Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1747: Morinha is lost in thought...

The sprayers started.

Because of some barrage, a dear friend was not angry, so he translated the barrage and comment, and then threw it to the Chinese station of the Tower of Babel.

Later, someone noticed that in fact, what the other party said in the barrage and comments was fairly light. On the 2ch, it was the real spit-spraying. The various slanders and ridicules against other countries are simply countless.

Such posts suddenly began to pop up.

Then, someone started to go to other areas and started spraying.

The first battlefield is 2ch.

Because it is an anonymous station, the neon gold here has completely lost the usual "humility", and they all made mockery, and then triggered a larger-scale "explosion".

In this incident, the Tower of Babel officially intervened and gave the culprit the banned title to temporarily settle down. After all, if the other party ridicules, if you don’t understand it, you can’t help it, but if the relevant mocking post is translated, then Another said. Especially when these translators also intimately spread some hidden mockery to everyone.

The source was blocked, and the following finally stopped.

This is not the end, but the beginning.

After the first wave of things ended, the website opened two sites in Korean and Russian.

Because of the previous quarrels, the popularity of the Tower of Babel has increased a lot. At this moment, a new site has just opened, and the popularity and the number of users have suddenly increased.

Arguing, arguing, arguing, the Tower of Babel was quarreled.

Of course, not everyone is interested in foreign translations, but this website is so popular that many people have begun to discuss current affairs.

At this moment, the forum on the Bangguo side suddenly began to mock what happened before on the two sides.

Although it is a great country site, a certain oriental country is more curious about what is happening in the world, so some people are also hanging out here, and then looking for translation topics. At this time, they immediately discovered that the comparison of current affairs is discussed here. Few, but there are more people watching and eating melons.

Then they discovered that these people didn't just eat melons, they even mocked? !

Damn it, is this okay? !

Some people immediately translated the posts into Bangguo languages, while others moved them to the Japanese server.

After that, the incident spread from the forum to other websites.

In the beginning, a certain oriental power and mud bombard each other, but after the emergence of the great country, it suddenly became a two-country country where the two countries sprayed together. After that, the topic somehow became crooked to the quality of the product, and it suddenly became a big country in the east. After a while, the topic was crooked to the sea again, and this became a big country in the East and the country of Bang.

In the end, the Bang Country side somehow said that his territory was very large, and then posted a map of the ancient Bang Country that was obviously enlarged several times.

Now it's all right, and it has become a big eastern country and mud bombing country.

Things on the Internet suddenly became a mess.

The European and American sides watched and ate melons all the way-but within them, it seemed that they were arguing over the discussion of this matter, and in the end, they turned into mutual spray.

It’s just that this mutual spray is not on the Tower of Babel, but on a website called 4chan—oh, by the way, this website also has shares of Senxia Investment.

Because of this website called the Tower of Babel, the entire Internet suddenly became messy.


Senxia showed an evil smiling face of Ye Shenyue.

The sprayers are still pretty awesome.

Morinatsu, the culprit who succeeded in citing the world, is now looking at the post in front of her with a sinister smile.

"what happened?"

This is Narita Airport. Moriha is waiting for the plane in the VIP room, while Lihua walked in with a drink at this time.

The two are waiting for a flight to Northern Europe.

"I just retaliated against a group of people."

A group of people who dare to close my little black house!

"And they don't know anything about it!"

Joy, pleasure!

"...Oh, is it the Tower of Babel that made a lot of noise before?" This matter was dealt with by Senxia, ​​and Lihua of course knew it.

In fact, many of the contents of the Tower of Babel are actually quotes made by Senxia himself.

Well, he is the real culprit.

Not to mention, Senxia's approach is actually quite effective. The Tower of Babel didn’t take much time from being online to being well-known.

I can only say was cool for a while, and it has been cool for a while.

No way, it's like this all over the world. Everyone likes this kind of story where you can eat melon while watching a show.

At first, there were more people watching the excitement, but many of them were attracted by the high-quality content of the post, and then gradually understood the connotation of the Tower of Babel. Especially after those quotations were pretended to be "suppressed" by the government, many people felt that the atmosphere of this place was also good, so they simply stayed.

According to the current situation, a certain eastern country has the highest retention rate.

Compared with other countries, a certain oriental country is indeed a country that "opens eyes to the world", and people are very curious about the outside world.

And the next most crowded one is the English station.

This is easy to understand, because English is currently one of the most commonly used languages ​​in the world, and according to official statistics, there seems to be a lot of people from the curry country in South Asia. Even the IP in the lighthouse country has many registered accounts. Curry country, this is very subtle...

The third place is the mud bomb. After the initial quarrel here, he was born. Now the forums are all translation posts of various mud bomb animations. Otherwise, it is like "The people of the world love neon gold" Content-Neon Gold actually likes the latter.

"..." Lihua over there seemed to fall into silence.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked.

"Ah, nothing, I just thought of a trivial question." Lihua didn't say.

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Senxia is in a good mood now and doesn't care about this.

"Actually, it's not me." Lihua said, "I just thought that if Qianjia was here, she might say something, and then I was a little curious..."

" what?" Senxia looked at the posts on the website happily, saying that she has a lot of adults and doesn't care about them.

"Since these people don't know anything about Morinia's revenge... Is such revenge really revenge?"


Senxia's smile faded away.

It's interesting to be behind the scenes, but when I get revenge, I still slap it and let these people know that I am revenge.

Suddenly I felt uncomfortable. They didn't even know that I was leading the battle!

Senxia suddenly fell into self-doubt...


GOG has been downloaded, cyberpunk has been pre-ordered, getdaze!

Meow first.

I feel almost dead...

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