Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1731: Handheld game consoles and handheld computers

"Um... this game..."

Unlike another world line, the game "Dead or Alive" is released on the Senxia platform.

In another world line, the game first appeared on the Sega platform, but after Sega rushed to the street, they switched to battle.

This game is a fighting game.

Although the name is very second, but in fact, it is a meat game.

The sister papers inside are all super sensual. What Mary Rose, what female tengu, what Xia, all belong to cute sister paper that can be licked and cryed.

It is also because of this that this game, in another world line, also specially launched a super-selling beach volleyball series-let such cute girls wear swimsuits and sell meat to play volleyball.

In another world line, they also developed such a game on the PSP.

But in this world line, this game is still on the GS platform, so Morinya found them after engaging in a handheld development machine.

At first, Tecmo, a producer under KOEI, was unwilling.

You see, we are a good meat-selling game, why should we go for handheld development? What is the picture quality of the handheld? It's not that I look down on it, it's that the handheld is really scumbag!

Then, when they know that the handheld supports touch screens, they say-we can still give it a try.

After all, the performance of Morinya's machine is still very good.

Although the architecture is different, Senxia is confident that the performance of the machine is not inferior to that of the contemporary PSP, and Senxia's upper limit is higher-of course, the power consumption is also higher.

But they still think it's pretty good.

The official made some adjustments to the system and then made this game.

Of course, castration is definitely castration, and this is no way, because storage capacity and performance are really subtle. Fortunately, the small screen can still be viewed.

Moreover, playing volleyball with the ladies is really comfortable, not to mention... you can also interact with the touch screen!


It's just that mature women seem to be a bit more lethal to Lily.

Well, the age of the sister paper inside doesn't seem to be that old, but for Lily... it's slightly older.

This game can be online, divided into several modes.

One is a one-on-one confrontation, one is a team to pass, and the other is a two-on-two confrontation.

But the problem is that there are three people here.

"Shall we have a one-on-one knockout match? Or do we team up to play the computer?" Senxia asked.

", this different world is too shiny, and it is very uncomfortable for the concubine who is the true ancestor... No, the concubine is not afraid of the sun, but the eternal blazing sun makes the concubine very It's just uncomfortable." Lily shook her head.

Although the graphics are good, Lily said that this game is not compatible with her own.

"Tsk...cough, I mean, we have more and more interesting games." Senxia said that there is no need to play, there are actually more and better games on her side.

So, what's next?

Senxia was thinking.

In fact, he still wanted to make an interesting game Lily to try, but Lily said that he could not accept it.

Senxia thought for a while and said, "What kind of game do you want to play?"

"Um..." Xiaotou looked at Lily who turned aside her face, then thought for a while and said, "It doesn't have to be a handheld, we just want to play interesting games..."

"Oh, that's quite convenient." Although it was a pity, Lily sent it so quickly, which made him less fun.

He thought for a while and said, "How about the arcade? We are preparing to launch a dance arcade."

"Is that full dance?" Xiao Tou's eyes lit up.

This game console has already been put into production, and the goal is to seize the summer market. Originally, this machine was going to be launched on Christmas, but the response on E3 was very enthusiastic, so it started production at full power.

This product is very popular even in a certain eastern country.

Hmm... The reason is simple, because the market over there is still not able to copy this stuff. The action recognition system of this arcade machine surpasses the limit that ordinary copycat manufacturers can copy.

"Yes, this is it."

Senxia just finished speaking and turned to look at Lily.

Then he thought for a while: "Well, let's change it. There is no real machine here."

Lily is wearing high heels...

Although it is not the kind that hates the sky, the high heel is obviously quite high.

However, this little height of high heels does not seem to make Lily a monk from a primary school to a university monk.

But Morinka still wanted to see Lili's little panic, but it seemed that there was no way for it for the time being.

He thought about it again: "Have you played GGO?"

"Well, I played with Yukino-senpai before, but they haven't had a holiday yet."

Three people is an embarrassing number.

Because the current game is basically a five-person or four-person team mode.

Three people are more subtle.

One or two team games are missing, and if it is a confrontation game, one more or one missing.

This is really a headache.

"Um... or, shall we cut the fruit?"

Senxia decided that everyone would cut the fruit together.

Not to mention, he made an extremely correct decision, because of this magical game, the attention of these two people was drawn to the past.

how to say.

Although it is not online, and although it is not a good screen, the game is interesting-especially for those who have not touched the touch screen.

"So, they just want to find some interesting games..."

Seeing two people swiping across the screen with their hands, it feels quite interesting...

"If you look at it this way, Angry Birds should be on it too... Well, can the movie of this work be adjusted..."

Senxia thought.

In the other room of the Order of the Phoenix, Senxia's "partner" Wang Qiwen was also thinking about it.

Wang Qiwen recently chatted with Mr. Tu (ni) An (guang) Bei (nan).

The other party insisted that independent development is the last word.

Wang Qiwen also agreed.

But unfortunately, it is still very difficult for China to engage in autonomy.

He actually wanted to do it on his own at first, not cooperate. However, although Wang Qiwen's idea is very romantic, it has not been successful because many domestic technologies cannot be handled.

Cooperation is inevitable.

Wang Qiwen came to Nihong at the beginning of the month.

Because Senxia's handheld must also go to a certain eastern country, so Wang Qiwen will also come to discuss together.

"But this stuff..."

When Wang Qiwen saw this screen-only machine, he felt that it was not even just a handheld.

He thought about it and took out a PDA.

That is, a handheld computer.

This is Sharp’s ZAURUS_SL-A300.

This thing was officially launched on the market on July 12-a few days before now.

However, the Order of the Phoenix had already obtained this item because of the fact that a large number of goods had been distributed.

In another world line, many people may think that Sharp is engaged in screens, but this company can be said to be a leader in the handheld computer industry in this era.

For example, this A300 is the most advanced product.

This is a flip-top PDA with a rotating screen. It can be used as a mini-notebook, but it can also be used as a handheld computer without a keyboard by rotating and folding the display.

After the display screen is folded, it will automatically switch from a horizontal screen to a vertical screen.

That is, the horizontal screen becomes the vertical screen.

Then, he glanced at the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix next to him.

He turned the screen horizontally, and then the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix, the screen automatically rotated, and then he picked it up vertically, and the screen also changed.

"Much thinner..."

Compared with the products I have seen before, this Order of the Phoenix machine is already much slimmer, and the Sharp A300 next to it is directly crushed.

"And it's a lot..."

The screen of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​a whole block on the front, not only the screen size is large, but the screen-to-body ratio is also higher.

——Actually, many handheld computers of this year are designed with similar rotating screens and keyboards.

However, the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix does not have a keyboard, and... it can be operated with one hand.

Yes, the handheld computers these days are all related to resistive screens, so basically you need to use a pen to control the screen, which is very difficult to control with one hand.

He continued to look at this Sharp account computer.

The A300 has a CF card slot on the right side of the fuselage, and a power button and SD card slot on the back.

The operating system of this machine is Linux, and the CPU is also INTEL's PXA250 processor. The operating frequency is 400MHz-higher than the Phoenix's 222MHz.

But this is not very useful, because the latter is dual-core and the architecture is also different.

For the market, this is a very advanced account computer that can handle a lot of work.

However... after seeing the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix, Wang Qiwen had a feeling of: "This product can also become a handheld computer?"

People die, shop around.

"Maybe, this handheld computer can really replace the handheld computer." Wang Qiwen's expression became subtle.

There are also people doing this in China. Recently, there is a Wenquxing in China, so he built a linux handheld computer. He wants to overtake the car and cross Xreader. However, the price of this product is very high and there is basically no sales. But let alone, the other party's slogan is quite loud. Although it is a black and white machine, it still makes some people pay.

Wang Qiwen was not fooled because he had seen the world and knew what a real handheld computer looked like.

This year is 2002, and it can be said to be a year of turbulence for handheld computers.

——Palm was split into two, HP and Compaq merged into one, and many other companies passed away.

In this era when the Internet is about to recover from the cold winter, market conditions are truly unpredictable.

Compaq was a company that hardly opposed IBM, but now there is nothing left, which is really embarrassing.

Wang Qiwen values ​​this market very much.

After discussing with Tu (ni) An (guang) Bei (nan), he believes that China may be able to "overtake on a curve."

The handheld computer industry is one aspect.

...It was originally like this.

But this market is actually quite subtle.

In terms of products, recent handheld computers are getting cheaper and smaller in size, and the portability of the entire product has increased a lot-but there are still many large, expensive and complex products. It came out because although the former has increased portability, its functions and performance have been castrated.

But Wang Qiwen is more concerned about another product, which is the "smart phone."

This is a combination of mobile phone and PDA.

Wang Qiwen is not very familiar with "smartphones", but he thinks it is very powerful. You can use wireless communication, send emails, hold video conferences, and even browse the Internet and fax.

It can be expected that this kind of mobile phone and handheld computer combined into one product is an important direction for the development of this product.

Wang Qiwen actually did research.

But how to say.

The market for this gadget is actually quite subtle. In the last year, many people expected a substantial increase in handheld computers, but according to their own research, the sales volume of handheld computers in the last quarter (the second quarter) fell by 16.5% compared to the first quarter, and compared with the same period in 2001 It dropped 10%.

According to Wang Qiwen's survey, global shipments in the second quarter should be more than two million units - compared with more than three million units in the first quarter.

Before, Wang Qiwen didn't quite understand why these products were not good.

But after seeing the handheld of the Order of the Phoenix on Morinia's side, he finally knew.

There is only one answer: ease of use.


It's that simple.

Compared with Sharp's machine, Morinia's handheld machine sometimes does not perform very well because the system has not been fully debugged.

But the intuitive operation of this product is too powerful.

Gently press with your finger, the screen can be controlled.

Compared with other machines, this feeling is simply a heaven and an underground.

"By the way, if Senxia just treats this product as a game console, I might be able to ask for a little authorization and continue to develop it..."

Just like Kylin Computer.

Maybe this is a good idea?

And as far as Wang Qiwen knows, Senxia doesn't seem to be particularly optimistic about the handheld market. He also said that he just made a generation of money.

Does this mean that after this, you can take this thing over and play it yourself?

Come to think of it, this idea is pretty good.

"Yo, Pharaoh!"

At this moment, Senxia came over.

"Senxia." He stood up.

"It just so friend came here to play today, let's go out for dinner together tonight." He said.


Wang Qiwen's eyes lit up.

Senxia personally invited, this feeling is good.

I will be able to take the opportunity to receive the plate when the time comes...

I, Wang Qiwen, want to be the man who takes over!


The PDA's information is from 2002, and it's dying to find out...

By the way, in our world line, the sales volume of PDA in the second quarter of 2002 was 2.61 million.

Useless information...

There is a game that understands people's hearts in the country, Saintess's Battle Banner, roar.

Two-in-one meow~

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