Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1739: Teacher Xia Sen can't lift up

"Don't look at me with such eyes. Senior sister!"

I don't know if it is an illusion.

Senxia feels that the elder sister recently seems to like to look at herself with trash eyes, and to make matters worse, Senxia finds that she seems to be enjoying herself a little bit.

"It's nothing. I don't think Mori-kun is writing based on your own experience."

Qianjia closed the latest draft of "The Girl Near the Moon".

After discussing the matter, Qianjia was looking at the most recent manuscript written by Morika.

Senxia is not convenient to show Haruhi to Qianjia, so she can only give Qianjia the girl near the moon.

However, it was Qianjia's somewhat subtle comment...

"Please don't get me wrong, Senxia-kun." Qianjia looked at Senxia with solemn eyes, "I think your writing is very good and very emotional."

"But I always feel that Senior Sister, you mean something." Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Master, lunch is ready."

At this moment, Xi Yan appeared at the door.

"Ah, let's go eat first." Senxia decided not to care about this little thing.

This is a rare summer vacation.

Senxia doesn't plan to study graduate school or anything, so for Senxia, ​​this summer is the penultimate summer vacation in her life.

After eating, Senxia lay down on the sofa.

Mori summer today can't afford it.

After being sucked in by Xue Nao's elder brother's energy all night, and then discussing the morning's work, Senxia no longer wanted to talk, just wanted to lie down.

"Brother is tired, I'll help him relieve his fatigue~"

Yukino got to Senxia's side and helped Senxia squeeze her shoulders.

"Huh, it's really comfortable, as expected of Xue Nao."

Senxia was lying on the sofa as if she was a smooth-haired cat.

"Well, brother is so cute~ ah, ah, can't bear it~"

Yukino made a happy call.

"Lihua is not here today, how about we play games?"

Qianjia came over at this time.

If Lihua were here today, Qianjia would never say this.

But today, Lihua and her two little maids went home, and they won't be back in a few days.

After all, Senxia is going to Northern Europe, and Lihua cannot be unprepared here. But Lihua's father continued, which made the relationship between the two families somewhat delicate.

All in all, Lihua has to come forward to herself.

"Ah, I don't want to get up." Senxia said, just being a salted fish is enough.

"It's okay, let's play handheld." Qianjia said, "I remember you brought a few back."

The prototype did bring some.

There are also several games above.

Of course, none of the several games brought over has a full version of the game, and it is mainly a game for testing.

In fact, there are indeed few fully completed games except for some small games.

Most of the games on it are for testing.

Some are for testing the game itself, while others are for testing UMD.

"Is this a CD?"

Yukino saw the UMD disc. The outside of the disc was covered with white plastic, and the disc was wrapped inside. It looked like a floppy disk. The inside of the floppy disk is a disc, and the outside is protected by a special shell.

However, this thing is different from Sony in the side eject mode. As long as you put it in from the side, it can be stuck. If you want to take it out, press it inside and the disc can be ejected automatically.

Compared to the PSP with another world line open, this model can make it thinner, but the cost is more subtle.

Hmm... still cost.

Senxia no longer wanted to talk about the cost.

He has given up treatment, and it depends on how the people at home design it.

"Well, the CD, the latest technology." Mori Xia said, "I finally got it from Sony."

"Let me see...Online...Online..." Qian Jia was looking through the CD.

There are many connections in these CDs, which are used to test the effect of handheld connections.

"Actually, there are some movies in it." Morinya said, "In fact, we can also watch movies together."

"Why don't we watch it on TV?" Qian Jia shook his head.

"Of course it is because it is so small and convenient." Morinya said, "This thing is even okay."

The companies that Senxia invests in are also developing electronic paper book technology. It can be expected that within a few years, that kind of electronic paper screen will be born in Senxia's hands. That is the magical device for reading.

Qianjia raised her head and glanced at Morinata: "It's really good to watch the drama with this little thing alone. But we are four now."

If you count Xiyan who is cleaning, there are indeed four people at home.


Senxia made an inexplicable sound, and he continued to lie down.

And Yukino next to her continued to **** Morika who had given up treatment.

"So there are no online games worth playing here?"

"Yes. Monster Hunter, and famine, it's all." Morinka said, "If it is not limited to cooperation, there are also confrontational games. That "Move or Die" is a very interesting game. In addition, if It’s not limited to four people, and so is the Battle Cube Theater where two people can play."

There are many online, not many, not just teaming up to pass levels, there are also various types of confrontation.

Qianjia shook his head after watching for a while: "Sure enough, it's better to do it by yourself. Morinia, I think you can have the handheld online game you mentioned earlier. If there is a confrontation, it would be great."

"The elements of cooperation and confrontation in handheld online games will not be too strong." Senxia shook her head.

MOBA and chicken-eating games are two types of handheld games that can survive, but in these years, making such handheld games is actually quite subtle.

In another world line, after the handhelds have developed to the next era, there are also online games, but these games were just imitating the MMORPG of "World of Warcraft" at the beginning, and the real style is to be gradually developed later. time.

Facts have proved that mobile devices are not suitable for the kind of online games that require a long time to explore. Although stand-alone and stand-alone networked games are barely, it is difficult for MMORPG to mature on mobile devices. The latter has home machines, but mobile The functional limitations of the equipment make it difficult for the latter to surpass the former.

"Suddenly I'm not interested." Qian Jia shook his head, and then took out a UMD disc, "Huh, are there really books?"

It is the UMD version of the first volume of the manga version of "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha".

"I said yes." Senxia said, "There is more."

"Can you see this thing on the handheld?" Qianjia asked strangely.

"Yes. The font has been processed again, it's no problem at all." The resolution of the handheld is relatively low. Simply uploading the picture directly will not work very well-the picture is not a big problem, but the text may not be clear. Although the display can be enlarged, the actual effect is not very good.

Therefore, the comics on UMD are in a special format that has been adjusted, and the text can adapt to this low-pixel style.

Of course, the picture can also be zoomed in with two fingers. This is definitely one of the most wonderful feats of this year...

"Let me take a look." Qianjia glanced at the comics, and then said, "It feels good. But the touch screen is really poisonous, because I am used to this time, now I want to poke twice when I see the screen."

"This is understandable." Senxia said, "Our most intuitive feeling is that we can poke with our fingers, which is normal."

"That's right. But that's because our screen lacks touch?" Qianjia thought.

"At least there must be fewer mobile devices. As for the monitor, we use a keyboard and a mouse, so there is no problem."


Qianjia thought for a while, then squatted in front of Senxia, ​​poking her finger in Senxia's cheek.

"Am I so fun?" Senxia said grimly.

"It's a lot of fun." Qianjia continued poking Morinia, "but the feeling of poking is quite interesting."

"..." Senxia closed her mouth and said nothing.

The more you speak, the more you will be poked.

There is no doubt about this.

So he chose to shut up.

While talking, the doorbell suddenly heard outside.

"Um...someone is coming?" Xue Nai looked up.

"It should be Lihua." Senxia continued to enjoy her sister's massage with her head dull.

I am not thinking about Shu here, so I won't get up.

It was Xi Yan who got up and opened the door.

"……excuse me."

It was Takasu Oga who came in.

She walked in and went to the living room.

Then he took two steps back subconsciously.

"Wine, wine pond meat forest?!"


Morika also heard the voice of the editor-in-chief.

"Ah-I'm just a little tired."

Senxia quickly got up.

"Ah... I'm sorry. Well, I'm here to tell Teacher Xia Sen about the publication." She said quickly.

"Oh, I know." Senxia said, "Didn't it mean afternoon?"

"It's already afternoon." Yukino said, "Didn't we have lunch before?"


Because I went to bed until I got up in the morning, and then discussed the matter again, Senxia did not eat.

As a result, after eating lunch, Morinka had the illusion that she accidentally forgot important things.

Fortunately, everyone is already acquaintances, so Morinka doesn't need to be too serious.

Let Xiyan bring some iced watermelon juice to the other party, and Senxia sat down.

"...Well, has it been settled. There is nothing wrong with this."

There is basically no need to adjust the manuscript of Morinia. After reviewing a few typos, it can almost be printed directly.

When he finished talking about the business, Takasu Dahe here sighed: "Recently, there are fewer and fewer people who can write wonderful articles like Mr. Xia Sen. Although the number is increasing recently, the quality is increasing. The worse."

"It's fine if you can sell it." Senxia smiled.

"Ah... can really sell money." Takasu Dahe shook his head with a subtle expression.

"What's light, isn't it interesting?" Qianjia said, "To be honest, light writing is too good, but it will affect the reading experience."

"Will a very good writing affect sales?" Xue Nao leaned over.

"Ah, yes." Morinata sighed, "The beautiful style sometimes contradicts the concise narrative. Among so many authors, I can only see Erdaimu teachers who can do both..."

"Ahem ...... Keke ......" Takasu side of the river seemed to choke a bit, long time before breathed.

"Are you okay?" Senxia asked.

"No, nothing." She glanced at Yukino somewhat weirdly, and then said, "It is true that many of the readers of the light are students and otaku who like the second element. Among these people, many people are not good at writing. Too much expectation, love stories and characters are their pursuit... Well, to be honest, I think the role of illustration is more useful than writing."

At this time, the industry has not been contaminated by a certain "big writer", so there is no story of "buying illustrations and giving toilet paper" in the industry.

However, as the editors in charge of the library of industry insiders, they already have this feeling.

The industry is gradually becoming cute.

"Actually, in this case, the comics are now more serious." Mori summer glanced at the summer vacation, and there were rows of comics on it.

"...Love comics?" Miss Dahe immediately realized what Morinatsu was talking about.

Hot-blooded comics are now in their golden age, and the Dead Sea is thriving.

So Senxia is definitely not saying this.

However, due to the development of the Dead Sea, the comics have subtle differences, of which there are three.

One is a kingly work that follows the trend of drawing blood-blooded comics, the other is comics that follow evil ways, and the last is comics that simply avoid the edge and take other routes.

Morinka is talking about the last In addition to the hot-blooded comics, the latter is also very large, but there is no such thing as a work that can be as dominant as the dead fire, similar to "My Goddess Works like "" have gradually become old, and works such as "The Queen of Love" have not yet appeared.

This is a delicate age.

But Senxia knows that the situation is actually good now. In the future, when the protagonist of the "Asacic" is popular, the situation will be truly subtle.

When thinking about the future, Mori Xia joked: "After that, there will definitely be works where the male protagonist only has the skills of'Asashi'. Girls will fall in love with the male protagonist without hesitation, just because of the male protagonist’s Gentle, but such a male protagonist has nothing but gentleness."

"Uh..." Ms. Dahe is embarrassed and enchanting, "It is indeed a teacher Xia Sen, in fact, we often encounter this situation when we review manuscripts. Young authors don't know how to shape the protagonist, so they design. , The editor-in-chief feels that this situation is nothing, as long as the female characters are brilliant..."

Well, speaking of it, it seems that I haven't called the police yet.

Sure should call the police...

Ms. Dahe became worried when she thought of the editor-in-chief, but she was going to be promoted. Isn't it a bit subtle to call the police now?

"Is it there now?" Senxia thinks so too. In Little Butter, this kind of male protagonist is very common.

He joked: "However, I don't think it's because I don't know how to shape the protagonist."

"What's your opinion, Teacher Xia Sen?"


The writer is talking about the author of IS. Because the work has no merit, it depends entirely on illustrations to support it, and then he is not alive and so on, so he has this title...

Two-in-one meow.

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