other was more formal. The former had no emotional scenes, and the latter was likely to have emotional interactions with men."

"That wave is different from now." Morinya said.

"Yeah, because the teacher's girl falls in love with her sister, what is popular now is the type of pseudonymous girls who use their looks to approach the girls, and then get the moon first." Dahexiu nodded.

"Ruiho's story is not so vulgar!" Senxia said quickly.

"Hi, hi. The most outstanding thing about a girl falling in love with her sister is the shaping of the character's emotions. The reputation of'Sister Sister' is very powerful. But everyone can't learn that high-end writing technique, and naturally they can only imitate it. "

"Tsk, but these guys can't even write this thing!" Senxia continued to complain.

The plots written by these people have some meaning, but some people probably refer to the content that was popular in the 1980s, and the result is very painful.

The most deceptive thing is that some authors probably don't recognize that what they write is light weapons, and force them to be deep, thinking they are great writers.

For example, there is a tool where the male protagonist first mixed into the girls’ school and was with the female protagonist, almost to attack the female protagonist, but at this time, the female protagonist didn’t know where a fiance popped out and knocked the heroine down. Then the heroine said to the hero, I always treat you as a girlfriend

Meow him!

Another book follows a similar routine. The male protagonist mixes into the girls’ school for the female lead, and there is also a fiance. This time, the male lead came forward to attack the fiance and wanted the female lead to recognize the fiancé, but it turned out that the male lead was caught Raiders, in the end, the fiance doesn’t care about the male protagonist’s identity. It’s gratifying, gratifying, gratifying!

A certain oriental country always thinks that Nikkei is great, but they don't know that the Nikkei they saw was screened once, and some scum that has not been translated can not be seen there.

And Mori Xia was fortunate enough to see two works that were forced to depth and were cut in half.

Well, in fact, it may also be because the author is about to be cut in half.

Of course, there are also very good ones. When Mori summer went to look for the works of the Erdaime teacher, she found that a dear man wrote a work that pushes all the papers down to be pregnant. This man wrote the male protagonist, cleverly using his own Women's identities, all kinds of emptiness come in, it is not too strong.

Oh, by the way, in the postscript, the author teacher also said that this machine was written under the influence of the Black Sacred Book Monogatari and Teacher Xia Sen.

Er er er, for the fans of this great depth of armed adults, Plascencia said he liked!

"Now, if I ask Ogura Asahi to collect all the girls, how about taking the full collection route?" Thinking of fans' works, Morinatsu felt that he could not lose.

"All in?" Dahe Xiu looked at Senxia strangely.

This is really a very difficult ulcer.

Because although many so-called Hou Gongxiang's works these days, they are either playfully ambiguous, or they have finally appointed a protagonist.

The real full collection is probably only the Tiandi Useless series-this is one reason why this series is so popular.

"Yes, Risanna is great, Luna is also great, and the other characters are also good."

"Rixiangna is the protagonist's younger sister, right"

Da Zang Li Xiang Na is the half sister of Da Zang You Xing.

In another world line, this character is not a role that can be attacked in the etiquette of near-moon girls, but it can be attacked in the sequel girl theory and its surroundings.

"Ah, Teacher Xia Sen, your words, it would be very dangerous to be heard by Teacher Xia Xue"

"Uh-don't contact reality!"

Senxia also has a younger sister.

"Well, the plot from life is the most authentic." Dahexiu smiled and waved her hand, with an "I understand" expression on her face.

"Senxia decided that silence is golden.

At this time, Dahexiu said: "With a group of girls, this situation is relatively rare, but it cannot be said that there is no. It is just that the risk will be higher."

"Because there are few, it's easy to be featured." Morinya said.

"That's right. But the design of Sakura Koji Luna you created is also very good. I think it's more subtle for her to share the actor."

"That's it"

Senxia couldn't help thinking of those "dog food fans" at this time.

In those "dog food fan", the hero and heroine are almost the kind of people who want to get tired of being together. Such a story is definitely not as tangled as it is now.

Both routes can be taken.

And there is no serious party dispute in this work itself.

But Senxia was tangled instead.

Rather, if the work itself is a "white school" work like a white photo album, Morinka would be a killer, but because of this harmony, Morinka would not be able to start.

It's meowing.

Morinatsu tangled up in an inexplicable place.

"I always feel that if I give up Rinna, I always feel lost, but if I want to give up Rina, Luna feels uncomfortable. But if I accept all the other girls, I think giving up is too much. It was wasted Morinya sighed.

"I think it's Mr. Xia Sen, you are too serious." Dahe Xiu said, "We might as well deduct the plot first, and then see which one is more interesting, how about?"

"Yes." Senxia nodded, "I'll deduce it slowly."

"Hi, these parts have no effect on the early stage of the plot, so please don't worry about this too much. And when writing, based on readers' feedback, there is no problem in correcting the subsequent content. If some works are popular If it is not enough, follow-up adjustments are completely in time."

For light weapons, the role is much more important than the plot.

"Let's take a look first." Senxia was a little troubled. It is indeed like Dahe Xiu said that many places need to be followed up.

In the age of online literature, this is a very common situation.

Light Machinery also pays attention to this point, but it is not as close as online literature, and there are many willful authors.

Senxia was distressed, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Right!"


"I'll contact the Erdaime teacher, she must have experience!" Mori Xia said that the person she trusts most is the Erdaime teacher.

"Uh-" Dahexiu's expression became a little subtle.

"What?" Senxia remembered that Dahe Xiu also knew each other.

"Teacher Erdaime wrote about ergonomics."

"But the second generation teacher's description of delicate emotions is very good, and there is almost no one in the machine world." Mori Xia said that she was a fan of the second generation teacher. "Do you think it is wrong?"

"No problem."

Takasu Dahe looked away with a guilty conscience.

She has seen the ending.

Go to see the white snake at night.


Two-in-one meow

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