Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1624: Wang Qiwen, who is about to become 0 ancient sinner

"The second-generation sales are pretty good?"

Wang Qiwen was surprised.

The appearance time of the second generation of Kirin Computer is faster than expected, so the final release date here is on New Year's Day.

In fact, the software and design of the second generation have been done before-after all, there is a GS example there.

So after modifying it and testing it for a month, it has already started here.

It’s not impossible if it’s a little bit later, but Wang Qiwen had too many stocks before, and if he doesn’t start selling now, the pressure on inventory will be great.

So, after updating the library with the new system, I rushed over to start selling.

However, even Wang Qiwen himself did not expect that when the second generation started selling... it was selling crazy.

After Wang Qiwen got the news, he waited at the store to check the condition of the machine.

It turns out that many people who come to buy machines are young people who have just started working or are college students.

Looking again, he found that everyone seemed to be holding a game.

"Sword Art Online".

This game is an online game and a free game.

However, in this store, the merchants were very shrewd and shouted the slogan "Sell Kylin computers and give Sword Art Online monthly cards."

"That's the game Morinya played recently?" He hid in the corner thinking.

Of course he knows the game.

In fact, this game is also the focus of the second-generation Kirin computer test when it leaves the factory.

But what he didn't expect was that this game should be so popular?

"Man, I saw you all bought this game. What kind of game is this?" Wang Qiwen found a young man who had just bought a computer.

"It's not sold. This is an online game. It's free. Here is a monthly pass." The man said casually, he looked at Wang Qiwen again, and said, "This game is called Sword Art Online. It's very popular. The game screen It's also very powerful. Recently there is a very popular "Legend", you know, this game is a hundred times more fun than "Legend"!"

Yes, this old man actually got up to Wang Qiwen.

"Really fun?" Wang Qiwen pretended to be Xiao Bai.

"Of course." The other party hurriedly said, "I went to the Internet cafe yesterday and I was basically playing this game with Kylin computers. Actually, I thought about the money a few months earlier. There was no second generation at that time. The picture effect is not so top-notch."

"Yes, I also bought it when the second generation came out. I bought a GS before, but it was ruined by the bear child of my relatives during the National Day. Haitao is too expensive and it is much more convenient to have a unicorn. Unexpectedly, it was half a year late, and I thought it would be too late." At this time, another person next to him also came over.

"The first generation can be played, but the effect is not as advanced as the second generation." The person before said, "By the way, if you want to play, remember to go to Telecom to set up a broadband. You can't play online games without broadband."

"Oh oh oh." Wang Qiwen was really Xiaobai this time.

However, the news still made him feel quite excited.

It seems to feel pretty good.

Due to the time of launch, the time to market between the first and second generations of Kirin Computers is quite close, but this year, a large eastern country has developed rapidly, and the development of machines is also leveraged.

What's more interesting is that just before, a certain oriental country came to a ban, which instantly turned the entire market into a blank.

The current development of Kylin Computer means that the whole road has a country in front of it, and there is a dedicated person blocking the road behind it, preventing others from entering.

At the cusp of this storm, even pigs can really fly to the sky.

Okay, it's a bit exaggerated. If anyone can take out the cheap technology of slinging Kylin Computer at this time, then the future of Kylin Computer is still unknown, but if there is no... then naturally it is the end of the matter.

Wang Qiwen has nothing to think about the game at this moment.

Because his business is oriented upwards.

In a large eastern country, all kinds of piracy are becoming more and more rampant. The fact that PS can sell tens of thousands of copies in the market is already a very remarkable achievement-even in the piracy market, the share of this software is already It has reached a million copies, but it is not profitable.

Therefore, these years, most of the domestically produced software in a large eastern country wants to survive, and most of them are going the above way.

If purely domestic production is uncertain, domestic production and joint ventures are the best way.

What Wang Qiwen pays more attention to now is this market.

"Online games are so amazing?"

However, Wang Qiwen discovered that online games seem to be...very powerful?

Wang Qiwen once studied in Nihong.

He is aware of the advancement of computer technology in games.

However, if the word "network" is added to the front of the game, it is hard to say.

Because online games are really not easy to do.

Unlike the mud bombs that are vigorously developing the network, a major eastern country now does not reach the level of fiber to the home.

Wang Qiwen once heard Senxia describe the beauty of the Internet era, so after returning to China, he also conducted some investigations on this market.

Some major domestic Internet companies were basically established in the past few years, probably around 1998 or 1999.

The main business models of these online companies include portals, e-commerce, instant messaging, and online games.

In terms of the number of Internet users alone, there are actually quite a lot of them in a large eastern country.

——The number of netizens in a large eastern country reached 8.9 million in 1999, and has grown at a rate of more than 100% in recent years.

On the other hand, the domestic network infrastructure was also rapidly rolled out during this period, and the entire market was booming.

It was at this time that Nihong saw the rapid development of the network next door, and started to work on the E-japan project like a dream. And there was one step in place, directly engaged in fiber to the home, not only a certain oriental country, but also the lighthouse country next door.

However, just last year-oh, it should be said the year before last-when the Internet bubble began to burst.

Although Senxia is a very powerful little butterfly, this little butterfly has not been able to change such a big thing, because this kind of thing is almost inevitable.

——Relatively speaking, a certain eastern country that pays more attention to leadership is, in a sense, like a Schrodinger’s box, and no one knows what happened inside.

Wang Qiwen doesn't understand Senxia's entanglement, but he understands the domestic situation.

Last year, the Internet bubble began to burst, the Nasdaq index plummeted from 5084 to 1,300, more than 200 Internet companies closed down, and the market value evaporated by US$8.5 trillion.

And under this impression, an Internet company in a large eastern country is also suffering. Due to financial pressure and domestic listing policy restrictions, if you want to go public, you even have to go to the lighthouse country next door—and the result is just a chance encounter In the winter of the Internet.

That’s why Brother Xiao Ma is lucky. He is taking the path of Company A and the Order of the Phoenix. He has ample funds and doesn’t even need financing.

Of course, in the end, Penguin raised a little, because financing is not capital, but relationship. There is no interest, why do people help you?

It is for these reasons that Wang Qiwen is actually quite optimistic about the development of network business.

Of course, he doesn't mean that the network business must not work, but that the past two years are the bottom of the market and it is not realistic to rely on this side for development.

Wang Qiwen believes that online games can be used as a good supplement, as a popular category on machines, but what he didn't expect is that someone would actually buy computers for games.

"Or... go and see?"

Speaking of it, Wang Qiwen found that he didn't seem to have played this game much - in fact, in recent months, he basically didn't have the time to play the game.

And now, Wang Qiwen is quite concerned.

This game might be interesting.

He took a CD-because the Internet download speed is relatively slow these years, so online games also have an installation disk-and a game card, and then returned to the office.

There are many machines under test here.

However, Wang Qiwen chose his own machine.

When he played games, he just didn't like to log in to his account on other people's computers.

Therefore, even if he is on the company side, he has his own computer.

After installing "Sword Art Online", he began to try it.

Compared with the first-generation pictures, the second-generation pictures and textures adopt high-quality designs, and there is also an anti-aliasing design in the game. The picture of the entire game is really improved compared to the first-generation picture.

Wang Qiwen has seen the demo of this game before, but there is definitely no way to compare the pictures there.

"So dazzling."

The picture is great.

Then he tried the game.

In the beginning, it really was a pinch.

Wang Qiwen has known this a long time ago, because the game of A club is called news if there is no pinch.

After a lap, he logged into the game.

Then, he entered the monthly card number and issued the monthly card.

"The free model is great."

At this time, Wang Qiwen suddenly felt...This kind of free mode seemed quite interesting.

This kind of similar game first appeared in "Hero Trail". This game is free of charge, but it has a lot of extra content.

Subsequently, the krypton gold system began to gradually develop on the "Infinite Boundary Line".

He also knows the latter game.

The charging system of this game is very special, basically everyone can play, but the monthly card system in the game distributes resources to players every day.

But at that time, he was just amazed at the crazy krypton gold of the crowd over there.

And now "Sword Art Online" is also in this mode.

"Speaking of which, most of the software on the market is pirated."

There is a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people.

In Wang Qiwen's eyes, what he was watching was the expansion of the game charging mode of "Sword Art Online".

Because he found that this monthly membership model is not only suitable for the game in front of him, but also suitable for playing in other software fields.

For example, the PS over there.

Here in the Kylin Computer software market, it is free.

——But we can get a member!

Members can have network storage space, and can also enjoy better graphics and functions, which is great.

"Actually, in the normal mode, you can also add a little advertisement..."

He thinks this method seems good.

"Also, game development can also be used in free mode..."

The domestic development is very difficult, and Wang Qiwen also knows this.

But there is nothing he can do to help everyone, because this is limited by objective laws.

But now he has an idea.

Yes, we can make free games and then charge for game content.

"Yes, yes, not only can you have additional monthly card resources, you can also put weapons and functional items directly in the game."

Wang Qiwen thought for a while, and thought this trick seemed quite good.

However, he felt a little wrong afterwards.

This model looks good, but will it look too much towards the money?

There is a feeling of losing money.

This feeling, Wang Qiwen is actually quite uncomfortable.

"Speaking of it, I remember chatting with my uncle before, and he said that the country should vigorously develop the Internet..." Wang Qiwen thought of something.

He felt that the entire market was not yet mature.

But now he looked up at the server selection interface of "Sword Art Online".

There are dozens of servers in this game, all of which are already full.

Seeing these overcrowded servers, Wang Qiwen felt that his previous judgment was a bit conservative. The number of domestic Internet users has exceeded 10 million. Although the payment method is not mature yet, the card points in the application market of Kirin Computer are all Universal, it can be said to be a "all-in-one card", so you don't need to pay too much attention to So, it is good to let players play the game step by step and pay the money step by step.

"--However, I can't develop it myself, I can also invest in other people's development!"

At present, there is no mature venture capital in China. Most people may not have heard of "angel investors".

However, Wang Qiwen felt that he might be able to come here as an investor.

He is quite rich now. From the perspective of a certain eastern country, he is definitely a standard local tyrant.


He seemed to think of something, and then went into his drawer.

He began to flip through the contents.

There were all business cards inside, and he just looked through them one by one.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and then he took out a business card.

"Yes, I remember he said before that it seemed to be an online game..."

This is a person who used to engage in real estate before, and he later went to make health care products.

But now, people say they want to do the game industry.

Because of family relations, Wang Qiwen had dinner with the other party, and the other party had talked about it. So he received a business card at that time. At that time, Wang Qiwen still felt that he could not talk to the other party.

The other party is not short of money, but lacks technology, and not only money, but also technology.

It seems good to try the water with an outsider?

Wang Qiwen nodded. Now, this is just right...


Two in one meow~

Guess who 2333

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