Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1706: When the E three release is in progress (in)

Although it is not a game, the news really shocked the industry.

Not only the players, but even other hardware equipment manufacturers were shocked by the sudden emergence of the "USB Disk".

The mainstream large-capacity storage medium in this era is still cd. Although there are DVDs, for ordinary families, they rarely buy DVD burners, but use cd to burn.

——However, this equipment requires a separate recorder, and the receiving computer also needs a CD-ROM drive, and the stored data can no longer be changed after being used once, which is limited by the nature of the CD .

Suddenly, telephones rang from all over the world, and the number of live broadcasts increased. These people came to watch the USB flash drive.

Although the largest is only 256b, which is less than half of the capacity of a CD disc, this is a very abundant capacity most of the time.

No one thought that such an artifact would appear at the press conference before the opening of e3.

However, as long as they think of what the Order of the Phoenix does, everyone will suddenly realize that they are making hardware themselves.

If you think about it this way, the Order of the Phoenix can produce such a thing, it seems that there is nothing...

The old Ren also got the news at the first time. Well, Iwata Satoshi watched the whole journey from the beginning.

"This should be a by-product of their desire to develop the cassette..."

From his own point of view, Satoshi Iwata saw this thing as a by-product.

Old Ren knew that the Order of the Phoenix was developing handhelds, and their ambitions were still great.

However, the storage medium has great restrictions on the cassette.

For handhelds, the capacity of the cassette is sometimes the biggest issue that restricts the game itself-especially in the early days.

People in the era of 128gb and 256gb capacity will not understand this era when they still need to rack their brains on how to store 1b data.

The USB disk in front of us is actually very suitable as a product of a cassette.

But... the price is too high.

This is the problem.

So in Iwata Satoshi's view, this product should have been a solution that the Order of the Phoenix had abandoned in order to find a cassette for a new handheld, and then suddenly found that the cost was too high. But they didn't know who it was, and found that this thing seemed to be able to act as a mobile storage device, so they came here.

Of course, this belongs to the "layman" view.

Those who know the details know that the Order of the Phoenix has been acquiring related patents since 1999, which is longer than their handheld plan.

It's a pity that Moriha returned to the game again after finishing this "intermission".

"Okay, let's continue to introduce the game. Many gamers who love the game always want to call the game the'ninth art'. If someone asks me whether the game is a work of art, I will not answer directly, but I will show him the game directly and let him experience the charm of the game..."

Then, a new round of promotional videos began to play.

However, unlike the previous lively and sensational scenes, the scene this time is a very quiet scene. It seems to old castle?

The boy holding the girl's hand appeared on the screen.

A quiet and pleasant feeling filled the audience.

It's not as hot as before, and it doesn't have that kind of creepy atmosphere.

This feeling is like drinking the slightly sweet spring after eating big fish and meat.

The feeling of being infiltrated all over the body immediately calmed everyone's emotions.

They began to look at the pictures on the screen seriously.

This is a very strange feeling.

In the picture, no line appeared, and there was no excessive fighting. Even because of the lack of completion, the game itself is still very rough.

However, even so, this game with such a low degree of completion is still like a spring of water, infiltrating people's hearts.

Even after the movie was over, everyone was in a trance.

"Sometimes, games are like poetry; sometimes, games are like music. Games are like art. After the game is over, we can still remember the luscious aftertaste. Next, let’s invite the developer of i, Ueda Wenren Let’s introduce this game to everyone!"

Morinatsu puts Ueda literati on the court, and he himself came to the stage.

"How's the situation?" Arriving backstage, Senxia took a sip and asked Qianjia who was stationed here by the way.

"I have been discussing USB flash drives before, and a friend of mine has already called me." Qianjia said, "This gadget is really influential."

"Of course." After all, on another world line, this is a good thing that can earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by relying on patents alone...

Apart from other things, if the U disk is promoted, Senxia is equivalent to one cash cow every year.

"Well, you can be happy. But I am more interested in this Sokoban game... Well, the barrage is coming."

The live broadcast is a bit slower than the live broadcast, which is to prevent the emergence of emergency response incidents.

So after Senxia arrived in the background, the barrage started to play the game.

As Qianjia said, the game mode of this game is actually "Sokoban".

But even so, the poetic atmosphere and the melodious music revealed in the entire game have captured everyone's hearts at once.

This is the charm of the game.

This is probably the first time Ueda literati came on stage, so he was a little nervous. Although he had rehearsed before, he still looked a little strange. Fortunately, in the end, it all finished smoothly.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ueda, for bringing us a beautiful and incredible game like a picture scroll."

Senxia came up again at this time.

"The game method is not only limited to the original field, we also have our own attempts in the field of game adaptation." Mori Xia said, "art is interoperable. Therefore, the content of the same film and television works can become a movie... "

When Senxia said this, the audience cheered.

Obviously, everyone guessed that this should be the movie news of "uv moonfall".

"Yes, I'm talking about "Evangelion"!"

What the hell? !

Senxia's call made Taxia suddenly look confused.

Meow meow meow?

Tease me?

"Evangelion: Infinite Reverberation, this game is our game adapted from animation..."

Evangelion is not only a phenomenal work in mud bombing, but also very popular in Europe and the United States. The role of Asuka has almost completely demonstrated the attribute of "trideful" and has become everyone's "waifu".

Although it was a little different from what I expected, after hearing the news about Evangelion, everyone was still able to accept it...

The first thing the Evangelion picture shows is the third new Tokyo that has become a forest.

This amazing post-apocalyptic style picture immediately made fans exclaimed.

Prior to this, the "Evangelion" series had not released any peripheral games.

But how to put it, these games are actually mostly pit money, the only development plan is also developed here.

So everyone was not interested in this new game at first.

But this time, it is different.

"This is an unprecedented history..."

"This is the journey of the heart between a boy and a girl..."

On the screen, subtitles are constantly appearing.

But above Hatsune Station, the barrage is very strange...

"The parallel world."

"It must be a parallel world."

"It really is a parallel world."

"The parallel world didn't run away."

"Eva's parallel world or something, in fact, thinking about it, it's quite interesting"

"When it comes to Teacher Xia Sen, it really is a parallel world"

"Learn about the parallel world?"

The screenwriter of the game is Xia Sen.

After everyone saw the news, one person at Hatsune Station sent out the "parallel world" barrage.

After all, what Xia Sen likes most is the parallel world.

Re Evangelion has a parallel world, and the current Evangelion game...Sure enough, it is still a parallel world.

As a result, this barrage caused players to sigh.

As a result, someone followed the formation and began to brush up the barrage of the "parallel world".

Immediately afterwards, the barrage about the "parallel world" already occupied the screen.

——Although everyone is brushing the barrage of the "parallel world", in fact, they are all looking forward to it.

The main body of re Evangelion, even a work that is not lost to the original, has smoothly renewed the entire ip. Now Mr. Xia Sen has come to play another game. Everyone guesses that this series is likely to undergo major changes. I just don't know what kind of world this story is about.

After seeing the third new Tokyo that is generally post-apocalyptic, everyone's guesses are even greater.

It is a pity that Senxia did not tell much about it.

He just paved the way for an introduction to the third new Tokyo covered by "strange spores." And the word "completed" is mentioned throughout the article.

So everyone guessed that this time Xia Sen and Xia Xue should not digress like re.

The whole work may be centered around the completion.

But what exactly does this story tell?

Everyone still doesn't know.

But I have to say that this excellent picture is really amazing.

Unlike i (The Lost in the Castle), which has a relatively low degree of completion, this game of Evangelion has a higher degree of completion. The wonderful scenery shown in the work also fully demonstrates the performance of gs.

"Ah, this light! Ah, this water!"

Someone has started to swipe on the barrage.

It's a pity that the "parallel world" has too many stalks, and the other barrage is instantly overwhelmed...

After discussing these two games, Morinka started again.

"Recently, we have a game that has seen an amazing increase in sales and became our best work in the past year. It is almost a work of art."

In the audience, uv users cheered again.

"—Yes, this is "Minecraft"!"


The cheers in the audience suddenly turned into booze.

Meow meow meow? !

Why did you suddenly talk about Cube People?

But... um... if you think about it... this game... seems to be... really amazing!

Yes, when "UV Moonfall" achieved tens of millions of sales, the sales of "Minecraft" also had millions of copies, and it showed a trend of increasing month by month. What is certain is that if this continues If this is the case, this game... can really overwhelm "uv moonfall".

"The pixel-style graphics and simple gameplay create a pure and happy world. So we followed the trend and made a block game."

Hearing Senxia say "follow the trend", the audience laughed again.

Not to mention, there have indeed been knockoffs and follow-up works recently, but none of them have the technical skills of Senxia's side. Although the games they have made may seem decent, the optimization is just a shit. The whole player can come directly Make people fall apart.

"Next, please let us have Mr. Steve on stage and introduce us!"

When they heard "Steve", many people thought it was another producer.

But players who have played "Minecraft" have realized something is wrong-wait a minute, the default character in this game seems to be called Steve!

And at this moment a cube man walked up.

——Fuck, it's really Steve!


The cube man is on the court.

It was not someone else who came up from the stage, but the "square man" in "Minecraft".

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

When Steve danced before, he followed the band with many game characters.

However, this does not mean that "Minecraft" is a bad game.

"Minecraft" is definitely not low in popularity. It's just that Steve is relatively inferior to Hatsune Miku in image.

But if there is no Hatsune Miku on Morinka's side, it is Steve who will take the lead-Sonic will not work, at least until Sonic completely removes the mark of the past in the past two years, absolutely not.

"Steve" stepped onto the stage and greeted everyone.

However, that action looks like a character in the game no matter how it looks, using a classic action-撸树.

The understanding audience suddenly laughed.

"Oh, I think Steve is greeting everyone."

After Morinya said something like this, people who didn't know the game were also amused by the humorous scene.

"Steve said that pixel-style games have no appearance, but this allows us to focus on the game itself... well, it seems like this..."

The video begins.

Appearing above the video is a group of square people.

It’s just that, compared to the cube people in Minecraft, the rendering mode of the cube people in this video is obviously different...

However, everyone has also noticed that this square... is indeed quite interesting.


Two-in-one Meow ~ Happy May Day everyone~

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