Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1689: Butterfly's breeze (part 2)

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The arcade hall is more lively than Arakawa Kazuhiko imagined.

At the door, there were not many people. But when he came in, he immediately heard cheers coming from inside.

Many people gathered around a huge projection screen and watched the game on it.

——It's Street Fighter.

To be more precise, it is the arcade version of Street Fighter EX3.

Because he has a PS2 relationship, Arakawa Kazuhiko has played this game-this game is landed on PS2.

"This is a game?" he muttered.

"It's a game against the Dushan Arcade in Kyushu." A young man next to him who seemed to be a high school student said, "We just won two games! Haha!"

The other party seemed very happy.


Arakawa Kazuhiko nodded in a daze.

Can you still play games in the arcade?

Although Kazuhiko Arakawa plays games, he doesn't pay much attention to news from the outside world. Therefore, he has only vaguely heard about the changes in the arcade hall, but he does not have a good concept.

"Are people from Kyushu here?" He was a little surprised.

"Huh? Uncle, you are too outdated. We use the Internet, the Internet!" The high school students seem to dislike the outdated middle-aged people like Arakawa Kazuhiko.

"Uh... Internet? There is also an Internet in the arcade?" He was really dazed. He had heard something similar before. But I didn't expect it to be such a thing.

"Yes, all the arcade halls across the country are connected to the Internet, and you can see the ranking. Our Akihabara arcade hall is a platinum arcade hall!"

Platinum arcade hall, which is the top arcade hall.

This kind of arcade is not the kind that you can get casually.

In fact, this is awarded after ranking according to the national arcade halls.

The so-called platinum is also a system similar to achievement. The full achievement is called platinum, and here, the arcade hall at the forefront of the country is called platinum.

Originally this was just a very ordinary ranking system.

But as the arcade hall began to gradually develop, this ranking system also began to change.

One of the important reasons for this is that players like to go to those "platinum arcade halls".

Because in the eyes of these players, there is generally no fixed standard for whether the arcade is interesting, mainly the number of arcades, the number of players, or the decoration in the arcade.

However, when this ranking appeared, players began to have a standard of measurement.

At this time, players naturally want to go to a more interesting arcade hall.

And a real platinum arcade hall can meet more and better "high play"?

This situation is not uncommon.

It can even be said to be very common.

For example, in many online games, when choosing a server, many players like to go to the so-called "one server", which is the first open server in the game.

For arcade players, the "Platinum Arcade" is the first brother in the arcade.

"It seems that the people who come here to play games are pretty good."

After listening to the high school students' explanation, Kazuhiko Arakawa here probably understood.

"Of course, our Akihabara team is the strongest!" The opponent was very proud.



What the hell?

Arakawa Kazuhiko noticed the other person's gaze towards him, as if looking at a dumpling.

He was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help being curious.

Fortunately, this young man who seems to be a high school student does have the mentality to show off. He is showing off at this time: "Many arcade halls have their own teams. Especially in the platinum arcade hall, there must be a team. Inside. These scores are all scores from the arcade team. Our Akihabara team is the entire Nippori...No, it is the strongest team in Tokyo!"

"That's it."

Arakawa Kazuhiko is still confused.

Although the "team" was a thing in the WCG era, the team at that time was still a pure competition team.

But the team in the arcade hall is actually a derivative product of these arcade hall rankings.

This is easy to understand.

Because the average player, the time is very unstable, and they may not always go to an arcade hall, or even in a city.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to count on passerby players if the arcade hall wants to "top score". At this time, there must be professionals.

Where are the so-called professionals?

Some bosses just hire ordinary players to help score points.

However, some bosses suddenly noticed the e-sports team over there.

Suddenly they thought: Yes, why don't we form a team by ourselves?

Of course, the formation of a team itself costs money, and ordinary arcade halls can't afford it, so everyone just forms a team of interest. But in a large arcade hall, that's another story.

It just so happened that Shoichiro, the acquaintance of this world line, did not leave with the same sadness as the other world line. Instead, this dear friend was now sitting firmly.

After learning about it, he discussed with Senxia, ​​and then helped the arcade hall match-up, and then helped them find a sponsor.

Some sponsors are beverage vendors, some are game vendors, and some are even local specialty vendors.

Then, the names of these sponsors will be displayed when ranking the teams in the Platinum Arcade.

In other words, if a team can always be arranged in the ranks of the platinum arcade hall, then the corresponding sponsor can radiate their name to the arcade halls of the country-because the current networked arcade is showing the ranking At that time, hi gives priority to displaying the ranking of the platinum arcade.

Of course, if it is just a general arcade hall, it does not mean that money is useless, because the ranking is not only limited to a national term, but also has a local ranking in every place. Even if it cannot radiate the whole country, it is possible to radiate a place.

In the beginning, this model was actually a bit dubious among merchants.

But with the completion of the network of arcade halls, many businesses have seen the value.

For example, many players feel thirsty after playing for a while, and they will subconsciously buy the drinks that the platinum team sponsors have drunk.

So after that, the sponsorship of the arcade hall began to develop.

Many arcade halls formed teams just for the name of the platinum arcade hall and their own development at the beginning, but by this time, they discovered that the sponsorship fees of these sponsors... are actually enough for a fraction of their daily income. In some places that are not very prosperous, sponsorship fees can even occupy a large part of their net profits.

This situation, on the contrary, prompted more arcade halls to invest in it...

"It's amazing..."

As the two talked, cheers were already heard in front of them-this meant that the Akihabara Arcade had already won.

The onlookers gradually dispersed, some left directly, and some began to sit down and play games.

And Kazuhiko Arakawa began to find an arcade machine for "Left to Survive".

——It's just that he has no place, because it is already overcrowded.

So he became an onlooker.

There are a total of eight "Legend of Survival" arcade machines. Is there any other place he hasn't seen yet, but the eight machines here can be combined into two four-on-four teams.

However, he noticed that these people didn't seem to be teaming up, they were playing together, but the players over there... seemed to be... the network?

He walked over.

He found that there was actually a team here, but two teams were formed and two games were played-they were not fighting each other.

Arakawa Kazuhiko immediately understood that they were fighting against players on the Internet.

Or in other words, it is fighting against other arcade halls.

"Strange, isn't this game can be played at home..."

Arakawa Kazuhiko was a little confused.

This kind of game should be able to be played on the Internet, at this time, the experience of the home machine is definitely better. But they ran here to play, why bother?

"Of course the internet speed is good! The internet environment in our Akihabara arcade is definitely the best." It was actually the young man who was just now, and the other party is here...

"Internet speed?" Arakawa Kazuhiko was a little strange, "What happened to the Internet speed?"

In fact, the two people are talking about the "delay" of the game, but the young man and Kazuhiko Arakawa are half-hearted, so at this time they are talking about "speed".

But just because they are half buckets of water, they are really on the radio wave...

The network of the arcade hall uses dedicated lines, and it is done by Sega matchmaking. The network environment can be said to be very stable. Moreover, the servers used by Sega specifically for the arcade halls are all optimized.

Therefore, playing online games in the arcade hall, in many cases, the experience is better than the home machine.

Especially in shooting games and fighting games that require low latency.

Arakawa Kazuhiko also suddenly realized after hearing the other party's explanation.

Because Arakawa Kazuhiko has had this experience. Sometimes when he is playing games on a home machine, he will encounter players whose network signals are displayed in yellow or red. Players with poor signals often make some unthinkable actions in the game. It makes the game experience very bad.

At that time, Arakawa Kazuhiko's own network signal will also become very poor, so sometimes when he reacts, he has already given the other party for nothing.

Especially once he played a game called "Hero Trails". Once it was a good situation. He got the "five kills" and killed the opponent. As a result, Kazuhiko Arakawa was disconnected at this time. When Kazuhiko Arakawa went online, the opponent had already returned and directly pushed back the main base of Kazuhiko Arakawa, so that the game he was going to win was directly lost.

The thought of that incident made Arakawa Kazuhiko a little temperament—who let him connect to the server in the lighthouse country?

Well, because "Hero Trails" also has a daily service, this game is not a popular game here, so the number and quality of players are relatively limited, so Kazuhiko Arakawa went to the lighthouse country where the situation is better.

But because of this, he occasionally encountered such a bad signal situation.

The term "network environment" really pokes Arakawa Kazuhiko's needs too much.

He looked at the players' pictures carefully.

He found that the delay of these people is below 50ms, which is a very smooth type.

When these people are playing games, the speed of the game's network does not affect their gaming experience. Although they are playing on the Internet, it feels like playing against each other.

It's really a very interesting experience.

He raised his head, then looked around.

The Akihabara arcade hall is not big, but the space inside is not too small. It can be said that there are all kinds of arcade halls.

"Huh? That is?"

And at this moment, he noticed a huge machine.

——It is a dancing machine.

He immediately understood.

Placed here is a dancing machine. At this moment, there is a flexible fat man who is about one hundred and sixty catties twisting and twisting here, and as he twisting and twisting, the green-haired girl with two ponytails on the screen is also dancing.

——This character, Arakawa Kazuhiko knows.

It's called Hatsune Miku.

Kazuhiko Arakawa understands Hatsune Miku because of the animation "Black Rock Shooter". The singer of this animation is the so-called virtual idol of Hatsune Miku. After knowing this, he began to understand Hatsune's situation, and finally found that Hatsune Miku... is really cute.

Well, there seems to be something subtle.

But these are not the points.

The point is that at this moment, this flexible fat man has a very powerful twisting movement, and many people around him are cheering.

There is no doubt that this man seems to be playing duels with other players on the Internet.

The agile fat man is very powerful, he played with zero turnovers all the way, the player on the opposite side was not his opponent at all, and was crushed all the way from beginning to end.

Not bad, really good...

He glanced twice more.

Then he left.

No way, although Hatsune is very affectionate, that flexible fat guy... is really an eyesore.

In order to prevent his eyes from being polluted more, he chose to watch other places.

For example... the metal bullet over there.

Metal Slug is already an older game.

But there are exceptions.

After the arcade hall management reform, this game also launched a "network cooperation version", which allows players to play online battles.

Well, the reality is that this mode is available on both GS and DC-P. This version of the arcade hall is reverse transplanted.

The crowd was very comfortable.

But Arakawa Kazuhiko gradually felt something wrong.

"Ah...Where did the game console I bought?! What about such a big game console!"


Today's two in one.

The arcade is really a memory of a generation back then. I miss the days of a soft girl coin with 20 game coins...

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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