Tokyo Gentleman Story

: One thousand seven hundred and three

Qianjia didn't just come here empty-handed.

She also brought a prototype machine.

Lying leisurely on the sofa of the San Francisco hotel, Morinya was looking at this prototype at this time.

Capacitive technology is actually not uncommon. All current notebooks use this technology.

It is more difficult to apply this technology to transparent substrates.

So Mori summer used piezoelectric touch screens here.

Nokian originally asked Morinya for technology. Morinya was so generous because of breakthroughs in capacitive screen technology. After all, Nokian’s technical exchange was even deeper than Morinya had promised.

Of course, this technology is not perfect now, because after the capacitive touch layer is added, the display effect of the LCD screen is affected, and the overall color is relatively gray, with a slightly subtle feeling.

But this is all already.

At least temporarily enough.

"Although there is still not enough results to show, it is enough."

Because the parts of the machine use relatively mature technology, the main competitors for mass production are three parts, one is micro storage, one is screen, and the other is battery.

Lithium batteries are not the mainstream in this era. For related technologies, Senxia also needs to seek help from the industry chain.

As for storage, there is no problem with the prototype of Senxia—because the prototype uses the same hard drive from the Fruit Family, there is nothing to say about the capacity.

"And it's too heavy." Qianjia was next to her. She had just taken a shower, and at this moment she had changed into a yukata.

Not a Japanese Yukata, but a Western Yukata.

She sat next to Senxia, ​​and then looked at the screen: "But it's really interesting to be able to play DC games on the handheld, but after a while, it will get hot."

"Well, better chips will definitely be used in the future."

In this era, if you want to have the same performance as the DC, the mobile terminal can do it-regardless of power consumption.

There is really no way Morinya can do it-CPU can't do it, it's an absolute hard power problem.

Therefore, in this regard, he can only wait for the technology to become more mature, and then use the 90-nanometer process CPU.

As for the present, it can only be so.

But I have to say that the prototypes piled up regardless of the cost, Morinya thinks it is still very good.

"Try it."

Senxia walked in front of the TV, and then connected it to the back of the TV with a wire, and the other side was connected to the docking station of the machine.

The docking station provides excellent fan heat dissipation and a lighter power supply, so you can simply take out the strength of full blood-in the handheld mode, the performance of the machine is limited.

After connecting, Senxia decisively got a complete DC-level gaming experience.

However, he still shook his head.

This is a poor imitation of the future old Ren's NS.

It seems very interesting, but the actual function is still limited.

What's more, to put it bluntly, DC is now out of breath-just like another world line.

Of course, DC's stalemate is different from another world line. The DC's stalemate of this world line is because of better and stronger iterative products.

After iterating to GS, DC's picture is no longer good.

Of course, it's good to be able to get such a powerful picture on the handheld, but it's more subtle after being expanded to the home machine mode.

"Actually, I prefer the game in portrait mode." Morinia feels that games of that kind can bring the best handheld gaming experience.

The feeling of being able to play casual games with one hand is the most "mobile".

"It would be nice to have such a game experience."

Qian Jia took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator.

She poured a small glass, then took out the drink and put it in it, and finally put a few ice cubes.

"Yeah, but it's almost."

The original intention that the Order of the Phoenix brought to Senxia was to let Senxia divulge some news.

Senxia thought about it, and thought it could be.

However, he didn't want to fully release the content of the handheld at this time. He started to promote it two years in advance, a little bit earlier-he originally planned to show it at E3 next year.

At that time, the technology can be more mature and the product itself will be better.

But the idea from the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not completely meaningless.

In Senxia's view, the handheld is actually a transition, and he wants a better platform.

"If it is purely handheld, we will only be one generation, and we can take a more interesting route in this regard...Thank you."

Morika took the wine glass from Qianjia.

Senxia's worries are justified.

After the handheld industry reached its peak in the first decade of the 21st century, it flourished and fell into decline.

This can be seen from the number of games on the platform.

On another world line, the most glorious handheld console should be the NDS. There are more than 4,000 games on this handheld, and the PSP, known as the "sacred machine", has about 1,800 games.

The victors after this generation belong to the 3DS and its derivative 2DS and other works. On the 3DS of this generation, there are only more than 1,100 games.

The developers are gone.

"Most of the handheld computers are a one-time transaction. With the development of the network, wireless networks will gradually develop, and people will pursue a more integrated experience. The decline of the handheld computers is inevitable." Senxia took the machine apart Come down, and then sit on the sofa again.

And Qianjia sat in front of Senxia.

She tilted her head and looked at Senxia.

"What is the ideal state you want?" Qianjia asked.

"Um... for an analogy, isn't there that PDA on the market now?" Senxia was talking about a handheld computer.

"I know." Qianjia said, "I think it's quite interesting."

"This kind of fusion of PDAs, mobile phones and handhelds, I think it is a more appropriate form, for example, the function of the ipod of Qiao Gang can be integrated into it."

What Senxia said caused Qianjia to fall into thinking.

"Can it be done?"

"Ten years ago, we didn't believe that we could play such a beautiful 3D game on the computer until now."

Morinya paused.

He watched Qian Jia gently sip the wine in her hand. Such a pleasing picture made him want to appreciate it.

"So, do you think developers will gradually move to this area?"

"After the development of the handheld, this kind of integration is inevitable, and the handheld itself will definitely become worse and worse." Mori Xia chuckled, "The traditional old players and other game manufacturers, they will definitely not be able to keep up in the future. The most delicious delicacy—well, that’s after, I think if Lao Ren continues to follow, he can continue to launch explosives."

However, the influence of Lao Ren stopped here.

-Is it possible that they can still develop mobile phones?

Old Ren's cell phone?

Hahaha, it's impossible to think about it!

It is absolutely impossible for the old man to get a mobile phone!

"But the battery life of a mobile phone is very different from the battery life of the fusion device you said."

Chika leaned on her side, and the yukata slipped slightly from her shoulder. The ends of her hair hang down, making it difficult to see her face.

"One or two days is enough. Of course, performance may need to be compromised. Large-scale 3D games should be less. But this also means that the development of this platform will be more convenient. For manufacturers , This state is not unacceptable-lower performance means lower development costs and more profits. If things go on like this, the handheld will only become more and more marginal."


Qianjia came over.

With a warm breath of alcohol, he vomited in front of Senxia.

"Then this is not bad money driving out good money?" She looked at Senxia, ​​the wine glass in her hand was also tilted, and drops of wine slowly dripped into Senxia's clothes.

"Professional handheld gaming devices will naturally still be available."

Lao Ren's desperate NS is a magical touch. This machine combines all the resources of home computers and handhelds, plus Lao Ren's hard power, the product is still strong.

However, this product... does not open up new markets.

This is a fusion product of handheld and mainframe. It is the living environment between each other, not the outward expansion.

If Senxia was just for self-entertainment, he would think it would be good to have such a three-square-acre land.

But... to change the world, that is to let more people accept the gentleman culture.

Only in this way can the world be changed.

"But we need a bigger gaming platform."

Morinka said.

"The modern handheld consoles are specifically aimed at game products. This is indeed a novel product for people, but within ten years, their future will only continue to decline."

Some people may marvel at the era of PSP and NDS.

But as Moriha said, this "era of handheld computers" only lasted less than ten years, or even only lasted one to two generations of products.

Even for the elderly, they can continue to maintain the market by relying on good games, but it is certainly impossible to create a miracle that the NDS generation will change the industry pattern.

"The times have improved." Senxia said.

The times have progressed.

During the Warring States Period, Ashina used his heart to fight against a wolf.

But if it were modern, the old Juggernaut would probably be replaced by a submachine gun.

Qianjia helped Senxia take off the wet coat.

"But this thing, even if it is added to the role of phone calls, it is far from perfect as a game platform."

Indeed, even if it is another world line, many core players think that mobile games and handheld games are two very different worlds.

"But it will change. For us, a broader platform is the best place to achieve our ideals."

"Ah. Mori-kun still remembers our ideals." Qianjia walked over, "I remember when we used to discuss gentleman topics, we were all serious. But now, while discussing, we will also make some points. God’s things, maybe we are all different from before."

"No, senpai is still senpai." Morinya helped Qianjia tidy up some wet and messy hair tips.

"Moreover, the combination of theory and practice is not the best?"

"...So, you just used such high-sounding words to deceive Shiyin?"


Suddenly turning the topic to Shiyin, Moriha was caught off guard.

And Qian Jia's face also showed a funny smile.

"Well, but you still remember our dream, that's enough." She smiled and said, "Am I going to give you some rewards?"

"Please give it to me."

"Wait until we continue to discuss it. I'm interested in the kind of mobile device you are talking about. Why don't we continue to talk about it?"

"Well. People's time is mainly fragmented. Unless students have more time, other people actually prefer games that can be played on the go, anytime, and anywhere. For example, on the subway, on the bus, or other commutes. Time. After all, handheld devices are not that convenient, but if it is a fusion device, it is different."

Many people's fragmented time is actually just tens of minutes to and from get off work.

Although many people have psp, nds, 3ds, or psv, they will eventually choose to carry their mobile phones to go out. As for these handhelds...most of them can only eat ashes.

——Yes, a lot of people’s handhelds were bought simply to eat ashes.

"Think about it, we have a smart device with a lot of games on it. When commuting to and from get off work, we can take it out to play games at any time. When we need to get off the car or want to go up, we just save the games. If he is in this position, he can start work immediately, and then after get off work, he will continue the previous game..."

Although this is more subtle, the effect of some simulators on mobile phones is indeed able to kill the original version in seconds, which is really subtle.

"Integration is an inevitable trend, but those old antiques will not understand it. After the handheld is developed, the next generation of products is our pursuit."

Everything is actually the influence of interests.

Just like the old man.

The old man would rather have fewer people to buy 3ds, and it is impossible to lower his head to make a real Mario or Pokémon for the mobile phone. He would only develop the derivative "Mario GO" or "Pokemon GO". Kind of edge ball products.

For the same reason, it is impossible for Fruit to completely open source its ios system to Lao Ren or Sony.

"That's it. UU reading www.uukā" Qianjia nodded.

She finally understood Senxia's strategy.

Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments Slight adjustments A little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little adjustment a little Adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust slightly adjust Adjust a little


Ashina Isshin is the final boss of the wolf. He is known as the Juggernaut, but he can use spears and firecrackers.

Two-in-one meow~

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