Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1776: After school started, they all went back...

"If you hesitate, you will lose."

This is a promotional video.

A promotional video on Hatsune Station.

In the story, it is the character of the player and another female middle school student pk, and after being killed by the opponent, Kanami's lines left.

This video was published on Xia cm, but it was also published on the Internet.

This is an early concept video in development.

But it is undeniable that this video immediately made the players boiling.

Especially when "Swordsman Witch" is on the air.

"Come here, come, really come!!"

"Oh oh oh, here it is!"

"Sure enough, there is a game w"

"This time it's not a simultaneous release, and the prophets failed!"

"Strange, why isn't it on sale this time?"

Senxia is watching everyone's speech at this time.

Not to mention, Morinia is also looking forward to it.

Although Hidetaka Miyazaki had no concept in his own head, Morinatsu actually compared this game with the wolf in another world line in his own mind.

Not to mention, these two games are quite similar in concept.

The game of the sword maiden is a sword and sword showdown, which belongs to the game of ping-pong "ironing".

The wolf is also a sword and sword duel, which is also a ping-pong-pong-pong fight.

Among the sword maidens, if the sword maiden is "beheaded", they can use "write" to regain their fighting ability.

The protagonist of the wolf is the "undead" who can come back to life after being beheaded.

There are monsters in the sword maiden.

There are monsters in a wolf.

The sword maiden wolf said get.

Okay, although this is Morinia's babble, he really finds it interesting.

And in the past few months, Hidetaka Miyazaki has not done anything else, but has made a combat system with a resurrection mechanism for the concept of "writing".

In fact, this combat system was semi-finished before. Miyazaki Hidetaka wanted to add this system to the "Devil's Soul" over there, but in the end he chose to give up temporarily.

After that, Hidetaka Miyazaki saw "Swordsman Miko" and was attracted by the fascinating battle of this game.

Therefore, he simply added this system to this side.

"The effect is pretty good."

Senxia nodded, then resumed playing.

At the beginning, in the screen, the player's character came to the dojo where the scene was.

"Yagibu Shinyinyu, Kenami Eto, see!"

The combat system has been re-adjusted.

In the battle, in addition to the normal health bar, there is also a parry bar.

Once the parry bar is full, you can "execute" the enemy, even if the enemy is full of blood.

In the picture, the protagonist was beaten up by Kenami Eto, and then taken away by the opponent and knocked to the ground.

However, the protagonist got up again at this time, and then used the "write" skill again, and he was immediately resurrected.

This time, the protagonist hits Kanami Eto's parry bar to full, and then executes, but this time, Kanami continues to evolve to the second health bar.

"It's still a little different."

In the wolf, although the player will be defeated by the full parry bar, they will not be killed by one blow.

But Hidetaka Miyazaki here is really ruthless.

But Senxia thinks it's pretty good.

This game is very interesting.

At least in terms of difficulty, it is stronger than the other world line.

The demonstration video in the screen, after the player demonstrates decisively, will be given for nothing, and the video is almost over.

Senxia is watching everyone's views on this at this time.

There are still a lot of barrage.

Surprisingly, not many people were surprised by the launch of this game. On the contrary, many people think that "the game is too late."

This is probably because Musashino and a company cooperated so well before.

The games and animations previously released here are on sale at the same time, not too many.

The game "Swordsman Miko" did not launch a new game at the beginning, but there were some linkages with "Boundless". In fact, some players were quite disappointed.

So after hearing this, many people were cheering...

"This time it seems to be a 3a masterpiece."

"That's it, it looks like the capacity is larger than before, so it can't be listed together..."

"Is Nami an enemy? Could Nami be blackened behind the animation?!"

"Upstairs, I think it's very possible. But Nami's feeling is slightly distorted, I think it's very possible even if it's blackened."

"I'm afraid it's not Jujohime who will be violently beaten by Kanami..."

The comment area is also a sea of ​​joy.

Not to mention, although these people are complaining, Senxia found that some people really "predicted" the follow-up content.

But these people had some previous speculations, which made Senxia a little embarrassed.

Because this game is not "playing big chess", it is purely because Mori Xia considered it to be a show of skill after the earliest, so the problem of the game was not considered at all, and there was no simultaneous development between the two sides...

Well, don’t care about him, anyone else doesn’t know, ha~

"The Swordsman Witch" is currently in the air, and the work is very popular.

This video is really popular.

"But it's still almost."

"Brother, are you watching an animation?"

Christina came to Senxia's study.

Christina and Victoria were really onlookers all day today. After all, these two foreign little girls are so beautiful.

Victoria is tired now. But Christina is still very energetic. She had changed her Nanoha costume and changed into a cool dress.

However, Morinya is still wearing the same clothes as before, and he will read comments on the Internet as soon as he comes back.

Unlike big manufacturers like Sony, Morinka likes to "debut" at fan shows like Xia cm. The first news of many works actually comes from here.

After all, a company always has a gentleman boss.

"It's a game." Senxia smiled and played the work again.

"Ah, it's the sword maiden, I have seen it!"

The average little girl probably won't like works of this kind of subject. But Kristina is relatively early, and this kind of animation can still be understood by herself.

After all, this young lady is the kind who can watch even more mature animations with relish...

It's pretty square.

Senxia did not dare to watch another video...

Well, that was a promotional video for another game. Morinka was originally going to watch it, but that game was more subtle, so Morinka was a little bit embarrassed at this time...

This is also no way.

After all, Morinha's favorite content is more gentleman.

"Yes, this is a video, a promotional video for the game."

"Is this animation going to be a game in the future?" Christina asked.


"Can you install the mod?! I want to install the cool mod!"

Morika:? ? ?

Meow meow meow?

Are you really not in elementary school yet? !

Don't say Christina is 6 years old, even if she is 16 years old, Moriha feels that there is no sense of disobedience.

On the contrary, Victoria next to him is more like a child of the same age.

Somehow, there is a subtle feeling...

"Ah, there are animations here. Do you want to watch animations? There is Doraemon here."

"No, that's a kid's animation that Vicki will watch!"


"And other animations, I have watched them too."

"Er brother, let's show you the live broadcast. You can see the game live broadcast here."

Senxia felt her head hurt.

Christina, really is a very difficult child.

At this time, it is not easy to change the subject.

But fortunately, after Senxia said that she wanted to watch the live broadcast for Christina, Christina finally showed interest.


Morinia chose the video of Tantou.

This raccoon was the anchor of the union of Isaac.

That game is certainly not suitable for children.

However, recently his live broadcast content is mainly based on some leisure categories, such as the game "Move or Die" where four players pit each other, which is very interesting.

"Thank you for watching, Xia cm is a little tired today, we are here. Bye bye~"


This is embarrassing for him.

As soon as Senxia came in, this dear friend broadcasted it.

"Uh... sorry, let's change one."

"I want to watch those games with good mods!"


Sorry, that's really not there.

Hatsune Station does not support some content that is overkill.

So if you want to watch that kind of content, you can't see it here.

However, because of this, many websites are now copying from this aspect...

The effect is not bad.

After all, a website cannot occupy the entire market.

It is normal to have competitors...

"Ah, that's it."

Moriha found an anchor who played "Infinite Boundary Line".

This anchor is called yxxxx, and it is an anchor with a wonderful name.

However, he was also the first anchor to have a 2dlive image and test the waters in the game.

In the game, live video live broadcast is currently being developed, and now I am worried that some people can't stand it, so for the anchors, a virtual character image using simple motion capture is temporarily developed.

When the player anchor is playing, the image of this character can be opened. Subsequently, this character will appear in the screen, and the image of this virtual character will act because of the action of the anchor.

This system is currently being designed and integrated. This yxxxx anchor is the first batch of testers.

"what is this?!"

Christina also saw this role.

This is the character image of a cute girl with blonde hair and red eyes, very cute.

Although the anchor himself is a boy, this avatar makes many people very excited.

Well, in various senses.

"This is an avatar, it's the avatar of the anchor." Morinya said.

"Oh oh oh." Christina nodded ignorantly.

She did not understand.

But Morinha was inexplicably relieved.

If Christina really knew everything, then Senxia herself would doubt life instead.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Then, the anchor screamed.

"What's wrong with him?" Christina asked curiously.

"Oh, the shipwreck...that is, I didn't draw the card I wanted."

The anchor is drawing cards at this moment.

Then... the ship sank.

The current card pool is upping the stigmata of Kanami Eto.

But what is very reluctant is that the anchor suddenly crooked a set of Lyrical Nanoha stigmata... it was still four-star. Finally, the guarantee was triggered, but Shi Tiao Jihe's stigmata appeared.

Although the card pool has a guarantee mechanism, but... there is no way to get it crooked.

"King of Crooked Pond w"

"Sure enough"

"Miss Card Pool Plan Pass"

"Daily Script"

"Isn't this a replay of yesterday?"

This group of spectators are still aside, fearing that the world will not be chaotic...

"Forget it, let's push the map first. Today we are going to have a difficult map of the Knife Miko linkage dungeon..."

After being silent for a while, the anchor finally cheered up again.

"Oh, there are all! It's Lyrical Nanoha! It's Fett!"

At this moment, the anchor is adjusting his stigmata.

Christina here immediately became happy after seeing her familiar character.

Morinya also smiled here.

It's finally An Sheng...

Of course, this is only temporary.

And Senxia didn't plan to let Christina stay in her study.

But Senxia also knew that if she drove Christina before, the effect would definitely not be better. And more importantly... For such a cute little girl, Morinatsu couldn't help but...

The live broadcast of this anchor is very good.

The other party speaks quickly.

But the latter is exactly what Senxia needs, because in this case... Christina would not understand.

If she doesn't understand, she can avoid some weird problems.

Kristina is a foreigner after all. She seems to be able to understand some Japanese, but at such a fast speed, she must be unable to understand.

After that, she will definitely get bored and leave...

Plan through.



Why doesn't it respond?

Christina looked at the picture in front of her with a spirited face, she was completely unobstructed.

It seems to be able to understand...

"Chrissy, can you understand?"

Senxia quickly asked Yes. I often watch anime here, so I'm self-taught! "

what? !

Is there such an operation? !

Slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted, slightly adjusted Click, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust, slightly adjust,


To say something bad is to make everyone happy.

The Ark drew Chen's shipwreck, fgo forgot to land yesterday and missed ten calling signs, rushed to buy 3900x, and fate movie tickets...

Two in one...extremely admiring the street...

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