Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1596: Handheld Plan

After encouraging the employees, Senxia went to lunch.

He made an appointment with Wang Qiwen today.

There was also Shen Jiahui who came with Wang Qiwen.

"Come here, let's eat something good today, and today we have a French meal."

In fact, Senxia really wants to eat Chinese food, a pot of qi and kidney dinner is one of the best choices among men.

But both Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui came from next door, and it would be boring to eat Chinese food, so Senxia simply invited them to have Western food together.

French cuisine.

"Senxia, ​​the Scorpio released by the giant hard, can you see it." After seeing Senxia, ​​Wang Qiwen was impatiently steady.

"Well, it's not bad, I remember the floating point is... 30GFlops, it's not comparable to our dual-core."

If it is DC-P, the performance of 10GFlops may be lost in seconds, but if it is GS, it is still possible to suppress the opposite side.

By the way, the XBOX on the other world line is 20GFlops.

"Floating point performance does not represent the performance of the machine itself, you should not blindly."

The performance of different machines is different. Some machines have low floating point performance, but the actual picture performance is higher.

Another example is the A card and the N card. For a period of time, the floating point performance between the A card and the N card is almost 1.3:1. That is to say, the A card needs 13GFlops to be even with the 10GFlops of the N card.

Another example is the performance of PS2 is 6.2, but the quality of its picture itself is not bad.

And this aspect really has little to do with these two people.

Because a certain eastern country simply does not have the ability to study this aspect of things.

There is no way for this kind of thing. Even if it was Senxia, ​​he couldn't pull up such a team there, and it wouldn't work if he had money.

There are many issues involved here, but Senxia has no plans to expand.

"But I probably thought of a charter for the handheld." Morinya said again.

"Are you going to use the handheld?" Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui both looked at it seriously when they heard Senxia's words.

"Well, but the performance of the machine is not enough now. I will wait for the 90-nanometer technology before launching the handheld, and I am going to take the two-in-one route." Mori summer said.

"Two in one?" Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui looked at each other.

"Oh, you are going to use the integration platform?! Can the handheld do it?" Wang Qiwen understood Senxia's thoughts.

"Almost. After two years of handheld, I think the performance should be close to the PS2 level. The handheld may be almost meaningless, but we have calculated it. If it is in the host mode, the performance will be more than doubled."

The floating point of the NS handheld mode is 157.2GFlops, while the loneliness is 393.2GFlops. Under the host mode, the performance of the machine is 2.5 times that of the handheld mode.

Of course, that was a long time later, and Moriha was targeting PSP.

This year, the development of chip technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and this is the reason Moriha used to persuade the Order of the Phoenix to iterate and update.

If there is no iteration, the PC market may even overtake the host market, and the host will only become more and more outdated.

As for the performance of the machine, Morinia feels nothing wrong with it.

The performance of NS is stronger than that of PS3, and the performance of PSP also crushes PS.

Two years later, the performance of Senxia handheld device, his goal is that the handheld mode is close to the level of DC, and the host mode is close to the level of DC-P.

This is possible because the handheld resolution is lower, and the performance of the machine is basically the image quality multiplied by the number of frames and then multiplied by the resolution and the matching material resolution.

Therefore, even if the hardware performance of the handheld is not as good as the DC, the handheld is even stronger than the latter in terms of picture expression-because there is less content to be rendered.

As for the host mode, there are more articles that can be done. Morinia's research is even more exaggerated than the old man of another world line.

"Moreover, our previous handheld computers have accumulated a lot of experience. We can expand and stretch the internal resolution of the screen under the host mode, and even call an external chip to perform secondary processing on the screen. The effect will be much better."

——After waiting for a few years, some of the technology of our own R&D department can also be used, and then the screen will be faked... Well, it is optimization, maybe it can achieve higher picture quality?

Senxia went to see the Vision R&D Department in the morning to determine whether these technologies can be used in this area in the future, and things are better than he expected.

"You didn't have much interest in handhelds before, why did you suddenly become so generous?" Wang Qiwen asked curiously.

"Since it is to be done, of course it is to be the best." Mori Xia said, "Single handheld may be popular for a while, but at most three generations will be replaced by more complete equipment. So it must be laid out. As for Why is it two years later, or because the current chip performance is not up to standard, and the cost of storage equipment is too high."

It is not only the performance of the processor that restricts the development of games in this era. The CPU and GPU are important, but the storage capacity itself is also a hurdle.

Compared to future games with a capacity of 70 or 80 GB, or even hundreds of GB, this year, about four or five GB games, even if they are masterpieces, let alone on the handheld platform.

The trouble caused by insufficient capacity is that the performance of the machine is clearly enough, but in order to compress the capacity, a coarser texture has to be used, or the quality of CG must be compressed.

So Senxia decided to wait.

It will take another two years for the related storage technology to mature.

Well, of course, this refers to Sony’s technology.

Several people here nodded.

"In addition, I hope that our handheld can use the best screen." Mori summer said.

"Of course." Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui nodded one after another.

"Finally, the main target of this machine is a certain eastern country. You will be the main force afterwards."

"This—Senxia—you are right?"

Wang Qiwen's eyes widened.

"Of course not. Because I sell to a large eastern country, just to sell hardware, just for shipments." Morixia said, "So you know."

I understand?

What do i know?

Wang Qiwen looked dazed.

"Kirin Computer..." Shen Jiahui's eyes suddenly lit up, "Are you not going to sell it as a handheld?"

Hearing Shen Jiahui's words, Senxia nodded: "Yes, I am going to use it as an MP4."

I have heard of MP3...

But Wang Qiwen also reacted immediately: "Watching a movie?"

"Yes, it's watching movies. Not only can you watch movies, but you can also listen to music. Otherwise, why do you think I want such a good screen? For games, the screen itself is not really important, but if there is a need for audio and video, then another said."

Perhaps Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui are not clear.

But Senxia knows that in another world line, there are indeed many celebrities who have used PSP.

Of course, few of these people play games.

The reason they bought the PSP is to watch the movie.

To some extent, the popularity of PSP on another world line is also driven by these celebrities.

Although these people do not endorse the product, this kind of silent show is the best advertisement.

Therefore, the connection is convenient and the appearance is fashionable. This is Morinia's positioning of the appearance.

Senxia and Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui are here now to say that naturally it is also for ventilation, so that they can find the correct position.

"Of course, the game can't be put down." Morixia said, "The price is cheap, easy to use, and rich in capacity, so it can be easily installed."

"This...I actually asked about it. Although the game console is banned, if you want to bypass it, the BA will introduce it now." Wang Qiwen thought, "Lao Ren is not a good stubborn, when the time comes Can we find the lineup?"

"This is no problem, and as I said, our positioning is different." Morixia said, "What's more, we actually have a large number of game lineups here."

"...Game lineup?"

"In two years, DC and DC-P are almost retired, but our architecture is the same. These old games can be modified and transplanted without any effort."

Well, things are not as good as Senxia said.

And Morinya still didn't tell these two people.

That is, Senxia is looking for someone to study the capacitive touch screen for the screen, but can it catch up with the research and development here?

The capacitive screen is the form that Senxia pursues.

In fact, Senxia's earliest idea was to wait for the fruit company next door to make a mobile phone first, and then take the opportunity to keep up.

But how to say it.

The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Things are so sad.

Moriha had no choice.

There are still six or seven years before the fruit appears, but the employees in their own house also have to eat well.

Moreover, Morinka thinks this kind of machine seems quite interesting.

Of course, from Senxia's eyes, even if the home machine mode is provided, the performance of the machine itself has already passed.

In the PS4 era, although PS2 games are still classics, they are definitely not profitable.

But if it is in an underdeveloped big eastern country, there are still dramas—in fact, there are still many places playing Cassidy and red and white consoles so far.

And because of the ban, the development of home appliances over there has been stagnant, which is one reason why PS and PS2 have not become popular over there.

Of course, another reason is price.

Therefore, Morinia attaches great importance to the cost of his next-generation handheld products. He does have a lot of good ideas, and Morinia wants to add these ideas to the game.

But this is not easy.

He has already contacted the famous manufacturer in Duiwan, and the opposite factory can provide a very low price, but even so, after converting the price here, Lihua still calculates the price of 80,000 yen per unit for Morika. .

Therefore, Senxia can only continuously cut and castrate those wild ideas.

Of course, it's okay to make a concept machine to show off your skills, but mass production must be castrated and castrated again.

"I think the function of playing movies will definitely be a big hit." Shen Jiahui thinks that the idea of ​​playing movies is good. "I have a friend who bought a GBA plug-in for animation. It's actually OK, but it's not very convenient."

GBA can watch animation.

And they also cooperated with the Grim Reaper pupils, and made a GBA version of the Grim Reaper pupils animation on it.

Of course, the picture quality of these animations does not need to be mentioned-basically it is just the degree of being able to watch.

"The audio-visual effect is the highlight. It would be better if you can watch online content, especially live broadcast..."

Senxia sighed.

It's a pity that unless Senxia abandons many other accessories, otherwise, in order to achieve these functions, the cost will definitely be sky-high.

Morinatsu can understand this kind of thing.

For example, in the future smart phone era, many products look good, but few are perfect. One of the reasons for this is cost.

And after reaching a certain margin, if you continue to improve, the cost will be very high.

You get what you pay for, and you get one dollar for three.

that is the truth.

"Just think about it slowly. R&D has just begun anyway."

In fact, R&D has already started.

Because Morinya had a handheld before, so the research and development has never stopped. But before Morinka's idea was to make this machine into a so-called "elite handle".

Before here, more consideration was given to wireless connection and streaming effects, as well as button feedback and battery life.

Suddenly stuffing it in now has such a function, it will almost take a long time to work there.

Said to be redo, in fact it is almost the same.

"What will the Scorpion do that day?" Wang Qiwen asked again, "The giant is a bit menacing."

"This is true. The giant hard side will be able to throw money, we can't afford it."

Senxia has money here.

But if He Juhard burns money like this, Senxia can't afford it.

The huge hard Scorpio, Moriha sent someone to calculate: "We at the Order of the Phoenix have calculated, they will lose one if they sell one. Even if the technology is mature and the supply price drops, it is difficult for them to make money on hardware. Balance. Big hard has money."

"I think Sony should be in a hurry. Do you want to cooperate with them?" Wang Qiwen asked, "If necessary, I can help them fight for a certain eastern country."

"Don't. A certain oriental country is now our private land, even if it is completely damaged outside, at least we can stand there."

Because of the ban on game consoles, Moriha is basically the only one in a big eastern country-we are computers!

So it's really not a problem to say that it is a "private land".

This can be regarded as one of the biggest world line changes caused by Morinia.

Morinia would also like to see how the game industry will develop in a big eastern country with Kylin Computer.

It's always interesting.

"You don't need to be in a hurry, get the VK system done quickly. UU read," Senxia said.

"Okay." Wang Qiwen nodded, but he was still a little worried, "What about the giant hard, you really didn't think about it?"

"Following the changes, this is a hard-power confrontation. We can only speak with games."

If it is not comparable in other respects, then naturally you can only take the hard power path.

At least Senxia now has a GS known as "the strongest performance".

Moreover, as far as MOD support is concerned, Morinia is still the only one here.

The most square... it should be Sony.


The data comes from the external network, if there is an error, it is the difference of the world line.JPG.

Well, it's all Gu Niang's fault×2.

Two-in-one meow~

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