Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1678: When the player becomes part 1 of the game (part 1)

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It really is the Pleiades star cluster!

It's really his own guild!

Hideki Kobayakawa stared at the scenery not far away stunned.

The name of this place is called "Pleiades Star Cluster Headquarters".

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hehhhhh to?! the president to become the president to be!"

Outside the Pleiades star cluster, there is a sculpture. This person is known by Hideki Kobayakawa. This is the role that their guild president established during the closed beta. And the stone sculpture in front of me is what that character looks like.

Meow meow meow? !

Hideki Kobayakawa was attracted by the statue, and he walked in.

Just after entering, he found that everyone here was wearing clothes that looked like maids.

This is not the uniform of their guild before, but it is somewhat similar.

Instead of entering the guild building directly, he chose to block other players, and then walked around the building in the large garden.

He found that this place is indeed similar to the place where the guild was built, but there are also differences.

The biggest point is that the game model has been optimized, and the entire Pleiades star cluster’s residence looks better than they built before.

In this place, there are some "maid servants" of the Pleiades star cluster. These people should be NPCs, with guards, and real maids who are sweeping the floor.

After looking around for a week, he entered the main hall.

"Sure enough... the inside is exactly the same..."

After entering inside, he found that the general construction was very similar to the guild construction on his own side.

"Huh? This is..."

Pleiades Star Cluster Museum...

He entered it.

"Eh eh eh, president?!"

He repeated the previous lines.

Because he was here, he saw the chairman again.

It's just that what I saw before was a statue, but now I see a character in the frame.

"Introduction to the founder of the Pleiades star cluster..."

The more he watched, the more excited he got.

My previous guild has become a part of the game scene!

"Ah, by the way, tell everyone!" He patted his forehead, and then immediately switched out, ready to tell others the news.

However, he had just returned to QICQ and found that it was boiling.

"The character I created before has actually become a character in the game!"

"I just triggered a pioneering mission, and the one who released the mission to me turned out to be the'Pioneer Guild'!"

"Ah, the guild that likes to play as a bounty hunter and adventurer in the closed beta?!"

"Me too. I just saw the Quantum Light Guild! Many people are watching their prism tower!"

Quantum Light Guild is a guild that likes to explore game mechanics. It is said that there are a lot of big hands inside. They are most famous for building a quantum tower, which is really beautiful, but their guild prohibits other members of the guild from entering.

"Everyone, I also found something amazing at the door of my birthplace-the residence of our Pleiades Star Cluster Guild!"

"Eh eh eh?!!!"


"I saw it too!"

"Where are the coordinates, I will go too!"

Others also ran over to watch.

And Hideki Kobayakawa also started exploring at this time.

After his research, he discovered that the game time of the closed beta turned out to be a hundred years after the time of the closed beta game. The so-called "deleted file test" turned out not to completely empty the content of the game, but Become an existence similar to a game background.

It is incredible.

For example, their Pleiadian star cluster guild has developed into a force in the game.

The Pleiades star cluster, headed by the "Seven Sisters", has established a firm foothold in the pioneering ground and established a force composed solely of women. After that, they also expanded their business and began to get involved in the field of housekeeping. So far, they have become local The most famous fighting maid group.

"I admit that our previous uniforms are a bit close, but... why are you a maid!"

On the one hand, Hideki Kobayakawa is proud of his guild being a part of the game, and on the other hand, he feels a little weird because his guild has not changed into a maid guild.

But I have to admit that the official uniform added to the game is really good-looking.

The uniform is divided into two sets, one is a maid outfit and the other is a combat outfit.

The ordinary maid outfit is improved on the real maid outfit, but this uniform is designed with a slim style, and then the line on the back is simplified, so it looks good from the back. The part of the maid outfit on the skirt also adds a circle of ruffled ribbons, making the monotonous maid outfit even more lovely. The highlight is probably the waistband in the middle of the clothes and the design that shows the chest part, which makes the whole set of clothes reveal a feminine feeling. After seeing it, Hideki Kobayakawa directly transferred to a maid. Party.

The battle suit borrowed from their previous guild costumes. The chest part was a tight-fitting armor, and underneath was a skirt formed by a steel armor. On the arm armor and steel thigh boots, some showed The blue halo of high-tech texture, the combination of simplicity and the future, the blending of the maid and the warrior, makes the entire combat uniform seem to be a work of art.

"Who designed It's amazing!"


And at this moment, Morika, who was discussing with Chika about adding a burden to Musashino, also rubbed her itchy nose.

"Sorry. The nose is itchy," he said.

"Well, I've been chatting all morning, and it's time to take a break. Speaking of which, the closed beta of Borderlands will also start today?" Qian Jia asked.

"Yes, but now it's a small-scale test. Let's take a look at the players' feedback first." Senxia is also looking forward to the players' reaction.

"Although most of the plots are classified and compiled by the second generation teacher, I have worked hard. By the way, the design of the Pleiades star cluster here is what I did."

Morinya said that she didn't completely fish.

The Pleiades star cluster is indeed made by Morinka, but the reason he did this is not really to be a serious social animal, but because the name is similar to the maid group in a work called Overlord that Morinka has seen. .

Running on the interesting principle, Morinya expressed some of his own opinions.

For example, the uniform of the Pleiades star cluster is a maid outfit made by Morinia based on the character of the Pleiades star cluster in Overlord, Nabel Gamma. Of course, it mainly refers to the daily maid outfits. As for the combat uniforms, it refers to the costumes designed by the players themselves. Therefore, the difference in combat uniforms will be larger, but it looks more futuristic.

"I don't know how the situation is now..."

The expressions of these players after seeing their characters become part of the game story... Morinka is looking forward to it.


The first one!

Maid outfit, race high!

Maid, Sai Gao!

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