Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1664: With sister-in-law...

The weather today is fine.

Although I slept late last night, Moriha's rest quality is very high, and now he is full of energy.

He wore a casual outfit today with two decent fake T-shirts on the upper body and a pair of slacks underneath.

The clothes are not any special brand, but made by the maid team for Morinka.

Of course, the best materials are used, and it is said that some styles are designed by Yukino.

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for the onion, maybe I would become a fashion designer..."

People on this world line generally have excellent physical conditions. Various self-cultivating styles of clothing are very blind in the world line where the rate of change of the world line is not enough, but in this world line, many people can wear it. Very beautiful.

Then, Senxia thought of her maid. Although the maid outfits they wore were a bit aberrant, they were indeed pretty.

My maid is the cutest in the world!


Just as Mori Xia was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice.

Shion, wearing a kimono, is walking towards Morinka.

Shion is wearing a cherry-colored kimono today. The color of the kimono is slightly darker, but with the green hair dyed on Shion's end, there is a feeling of "Hatsune Miku" present in the world.

She flushed and seemed a little shy.

"Yo." Senxia waved her hand, "You are so beautiful today."

However, after hearing Morinka's words, Shion turned aside her head: "You want to say that'Hatsune Miku' is beautiful! It's not me!"

Senxia was a little funny.

Isn't this little Nizi jealous?

Does this count as eating your own jealousy?

"Because this is the first sound you played Shion, so it looks good. Without you, it would be an empty shell without a soul. But you still gave me a surprise today. I really didn't expect you to dress up as This looks like."

Morinatsu really didn't expect Shion to actually cos into Hatsune like this.

"Because everyone wants to see it! Really, one and two are like this..."

Obviously complaining, but there seems to be a feeling of pleasure...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to need to be teased

Just now I thought of Morinka, the most lovely maid in the world, but now I realize that the poetry in front of me is also very cute.

"Hatsune is Hatsune, you are you, there is no need to care so much."

"You mean I am so unsightly?!"

"Uh...I mean, you just want to be happy. I think Shion you are very beautiful. Although you are playing Hatsune now, what I can feel is'Shion's Hatsune', not Other people's Hatsune." Senxia took two steps forward, seeming to look carefully at the poetic sound.


Shi Yin waved back two steps.

"Since Shiyin is Shiyin, it doesn't matter what Shiyin looks like, as long as you like it. Well, and I think girls who can completely release themselves are actually quite cute."

Senxia had already seen it.

Shion doesn't hate Hatsune...No, she probably likes Hatsune.

For the role of COS, she dyed her hair even under the instigation of others, which is really amazing.

"You, you, you, you... Don't think that saying this to me can make me change my view of you as a scumbag!"

Obviously saying that, but Morinatsu felt that Shion seemed quite happy?

"Ah, I am a man of integrity."

Senxia said that she is actually a good person.

"Bad people usually like to say that they are good people." The girl curled her lips. She took two steps to the side. The clogs and the slate floor made a pattering sound, which was very charming and very nice.

It feels awesome.

"But there is no good person who would say that he is a bad person." Senxia supported her chin with her hand, pretending to be thinking, "And I think I am still quite good!"

"Boasting. Hypocritical guy."

Not bad, not bad, even the contemptuous look in the eyes is super interesting!

Morika said that she is super happy now.


After saying this, Shiyin looked at Senxia again, wondering what she was thinking.

"What?" Senxia asked.

"I watched "Black Rock Shooter"."

Black Rock Shooter has played two episodes so far.

This kind of network animation broadcast form is really unprecedented.

Of course, the animation itself is also broadcast on TV, but there is still a big difference between watching a video with barrage on the computer and the general animation on TV.

"How is it?" Senxia asked Shiyin's viewing experience.

"Is there any connection between Black Mattao and Black Rock Shooter...?" she asked curiously.

Although it is not Hatsune, Shion still cares about Kuroiwa's settings.

——Actually, the black rock shooter is the image of black-clothed Ma Tao.

Of course, Morinatsu didn't intend to tell Shion this.

"What do you think?" Senxia asked.

"On the Internet, everyone analyzes that Black Rock Shooter should be the spiritual world, right?" Shiyin said.

"Well, it's similar."

"Black Rock Shooter" is an action blockbuster, the logic itself has depth, and the work also has a place for consciousness.

But the story of "Black Rock Shooter" is a pseudo stream of consciousness. In other words, in this story, although there are seemingly inexplicable places, the actual narrative is still linear, and the story only changes the form of expression.

This is an attempt by Musashino Animation, because no one has done online animation before, so the official here is also to try it with a new method-this new platform is the best for early adopters, and the audience's acceptance is also the highest.

I can see that everyone really eats this set.

"There will be many characters similar to the black rock shooter in the animation." Morinka continued, "I..."

"Ah ah!!! Don't spoil it!"

Shiyin suddenly covered her ears, and loudly stopped Morika who wanted to spoil her.

"Actually, you really want to listen? If you don't want to listen, you wouldn't come to ask me this question just now, right?" Senxia continued to tease the sister-in-law.

"No, I am not, I don't!" Shiyin denied Sanlian, but her tone was indeed much weaker. She put aside her eyes, "I just care a little bit about some problems."

"It's great that you can like this story." Senxia said.

"By the way, since the theme song in the work is sung by Hatsune Miku, will there be Hatsune in the story?" Shion asked again.

"No. We positioned Hatsune like a three-dimensional singer. So in the story, she will not exist."

"It's a pity..." she muttered quietly.

"But don't worry, we don't have it in our work, it doesn't mean that there is no in other people's work. Hatsune Miku's image authorization is open, although there are restrictions in some places, everyone can use it for animation."

The role of Hatsune Miku has also entered the role copyright library.

By the way, this character copyright library is currently in the process of establishing a new organization, called the "Nibang Virtual Character Copyright Library Association."

The use of Hatsune Miku's fandom is permitted. But if Hatsune Miku wants to commercialize it, it needs to negotiate with the government. However, Yamaha and Morinya are very open to Hatsune, as long as it is not for Hatsune to appear in some weird places and let her be a trick in the story, he also allows it.

"The "Senbon Sakura" made by MC is really good..."

Morinka's words immediately reminded Shion of a video of Senbonzakura made by someone using Minecraft.

After the video gradually fermented, it has now spread offline, and in the eyes of ordinary passers-by, this kind of world built with squares, and Hatsune as the subject of the video have become the object of discussion.

"Hatsune's animation probably won't be there. At least such a simple animation will not appear for a very long time, but Hatsune Miku can hold some live concerts made in 3D." Mori summer said.

"Why! Don't you hate Hatsune?!" Shiyin leaned in front of Senxia, ​​trying to use her majestic eyes to make Senxia take back those lines.

"Ah-this is to protect the image of Hatsune Miku." Mori Xia said, "Animation is the easiest way to express a character's personality. Whether it is animation or manga, the content that can be shown is actually limited. .But the characters presented in the animation are too specific. What Hatsune Miku needs is not such a specific image. Everyone she needs can regard it as their favorite in the ignorant. That kind of look."

It's like Miyazaki Hidetaka likes to cover his eyes with sister paper in his works. Because after covering the eyes, it is easy for people to brain-fill the character's face, and when brain-filling, people always like to bring their favorite appearance into it.

"..." Shiyin disappeared this time.

She was probably digesting what Morinya said.

" seems...a bit...understood..."

After understanding the meaning of Senxia's words, Shion felt that she also understood what Senxia wanted to say.

In her own mind, Hatsune Miku actually looks like her own...

"There is a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people's hearts," she said.

"Yes. But we deliberately flow out these gaps, so that players can have a limited imagination, so that it is interesting."

Similar works include the "Oriental Project" series. The stories in these series are short and concise, and there are no official animation works, so various works of secondary creation can gradually flourish.

"Well, that's it, the time is almost up." Senxia looked at the time and found that if the two of them continue to talk, the cherry blossom viewing journey may be affected.

"Ah..." Shiyin and Senxia were chatting like this, as if they had forgotten the time. When Senxia said this, she also reacted.

"Ah, all right." She nodded.

This time I went to Ueno Park for cherry blossom viewing.

Morinya has visited this place many times in the past.

But since the establishment of Hina Village, Morinatsu's cherry blossom viewing here is from his home.

The scenery is beautiful and sparsely populated. If you just look at the scenery, it's really good.

However, Ueno Park is also good here.

"There are so many people." Senxia sighed, "but if you want to enjoy cherry blossoms, the atmosphere is really important."

A quiet environment has the benefit of being quiet, and the atmosphere in such a lively place is more intense.

If everyone’s purpose is not for cherry blossoms, but for communication, such a place is really better.

"..." Shiyin didn't speak.

"What's the matter?" Senxia looked at Shiyin strangely.

"...People...a lot..."

Shiyin is a bit cramped. Because she found that when many people passed by, they would notice the poem with green hair.

"... Of course you look so conspicuous..." Morinya couldn't laugh or cry, "You didn't expect this, right?"

"Um... but Akihabara, everyone is not like this... I also wear a wig on weekdays, but now..."

She was a little nervous.

"...Wait a minute. Let's take a break first."

Senxia took Shiyin to a remote corner and made a phone call.

Then he bought two bottles of green tea and gave Shiyin a bottle to calm her down.

"Hmm... I feel so nervous..." She pulled her two ponytails.

"I think it's pretty good. And those Harajuku-style girls, here is not without..."

Senxia just noticed a strange girl with black makeup walking over.

Careless, no one else...

Oh, yes, Senxia still knows that sister paper.

But he chose to ignore it.

Because the heavy-tasting sister paper is Mie Harada's girlfriend "Mie Sauce" of Takatani Takashi.

"Hmm... I know too!" She said but it is rare to dye her hair like this. "

Mainly a pot with green hair.

"Well, to be honest, green is really subtle. Ah, of course, Shiyin, you just look so good."

"Um... Give me two minutes, let me slow down." The girl touched her hair. She seemed to be wondering whether she should wear a wig or dye her hair back quickly.

However, at this moment, a group of girls chattered over.

These girls are all wearing somewhat strange clothing and colorful wigs on their heads.

"Huh, that's Miyakoji Mizuho... Wait, that's Nanase Koi? This is?" Shion also noticed this scene.

Not only that, there are also several photographers beside these people.

"Well, it seems that you are not alone." Senxia smiled, "It seems that everyone likes this place."

He nodded secretly.

It seems that Xiyan's efficiency is quite high, but it is really hard work for her own maid team...At this time, Morika realized how convenient it is to have a maid team...

After saying this, Senxia took the opportunity to take Shiyin's hand.

"Eh eh eh eh?!!!"

The girl's brain was blank. She raised her head and looked at Senxia with a little panic.

And Senxia blinked her right eye slightly at Shiyin: "Now, let's get in together!"


Today's two in one.

I’m the one who writes about the world view, and now I actually want to learn AE to make hurts...

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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