Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1621: The cutest is of course the heroine...

"What? The home system is the most profitable?!"

The krypton gold data of the first three hours has been fed back to Morinia at this moment.

Then Senxia was surprised to find that the most profitable thing at the moment is not the various fashions or skins in the game, nor the world speakers or opening gift packages.

But... the home system.

The Homeland System is pushing the monthly card, ranking first on the "Sword Art Online" Open Service Krypton Gold List.

As for fashion, it was directly placed in third place.

It is worth mentioning that the fourth place is a facelift card...

"Do so many people like the home system?"

Qianjia was talking.

At this time, she had changed into a formal kimono, a custom-made dress. Such a set of clothes cannot be taken without a million yen.

But today is New Year's Eve, so she is a little more formal.

But for the moment, Morinatsu is still with everyone in Musashino-after the animation is finished, here is also counting feedback.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either."

The home system is not the focus of "Sword Art Online".

In fact, this system was temporarily added after the "Border Land" closed beta test response was good, and even the lord system that followed it was strictly enforced during the open beta due to too many bugs.

But even Senxia did not expect that this part is the most profitable now.

People who can get Krypton gold in this era are the kind who are quite mobile, but they never expected that such a person would be so good at Krypton gold on the home system.

"Does this mean that Borderlands will make players like it more?" Qian Jia thought of another thing.

"It should be counted at home, but let's see the situation abroad."

After several rounds of testing, Borderlands will be opened and tested in a wider range of places.

Strictly speaking, this matter is quite troublesome.

But Senxia had to do it here, because Second Life was about to come out. Although Moriha has added RPG elements, it's essentially close to the content here, so if you don't dare to enter here, when the second life over there comes out, the situation here will definitely be affected. of.

"But it's a good start. If this trend can be maintained in the next few months, it should be even better."

Senxia is still very happy.

At the beginning of the game, the story only opened 30 floors. According to the schedule here, 10 floors will be opened every half quarter. In other words, if you want to open to the 100th floor, it will take more than two years.

Of course, this is in the case of poor game response.

In this situation, the design of the game map will be relatively rough, because a large number of maps need to be developed in a short time. But it doesn't matter. According to Aincrad's setting, the more the maze is online, the smaller the place becomes. At that time, it was not impossible to reduce the map a bit.

If the game feedback is good, this time will be lengthened, and switch to this, which is to open the first floor every month, and even stop opening when large-scale events or major events occur. With this model, it would take about three to five years to open up the story.

In this mode, the game is a strategy, that is, try to be consistent with the animation as much as possible, or a little faster-when the modeling and production of the game can catch up.

In addition, exploring Aincrad does not mean the end of the story, because the story also has the outside world to explore. At that time, it may follow the route of the "heroine" Alisha, and then increase the wingman Story, or expand the story to the whole world.

Of course, there is no way for now.

In the story, Aincrad was sealed from the beginning. Players who want to explore the world can only "climb the tower".

"Should we go and play too?" Qianjia asked.

"Let's have a chance. This game is actually quite devoted." Senxia has no plans to go online tonight, because he still has a lot of things to do. With Qianjia Xuena and the rest of the year, in Senxia's view, it's better than The game is important.

——Anyway, I'm the boss, even if it's limited to activities, we can't do without.

Of course, Senxia generally does not adjust the level.

Although cheating can always be cool, but sometimes it is good to play challenging games.

"In fact, what I care about is the player's views on the characters and stories in the game." Mori Xia said, "I don't know how the script of the game is."

The importance of mud bomb players to the game script is also one of the best in the world.

If you switch to European and American players, you will probably be brushing up at this time, but the mud-boom players will really watch the plot and read the script one by one. In addition, a certain oriental country is considered to have both things, some like to watch the plot, some skip all the way to skip the story.

As a gentleman, Senxia gave priority to East Asia and Southeast Asia, so the script is very important.

Besides, since it's a gentleman's story, how can you ignore the script?

"I think Asuna's popularity should be pretty good." Qianjia was looking at the notebook in front of her. In order to see the animation feedback, Qianjia has been inquiring about relevant news on major forums.

According to feedback, Qianjia found that Asuna's popularity is very high now.

"After all, she is the main push girl."

——After all, it is the future book king.

Senxia still didn't say a word.

Asuna is the most popular heroine in the story, not one of them.

Mori summer read the manuscript of Kawahara, and knew that Kawahara had shaped Asuna very well. It could even be said that Kawahara surpassed another world line.

And Asuna's white silk character set, Morinka felt that it was more advanced than the original character set.

Such a lovely Asuna is no more popular than another world line, it is simply unreasonable!

"It depends on the situation now." Morinka said again, "Even if the story is not popular, we can still sell the characters. Don't forget, Asuna hasn't changed into the set costume yet. , Her status will definitely be higher then."


"Tongko... the cutest in the world..."

Hideki Kobayakawa did not play games at this time.

He is watching the forum.

In the game of Sword Art Online, Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly discovered that his most favorite character had become Kiriko.

Well, this Tongzi who had a glimpse on the second floor directly poke Kobayakawa Hideki's heart.

Figure! I want to see more pictures of Tongzi!

In fact, this plot is just a funny expansion in the story, but Kiriko's character design is so good that Hideki Kobayakawa has been attracted by this story.

It's so interesting.

"Looking for a teammate who can play for a long time, I am a shield fighter..."

"Excuse me, how should the rapier keeper practice, the attack power of the rapier is too low."

"I hit an orange sickle with a lot of entries, and it has the ability to reduce HP by a percentage. I am a straight sword player. Is it better to practice sickle now?"

"The Kirito on the second floor is so interesting, I just scribbled it casually."

Hideki Kobayakawa clicked on the last post.

Black is long and straight!

This player actually painted a character of Tongzi. Compared with the 3D Tongzi in the game, this Tongzi feels more shy and full of charm.

The jerky and somewhat shameful expression is also just right and subtle.

Ah, I'm dead!

Hideki Kobayakawa immediately right-clicked and saved as, and then saved Tongzi's picture locally.

Discussing about Tongzi's news, in fact, there was not much at first.

However, after Hideki Kobayakawa wandered for a while, there were more and more similar posts.

Many players have generally found that the Tongzi in Chapter 2 is really interesting.

If only this is the case, this topic probably ends here, and then it will gradually wilt, and then not many people mention it.

However, as the player named "Ika" sent out graffiti, many big touches began to be eager to try.

"Try to change Asuna's costume to Kirito. No, it's Kiriko..."

"Try a new coloring technique with Tongzi."

"Tongzi's wedding dress. I tried it a little bit, and it feels pretty good..."

The big touches appeared one after another.

And at this moment, Hideki Kobayakawa thought of the P station he had seen before.

That is a fan site. Will there be more interesting pictures on it?

With such curiosity, Hideki Kobayakawa began to investigate deeply.

Don't say it, there really is.

Because of the lack of time, the quality of the Tongzi that has been exposed now is not high, most of which are black and white works, mainly graffiti and scanning.

There are some colored works, but the effect is not good.

But in any case, seeing that P station can still search for such content, it really makes Kobayakawa Hideki feel quite refreshed.

"How should Kiriko do it?" At this moment, Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly got his head. If Kirito was Kiriko from the beginning, this kind of story would seem to be pretty good.

But... if she was just a black, long and straight girl, it always felt like something was missing.

Um, Tongzi still maintains his current appearance, but if he is still a boy, this kind of plot...seems to be quite emotional.

Hideki Kobayakawa returned to the game and continued to recommend it below.

After entering the third layer, the arena system is opened in the story.

The third floor is a PVP place in the original setting of Kawahara Shiki. Players need to help the two groups of forest elves and dark elves.

But this plan has been revised in the game. In the animation, this kind of PVP is a place to write. In the game, this part has been revised again, and the third layer has been re-set into the so-called fighting training ground through the plot.

The company A is actually preparing to directly create the so-called "area role".

The so-called "area character" is a character that is already at full level and equipped after it is created. This character does not require players to train, but on the other hand, this character cannot enter the game and can only appear in the arena.

In other words, this means that this character is a character that can only be used for PVP.

This move was a suggestion made by Morinia, who learned from another world-line dungeon game.

But this system is not actually installed.

It's not that this system is not well done. In fact, compared to the home system that was started halfway through, this system has already been determined before.

But during the test, the staff found that this kind of system is actually not helpful to the players who want to circle the players in the early game. On the contrary, this mode is likely to cause confusion for players, which will lead to loss of players. Therefore, although this feature is present in the game, it is not enabled.

This is about to be turned on after the players have almost reached the highest level of the current map and most of the gameplay is turned on.

"...How can it be repaired, sure enough..."

There is no Tongzi on the third floor.

Even on the third floor, Kirito never appeared.

——It's not that I didn't show up at all. When doing Asuna's mission, Kiriko... Kirito sometimes showed up to help.

——Tsk, it really is a guy who values ​​color and light friends...

Okay, Hideki Kobayakawa completely forgot, the character he designed is also a girl in the game.

Hideki Kobayakawa didn't know, but in fact, the officials actually made a lot of plot differences between boys and girls in order to make the plot.

Tongzi...Bah, if Kirito meets a female he secretly thinks that it’s not good to be with girls, so it’s better to act alone. It's great for Na to upgrade each other together. If he meets a man, Tongzi will think that the male protagonist is very brave, and he has to work hard, so he needs to practice.

Although it's just a small difference in the lines, this illustrates the exquisiteness of the A side.

What's more, this kind of content is actually nothing to A company, which is good at network narrative.

"Tongzi...but I want Tongzi..."

Kirito finally appeared again on the fourth floor.

However, it is sad that Kirito is still Kirito in the story.

After seeing Tongzi, Hideki Kobayakawa felt disappointed every time he couldn't see Kirito, but when he saw Tongzi wearing men's clothes, he felt very heartache-because such Tongzi didn't wear women's clothes. , This is too wasteful.

There is no way. Because...really not.

"When will Tongzi appear again? Will there be Tongzi in the animation?" He immediately posted on the forum.

It's a little complaint.

However, even Hideki Kobayakawa did not expect that immediately after he posted, many people expressed the same view.

"Yeah, yeah, I want Tongzi! It's so cute!"

"Tongzi races high!"

"Animation also wants Tongzi!"


Tongzi pressed Asuna 2333...

Two-in-one meow.

.. Writing Chinese Network m.

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