Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1753: What is this to test?

The people invited are not just Shengyou.

They were invited for two purposes.

One is to participate in summer CM.

Xia CM is the home court of Agency A. Although Agency A also has exhibitions at E3, they started as a fan exhibition. In this respect, they will definitely not let go. Many of the word games of Agency A are not released on E3, but Released on Xia CM.

The other reason is to experience. Experience a product that requires confidentiality.

Sheng You had been to Nihong and had a visa, which was very convenient. He almost agreed without hesitation.

"Oh, what do you think the products of the Order of the Phoenix will be?"

There were quite a few people who went with Shengyou, and they met at the airport of the magic city.

Among them are popular editors and well-known games UP.

Of course, everyone has also signed a strict confidentiality agreement. If relevant information is leaked, it would be bad. But since everyone has signed it, when they are together, they naturally get close, and they become familiar all at once.

Talking is an UP master named Fangtou. This UP owner likes to dig out unpopular games very much. He often appears on the Mithril platform, and then buys those unpopular independent games to play, and occasionally makes large-scale games. Although he is not so popular because he is not a popular game, he There are also certain fixed fans.

Although it is called Fangtou, he is actually a round head. According to him, the source of the name is actually the "Minecraft" game.

He also broadcasted Minecraft, but then after "Minecraft" changed from a niche to the masses, many very powerful UP masters emerged, and he rarely played this game.

"I think it's a new host. They didn't officially announce that the new generation of hosts should double the number of cores. It must be a quad-core host." Another editor from Volkswagen said.

This makes sense.

Unlike handhelds, GS on the host side has been released for more than a year. Because of this, many people are also looking forward to what the next generation host will look like.

Many people guess that there will be at least 256MB of memory, and it will be a quad-core processor.

The news here actually has a lot of hard evidence, but the official is very low-key, so related news has not been leaked out in large numbers.

But Shengyou thought of the news that appeared on the Internet before.

He said: "I think it's a handheld. The Order of the Phoenix was not about the public relations LCD screen and touch screen before, I think this is very possible."

"I think the situation is relatively small. The Order of the Phoenix pays much attention to the cost, but they actually do LCD screens, and they didn't even find three sticks..." said the editor of Volkswagen.

"I remember that the relationship between the companies in Nihbang and Bangguo's companies is not very good. It is said that a while ago, the Toshiba of Nihbo was still a company, and was forced by the lighthouse country to transfer a lot of technology to Bangguo."

"You fool, how could the Lighthouse Country do such a thing!"

"What do you think is the lighthouse country? There is still little black history in the past?"

There was something wrong with the atmosphere, Sheng You quickly said: "You should know that someone broke the news on the Internet some time ago, talking about the handheld. I think it's quite possible."

Fangtou over there heard Shengyou’s words, and rushed to prevent everyone from continuing to quarrel because of the Three Views: "Yes, I have seen them. Many people criticized them for being too far-fetched, but I watched the operation of the Phoenix Order. I also often do things in a whimsical way. This is likely to be true."

"Oh, I also know that it seems to be using capacitive touch screens. I guess they might launch some touch-sensitive games." Volkswagen's editor, "For example, first-person shooters, if they are touch-sensitive, they must be very powerful."

Poke with your finger and hit it with your finger. This is really incredible.

What the other party said makes sense.

"But in that case, the first-person shooter game is not difficult?" Fangtou felt wrong, "but I have seen some interesting games, which are very interactive..."

"I think it may be the melatonin of the touch screen." Another person said. This person’s ID is a number, called 196, "I have a buddy—the raccoon man—studying abroad in Nihbang. He said that this game is very popular and is called a brain game."

"This kind of brain game is quite possible."

196 said that, these people immediately thought about it.

But Shengyou felt that the Order of the Phoenix could not be so superficial.

"I think they may be more targeted this time." He said, "That kind of middle-aged and elderly market may be there, but I think it may be more hardcore."

"It makes sense." Fangtou agreed, and analyzed, "I think the handheld may be launched together with the next-generation host, it may be a converged platform-you see, the Order of the Phoenix now likes to use GS for the palm I think the next generation might do the same."

"No, no, no, I think you are all wrong. Don’t you know that there is a particularly popular somatosensory game called "Just Dance". I think it is likely that the next generation of arcade technology will be used in the present On the computer."

"His—makes sense!"

Shengyou suddenly felt that this sudden statement was also very possible.

Although it is relatively small in China, there is a very popular somatosensory game abroad recently called "Just Dance". This game is particularly powerful. It can completely capture people's movements and put it on the arcade.

If this technology is applied to a home machine... it will be awesome!

However, Fangtou said that this is unlikely: "I have seen that technology. The requirements for the indoor environment are too large. It is impossible to reach the home from the bottom. But there may be simplified."

This technology is indeed very powerful and powerful.

But the problem is that this technique is also quite subtle, because this technique is not always applicable.

Because the space of a family is limited, it is definitely not a pleasant thing to play somatosensory games in a limited space.

"What is it..."

Shengyou was determined to be a handheld at first, but now, the current situation makes him feel that anything is possible...

The speed of the plane bombarding the mud is very fast, and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​convenient and has enough reception staff.

After arriving here, they knew that besides them, well-known anchors and game media in the Beacon Country had also been invited over.

The official did not make a big news, but obviously they wanted to get the bottom line and look at people's feedback.

Soon, Shengyou knew what had happened.

After repairing for a day, they were led to visit the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

Everything about the mud bomb is very new to the people of a certain oriental country, but these people can only some do not understand Japanese, so everyone honestly follows the tour, and those who understand Japanese look at it curiously The situation on the side.

After visiting a circle, they were taken to the game room.

This is a place similar to a classroom, but it's relatively small and it's still in batches. The groups of a certain eastern country are all arranged together.

"You must be very curious about what we are going to experience next." At this time, a person came over and said, "Our company has prepared a very incredible game product for you-our new handheld."

It really is a handheld!

After hearing the handheld, Sheng You's body shook, and his whole body immediately shook.

It really is a handheld! It really is a handheld!

Because it is very important, it should be repeated three times.

Then everyone signed a new confidentiality agreement again.

it is necessary.

Afterwards, everyone got a handheld.

It's just that this handheld is nailed into a square "protective shell", and only the handles on the front and both sides can be seen.

There are icons on the handheld, which are completely different from the GBA.

"Is there really a handheld operating system?!" This was the first feeling that Shengyou got this handheld.

And the second feeling is "this screen looks so good"!

The screen is of course good, this is Sharp's latest AVX LCD screen. In the future, using AVX's L885 and L887 monitors will also be hailed as "the most comfortable LCD screen."

The screen of this technology is naturally excellent.

——By the way, even now, going to Sharp to purchase this screen is cheaper than Senxia’s own investment. It can only be said that the road to research and development is really long...


The handle of the phone is a bit disappointed.

The handle of the XBOX handheld has the same experience as the handle. This is the best handle in the world developed by another world line of giants, and it is naturally excellent.

But the handle of this handheld is on both sides of the screen.

And the screen itself is widescreen, with a 16:9 screen ratio, which makes the two sides of the handle far away from the middle.

This feels very strange.

Of course, the touch of the buttons is still very good.

At least this point is still to be praised.

There were several games on the screen, and when he saw the first icon, he was shocked.

Because this game is obviously-Monster Hunter.


Not Shengyou, but Fangtou next to it.

Fang Tou's eyes widened after seeing the "Monster Hunter" icon.

"Meow, it's worth it!" After seeing the game, 196 over there couldn't help but click to start the game.

At first he thought it was a game of selling dog meat.

An Rong has done this kind of thing. On the GBA, there is the Dynasty Warriors series, but this Dynasty Warriors is a 2D version, the picture quality is subtle, and the Wushuang feel is not good.

He was scared that this game is also like this.

But when he entered the game and found that the content was 3D, he felt...this was worth his meow.

Well, even if he was asked to spend his own expense, as long as he could play this game, it was worth it.

Of course, the picture of the game is shrunk.

The same is true for Monster Hunters in another world line.

In another world line, after Capcom developed Monster Hunter on PS2, he developed this game on PSP, and the picture was shrunk at that time.

Although the picture of this MiZhi handheld has shrunk, but the picture itself is relatively small, so such a picture is still very shocking.

"But this kind of experience is too weird." Shengyou was a little strange, because after the official gave them the handheld, they didn't teach them, but let them explore freely here.

What is this for them to test?

The official hasn't said yet.

"Fuck, you can still go online!"

At this time, 196 discovered the surprise of this game.

"Where is it?" The editor from Popular Games also leaned over.

Sheng You turned his head, but at this time saw Fang Tou watching another game-Fang Tou didn't like to join in the fun, so he chose another game.

"Plants vs. Zombies."

——This is the game he clicked.

How to play Plants vs. Zombies? Doesn't this game use a mouse?

Sheng You became curious.

At this time, he noticed that there was still teaching on the screen. The square head followed the instructions and poke the screen with his finger to control it.

——It turned out to be directly controlled by hand.

Shengyou understood immediately.

This is the touch screen game.

So... Does Monster Hunter support touch screens?

This is his first thought.

Then he played the game.

After entering the game, he deliberately did not use the buttons, but used the screen for control.

Don't say it, it's really ok.

After you poke the screen, you can control it.

And unlike resistive screens, this kind of screen seems to have nothing to do with how much power is used, and there is no way to control it with a nail, and it must be touched with the skin to be useful.

But this experience is already excellent.

There is no delay, and it's very enjoyable.

Then he found that virtual buttons can also be set in the game, and he found that directly using the screen to adjust the viewing was cool.

In "Monster Hunter", viewing angle control is very important, and many players even learn a "C-hand" operation because of this.

However, after discovering that he could directly adjust the viewing angle with the screen, he found that the previous so-called various handle skills were simply weak.

The virtual buttons are very good, at this time, he even feels that the handle is redundant.

But it's just that.

The virtual button doesn't feel like a natural flaw, and he can't adapt to it.

Alas, the touch screen is really redundant. It can only be used to replace the mouse to play games like Plants vs. Zombies. What a pity...

Shengyou is a pity.

He did not continue with Monster Hunter, but prepared to experience them all.


"fruit Ninja?"

He saw the second game.

What is this game?

It seems quite interesting.

He thought about it, and then clicked on the game.

After the game starts, it is a simple teaching level.

Understand in seconds.

Simply put, this is a game where you use your hand as a ninja knife to cut fruits, but if you cut the bomb, you will lose points or the game will end.

Little games.

He was going to experience it for a while, and then switched to a game called death or life.


" fingers across the screen.

The fruit is cut open.

That incredible sense of comfort, that silky smoothness, at this moment, Shengyou felt that his whole person had become "smooth oil".

The slight vibration is matched with the sound and special effects of the fruit being cut.

This feels...

He is so cool.


The first time I encountered Fruit Ninja, there was indeed a sense of shock, quite incredible...

The magic circle linked with Naye, the historic encounter of horse monkey shochu...

However, the national service...emmmmm

Two-in-one meow.

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