Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1604: New game in beta?

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

Hideki Kobayakawa touched his puppy.

Just a few days ago, he planned to confess to his goddess, but at this time, the goddess came to the door and asked him to help contact Hideki Kobayakawa's friend.

Then... then there is no more.

The goddess fell in love with his good friends at first sight, so she came to contact Hideki Kobayakawa and let him be an introducer...

Remember, Hideki Kobayakawa's good friends have just dropped out.

As for Hideki Kobayakawa, he had to spend this severely cold November with his puppy.

Fortunately, he bought gs.

Then, he accidentally got the test qualification of "Sword Art Online".

The official server of Sword Art Online will be launched on January 1.

However, the beta server is actually playable.

He actually bought this machine for the game "Devil's Soul".

However, after being abused to doubt his life, he felt that he needed a little adjustment.

No idea.

This game is too difficult!

"Devil's Soul" became a hit game after it went online, and that's all right.

However, the difficulty of the game itself is also very high, and what is even more exaggerated is that the more deaths in the game, the more difficult the game will even suddenly increase!

Of course, there will be hidden elements if you die too much. This prevents many players who die too much from having nothing to do. On the contrary, many high players will deliberately die, and then look at the hidden passages, or the ultimate challenge to clear .

But Hideki Kobayakawa really has no strength.

Well, probably because of my first love, it ended before it started!

"If I don't have a girlfriend, I'll pinch a girlfriend by myself!" He thought so.

Not to mention, he was lucky and qualified for the closed beta.

After that, he began the journey of "Sword Art Online".

This game is great.

Both the action and the characters in the game can be said to be top-notch.

Especially the pinching system inside.

The face pinching system of "Sword Art Online" is very powerful, inheriting the fine tradition of the a company.

What's even better is that the characters in "Sword Art Online" are rendered in cartoon style, similar to three renderings and two.

This style of collapse is far more appetite for Hideki Kobayakawa than realistic black souls.

A girl with a black ponytail and a bow and arrow, this is the character pinched by Hideki Kobayakawa.

"But... I always feel a little bit inadequate..."


Still not enough.

The openness of this game itself is not enough.

After all, it is an action rpg, it is impossible to engage in an open map like World of Warcraft.

Of course, if a company wants to do it, it is not impossible.

But if you do this, there will be a problem, that is, the performance of the system will be greatly reduced, such a beautiful picture, it is difficult to maintain.

The open mode of single-player games and the open mode of multiplayer games have different performance requirements.

Moreover, on the A side, it is generally not very comfortable with the kind of fixed-point spawning and monster control in online games.

I am ashamed to say that although a company is very powerful, it is not a panacea. Let them be a World of Warcraft now, and the a company will probably be cheating. In this regard, the penguins in a certain eastern country are better than them.

Of course, this kind of thing can be solved with a little bit of groping, but since a company is a company, it naturally can't just pick up people's teeth.

However, most of the games developed by company A are stand-alone. Even online games are not in fact a completely open model, so these problems actually do not exist.

This is also a very interesting thing. A company, the pioneer and leader of the online mode, has no experience when doing general online games.

Moriha has also noticed this, so when he plans to group games later on, he will move the online game department to a certain eastern country.

Of course, not all of them will go. The other part will enter North America and go to the lighthouse country.

The work on the two sides will not be too consistent. One side will focus on traditional online game development, while the other side will conduct some experimental game development.

To put it simply, you are responsible for doing things while doing things.

Neon Gold develops stand-alone games very well, but online games are really not very useful. The game makers here will probably be in decline for a while until the gradual rise of mobile games.

Hideki Kobayakawa naturally didn't know these things.

He just feels quite boring.

Do not misunderstand.

Hideki Kobayakawa actually liked action games before, but how should I put it...

Thinking of his goddess, watching a movie with his good friends at this time, he felt a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

In addition, he has some subtle dissatisfaction with such a game.

It would be great if there were more open games...

Well, it's better to be a game that can be customized at will...

It just so happens that there is also a questionnaire in the game, which is a questionnaire for closed beta players.

Hideki Kobayakawa wrote what he wanted on it and submitted it.

But after submitting it, he froze again.

"Why did I say this in an action rpg game?"

He patted the puppy's head.


However, at this moment, he received a push from the game.


A test of a new online game.

"Open your second life..."

"...Starship Voyage: The Land of No Owner..."

"Constructive role-playing social game?"

Meow meow meow?

I know all these lines, but why do I feel that I don’t understand when they are put together?

He was a little confused.

But Hideki Kobayakawa is still interested.

Because it has been said here, this is a game with a lot of freedom.

At this time of the game, it is a closed test.

The first wave of testing of this game was quite low-key.

But because of this, it made Hideki Kobayakawa very curious.

In other words, this game was not seen at the Tokyo Game Show or e3.

He subconsciously applied for the qualification for the test.


Then he found out that he was actually qualified!

"This is also OK?"

Seeing the "Congratulations" prompt on the screen, he was a little surprised.

And because of this, he became more curious about this game.

Anyway, download it!

The Internet at Hideki Kobayakawa's home was still very fast. He was downloading in the background, and then went to play Monster Hunter for a while, killed a female fire dragon, and finally downloaded it there.

Subsequently, he entered the game.

"It feels good." As soon as you enter the game, the scene of the entrance is a scene on a spaceship.

Below is the driver, and then two sisters in tight-fitting space suits are discussing with each other, while the other two men are talking.

On the outside of the spaceship, it looks like a planet.

Don't say it, it feels quite modest.

However, here is the game.

"Please confirm your avatar."


what is this?

He was a little confused.

This word for pinching the face is more subtle.


A little disappointed!

Although the game itself looks quite interesting. But after really seeing the character interface, he felt that the picture quality of this game was a bit rough compared to "Sword Art Online". Even compared to the original "Dark Souls" game, it seems to be a little bit less interesting.

A company has such a game?

He continued to glance at the game's face pinching system.

Then... surprised.

What the **** is this?

The face pinching system in the game is very rich.

From skin textures to textures, it's scary!

This... can it be like this?

Although the picture quality is relatively rough, the freedom of pinching the face is very high.

But because of this, Hideki Kobayakawa was a little at a loss.

Hideki Kobayakawa, who has always hoped to have a very high degree of openness, now has a very awkward feeling.

Fortunately, at this moment, he saw an option next to him.

"Short mode".


After clicking on the "Simplified Mode", the game's optional items become almost the same as before.

Well, this is probably the feeling in the black soul.

After roughly pinching a girl with a black ponytail, he turned on the "expert mode" again.

That bunch of content came out again.

"what is this?"

He found an option for car lights, then pulled the bar, and suddenly found that the character's chest exploded.

This is no longer the stalwart mind, it is the same mind of the Milky Way!

But this setting still made him feel the highlight of the game, which really feels good!

After entering the game, it is a tutorial.

Tutorials are generally low priority when testing, but this is not the case for this game.

After reading the content of the tutorial, he probably understood: This is probably the 3d version of Minecraft!

Hideki Kobayakawa became excited.

"Minecraft" is a hot game recently.

This game is different from other games in that it is a slow-heating game. The game feels more pixelated at the beginning, but later, when you play, you will be attracted by the content of the game.

The initial sales of the entire game were not very high, but the overall trend was on the rise, and the degree of discussion was also very high.

Hideki Kobayakawa is naturally very interested in this game.

It's just that he doesn't like the feeling of "square people" very much, and feels that such content is somewhat flawed.

The content of the tutorial probably taught Hideki Kobayakawa how to use materials to build a house, and how to obtain materials and develop the world.



He was sent to the ground.

A place like a simple camp.

In the closed test, players will get a piece of their own space.

This space actually needs the player's krypton gold, but it is a test after all, so it was sent directly.

This kind of routine is actually very similar to the "home system" of future games.

"Second Life" actually, in a sense, is to bring this system into full play.

Morinka’s game emphasizes the role-playing nature, so it can’t make the player a **** like “Second Life”, but there will still be stories in the game.

"Oh oh oh, amazing!"

When the cubes in "Minecraft" turned into real "Sims", Hideki Kobayakawa was excited.

Yes, the feeling of building this home is really similar to The Sims.

Of course, at the beginning, players only had basic materials.

However, if players need other materials, they can also deploy them by themselves, but if the materials are needed, the players need to buy them or collect them by themselves.

"What is this!"

More than that.

The models in the game can even be opened to players for adjustment.

In other words, if Hideki Kobayakawa wants to, he can even create a new object by himself.

This is the most powerful part of the entire game.

In fact, Morinka said that the game he wants is not just "Second Life". He also wants "Star Citizen".

"Star Citizen" is a very special game.

In another world line, fundraising has received more than 140 million US dollars in funds, which is the game with the most funds in history.

Although many people have been complaining about this game as the so-called "Picture", in fact, this game itself can actually be played. some people complain that this game is the so-called "buy ship simulator", because the developer is constantly making new spaceships, then putting them in the game and buying them for players to raise funds.

And these spaceships are really magical. Many players of this game are buying and buying.

And Morinia noticed this game, actually because of another reason.

Because the main feature of "Star Citizen" is the so-called "extreme simulation."

In this game, the game itself is very realistic and gives people a very very interesting feeling.

In the game, if the player wants to go to a place, he needs to drive the spaceship to the past, and the spaceship is flying in the air, not like other games, you can pass by "biu", but you need to use jump and wait for ten minutes (Depends on distance). In the city, if the player wants to go to a place, he also needs to take the subway or other means of transportation.

This kind of extreme immersion makes the game feel amazing.

Morinia can't do this, but it doesn't affect his expectations for the entire game.

In "Starship Voyage", Morinka did not adopt the same "God Mode" as in "Second Life", partly because of this reason.

In fact, in this game, the seemingly wonderful creations are also supported by the setting itself.

However, this is not enough.

Well, so it is not ruled out that Morinia may plan to make a gentleman version of "Star Citizen" in the future...


The author said that the train back to his hometown on the 30th year of the New Year, but the update will not be a problem, please rest assured.

Two-in-one meow~

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