Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1599: Games to be played and games that almost disappeared

Now looking at the research, absolutely praise lying in the dead.

"You have worked hard……"

Senxia looked at these people with a cold sweat.

After the class, they were dragged by Qianjia to Xianshiyan, just to make the first chapter of the game in December.

This is not a simple matter.

Although there are templates, it is not easy to make a game.

Senxia put down the big pot in her hand: "This is stewed chicken soup."

When Senxia came, please Xiyan squatted over with a pot of chicken soup.

He knew that everyone was working hard before, but he didn't expect that when he came over, they were all lying dead.

"Everyone did their best."

Ken Aso crawled over weakly.

His eyes were already gone, and he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, so he had to rest for a while. As for other people, he looked at the computer screen numbly in front of the computer at this time.

At the beginning, everyone was very excited and very happy.

But now, all the excitement is gone.

At this moment, they are here looking at the computer screen, there is no fluctuation in their hearts.

"Yo, Senxia." Qianjia also walked over at this time.

She had just gone out to wash her face, and she was still quite energetic at the moment.

"Senior sister, this is chicken soup made by Xi Yan." Senxia said.

"Well, anything is fine. I have been rushing for work these days, what's the situation on the giant hard side?" Qianjia is still concerned about outside affairs.

"Well, as I expected, they are spending a lot of money, as expected." Senxia said, "I have put out some money here, and I am preparing to do a little support plan for a certain eastern country. Now it is doing pretty well. of."

"Really." Qian Jia picked up a bowl of hot chicken soup, and then began to drink, Senxia also brought a bowl of chicken soup to the others.

When Morika came back, Qianjia asked again: "What happened to the A company?"

"Fortunately. But now the game development cycle is getting longer and longer, and there may be several production groups."

After entering the new century, the development cycle of games is getting longer and longer. A masterpiece of 3A level will take several years to produce. Just like before, I want to make a large game in one or two years. It's unlikely anymore.

Therefore, in order for the company's research and development to proceed smoothly, the major studios under Company A need to "divide".

There was a wave before, but that was just a rough allocation, that is, Hidetaka Miyazaki and others were allocated.

In fact, on the internal side, especially on the headquarters side, everyone still has a lot of things mixed up.

When the body is small, there is no problem in doing so. Everyone can help each other to improve efficiency.

But after the company has grown, if the situation continues to be unclear, the situation will become more delicate and the team may become more and more bloated.

"Well, I agree with this too."

Qianjia finished the chicken soup, then beckoned to Senxia, ​​then closed his eyes.

Senxia shook her head gently, walked over, and proficiently began to help Qianjia massage her temples.

"How's Fr_Softare?" Qianjia asked again.

"The acquisition has been done, and now we are ready to start the Evangelion game."

The game of Evangelion is the game I talked about with Hideaki Anno before.

This side has been preparing to do this game before.

But at that time, the A side was actually not very prepared.

But at this time, Morinya thought of this FS agency.

This is the "old club" of Hidetaka Miyazaki on another world line, but on this world line, this club was acquired by Hidetaka Miyazaki.

It can only be said that this kind of world line change is really amazing and interesting.

"I gave a few versions of the plan over there." Senxia thought for a while, then sorted it out.

"The first set of plans is to produce according to the content of the animation plot. The main plot is to reproduce the animation plot. The main focus is on the scene and performance of the battle screen, and the focus is on the battle. It is the feeling of an ACT game that pays more attention to expressiveness. "

"The second set of plans is the escape series they thought of based on our previous approach. This plan mainly tells the story of the protagonist of ordinary people who are not the pilot, who escaped in the huge EVA and the disaster of the apostle. This A set of stories pays more attention to plot logic."

"The third set of plans uses Ikura Shinji as the protagonist, but it mainly tells the story of a teenager and a girl who escaped from the EVA and the apostle, focusing more on the stream of consciousness and manifestations."

Senxia talked about the plan given over there.

Morinia and Qianjia also gave some plans before.

But that's all before the acquisition, everyone worked out a good strategy.

When it comes to game production, there are always many solutions.

How to do it in detail, and how to do it in detail, is not good.

"So, what are you going to do?" Qian Jia asked casually.

"Well, I consulted Supervisor Anno, and he said...I want them all."

"Is it because I didn't hear clearly, or Senxia-kun, are you out of mind?"

"Uh, what I said is true. I asked Supervisor Anye to have a meal yesterday, and he said he wanted it all."

"..." Qianjia opened her eyes and took a look at Senxia, ​​then closed her eyes again. She has seen everything: "He is short of money."

"It really is."

Anye is short of money.

He plans to take away the copyright of Evangelion himself, and he wants to set up an animation company to make new theatrical animation.

However, he was short of money.

So at this time, after he heard that there were three options, he made a decisive choice...all of them.

Because of this, Anye can get three rewards.

Anye is not someone who doesn't understand games at all. After all, their own company has developed a very classic DreamWorks series before, and later various breeding plans.

But Anye was really short of money this time.

"What about you, what are you going to do?" Qianjia asked again.

"The ACT series that fully reproduces the plot is the best thing to do, and then there is no problem in telling the type of ordinary people encountering Evangelion escape. In fact, these two types of games can only be regarded as medium-sized games at most, with a year of development time. , We can almost come out." Mori Xia said, "The last plan is more subtle. The world of this plan has been almost destroyed, and then Shinji Ikura will save Ling Boli in this world. Such a story means that we need Completely re-model, re-design the story, re-architect the new system..."

Morinka is best at action games.

As for the second type of escape game, there are many references. In fact, "Desperate City" will be launched at the beginning of next year, and Morinka will also have it on the platform, so Morinka knows some of the relevant experience.

It's the third kind, it's a story to continue to develop new game routes. This story is more subtle.

"So we do the first two first?"

"No, we will do the third directly, and we will do it after the first two."

"Huh? Why is it the third one?" Qianjia asked strangely.

"Because this development has taken the longest time!" Morinka explained helplessly, "But Supervisor Anno hopes to see the game in 2004, so..."

More than two years, nearly three years, there is still enough time to develop such a game.

But if you make the other two games first, and then come back to do this, then this game may be more subtle.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"...I found a producer, ready to wait for his plan."

Morinha's expression is quite subtle.

"who is it?"

"That person is called Ueda Wenren."

Yes, Ueda literati.

Literati Ueda, the dear man, was once the developer of the well-known game "Wanda and the Colossus".

Morika originally thought this man was at Sony.

But he later discovered that the situation seemed to have changed somewhat from what he had imagined.

The butterfly's wings... missed another producer.

Literati Ueda joined the ARP company in 1995 and participated in the production of the game "Alien" led by Kenji Iino.

This point is similar to the original world line.

However, the problem is afterwards.

On the original world line, he should have joined the SCE company as a producer in 1997, making games such as "Wanda and the Colossus".

However, on this world line, the situation is different.

And this matter is also related to Kenji Iino.

Iino Kenji is also a pretty good guy.

Iino Kenji is the boss of ARP and a game designer.

The game "D Food Zhuo" is regarded as the pioneering work of 3D games.

And Kenji Iino once did something very eye-catching: at Sony’s game show, at the end of his trailer, he said, "My work is going to die, you won’t die. Sony" such words.

It's the ultimate personality.

Well, it's just too individual.

However, on another world line, this dear fellow fell with the decline of Sega DC because it was impossible for Sony to want him, and the old man did not match his style.

This product was supposed to leave the mud bomb in disrepute, and then came back more than ten years later to make a comeback, in full swing, and finally died suddenly due to illness.

But on this world line, Sega gave DC to the Order of the Phoenix.

Then everything changed.

The development of DC has changed because of Morinka's actions, so Ueda Fumito did not immediately change jobs.

At this time, Agency A began to gain fame, and the Order of the Phoenix also took the DC-P everywhere.

Then, this man had an idea in his heart.

Afterwards, he left Kenji Iino just like another world line, but he did not go to Sony, but... came to A company.

And the reason why Morinka knew about this was not because of Ueda literati, but because Ichiro Kuroshima took a game project called "" to Morinka.

This game called "Castle Quest", in the original world line, should have appeared at the end of this year.

But because of Senxia's butterfly wings... he almost disappeared.

Wenren Ueda had always been in the production team of MUV before. Afterwards, Ichiro Kurojima was working on the "Japanese version of Minecraft." Takahashi couldn't figure out the plot, so he brought Wenren Ueda to help. Let alone, Wenren Ueda. The unique literary and artistic style, suddenly let everyone jump out of the original RPG fighting monsters, so that everyone suddenly enlightened.

Coincidentally, at this time, the writer of Ueda said that he also wanted to make a game, and Ichiro Kuroshima recommended it.

Senxia had been thinking of ways to make wonderful games come out ahead of schedule, but he didn't expect that he almost pitted a deep game, which was a bit subtle.

Fortunately, the game itself is not very difficult. Fumito Ueda has already used Morinka’s own engine to make a DEMO before, so if the game itself wants to be developed, it will be released next year.

So Senxia set the time for this game to be launched in the second half of next year slightly later than this world line.

"What about the plot?" Qianjia is not clear about the Ueda literati, so she doesn't have much emotion.

"Didn't Yukino write the script for RE before? I'm going to let her take a look. As for the outline, just follow our previous thoughts."

Although this game needs to be controlled by the writers of, this is not entirely his game. He is a half-team effort because he also has his own project.

Moreover, Mori Xia just wanted the feeling of the other party, but he didn't fully accept the deep-rooted literary style into the Evangelion because the gap between it and the Evangelion was very subtle.

"Well, that's interesting." Qianjia also had expectations for Xue Na's story. "What is the plot like? Is it similar to the one we discussed last time?"

"Adjusted. The main story is that after the protagonist Shinji Ikura wakes up, he finds that the surrounding space has changed, and the unnamed creature invades the third new Tokyo."

The changes in the outline are actually invisible, but I will show you the design of the story.

"What about the game mode?"

"Well, take the story line. Since there are already two games to do before, we can fully concentrate on the game this time, and we can remove a bit of the elements discussed last time to make the story more pure. "

In the last time Morika discussed it, because it was considered the Evangelion series, the design was not perfect.

But this time after Anno said, "I want it all," Morinka's constraints were reduced.

Because if you want to show Evangelion, you can go directly to the robot action game.

The disaster series games on the other side can also be seen up close.

In other words, in this game in front of you, everyone can focus on the story and start from the story.

In a sense, this is a good thing...


Today's two in one.

Meow meow~

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